On the Media

News #57News Commentary #12

The Peabody Award-winning On the Media podcast is your guide to examining how the media sausage is made. Hosts Brooke Gladstone and Micah Loewinger examine threats to free speech and government transparency, cast a skeptical eye on media coverage of the week’s big stories and unravel hidden political narratives in everything we read, watch and hear.

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Recent Reviews
  • Gracie311
    Harris Has A Website: Trump Has 2025
    Why doesn’t the media point to a candidate’s website and platform? It’s your duty to point out what is clearly there to read and understand, not just her lack of interviews. Why not give facts? And snippets of interviews that help listeners? Come on.
  • Dysfunctional Shopper
    Once Great But No Longer
    I used to love this show! Key words there “used to”. Sadly the show lacks the effort it used to have. There seems to be very little new content. Every “new” show is just replays of old segments with very little actual new content. Since they kicked Bob off the show, it’s like they’re just phoning it in. I’m sure he was a pain in the back side to work with but without him the show appears to have completely lost its way. The replay segments they do play are not any of the segments with Bob. It’s almost like they need someone with a lot of fiery passion to make the show work. Very disappointing
  • K. Dubois
    Thank you for your integrity
    To Brooke and Micah and the whole OTR team: I appreciate your excellence and integrity. Thank you (on this occasion) for your 9/4/24 episode about the change you’re making re ads. That you confronted the issue with listeners directly — and analyzed and commented on all the factors about adopting host-read ads — comes as no surprise because that’s who you are and that’s how you roll. Thank you. p.s. I’m heading to WNYC to make a donation now :)
  • alalrian
    Brooke Gladstone is a gem
    Always engaging, critical takes on contemporary media.
  • Thackmaster
    Useful media analysis
    Noticed a barrage of haters in the reviews, which surprised me given the centrist-left views that tend to be represented in this show. Generally, OTM is a solid source of media analysis. I once heard Brooke talk about the process of recording and editing episodes, which sounds like a lot of work. Much respect for this amazing show!!
  • Arizona liberal
    Absolute trash
    The most dogmatic simple minded drivel in the history of podcasts. Formulaic, lacking depth, one sided, repetitive, and grating.
  • midwestBlue
    unsubcribe! 7.28.24
    Why don’t you ask trump why he is telling christians that they will never have to vote again! it is on video, trump said it. go do your job and get to the bottom of that because it absolutely sounds like he is telling christians, vote me in and i/trump is never leaving the white house and democracy and your rights at npr and all non-christians lives will be over as jews, gay, muslims and more were over with the rise and take over by hitler! wake up corporate media and start doing your job by investigating, questioning, getting answers from trump!! once again, mainstream, corporate media is going after our democrat representative for president. first you cane for biden and now he’s stepped down, now you are going after kamala harris. when the F are you going to go after trump!!! you are afraid to go after trump and if he wins just know, all your bootlicking of trump will not save you! you are letting down american democracy!
  • andrewcayer
    Congrats Micah!
    Hi, long time listener, first time reviewer. This show keeps me grounded and sane even when it helps me realize how insane the world around us is sometimes. Brooke and Micah (and team) do a wonderful job putting all the pieces into place.
  • MissGinger13
    Stop it
    Stop giving air to Ezra Kline. He is a detriment to America and his voice only supports anti democratic people and causes.
  • countcurls
    Listen to something else.
    Overproduced partisan pandering for smug progressives who can’t help but misrepresent conservatives in order to maintain the illusion that only stupid and evil people disagree with a socialist,multicultural, and “queer” future for American and the world. Do yourself a favor and look at a screensaver for half an hour instead of listening to this trash. You might come out of the experience with a good idea, something I can’t promise if you listen to this peabrain award winner.
  • JACP61
    Useful insights in an era of shocking news.
  • acausal_cause
    i listen every week. great show
  • Tellonecone
    #1 podcast
    True journalism. The stories you want/need to hear. Clear & in depth. Almost always a subject you should know about. Although some news I do not want to hear.
  • JuanFloyd87
    Amazing Insights !! 😎🙌🏻
    Great podcast!
  • nojbav
    Most insightful podcast
    This podcast is so thoughtful. Helps historically contextualize current events. Fantastic journalism and intelligent guests. I always look forward to listening.
  • Love B&T
    One of my all-time favorites
    These journalists cover things that affect us all and are very underreported. It’s done in depth and in a very accessible way. Priceless.
  • Fttfyyyyruyyrtyydtytyyjtgfgu
    Insightful and intelligent
    Clear discussion of some of the most pressing issues facing our nation presented in a lively and engaging fashion. I look forward to every episode.
  • askepticisneverfooled
    Essential listening
    Every episode is packed with valuable insight. I listen to every one as soon as it drops.
  • RicoDCloz
    Exposes the core
    I can’t find a podcast or program that does a better job of exposing the core of important issues for America.
  • mad overlord
    Ms. Gladstone is a talented and captivating storyteller. This team puts together an excellent podcast series.
  • purosa
    Over 125 Palestinian Journalist Dead
    When are you going to cover the incredible number of journalists in Palestine that have been murdered? It’s unprecedented in any war in decades and there is evidence they are being targeted. Israel has not only shut down Al Jazeera but they have attached and burdened the building. This is news worthy.
  • PdX tk
    The strongest voice for good journalism
    Really worth supporting this in depth and thoughtful coverage of our media
    All good
    Still a fan.
  • leiran
    Top notch
    Consistently the best show in public media for the last twenty years.
  • Ariane108
    One of my most trusted podcasts
    Great in depth reporting on topics not much covered elsewhere.
  • sobilo
    Always informative
  • Minlod
    Invaluable media analysis in these days of our deeply flawed media environment. Very instructive and useful for teaching one how to parse misinformation.
  • Linda from PA
    Always interesting , worth my time.
    Good detail, often quirky approach. Relevant , not predictable .
  • LongtimeOTMlistener
    More focus on Gaza needed
    For five years I never missed a show. However, it now seems like OTM goes out of its way to avoid covering media complicity in apartheid Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Sometimes it’s easier to cover what is unimportant. I am pretty sure Bob Garfield would not be discussing fluff when the crime of crimes is being committed with the support of western media.
  • oldjohnhall
    Ugh this new guy
    To listen to Micah Lowenger is to understand unsatisfying sex. Period.
  • Peter Guillam
    Endless Panic for ‘Pinch’ *** The Boss’s constant bad money ‘vibes’ are my only economic indicator, and why that’s bad news for Joe Biden *** By Jeanna Smialek
  • Bob Garfield
    Micah rocks
    Give us way more Micah Loewinger and way less Brooke Gladstone. Please!
  • Nyarl de la Thotep
    Doesn’t really do anything but dissuade me from the points it seems to intend to make. So it’s less good journalism about the media and often more like bad rhetoric.
  • Supabroad
    50 NPR Employees
    …Should have signed their name to this letter in defense of the network. One can quibble around the margins of the editorial decisions around mueller, laptop, Schiff etc etc but network leaderships refusal to engage in good faith interrogation of the underlying argument about diversity of opinion is the end for me. I’m a longtime NPR listener and I’m tired of being spoken to by privileged intersectional grad students like I’m a kindergartener.
  • Che Block
    I like this show and npr or at least I have in the past Every other story these days is about an extreme minoritynow With all the problems in this world to focus on which bathroom to use (that’s a metaphor for chasing a red herring which is another metaphor meaning you’re easily distracted from what is important) is what npr has become. NPR isn’t hard enough on herr trump.
  • CinciJJ
    Among my favorites
    For many years I have counted this show among my favorite public radio shows. I was so happy to find that the show was available as a podcast in addition to the live radio. They cover critical issues related to the media.
  • JubliaTacklett
    At its end
    On the Media was essential listening when I first began listening almost 15 years ago, the first show I supported financially directly, as a broke kid in college at that. It’s fallen extremely far in terms of scope and analysis. Given how crowded the field is with shows that are actually incisive, I think it’s time to put OTM out to pasture.
  • Crystalash
    Just as complicit and biased
    Is this some kind of liberal delusion or simple lack of basic humanity? Amidst the acutely slanted corporate media landscape and hypocrisy of the government despite of unrelenting violence in Gaza, I’d expected more than a few comments from this podcast on the distortions, lies, smear campaigns, threats and killings of journalists/writers/scholars, and silencing of dissenting voices from powerful places. Instead, dead silence. Let’s keep talking about the right wing media, big corps and Russia. So much safer. In the face of genocide, there’s no neutrality. What one doesn’t say often reveals more about one’s values. If the people behind this podcast really care about democracy and journalism, they need to speak up.
    Quality lower
    Coverage on media bias on Israel-Gaza war is biased, but somehow presented genuinely and without irony.
  • Nickled N. Dimed
    Excellent journalism
    The March 8 episode with Iyad el-Baghdadi was exceptionally poignant, sad and at the same time beautiful. It was truly a great episode to listen to.
  • historyty7
    A must listen twice weekly
    I make a point to catch every episode of OTM. Every week I am glad that I do. The topics and the coverage is always next level.
  • Reasonable Opinion
    On the Media Heal Thyself
    Is this supposed to be irony? Meta? A show that’s supposed to examine bias in the media is the most biased show on NPR. I never hear any kind of meaningful analysis to find the truth behind the sometimes conflicting reports in the news, or why each side chose to report the way they did. I only hear a show that has definite ideas out they want to say and picks stories and guests to help them support their foregone conclusions. Any undergrad journalism class would be able to do a better job. Should just be called the Brooke Gladstone opinion hour.
  • Juliet in Honolulu
    Gaza -
    Please cover with better framing - how about interviewing Anthony Lowenstein???? The Palestine Laboratory - come on, that’s real, brutal, and true.
  • Shayla from NY
    Cowardly Coverage on Palestine
    I've followed the show for years and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I considered giving for 2024 but wanted to see how OTM would cover Palestine. Unfortunately, we've found your weakness. OTM typically applies pressure unilaterally when others won't, but the continued focus on and framing of the Palestinian genocide through the lens of their oppressor? Despicable. There has been no attempt to bring in any Palestinian journalists in an active genocide. A fumbled opportunity to make a clear stance against genocide and for humanity, alas, historically, you'll be grouped in with the other spineless Western publications. An actual fall from grace, and you'll never see my financial support until you find some courage. OTM is in its flop era.
  • ApplesReviewPlatformSucksToo
    Best of the best.
    For a current events pod, there isn’t any better. Brooke an co. set the standard.
  • V-Spain
    Please keep reporting on Palestine!
    Point out the silent colkusion of western media and/or the false narrative forever painting Israel the victim when they’re carpet bombing neighborhoods, hospitals- oh my god you know the story. Please keep reporting.
  • RachMcclan
    Still the best
    I’ve been listening for years. This is still the best show made. Everyone should listen.
  • S. Fuht
    One of my favorites.
    One of my favorites. Never miss it.
  • Veerock 26
    Fair and balanced
    On the media is a light in a field of a lot of shady media. I can listen to this podcast and get a fair and balanced view of current events. It’s not easy, but they do it often. Great podcast.
  • RR7743
    I’ve been a fan of the show for over 10 years. Their coverage of what’s happening in Gaza has been horrible. The latest episode is finally a full episode of coverage - i’m 30+ minutes in and we got 15 minutes of an Israeli talking about Israeli media and how Israelis feel about it; and then 15 minutes about the right-wing attacks on Harvard’s president. Not a single Palestinian perspective. And also, not a single criticism or analysis of coverage in the US. I’m really disappointed in the failure of a project and mission I really used to support and believe in.
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