The Rewatchables

TV & Film #3All Genres #171

'The Rewatchables,' a film podcast from the Ringer Podcast Network, features The Ringer’s Bill Simmons and a roundtable of people from the Ringer universe discussing movies they can’t seem to stop watching. Listen to the complete archives of 150-plus movies, including 'The Hangover,' 'Godfather 2,' 'Dunkirk,' 'Creed,' and many more classics, on our special 'Rewatchables' page on The Ringer.

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  • Pinktex17
    More Shea!!!
    Serrano is never a bad addition.
  • teish8
    i’m going to need some Sean and Mal
    I need the intellectual weight of Sean and Mallory to balance the vacuous and bro-y energy of the last 2 films
  • KXYLE360
    Not What It Used To Be
    I used to (re)listen to nearly all early episodes - it was like experiencing truly rewatchable movies through conversation with your friends. Now I skip a majority of the movies they cover as they’re usually obscure (not in a cool way) choices that were important to Bill in his teen & college years. Or they feature Van “wypipo be raciss” Lathan talking about his daddy’s porn addiction. If they were to segment The Rewatchables into different shows it could give them the spark they seem to be searching for: -Prestige Rewatchables for Sean & Chris to cover films like Lawrence of Arabia or The Wild Bunch that Bill won’t do. -Black Rewatchables for Van to talk about any movie with a black character to meet the diversity quota. -Lady Rewatchables for Mallory & Amanda to discuss Clueless, Little Women, or any chick flick. -The main feed can continue to include Bill’s bizarre personal taste in movies. In its current form, the show will continue to devolve into silly categories and inside jokes until they lose all of their core audience. I always wondered why Tarantino hasn’t made another appearance since his trilogy back in 2020. He must have realized the show is not what it used to be.
  • dj quik the best
    Please do The Sting
    Definition of Rewatchable
  • Buchecha24
    Newer-ish movies maybe?
    Love the pod and especially the trio of Bill, Chris, and Sean. I do wish some more movies made after 2010 were done though. I’m still waiting/hoping they do Big Short and Baby Driver
  • Microphone buy one
    Nooooo! Get a microphone I want to hear what you have to say. Please work on the sound.
  • tommycostas
    Friday the 13th -The final chapter
    Is also 40 years old
  • bresson ford
    Great Wes Anderson episode
    I wish this podcast was hosted by Chris, Sean and Andy only. or I think that those guys should have their own podcast.
  • Bmaynore
    Do the five heart beats
    You should a Five Heartbeats Rewatchable show!!!!
  • LB Jeffries
    What’s Not to Like?
    Bill, Sean and Chris are the perfect combo. Even if I don’t know or like the movie, I will usually listen if it’s those three hosting. Bill is hilarious even when he’s being Peak Gen X. Chris and Sean are the perfect foils for his tastes and humor. Three smart guys talking about movies, what’s not to like?
  • mgw_0315
    Don’t end
    I love this podcast and recalling the movies I love and even those I somehow missed and then discover. Whether it’s great 70s sports films, Kramer vs Kramer, action films, you name it. There’s always a lively discussion that inevitably sends me to indeed rewatching these movies. I heard the pod is ending this year. Life is hard in 2024, please keep it rolling. Thanks Bill and the gang.
  • annoyed phillies fan
    Starting to fall off
    Been listening to this pod since the beginning and it’s always been great. Just realized after the disaster of Grand Budapest that the pod will never work without Bill. Keep the pretenious film talk over on the terrible Big Picture and Watch podcasts. Keep this one actually fun and entertaining. Also, the liberal garbage that spews, not so subtly, from a few hosts incessantly is a quick way to drop your audience. Too many other podcasts out there to go to that focuses on movies, not your political opinions
  • Tenoshoes
    Great Show
    Love the show but when Mallory Rubin shows up I skip the episode. Her voice/screaming makes the show unbearable
  • McMack1120
    Grand Budape-zzzzzzzzzzzzz
    Goodness, what a ponderous unfun look at a funny, entertaining movie. Couldn’t finish, but the amount I did hear rather than making me want to rewatch the film, actually made me want to never see it again. This ep was literally the antithesis of what this show is supposed to be.
  • Hayleynilsen
    Define “Rewatchable?”
    No one has ever heard of this movie. How can it be rewatchable? Love this podcast, but please cover movie that people have actually seen. Disappointed!
  • Uh...ok
    Great stuff!
    I love the podcast. The hosts always deliver and talk out all the the things that must be discussed in my opinion. I really am dying for a few movies to be on the Pod though. Where is RoboCop, Braveheart, 1989 Batman?!
  • 7@65432677adg467
    Developing into a parody of itself
    Recently i had cause to listen to some episodes from the early days and was struck by how much quieter they were and that they focused on the movies themselves rather than the schtick of the hosts. The idea was great and i shared in the joy of revisiting these movies almost as if i were watching it again (really a fan of the audio clips). I realize there are not an infinite number of these but many of the later selections are not in the same rewatchable vein. Great movies can be one offs and terrible movies can be rewatchable favorites, that’s part of the fun. There are simply too many categories, what's next “best left-handed extra”? The what’s aged the best/worst has devolved into a trite competition of who can name the silliest element in the film. Then there is the host problem, when there are guests it’s dialed back a bit but the voices simply have to stop, they are excruciating. I’m still a fan but would like to see a return to the earlier style of the podcast.
  • Estone2112
    Hit or miss
    Great idea for a pod. Most of the analysis is interesting. Half the categories are kinda dumb and Chris Ryan single-handedly ruins episodes. Someone please tell him he’s not funny.
    Relistenable! This is my favorite Podcast!!
    I find this podcast very enjoyable. I often listen to the podcasts before I even see the movie. Typically, the podcasts are more enjoyable than the movie. Can we get Braveheart already?!!!!
  • heynowniceshot
    Great nostalgia factor but one note
    Huge fan of this pod esp when the movie is truly a rewatchable. Bill and Sean are always top of their game and add great insight but I will say, someone needs to tell CR to stop yelling and tell him he’s just not funny. At all! Could easily find someone else to replace him, so outside of CRs yelling, a wonderful pod.
  • Sellfone
    Good podcast, but…
    Overall, this podcast led by the main host is a good one for movie fans. However, I happened to catch an episode where Jimmy Kimmel was the cohost and his presence very quickly reminded me what a talentless, clueless, unfunny person he is. Judging from other reviews, please be careful with what cohost you guys choose…maybe pick people who actually know something about movies.
  • 07isweebey
    No more Wane Jenkins please. Played.
  • Ryno0350
    Great pod!
    Love the episodes where I’ve seen the movie!
  • Bunny Cub
    Obnoxious screaming
    I’m trying to relax and enjoy the pulp fiction podcast and I’m suddenly jolted by someone screaming some stupid impersonation of someone it wasn’t CR but of course he has to join in. IM WEARING EARBUDS YOURE YELLING RIGHT INTO MY EARS!!!
  • Apartstar
    Misnomer does not mean what you think it means
    mis·no·mer noun a wrong or inaccurate name or designation It does not mean a misconception!!!!!!
  • Flaubert’s Underpants
    The Wild Bunch (1969)
    You guys reference Sam Peckinpah and The Wild Bunch all the time. Please do an episode about it.
  • The Yates'
    I Be Broke
    Can you please do more movies that are on streaming platforms currently so I don’t have to buy/rent the movie to listen to an episode… side note… if it’s not on the platform that I pay for already, I’m not buying/renting and also not listening to the episode
  • Frittz618
    The Martian
    Great podcast on the Martian. Bill, how do you discuss great montage scenes and not mention Jeremiah Johnson? I’ve heard you talk about how your Dad calls you with “some say he’s up there still…” That acoustic background music to the Crows coming after him one at a time, man that’s the greatest montage ever. Saw in the theater when I was 11 in 72 and that montage has always stuck with me. If you haven’t done JJ, I hope you do soon. Get your Dad in on that one. Dave F
  • Boojer
    Get. Rid. Of. Van
    Each episode is only as good as host combo and anytime Van is on I won’t listen and it pisses me off because some of those are great movies. Bill, lose him on rewatchables!!!
  • Bill is Best
    Drop Van
    Is Van L going to be on every Rewatchables now? I get people there at the Ringer like him as a person, but he ruins most of the ones he’s on. He takes over with seemingly fake stories, takes away the narrative, usually ruins what would be an otherwise anticipated pod for a movie. If we want to hear Van, we can go hear him on his own podcast. Please leave him off Rewatchabels, etc.
  • Haneasy
    It’s a great show but
    Bill should have done this with Carolla. Minus one star for being a sell out Bill.
  • J roc ya know what I'm saying
    Only as good as its hosts, which do change.
    If it’s Bill, Chris, & Sean, I’ll listen even if I haven’t seen the movie. But this guy Van Lathan is on a lot of the pods, especially the really popular movies for some reason, and he’s unbearable, making it entirely unlistenable.
  • jampsz
    Great Podcast
    I really enjoy this podcast, but, I’m forced to say, I’m partial to the 80’s movies, especially. Always entertaining, though, no matter the era. Keep up the great work, guys.
  • CharlieHustle16
    It’s amazing, when he speaks, he thinks that we actually care about his personal anecdotes. I’m sure he’s good in his own thing but he doesn’t work for The Rewatchables. He’s a distraction at best.
  • Sinatra12345
    Still can’t get enough
    How good is “The Rewatchables”? It could easily be discussed on a podcast about podcasts called “The Re-Listenables!”
  • E unit1
    The boys
    Anytime it’s Bill, CR, Van Lathan and yes, even smug Fennessey together, it’s gold.
  • avh927
    I’m onboard for a majority of the rewatchables but could do with some production help to work with Bill on his mumbling.
  • doll/misfittoy
    Love movies - excellent show
    I’ve listened the Rewatchables for years and love the concept and execution of your show. I am a movie fiend and absorb the many takes good/bad you relay about your chosen titles as well as the history/trivia related to the films. You do a very good (and entertaining) job! As a devoted listener and I believe, your core audience consider the following suggestions - - ask CR stop with the Wayne Jenkins moments…was funny for a while but now it is MORE than played out. Also please do not invite Amanda Dobbins on the show anymore, she adds nothing and I tune OUT any segments she is featured in (I am not alone here).
  • Real Critic_
    Van ruins this
    Is Bill trying to alienate all of his loyal listeners? Everyone has told you to quit including Van.
  • Jfcmh
    Made my day
    I seriously couldn’t stop smiling during The Naked Gun pod. I even had to pause my workout a few times due to doubled over laughter (and people staring at me). This is the content I’m here for!
  • Daniel Joseph Bennett
    Appreciation Post
    This pod has always been there for me. I’ll go back through the catalog when I have a road trip or I’m moving and need to fill a ton of space. I started my own music pod with the same premise (music friends). I’m really appreciative of this pod.
  • kdub35357
    Bill is trying too hard to make Craig a thing
  • ShamrockShaker77
    The ‘Goat!’
    Love this podcast! Makes me laugh out loud and provides the movie lovers viewpoint every episode! 👍👍
  • pmorris314
    Stick to sports.
    I’ve been a fan of Bill Simmons since he was on “Page Two”. I have a signed copy of his “Book of Basketball”. I read Grantland everyday. This is beneath you.
  • TonyB507
    The Firm
    Saw this podcast and wanted to give it a try. My 3 takeaways… 1. The Firm is the Grisham book that the movie ended differently yet you made a point to say since you read the book you knew what happened. ? 2. My thing with Cruise and Trepplehorn was they had no on screen chemistry. 3. The movie was 155 min too long? Your podcast was painfully too long.
  • Mr. Michael
    “ Naked” and “Gun “ are crime movie title tropes …The Naked City
    The Naked Kiss, Naked Alibi, This Gun for Hire, Gun Crazy… Great episode and agree that it is the funniest film of the 80s. And it’s better than Blazing Saddles as a genre spoof. Maybe not as mythic or as controversial but funnier (or just as funny.)
  • Dinierto
    Perfect for movie fans!
    These guys are so great. They talk about movies at a level I wish I could. Fantastic for any film buff and infinitely engaging.
  • Broncofan RH
    70’s Sports Movies Month
    I’m a huge fan of the podcast and specifically theme months. I particularly enjoyed the 70’s sport movie theme and overall the selections were great, however, I can’t give the month a five star rating because of one glaring omission. How could you not have included arguably the best sports movie of all time: North Dallas Forty. No sports film captures a week in the life of a 1970’s pro football player, or an era for that matter better than that film. This movie definitely deserves to be a Rewatchable.
  • wm1793
    Van Lathan…..
    Simmons must be in a “I hate my fans” stage of his career. We keep telling him this guy ruins these pods in multiple ways and he keeps bringing him on. Stop doing this to us!
  • Sha Lo
    New podcast for me
    Just found this podcast a few days ago. Happy to have a bunch to go through. So far, so good!
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