The Matt Walsh Show


Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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  • Perma Link
    So tired of green cards taking over our jobs
    I wished someone would take these green card workers out of our schools. They’ve taken over our blue collar work. Still DEI, when all your willing to hire is foreign workers to become our leaders. 1 white to ever 10 DEI and illegal. It’s stated with bussing and not immigration. Don’t believe Mike Brawn and Joe Hogseth and our school administrators. DEI is on the rise.
  • someone 83
    Read the Book
    Matt, we love you. Great show. But c’mon, read LOTR and all the related middle earth books. Then you’ll realize why your complaints against the movie are moot. Although, I wasn’t the hugest fan of the movies. They were good, but didn’t do the books justice. Also, I never leave reviews, but your critique was just so blatantly stupid and clearly missed the point.
  • It’s not complicated 🤦‍♂️
    He tells the truth
    Matt talks about all the important issues that are going on in the USA in a common sense way. Everything he says is exactly how he sees it. His opinions are formulated from the fundamental principles of his character. Fortunately, his character is extremely moral and American! An easy five stars!
  • Catholic cowboy
    Response to TheLizardPeople
    I know that you will probably never see this review, but I wanted to clarify something for you. You talked about how God is perfect and by disagreeing with IVF, Matt was disagreeing with God’s will. This is not true. God is perfect but humans are not. God gave everyone free will to choose right or wrong. IVF is wrong, and since God is perfect he does not will IVF. Besides, you disproved your own point. If it was God’s will for everything to happen as it does, then it would be contrary to His will to disagree with anything Matt (or anyone else) says or does. If there is no room for people to be objectively wrong because everything that happens is God’s will, you cannot reasonably disagree with other people’s opinions. This is not to say that God cannot use a human’s sin to bring about something good, but rather that, since His will is perfect, He always wishes for us to choose the right. If you see this I hope you realize that I was trying to help. God bless
  • isagonzo92
    Black tears.
    Matt makes points that are so simple and yet profound. I find myself wishing I could FORCE everyone to listen. Like Big Brother programming. The world would be a much better place.
  • try_the_veal
    Christofascist Bootlicker
    Matt’s got his head stuck so far up Elon’s rear end, that his homophobic rants actually sound like, “Mwop mwop MWAAP mwop? Mwop MMMWOP mwop!”. Dude is seriously on here, advocating the replacement of our Constitutional Democracy with a white theocratic authoritarian state? Good luck with that, Matt. LOL
  • 38829204
    Useless and dull.
    Utterly useless content made somehow even worse by the egregiously boring presentation.
  • Patrickzumba
    Conservative garbage
    Conservative propaganda garbage mansplaned by a dude who defined ick.
  • f_ckpeople
    I agree absolutely.
  • Irishgirl368
    Boys/girls outing
    I grew up in the 70’s and the youngest and only girl of 3 kids. My dad loved the outdoors, he was a Boy Scout leader to my brothers, he loved to hunt and fish and we camped as a family. When he was away for a scout trip or just hunting and fishing with my brothers at a camp(4 hrs away) that was when my Mom & I had our time. I never resented my Dad for it because he always had time for me, I never once felt left out. I had no interest in the hunting and fishing part but my husband (of 35yrs) and I did as much of the camping stuff as possible between baseball season and band season with our 2 kids. This mom was in the wrong. She made her daughter feel worse than needed, imo. Both genders need their time away from each other and that’s not necessarily a bad thing 😊
  • TheLizardPeople
    That’s it for me boys
    Comparing unused IVF eggs to killing puppies did it for me. I understand and sympathize with a lot of pro-lifers but the confirmation bias here is astounding. I’d figure Matt would be excited that Trump made IVF more affordable for couples because: 1) Many couples who use IVF can’t conceive naturally. 2) Having kids is a fundamental Christian belief; the more of God’s children being made the better. God is perfect and makes no mistakes. God knows everything past, present and future. God allowed IVF to be made so don’t even worry about it. How dare you question God’s will!!! Two stars for the dry humor.
  • USA-Guy
    Love this
    You are definitely the funniest guy I’ve ever heard keep it up 👍
  • Aviation lover2564
    Delta crash
    Hey Matt, as an aviation enthusiast, it appears as though the plane did land too hard as you said however there was tremendous wind and there was a lot of snow, ATC should have never cleared the landing and should have diverted the plane, love the show
  • JulieMcD240
    Child free weddings
    I, one hundred percent agree with you about child free weddings. Children make weddings fun and memorable
  • Just another mol Eliza
    sad broken person
    this guy is just a fundamentally mentally ill person
  • Cobori13
    Disrespectful to Americans PR
    Thinking you owe an apology to all the Americans citizens of Puerto Rico! Especially to all the PR service men who died during past wars and/or suffered longtime injuries from it. My uncle was one of those who endured permanent scars from his Vietnam War participation. Even my father who was a professional and successful baseball player at the time volunteered to serve in the US Armed Forces. My other 2 uncles also served for 30+ years in the National Guard. And had to abandoned their families many times to come to the States and help out during natural disasters and other type of situations. So yes Puerto Ricans are AMERICANS and proud of our birthright citizenship! That we have our own culture you said? Yes! and very proud of it! I had lived more than half my life in the Midwest and it is a shame that my community, neighbors don’t have the same sense of pride on their heritage nor culture. They don’t care whatsoever if their next door neighbor live or die. I recommend you spend sometime in PR and noticed how my fellow Islanders act on a daily basis. They will greet you with a smile, offer you sunblock (cause your face turns red after a couple of minutes in the sun), ask how your day is going, wish for you to enjoy the meal you are eating, and even invite you to their homes for you to have a home cook meal and meet their families! Yes, we proudly say that even if we were born on the Moon we still be Boricuas (Borinquen aka Puerto Rico) but also American Citizens too…..!
  • Northern Arizona Bob
    Big Balls Drive?🤔
    Almost every state has a Springfield, including Homer’s home town. Matt, please lead the vital crusade to ensure that every endowed male American teenager can proudly cruze “Big Balls Drive” on Friday night on their way to the malt shop. Perhaps, your next movie could be entitled “Where’s My Big Balls?”
  • ohadggg
    Ammunition to Israel Vs condoms for Gaza
    2025 Hamas man of the year
  • Carmentomlin
    Matt’s dry humor makes me laugh so hard. The crazy train is no match for his quick wit 😂 Also do yourself a favor & watch his 2 documentaries.
  • evidence please
    Good point
    Matt makes a valid point about ADHD medications and how they affect both people with the diagnosis and without the diagnosis similarly. Adderall, one of the most common ADHD medications, is also one of the most commonly abused medications in universities and medical schools precisely because people without ADHD want to use it for the performance advantage.
  • mkornegay2
    The Bestest!!
    Matt is hilarious. His dry sense of humor and sarcasm is a remarkable ability all the while telling it like it is. I love his rants and the way he puts people in their place while fact checking them. Sure I don’t always agree with 100% every thing he says as I don’t with all commentators I listen too. But I wait to get a few episodes behind so I can cue Matt up back to back to back. Keep it going man!!
  • Shmuel Phæliel
    Brett Cooper
    What happened to Brett? That poor girl
  • SoonerCW
    Awful podcast
    For awful people to listen to.
  • Corvus Anduril
    Based Podcast
    Logical, Informative, Well-Spoken
  • Jeltz12
    Noisy Children’s Toys… Afuera!
    Eliminate noisy toys!
  • VMcEnroe
    The BEST!
    This is my absolute favorite podcast of all time. One hour a day is not enough. I want Matt in the three hour category with Joe Rogan. Weekends are the worst. Two days of withdrawal and nothing I can do about it. No one, I repeat no one, does conservative political commentary like Matt Walsh.
  • Iphone sb
  • 1903A4 shooter
    Amazing podcaster
    I’m a huge Walsh fan I absolutely love Am I racist one of my favorite movies ever. I listen to him all day at work and he always makes me laugh out loud. He makes me want to go out on the streets and ask all sorts of questions. I highly recommend listening to him and going and seeing his movies.
  • thrifty j's
    Sick Days
    The funny thing is the day I heard you say you’re gay if you call in sick is the first day I’ve called in sick for a long time. I don’t really care if you think I’m gay. Haha. You’re hilarious man.
  • Austinmottz16
    Matt is indeed Sigma
    I love hearing Matt’s rizzy voice ghyatting all over that skibiddy mic while keeping up the same fantum tax tone and composure. Continue on, rizzler of the podcast world!!!
  • Jennifersnoozy
    Parakeets are people too!
  • ginawilson3
    I love this guy!
    Matt Walsh is a champion among men; he has a spine! I love that in a man. He tells the truth-sometimes gently, as if he is beseeching his audience to listen and do, to avoid destruction. Other times, he uses sarcasm, parody and comedy to get his point across. I have laughed so hard driving down the road. The movie, “Am I Racist?” was poignant and hilarious. I hope he gets filthy rich off the proceeds.
  • Bonzo531
    Good show
    My favorite thing that’s come from this show is all the defenders of Sonic the hedgehog. These are adults defending a cartoon, and it’s hilarious they care enough to make comments defending it lolz
  • Icemandg0718
    Funny and Intelligent
    Matt Walsh is my favorite DW commentator now because he has found his lane and perfected his performance within it. He is witty and funny and is the only person in DW that seems like the average man. Everyone else is unrelatable and comes off as just different versions of each other and Fox News. If he left the DW I wouldn’t even watch the backstage shows at all. The DW just seems to be getting worse and worse with handling its best talent. They had Gena Corrano and only did one movie with her, it was a pretty good one, yet they dropped the ball. Candace, they dropped her because the elite Jews that influence the company pressured them into it rather than just let her be her and practice what they preach in regards to freedom of press and speech. Now they dropped the ball with Brett Cooper and Snow White and the character she is playing in their Middle Ages show because they didn’t want to negotiate a new deal that worked for both parties. I am all in with Matt though, as long as they don’t screw it up with him I am still in with DW as well.
  • Deplorable76
    Sage wisdom & wit
    Has your humor always been so perfectly eloquent and dry? I imagine a 12 year old Walsh with todays deep voice schooling his teachers and I love it
  • B.rianS
    Vary rational
    I listen to Matt because he is VERY rational. Thanks,man!
  • Joshua the dog
    I love trump Mat loves trump So we are friends Also it’s a great podcast that I enjoy listening to
  • 8wodle
    Only one issue
    This is a great show for conservatives. However, Matt said something recently that I disagree with. Matt said that Keanu Reeves did a bad job voicing shadow the hedgehog in sonic 3. Yeah he is very monotone but that’s the whole point of shadow. He shows little to no emotion and somehow is one of the most popular characters in the sonic franchise. Keanu did an amazing job as shadow!!! Any there’s my rant. Overall, good podcast👍 just wish he had respect for shadow
  • Hopeful🦋
    Ep 1512
    Audio is a bit echoey. What's different?
  • Cold Blooded Lord (she/her)
    No research but a little funny
    I would like to see some actual research done. You often make claims but provide little to no evidence for it. In addition, lot of your episodes have misinformation that can be disproven with a quick google search (and that’s finding credible sources and research) Your presentation is good though, and the way it’s written makes it sound more credible than it actually is Also he’s really good at dissing others 😭 (Btw I put pronouns in my username cause there’s no feminine equivalent of “Lord” that sounds as cool)
  • Justus—
    If a podcast review has pronouns in the username, it’s likely not all that credible
  • Jdog ok
    Jesus is king
    Ya it’s that simple. Jesus is king!
  • RachelDeArment
    Episode 1507
    Matt, this may be your funniest yet! Your sarcasm and willingness to speak your mind is refreshing. I love how real this podcast is, how direct. Keep doing you! You’re awesome.
  • Joe, Master-reviewer
    Best Christmas movies
    Die hard is as good as its a wonderful life
  • Good_Vibes12321
    so awsome
  • LexiOPlex
    Best show of the daily wire
    Definitely my favorite podcast! I love how honest he is about his beliefs and doesn’t try to cater towards anyone’s feelings. Not to mention he has the best dry humour. Def my most listened to podcast
  • Himotheyjr
    The world needs balance
    Don’t like libs so just trying to balance out the 1 star reviews
  • Bloody Mary Guy
    passionate crusader and auditor for the truth
    I have been listening to Matt Walls for several years. He is goofy self deprecating, and generally has a good heart. He mixes humor with insight and facts and recollection of history to provide engaging and understanding content
  • Cat D in RI
    New Daily Wire addict
    You started my journey into my DW obsession, Matt! Your show is terrific and your documentaries are truly enlightening.
  • BrothaMan5thFlo
    Blatant Racism
    I understand not liking the destruction that occurred post George Floyd’s murder. But being pro Chauvin is disgusting. Dude murdered a man in cold blood over a misdemeanor.
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