

Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers. A given episode might whirl you through science, legal history, and into the home of someone halfway across the world. The show is known for innovative sound design, smashing information into music. It is hosted by Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.

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Recent Reviews
  • atlanticus
    Can’t listen anymore…
    This show has become so tedious to listen to that I can’t even make it through an entire episode lately. Why is every idea posed as some naively-inquisitive thought? Who is the targeted audience for this type of format, K-5? I thought this show had a spin-off for kids—are they getting their shows mixed up? The new hosts—though lovely people, I’m sure—just don’t have the chops to carry this once-great show. Truly a shame…
  • MCMonáe
    Too many re-runs
    Longtime obsessed listener with radiolab and LOVE the new radiolab for kids - incredible. Learn, grow, laugh, be in awe, connect— superb. Problem— since the original hosts left, every other week is a re-run and it’s so annoying. It just too much. Your new content is good and it’s slow to come out or is drowned by y’all essentially being an archive show now. Cut back frequency in general? maybe every 4th or 3rd is a re-run? You’re losing us. We love you Love you, much respect
  • CoyVo
    Thank you
    When I was in the 7th grade, I had a science teacher who would make us listen to Radio Lab while working on labs in class. The first podcast I ever listen to was The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Listening to this story sent me on a whirlwind. Wanting to learn everything about Lack’s and peaking my interest in other podcast. Since that moment in 2013, I have listened to every radiolab podcast since. Listening to it doing chorus around the farm and now today. Thank you for helping this little boy grow and dream past the tiny town in Oklahoma I called home💛💛💛
  • Steevee Jandalee
    It Got Bad
    This show never recovered from losing Rob. You could tell Jad's heart wasn't in it afterwards, and the current hosts just read old essays they wrote as undergrads and say 'quantum' a lot. It's a shame.
  • Goober 5000
    Getting better
    The last few shows have been great. I admit I was getting a little frustrated with all the reruns. I imagine it’s hard to come up with new material all the time. Big shoes to fill with Jad and Robert. But the Quantum Birds episode knocked it out of the park! Mind blown! Hopefully more like that to come. Jonathan
  • lbinative
    A disaster. Lulu sounds like a preschool teacher. You’re speaking to adults lady. Episodes are half as long as before. Publishing as many archived shows as new ones, and publishing new episodes erratically. Maybe ever other week or so. Put Soren out front and keep your producers but between Lulus’s baby talk and Latif’s incessant “gee whiz” reactions. Tough to listen to. Jad and Robert were NEVER boring. The current hosts have done a disservice to this show’s brilliant legacy
  • Dank1182
    New Hosts are Terrible
    Listen to the old episodes. New ones lack in storytelling, which is what made Radiolab distinct.
  • CoCo Da Monkie
    Love it
    Love the show. They LOVE to replay things. Some shows are 18 minutes of content that they did 10 years ago. Awesome.
  • shirharper
    Miss you Jad and Robert
    I became a member because Radiolab was absolutely the best podcast. I listened every Saturday without fail. I've stopped. Latif and Lulu are fine. Only okay. The only episodes I enjoyed listening were reruns so now I just go back into the archives to listen to Jad and Robert.
  • 0xbeepBoop
    Miss the Jad and Robert days
    The Jad and Robert days were the best; wish they were still on and so does Radiolab as evidenced by the fact that they constantly re-air old episodes with them. Jad and Robert were such great hosts that I used to gladly donate to Radiolab every month. Now I cannot even stand more than five minutes of an episode. Also, pro-tip to any podcast: do not hire speakers with lisps. I know this is ableist or whatever but if your role requires you to speak as your primary function, your elocution should be pristine. I would not hire someone without arms as a boxer and would not hire someone with a lisp as a speaker.
  • BCguy94
    Love this podcast
    This podcast is great to break up my more news-focused ones. The stories are always interesting and the production is awesome.
  • ophiesay
    Bring back Jad and Robert
    This was my favorite podcast of all time back in the day with Jad and Robert. The storytelling, the production, the reporting, the science… it was perfect. But since Robert and Jad left, it just hasn’t been the same. The topics are less interesting and the storytelling leaves me underwhelmed and unsatisfied. I still listen but not as religiously
  • AnimatedMeatSack
    I (used to) LOVE RadioLab.
    But it just isn’t what it used to be.
  • AK in the Bay
    Membership - for what?
    The old RadioLab ways the BEST of media. Truly remarkable content. The new hosts only pitch memberships and beg for month, but for what? All the new RadioLab hosts do is replay old episodes and add non value voice over. The chemistry / freshness is lacking, and it seems unethical to ask for funding for playing previously publicly funded radio content
  • childish drivel
    New hosts, new format
    Terrible. This used to be the best thing on NPR. Now it’s the worst. Now I only listen to the rebroadcasted episodes.
  • StayFreshBaby
    I am a fan now.
    I have never been big into podcasts until my Mom told me about Radiolab. I started listening and now I can’t get enough. It’s very fun and enjoyable listening. Something I can get behind. Signed up for a free trial and there is a chance I might stay subscribed.
  • Vetch8
    Still the one
    Change is hard. Fish do not exist. Radiolab forever. Thank you Latif and Lulu for carrying the torch.
  • Hornet2004
    Hit and Miss
    As a new listener very late to this show I couldn’t decide if it was worth sticking with. I found the episodes to be very hit and miss, then I realized that all of the hits were replays of old episodes with the original hosts. The new episodes are terribly boring, lacking any kind of charm. Latif comes off so smug that it’s painful to listen to him. This is probably why half of the “new” content is replays of episodes with Jad and Robert when the show was good. I have decided to unsubscribe. I can’t justify sticking with this when the new content is so bad.
  • aalleexx1987
    I used to wait with anticipation for each episode, now half of it is repeat from the good old days when the show was actually good, and the rest is begging constantly for money. And if by any chance there’s an actual new content, somewhere in the story you insert some liberal nonsense that has nothing to do with the actual story.
  • Davidjkeys
    New hosts… boooooooo
    Latif is super smart. Cannot carry the show. Lulu is terrible altogether. She did an episode about her kid lol what's that about? Soren Wheeler guest hosts ONE episode, “The Middle of Everything.” Knocked it right out of the park, one swing. Gotta change hosts. Gotta do it. What happened to Molly Webster? Why doesn’t Soren Wheeler do more shows? Lulu contributes nothing. This series hasn’t been good in two-years since the new hosts took over. It makes me sad. Terrible, boring, eye-glossing show now.
  • please talk better
    It hurts!
    I love the show content but unfortunately am not able to tolerate Latif’s voice. It has such dramatic rise and fall; the sudden and frequent strident pitch is like a stick poking my brain. It is squeaky and overly emphasized. I have a feeling he loves the sound of his own voice but we do not share that sentiment. Also the style has really gone downhill.
  • April5878
    Animal Torture
    This podcast has stories of senseless animal torture in the name of science, but it’s really just a bunch of curious a – holes poking electrodes into animals and drowning them and all sorts of horrible things. So if you’re that type of person, then I guess you found your holy grail podcast. I used to really like this show and it’s just gotten so wayward. This barbarism has to stop!!
    Three from the past
    Shut the latest episode off before it began, due to the guilt tossed upon me by those whom would have me pay for absurd, visual studies for an audio podcast. Thankfully Jesus gave freely so we may know the way.
  • Alfred sea
    Love this podcast!!!!!
  • Julie.Rome
    My absolute favorite science podcast
    Perfect for commutes or procrastinating on your to-do list, this show strikes the ideal balance between “Whoa, I’m smarter now” and “ did I just laughed out loud in public.?” Whether you’re a science nerd or just here for the universe of it all, Warning: you might start thinking you should’ve been a scientists or an astronomer.… a lot.
  • grey Filastine
    Now Coasting on Its Reputation & Reruns
    The new team are endearing, and but they are no visionaries. Radiolab without Jad is a distant echo of its former self.
  • iloveJC4eva
    Would rate 6 stars if I could!
    I love this show! I listen to this show while I fall asleep, and the immersive sound effects and story telling are really great. There is something for everyone in this show. The haters don’t know what they are talking about.
  • Mz5325689532
    Miss the good ol’ days
    Just subscribed to radiolab plus and listening to the episodes just makes me really miss having Robert. Him and Jad were such a nice pair, they really complemented each other well. I think what is missing from the show now is an authentic conservative lean. It just completes it without being too political one way or another. It gave the whole picture authentically.
  • Bt64332678643
    Mass produced garbage
    Unbelievable amount of ads for a 30 minute show. And what is with the random woman screaming opera? Couldn’t listen to it, couldn’t even finish one episode
  • SteveUpNorth
    Radiolab broke my brain.
    This show is utterly amazing. Words are layered upon the noises and music to immerse you in a story that is surprising every time. Put on headphones, tune in, and stare at a wall, and you will be completely enthralled while doing absolutely nothing else. This is the only show I tell people to buy with no regrets- because I am certain everyone will love it as much as I do. Jad and Robert were the originals, and their work stands the test of time. Latif and Lulu do a fantastic job of carrying the torch forward. Subscribing to this show is some of the best money I have ever spent. It brings me more contentment than putting on brand new socks- and that is a high bar of satisfaction to surpass.
  • Thorno01
    From Latif to well, bad
    Used to be my favorite podcast! I find Lulu super annoying. I share her enthusiasm on topics, but it translates to irritating for the listener. Blech.
  • Holzmeow
    Show has really lost it’s flair
    Why am I paying to listen to old episodes. The show has really gone downhill since I first started listening (and it was one of my favorites!). Original episodes are few and far between as many new episodes are just replayed old episodes.
  • 10567856878766
    This is an amazing podcast about science and technology, if you’re interested in that then take a listen. (Fair warning, ⚠️ not all episodes are child friendly)
  • SpoofingEncryption
    STUMP. or be stumped? ⭐️
    writing after the stump episode on october 4th, the editing, music, and all-out fun over something so simple incentivized me to finally review after recently discovering
  • Alicor12
    Paid for radiolab+ for a year but can’t access content now :(
    Help please!
  • GladiateGoat
    Excellent Pod
    Excellent Pod
  • Shuwanbo
    Now a sad effort
    This was once the best podcast available. Jad and Robert were stunningly good. Since they handed it over, it’s hardly worth listening to. In fact, I no longer do. It’s a shame. RadioLab was the king, the standard.
  • midwestBlue
    Excellent podcast. Informative, interesting.
  • crossword superfan
    Great topics, lousy hosts
    Excellent topics that are endlessly interesting. That being said, the new hosts are awful. Lulu Miller’s constant giggling ruins every episode she’s on.
  • Ty Webb1973
    One of the originals in the space. One of the best ever. Since Jan and Robert are gone, it’s either a repeat or something woke.
  • M Liu-S
    Cohost as sound effect
    Please do not arrange cohosting just for the sake of making those annoying and fake sounds and giggling. This is not a children’s show. We are talking about the elective college episode here. Stopped listening just after 10 mins.
  • Listener from US
    Ran out of subjects
    They just rewind previous episodes
  • B(5;7(67;5/
    Hate the format
    Good topics but the narrators constantly interrupt each other and their guests and finish other people ‘s sentences. It’s difficult to listen to.
  • Carrie110
    Get the subscription!!
    I’m dying laughing at the bonus Latif v. bot episode: Electric sheep, omg, so funny, the bot is hilarious! All the episodes are fantastic. They go to the ends of the earth (literally) to research and fact check every episode Ive been in several situations where I’m meeting strangers and I have broken the ice by saying “There was this episode of Radiolab ……….“ and someone always knows what I’m talking about and it launches a very cool conversation. Trees growing on trees, for example. The blue blood of horseshoe crabs that fuels the economy and bird migration. Quasi moons out and about; and our planet just had one briefly. Vive La Zoozve! Get the subscription, it’s better than all the others.
  • Olrajohn
    Becoming too “woke”
    It used to be better, but it’s become too “woke” (especially Lulu Miller), and I don’t feel like I can trust what they are telling me anymore. Please just stick to the science.
  • dr kaytay
    Used to love the show
    I used to love this show but find the new hosts insufferable. The energy is chaotic and deeply unpleasant.
  • knolldk
    100% the best of the best
    I ve been listening to Radiolab for 10+ years. The latest episode, Octomom is my all time favorite and I think about it all the time. Had I never discovered Radiolab my life would not be as inquisitive. If yuu have the means, supporting this show with a monthly donation will be ensure that it keeps creating and producing the best audio content you can find.
  • mr. phoneface
    was my favorite podcast
    new hosts are terrible 🤷‍♂️
  • GatsbyNYC
    Used to be great
    I gave the new host more than a fair chance. Sadly, they are not up to the task. It's no surprise that they are always begging people to subscribe.
  • humanders
    Child-like joy
    Love the show! And I love seeing the world as if I were a child, but I don’t love it presented to me as if I’m actually a child.
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