The Kitchen Sisters Present


The Kitchen Sisters Present… Stories from the b-side of history. Lost recordings, hidden worlds, people possessed by a sound, a vision, a mission. Deeply layered stories, lush with interviews, field recordings and music. From powerhouse NPR producers The Kitchen Sisters (The Keepers, Hidden Kitchens, The Hidden World of Girls, The Sonic Memorial Project, Lost & Found Sound, and Fugitive Waves). "The Kitchen Sisters have done some of best radio stories ever broadcast" —Ira Glass. The Kitchen Sisters Present is produced in by The Kitchen Sisters (Nikki Silva & Davia Nelson) in collaboration with Nathan Dalton and Brandi Howell and mixed by Jim McKee. A proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX. Learn more at

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Recent Reviews
  • CLiebhardt
    A Winner
    Hidden Kitchens episode is so delicious and soulful Thank you kitchen sisters Linda Ronstadt Day So very excellent ! Gracias Kitchen Sisters Clare
  • eg portland
    Nothing else like this
    Always something you would not hear about anywhere else. The Kitchen Sisters don’t disappoint in providing extra interesting topics and people who you will want to research further . I often think how have I never heard about this person after an episode.
  • Austinnnnnnnnnnnnnn
    One of my favorites
    Excellent storytelling, editing, and interviews. Radiolab first introduced me to the audio tapestries that are possible on radio / podcast. Kitchen Sisters transports you to hidden kitchens and other oral histories. My favorite episodes are the Sam Phillips episode about Sun Records, and the one about barbecue pits.
  • Dgh005
    Thank you!
    I’m absolutely living for the Hip-hop archive in Harvard. I also really enjoy the diversity of the show in general. From women of different ethnic backgrounds, occupations, history really, coming together and giving them the platform to speak their truth. Keep the diversity going and flowing.
  • Skavib
    Fascinating stuff presented professionally
    The back stories told in an engaging manner without the narrative containing a single “like” much less 6 in one sentence.
    Wonderful production and topics
    Please keep up the great podcasts.
  • bri73636
    Disappointing that such an intelligent, humanistic and nuanced audio project would allow itself to serve as the soap box for jingoistic calls to escalate conflict with a nuclear power.
  • lesamonster
    Music and Sounds
    Background music and sounds are too loud and distracting. I had to stop listening.
  • stuckonthisstep
    My deepest regard for this Frolic
    Intelligent and deep. It soothes me to feel the loving truth of the people you choose to share with us. I admire this whole endeavor. Skillful music support and the editing. Thank you for the devotion to the values and authentic stories of people I want to know. Margaret
  • Brooklyn Sugar Rae
    Betty Reid Soskin
    What a fabulous story about a true living legend! ThNk you for producing this to share!
  • mmbate
    Lush and delightful
    Rich audio and storytelling, a treat for the ear and mind
  • listening with ears
    Flawed, but worth it for the unique content.
    Really, really good for the most part. Travels some interesting territory. The sound quality varies, because of the source material, which is understandable. Where the podcast falters is when the hosts interject themselves into the stories or interviews. They bring a certain 'white American crunchy granola NPR cultural tourist' vibe to the proceedings that sometimes just takes you out of story. Beyond that, it's a very pleasant listen and they unearth some amazing forgotten audio gems. Oh,
  • jerusalem gurl
    FFC as an employer
    He does not treat his workers well at his factories in Sonoma. How about covering that? People with repetitive work injuries get fired.
  • La47Lo122
    A joyful celebration of what’s possible
    Accessible stories that provide inspiring glimpses into other lives and other worlds—stories of humans genuinely contributing to the betterment of our world.
  • SAD&true
    I love your fascinating podcast but it is VERY frustrating! All episodes are at such a INCREDIBLY FAST speed ,I can’t listen. There is no way to SLOW it down? It is really a shame because it’s a great podcast but almost unintelligible & annoying due to such super fast talking!
  • MaraVlad
    Love this show!!!
    But I'm always confused as to why it is called "Kitchen Sisters" maybe I am super dumb--but I am guessing that the hosts are sisters, and Kitchen is their last name? Please someone correct me, I'm so confused
  • LiaPolo
    Kitchen Sisters!
    Love this discovery! So Delicious-start from the beginning!
  • Le!$a
    Enriching information beautifully shared❤️
    Sooo glad I discovered this podcast!
  • RosyF50
    Music Too Loud
    Tried to listen, but I couldn’t. The music is so loud. It’s very good, but the talking is too loud to really focus on it, and it’s way too loud to hear the talking.
  • B(5;7(67;5/
    Great topics and narration
    Intriguing and unusual topics, engagingly told. Well done!
  • I listened in May, 2020
    The Pancake Years is a wonderful ode to love and parents
    In the midst of the COVID sequestration, this episode was an audio balm. I loved because my father has passed away, and because I am in my 60s looking back on the parts of my life I’m proudest of. I especially appreciated how Davila’s affection for her father came through in her phone calls back home. This one is a keeper.
  • Lettheonionring
    Soothing voices
    Not only to they pick the buried stories that need to be heard and shared but the KS are voice musicians. Their timing, pauses, humor, storytelling tones bring you up close and comfort.
  • tricky-p
    Always, Always a great listen.
    TKS are the perfect combination of great old school story telling and modern relevant themes. I would not be without this podcast.
  • Dugan🐈🎧⭐️
    Top notch 🐿
    I have spent many hours with this podcast. I look forward to many more❤️
  • Archie Mancuso
    The Kitchen Sisters Present
    There are some gems here, especially in the early years of the podcast. As time goes on the episodes get bogged down with lots of adds and self promotion. at the beginning, middle and end of each podcast, sometimes adding up to 20+% of each podcast.
  • jmangelo
    Gets Better and Better
    At one point I listened to most of the offerings of Radiotopia. The Kitchen Sisters is one of their best. I have been with the Kitchen Sisters from the beginning. The episode content is always interesting and production quality is outstanding. These podcasters love what they do and it shows.
  • 🌞Kgreene
    An ode to nostalgia
    I started listening to The Kitchen Sisters about 2 years ago now. I have now listened to quite possibly every episode that is available on traditional stitcher & apple podcasts. I haven’t found another like it. I’m addicted to the short windows into the past - it’s like turning down and old road and wondering into a hidden realm where you get to sit with these story tellers and watch the film rolls play back. Even hearing the sisters intro just puts me into a better mood! Love love love.
  • Jay55438
    Small worlds
    This podcast opens you up to small worlds you never knew existed. I love their ongoing relationship with keepers and archivists of all kinds / of all things. I find myself wondering what the future would be like without storytellers like this.
  • Jalin Ma
    Love these sisters and their kitchen
    Thoughtfully-rendered, uniquely SMART fun. Wonderful show!
  • Steph Cozzi
    Understands the nuances that matter
    The Kitchen Sisters get it. Period. Instead of chasing the popular surface subject matter, they dig deeper to give you an intimate insider’s view. Brava!
    Great narratives
    Love these stories! One of my faves.
  • Portfe
    Such brilliant stories
    That they chop chop chop chop chop up. Sometimes it works and a gorgeous and comprehensible sound poem/story comes together (Ferlinghetti). Others become so disjointed, mixing the natural organization and progress of the narrative, that I become confused and disoriented, and thus, sad and angry that I can’t have this beautiful story in a manner that is clear and followable.
  • ArtGirlSAH
    Lost fans
    I’m so sorry but I was so disappointed in this episode. It was my mistake, I thought it was going to be about “fans” as people fans. Every time I fast forwarded, someone was raving about ‘that wonderful sound...’ I love the rest of the episodes I’ve heard from you, but omg, I had to turn this one off.
  • ord/phx
    Great podcast!
    Came across this via “Criminal” podcast. Love the Keeper series! Who ever thought you could do a podcast about lost sounds? I wasn’t sure until I listened to the episode about fans and suddenly heard the fan that was in my bedroom growing up 50 years ago. It was awesome!
  • CAcationu2
    Love from my kitchen
    This is my favorite podcast of all time. I adore the Kitchen Sisters and as a woman who lives and loves from her Kitchen, it makes me so happy to be able to share you with others.
  • nbsp2
    Must Listen
    Wow! Some great stories here so compelling that I can't bring myself to delete them. “Cry Me A River" just makes me want to weep over a subject new to me. And I am still surprised that there is a story in Basque sheepherders in the US. But there you have it. Great writing, music, editing. Bravo!
  • Anacorteshistory
    Stories!!! I love your Stories
    I need to find out how to become a keeper! Keep it up. Please!
  • gwenjhoff
    Kitche Sisters present
    Just discovered the series of podcasts on archivists. Wonderful, fascinating episodes. I wish there were more. Love these ladies.
  • ammcleod
    Just discovered and already hooked
    I’m new to the Kitchen Sisters and came here for The Keepers (thanks for the rec, phoebe judge/criminal). I have listened to the two available The Keeper episodes and while I wait for new episodes, I’m very excited to have so many aired episodes to explore!! The format of the episodes and the production value pull you inside the stories as you listen to and learn from first hand accounts. People speak for themselves and the story is genuine. Easily, this has become a favorite podcast despite only hearing two episodes at this point!
  • kdpbtuvmegcj
    More Lost and Found Please!
    Love this podcast, but the crown jewel is the Lost and Found Sound footage! Perhaps an entire podcast solely devoted to that project? Or just more of it - I have a desperate desire to binge listen that endlessly.
  • bechill59
    Agree with Ira Glass......
    Your first episode of The Keepers-best radio broadcast I’ve ever heard. Should be required listening in these chaotic times to remind us of our roots.
  • TonyPoisson
    Love this podcast
    Excellent topics and sound design, so engrossing. I wish that the occasional replays of older episodes are marked as “classics”, not marking them seems a bit of a bait and switch. I love the Kitchen Sisters overall
  • Scottsworth36
    Needs to go more indepth on the topic
    It feels as if I'm listening to a preview for a longer story that dives deeper into fascinating stories. What there is of it is fantastic, but it leaves me wanting much more.
  • Ann from South Carolina
    Annie C Columbia SC
    When I see a new episode, I jump on it like agrasshopper. Have listened to all 87. I cannot find Faces, Mirrors, Masks in podcast shows. Today’s was fantastical...away, away, away!
  • Reglofloheart
    Never fails - to entertain/ engage / enlighten / enrich!
    The Kitchen Sisters story telling rock. I am always intrigued surprised engaged enlightened and entertained by their approach and the message. These stories don't hit you over the head - the draw you in and before you know it ( along with great music and mix) you into a journey of radio storytelling extraordinary rare. Rock on!
  • SuburbanSeattleite
    An Amazing Find!
    I love this podcast the most of all my subscriptions. Davia Nelson and Nikki Silva expertly create stories that dazzel my imagination and satisfy curiosity. I love their Hidden Kitchen series and The Hidden World of Girls. They've also mastered a recording style that is very difficult for me to explain but is so captivating; it soothes and pulls me closer to the storyteller all at once. I'm a forever fan and can never have enough :)
  • hawaii pat
    The Godmothers of Podcasting
    I have been listening to the KS for such a long time but they never fail to surprise and delight me. Always subscribe to whatever they put out and never disappointed
  • rmcaviness
    Unusual stories
    I didn't know I was interested in these strange stories until I heard them. Love it
  • WhyThat'sWhy!
    Keep unraveling...
    Love learning about things I've never considered or knew existed.
  • Tefft4Prez
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