Care and Feeding | Slate's parenting show


Jamilah Lemieux, Zak Rosen, Elizabeth Newcamp, and Lucy Lopez share triumphs and fails and offer advice on parenting kids from toddler to teens.Want more Care and Feeding? Subscribe to Slate Plus to unlock weekly bonus episodes with exclusive advice. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking “Try Free” at the top of the Care and Feeding show page. Or, visit to get access wherever you listen.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jamila Kibibi
    Where is Jamilah?
    I’ve been a fan of Jamilah for years and enjoy her perspective but she barely has a voice on this show. Zac and especially Elizabeth treat her as an afterwords. The most recent episode the conversation was dominated by conversation between Zac and Elizabeth as if Jamilah isn’t there. I hate that! Part of the problem is that the other host can’t seem to connect with Jamilah’s life as a single mom of color.
  • SarahMayBee
    Genuine and funny
    Really appreciate the perspectives of the hosts and love how relatable their topics are- great show!
  • Bittersweet jam
    Fun podcast!
    I really appreciate the diversity of parents and the authenticity in the stories they share and practical advice.
  • Grzlk
    Not enjoying direction
    I enjoyed this show for many years but have slowly lost interest over this past year. I enjoy some of the recommendations and advice but don’t relate very much anymore.
  • roxielovej
    Some tips helpful
    I enjoy most of the shows, but for some reason don't care much for Lucy as a host and many times Jamilah comes off as indifferent. I guess this is how normal parenting group would be worth the varying personalities.
  • alli bee
    Love this show
    This is an amazing podcast due to the candor of the hosts. Thanks for sharing your parenting wins and fails (but notice the female hosts give themselves fails more often! You’re doing great, moms), strategies for child-led and gentle parenting, and dealing with raising kids today.
  • s:&53
    So useless, except maybe fir advertising products?
    Stupid parenting advice. Annoying voices. I fortunately forgot who recommended this to me, or I would no longer talk to them. (As a general rule, when someone refers to their kids as “littles”, just run away).
  • CateBen
    Love the chemistry
    With Doyin, Lucy and Zak/Jamilah. I’ve been missing the old Carvel/Rebecca dynamic- it’s nice to see some fire and disagreement with the hosts!
  • meeting my needs so far!
    30min format is so rushed!
    I am a longtime listener and attempting to write a review that the hosts/makers will consider for improvement. The 30min format is not going well in my opinion. Sometimes I am checking my settings to see if the audio is sped up because hosts are talking so fast. The content feels way more rushed than it used to and the stories don’t get a chance to breathe. There are noticeably short segments before there’s another commercial. Also I love triumphs/fails/recommendations and they don’t consistently happen. Please bring back the old format!
  • georgiakirley
    Love MADAF
    Man, some of these reviews are really mean! I love this podcast and still listen even though my kids are grown. Current hosts have great chemistry together, IMO. All have interesting perspectives and I enjoy when previous host come for a visit.
  • thimsciv
    They are called children for a reason
    They eat dirt so why would you allow they to choose who they ‘think’ they want to be for the rest of their lives at 5 Dumb parents
  • Eraquin
    One of my very favorite podcasts
    I love this show so much! No shade to the current hosts, but I highly recommend going back to early 2017 when Carvell and Rebecca joined the show and listening through all of the episodes those two are on. They have so many incredibly thoughtful, personal, and funny discussions. The conversations from that time are so comforting, I’ve been listening to them lately when I can’t sleep. There are now more ads and less content, but I still look forward to this show every week and enjoy the current contributors.
  • sewage trash
    Fight ? Fight ? Ayoooo that’s
    F*ing sus super sus
  • responsble hunan
    Elizabeth is only person who is interesting. Neutral on Zak. Jamila is smugly self satisfied, uninteresting and annoying beyond belief. Please get former hosts back.
  • gab3124578
    He gives horrible advice. And honestly I find him very grating in general. I love Jamilah, Elizabeth, and Zak. I do wish they wouldn’t be afraid of conflict. For the love of god, please find anyone else but Aymann to be a sub when someone is out.
  • buthidae2
    Like this is like unlistenable like
    There are more words than ‘like’ in the English language. Like podcasters should like try to like learning like some of like them.
  • Reviewer DLB
    diverse voices but prejudiced comments
    I unsubscribed today after being a long time listener. I can no longer support Slate or the “Mom & Dad are Fighting” podcast when their contributor (Dan Kois) is repeatedly tolerated in expressing prejudice towards a group of people (disdain for SAHMs) based on their career and parenting circumstances.
  • Cmbeetle
    I just can’t…
    I have listened to this podcast longer than I have had kids and I am finally done. I am an open minded progressive woman, but the advice they give is just too much. I don’t think they do any research on their questions and always want to apply to most over the top woke parenting concepts to every situation. I miss Dan and Alison.
  • dodgefan
    Rookie dad a failed experiment
    Echoing the assessments of others, the advice and hot takes from the rookie dad of a three month old makes this podcast less valuable and less engaging. Slate has plenty of parents with more experience under their belts to draw upon while Dan is out - take advantage!
  • GrizzledParent
    Used to love this podcast (miss Carvell Wallace!) but the chemistry and voice of new hosts does not work. New dad of new baby should not be dispensing advice. Too inexperienced. Elizabeth, I can only take in small doses. Need grizzled sardonic parents who curse and lament not cheerlead. I’ve unsubscribed.
  • 510TFE
    Terrible new host!
    I used to love this podcast, listened every week. They replaced Dan, the only host with older kids, with a dad who has one newborn?? Seriously?? He’s totally clueless and I can’t listen. One of the best things about this show was that over the years it had parents of older kids and teenagers and their perspective. How can a first time dad of a newborn opine on anything? I really miss listening every week, but can’t do it until they have someone else.
  • warrior possum
    Great Podcast
    Even if you don’t have kids.
  • orangesmiling
    another child-free listener who loves this show more than most things
    i have no children, and am unlikely to ever have children. i also listen to 4-5 hrs of podcasts per day, so i have some strong opinions and preferences when it comes to podcasts. and this show is one of my absolute faves. i've listened to every single episode, and it's fantastic. thanks, mom and dad hosts, for being hilarious and delightful.
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Jamiliah, Dan and Elizabeth, hosts of the Mom and Dad are Fighting podcast, highlight all aspects of parenting and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    The hosts of the Mom and Dad Are Fighting podcast, highlight all aspects of parenting and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • narwal alexa
    Great content!
    Jamilah, Dan, and Elizabeth pack every episode with great information, practical solutions, and insightful interviews and conversation. Love their conversational style and how inspired and encouraged I feel after listening to them. Thank you for helping us parents out!
  • miascamp
    Must listen!
    No other podcast is as entertaining AND educational as MADAF. I so appreciate the host’s vulnerability and willingness to share their perspectives and fails with us. I’m a better parent for listening and learning with Dan, Alison, Gabe, Carvell, Rebecca, Jamilah, and Elizabeth. Thank you!!
  • Rucal18
    Bring back Allison Benedikt!
    I love this show, but I miss Allison so much. When she was introduced on the most recent episode I was beyond excited. My favorite parenting podcaster because she’s so relatable and funny.
  • CarolineG2013
    I tune in for Jamilah
    I never miss an episode and it’s mainly for Jamilah. She can perfectly explain why a situation may feel wrong or uncomfortable for a parent and then offer up the best solution. That was most evident in this week’s episode (Potentially Too Provocative) where for both listener questions she provided great guidance and insight. Please do whatever you can to keep Jamilah. Her insight and thoughtfulness is unparalleled.
  • juliocs1302
    Too nice to one another
    The show used to be actually mom and dad fighting ... frankly sometimes ridiculous things are said that deserve push back but the hosts are unwilling to actually fight and often times are unwilling to call a spade a spade.
  • jez95
    Good, but can go off track
    The show is good. They've gone through various sets of hosts over the years. This current one is not the best, but has its strengths. However, be aware that there can be significant digressions in the banter, and triumphs and fails can go on long at times.
  • El Hemp
    Fun, smart, reassuring; brings joy like a well-trained puppy
    Life isn’t great right now for so many people. Life with young kids in America can be extra hard. But these hosts are an inspiration to be better people all while reassuring us that we’re doing ok. And it’s just fun to listen!
  • Mrs. Bellew
    I love this show, the banter helps quarantine not feel so lonely especially with me home with my kids now more than ever. They have really helpful advise, it’s like having your friends here with you. The only bummer is the weight watchers ad for kids, that is troubling and I hope that gets rethought.
  • Tricorg
    Love the podcast, hate the food ads
    The Oneida food bribery commercial and the weight watchers good food bad food calorie counter commercials
  • Stacey Shapiro
    Awesome, enteraining and informative
    I am loving this podcast! Jamilliah & Dan pack every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
  • Lisa podcast
    Great Podcast to listen to for parents and nonparents alike
    I love to listen to this podcast every Thursday it comes out. With fresh humor and relatable parenting situations, it makes me smile each week.
  • Noel2929
    I Like It
    I really like this podcast. It makes me laugh and think. However, I really hate that Weight Watchers is a sponsor and pushing their kids program. Please reconsider this.
  • mimsterdoodle
    I want to love this but...
    I want to love this show. Current and previous hosts are funny, caring and informative. The banter back and forth is engaging and hosts present solutions that are family positive. However... they have teamed up with Weight Watchers for kids. This is abusive and will cause eating disorders, a topic they have covered in their episodes. Teaming with Kirbo goes against what the hosts claim to represent. I am extremely disappointed by this and believe it can be very damaging. Children should NOT be dieting, and that is what they are peddling.
  • Sosloblue
    Please bring back Carvell, Rebecca, and Gabe!
    They had excellent chemistry, were super articulate, funny, fair, and although I naught not always agreed but I respected their perspectives. I looked forward to the podcast every week. Now I’d rather go back to older episodes with them on rather than listen to the boring and sometimes annoying new hosts. I appreciate the new hosts trying but they just don’t cut it.
  • BrookeBreatheHope
    Out of touch
    I recently started listening to the podcast. Honestly, I’ve only listened to 3 episodes and they were all ok. Then I listened to the episode titled “Bosslady in Crisis”. With respect, I could not disagree with their response or opinions more. Their response to a woman looking for solutions to running her business (and supporting employees who are parents) during the pandemic was to change the business model to not be focused on profits and ask less of employees. What?!?!? These people are out of touch with reality! Take this advice Bosslady, and your business will be gone. There is a reason why profits are the focus of businesses... because it supports a business’ operations. While they acknowledge that some businesses may not be able to sustain reduced profits, they blame lack of government support. Where in the world does the government get funding?!?? BUSINESSES THAT MAKE MONEY. While I can appreciate the entertainment qualities of the podcast, the opinions of the hosts are too far out there for me. This one is a firm ‘skip’!
  • bgood05
    Love all the perspectives
    As a teacher and a parent I love this podcast and I find myself recommending it to both my colleagues at work and fellow parents. Although I miss some of the old guests (RIP) I love the current panel too. They have great discussions I appreciate their thoughtful advice. As my kids age I find myself going back and listening to old episodes that now take on new meaning to me as a parent. Great content - 5 Stars!
  • knucklehead1946
    Heard Jamilah.... everyone who isn’t a Democrat a deplorable. Said we’re at war. Unifying is your intent... right moon cricket?
  • Neaner-neaner
    Bring back Carvell!
    Was a 5 before he left. A 1 since. He has a tempering effect that even makes listening to Jamilah tolerable (for short periods of time).
  • Ahl1020
    Have y’all ever...smoked weed?
    Hi! Longtime listener, first time commenter. I noticed some wild comments about marijuana and I just wanted to clarify that weed is not, like, what some of you seem to think it is. For regular smokers (which I am not), a small amount of weed isn't particularly impairing, no more and perhaps less than a glass a wine and *certainly* less than a Benadryl. Of course you COULD smoke so much weed that you’d be endangering a minor child in your care, but, for a regular smoker that would be ALOT—I don’t think Jamilah is ripping gravity bongs before story time or whatever. Parents, because of the nature of the role, are almost always “impaired” btw. Being sleep deprived is equivalent to having three beers, which is, again, probably worse than being a touch high. And while you might argue that parents of a new baby are not choosing to deprive themselves of sleep, whereas smokers could abstain, I’d counter that some people smoke to manage mental health conditions, namely clinical anxiety. That’s not an on-label use for medical marijuana in most states, but PTSD is. I’m not saying smoking makes everyone a better parent, but does make *some* people better parents. I don’t know if that’s true of Jamilah or not but, again, unless she is spreading cannabutter on her English muffins then donning one of gas mask things or dabbing or whatever it is bad kids do these days, she’s probably good. And one more thing, the negative comments directed at Jamilah on couple fronts seem like, in general, a request that she be more respectable. And that seems a little racist. I know that’s not how you meant it, whoever you are, and maybe those few commenters really do hate weed and poop and the word vagina SO much, apropos of nothing. Maybe. *Maybe* But then putting that next to the criticism of Elizabeth* as too respectable and it’s like: how can one win?? By being a man. Sigh. Living under patriarchy is boring. *And I agree Elizabeth sounds really perfect BUT not totally (the imaginary children thing: whew) AND some people are just like that! Such people need representation too. We can’t pretend perfect people’s voices don’t count just because we are jealous; that’s just mean.
  • cduchan
    Thanks Jamilah
    Honest, funny.
  • r.i.
    Jamilah is great!
    I think that Jamilah is such a wonderful voice on the show.
  • gigera
    Very good
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while. I have to say that I’m not the biggest fan of the new host Elizabeth. She seems like a nice person, but if sometimes feels like she’s trying to portray her life in a way that is very idyllic. She’s a mommy blogger, So do it makes sense, but I find her input a little too “perfect,” especially considering how vulnerable the other hosts seem to be about their struggles as parents.
  • KRview
    Does Jamilah even read the questions?
    I like Jamilah as a person, she seems cool and fun, but she’s a terrible host for this show. It’s like she doesn’t even read the listener questions and just monologues on the topic of the question. For instance, this week in back to back questions, she gave objectively awful advice. First, she gave advice that was obviously not applicable to the listener (I was happy to hear Dan say I don’t think the listener has a problem with that) and then on the second question she suggested the listener do an activity like a craft project that the listener blatantly said she had ALREADY tried! I’ve listened every week for years and even subscribed to slate plus for the extra segments, but I’m so frustrated with the lack of any applicable advice. Frankly it doesn’t seem like Jamilah takes this job seriously enough to even read the questions before recording. On the other hand, Elizabeth has been great and seems like she gives careful thoughtful advice.
  • Meribethcakes
    Gross host loves to talk about poop
    I used to love this podcast, but I really don’t like the new host, Jamila. Her description of being in the bathroom with her 6(!) year old actually made me gag. She described the stink and how her daughter’s bowel movement was half in and half out. OMG. To be clear, this was not a medical situation, she was “keeping her daughter company” on the toilet and describing it in detail to the public. First, no one wants to hear that. Second, respect your child’s privacy. I tuned out for a few weeks only to come back to a description of Jamila taking a dump on the living room floor when she was a child. This host clearly has some scatalogical boundary issues. It’s gross.
  • pkyama
    Most informative and entertaining parenting podcast!
    This podcast offers different views and parenting tips while making you laugh all the while! Dan is the best but other hosts are tolerable.
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