The Laura Ingraham Show


The most-watched woman in the history of cable news takes her trademark no-holds barred political and cultural commentary to the world of podcasting with "The Laura Ingraham Show," a part of the Quake Media network. A bestselling author, a breast cancer survivor, and the mother of three internationally-adopted children, Laura was the most listened-to woman in talk radio before making the move to podcasting. Laura has been a trailblazer across multiple media platforms, and she brings a unique perspective to this twice-weekly show thanks in part to her experiences as a white-collar criminal defense litigator and a Supreme Court law clerk. Want to hear episodes before everyone else? Subscribe at to join the Quake community.


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Recent Reviews
    Straight Shooter
    I have followed Laura’s career for 25 years and always appreciate her insights. Her intelligent approach to analyzing current events is 2nd to none. I dropped FNC several years ago, and am so thankful to find this Podcast. Thanks Laura!
  • groovy squirrel
    Drivel for dullards…
    ….lard in scope and substance.
  • kitkate25
    Just nasty
  • Not Tom Selleck
    She is an unrepentant monster. Probably a lizard person due to her grotesque features and tiny reptile brain
  • fnfjrigg
    Lied for ratings. Shame on you.
  • 1a368hjk
    Beginning to feel sorry I spent money to subscribe
    Can I have my $30 back please?
  • nothappytodaythanks
    Enabling the fall of democracy
    Plenty of lies and grievance politics if that’s what you’re looking for.
  • Sam Prost
    Lying and profiting for decades
    Laura is a propagandist, plain and simple. It pays to peddle lies, and boy is she rich. I am so disgusted by those who make money off of our countries divisions, and no one exemplifies that more than Laura Ingharam , a disgraceful American liar .
    Too Many “Bests”
    I love Laura but it seems like every time I go to listen it’s another “best of”.
  • Sky hammer
    Clan mom hater
    Glad Iistened to this before deciding to get cable Fox tv. This is not “news” but far right political hate. No Fox for me.
  • roxxmarino
    So here n there I try very open mind to listening different opinions n Laura Ingraham has a very strong voice on the right side, liked or not is the true. She makes good conversation w trending topics, now I understand what means different type of opinions, that's why I am here, the problem is in some point a huge lie come up, the last episode I was actually engaging til she says when the Trump administration left the country has no resection n the jobs were in a high, OMG r u kidding me? The country was a mess, the Covid was in the highest numbers n so on. All my engagement when out of the toilet. Also, I don't like news w name calling.
  • tnw33467
    Love that she isnt afraid to speak her mind and expose the democrats for what they are!
    Great podcast and always on point! You know your doing something right when even your haters make it a point to listen to you and leave reviews. They claim not to support her views and deem her a “meany” but yet they still took time out of their day to search her by name and listened to her podcast AND left a review!
  • statedept1515
    She knows very little
    An ideological lightweight who is super mean to everyone
  • Kenobi610
    Great show
    The only people giving this podcast one star are the angry, leftist, liberal, crybabies that can’t think for themselves because they take garbage newscasts like cnn and msnbc as gospel.
  • 80'sVillager
    Female Alex Jones
    A shrill naive bitter bear.
  • Nortac253
    Spin zone
    She’s never seen “you” on Netflix
  • Loganfool
    A sick and a dangerous woman.
    Too bad psychology isn’t a required course in high school. Maybe more people would realize that those like Laura are not sane.
  • Reviewnamekr
    Love that Laura is podcasting again!
    Thanks to QuakeMedia for the opportunity to subscribe through Apple. Great shows as always
  • NoSoorts
    She is hateful and doesn't want to listen to any conservatives who don't agree with her.
  • Texasgrlvoter
    Not news
    If you want to waste your time listening to an angry, racists rant full of lies help yourself. No thank you. Don’t waste another neuron on this moron. It’s not news.
  • Huge Ern
    A bigot with bad politics
    As if Fox News giving this woman a microphone isn’t enough, she starts a podcast too! This woman does not have empathy for other humans and pushes conservative talking points because it’s literally her job. Do not support anything she does
  • clliff
    Smart says the truth
    Kind and sweet and pretty a great woman
  • Barrrrron
    Grievance on fire
    If you live white grievance and hate facts, this is the podcast for you.
  • Hi0264
    If you want to listen to the most dim-witted, illogical nonsense ever spoken on Earth, this show is for you. Nothing is sacred for this blowhard who has such an inflated sense of self importance that she thinks her opinion on our military leadership should be taken seriously, along with her uneducated windbag ideas about public health, the lived experiences of others and her judgment of character. This is yet one more idol worshiping fake Christian who cares for nothing and no one other than herself. Absolute trash. Listen to suffer a fool.
  • mariabrant
    My head hurts after listening to this woman!!!
    So much garbage
  • ptdun
    The worst
    She’s so ill informed, and dangerous to the US
  • bidddad
    I want more Laura Ingram! What’s the deal? Yes I am new to “podcast”! 😔
  • WillviciousMyrtleBeach
    She is so hot
    Laure, I would take you to pound town and back.
  • Freddie bag of donuts
  • 333710
    March 2 Harmeet Dhillon & Gordon Chang
    Harmeet & Gordon two who need more public exposure to increase awareness of both the internal and external threats to our freedom and country. Stay in it Laura: there are too few like you. Thanks
  • Jmonty33
    Standing up for conservative values causes harsh and unfair hate in today’s America. Thank you for what you do! 🙏
  • joeslummer
    Don't listen.
    Too racist.
  • TimeWizard333
    Queen of spouting nonsense
    I’d rather drink from a septic tank than listen to anything this nutter-butter has to say. I know schizophrenics who are more in touch with reality than she is.
  • Razlalo
    Big fan
    My DVR is always set to record I never miss her show . A huge fan of her. She says what it is and does not hide and speak the truth and no hypocrisy in her monologue. I love when she brings Raymond and display the Mickey mouse show of the leftist hypocrisy.
  • elissa katherine
    It’s theatre folks just like Alex Jones.
  • chiefs and royals
    Great podcast! Thank you! But February 10 FOX interview of Trump defense counsel was overbearing and disrespectful. Defense has more trial experience than you. The House team presented a sideshow of information inadmissible evidence in any reasonable court of law. It is appropriate to give respectful suggestions to defense counsel. But review your interview. You were not respectful. You owe the man an apology.
  • The usa lover
    Thank you.
    Thank you. You are one of the greatest. !
  • Mobartot
    Change of Fox News
    Fox is MSNBC; six of one, half dozen of the other! Martha, Chris Wallace, Dana, Neil Cavuto, etc are Dems in sheep’s clothing! Save Tucker, Sean, Laura, Jessie, Judge Janine, Greg, Mark Levin, Kit
  • eggo.queen
    It’s the ✨fascism✨ for me
  • Toni Sicola
    Laura Ingram is among the most culpable media personalities fomenting hate and division in this country. Her politics and commentary are both deceitful and corrosive to American politics and democracy as a whole. She should be ashamed of herself.
  • a gal with a brain cell
    It’s 2020, it’s time we stop listening to this dead beat, fascism loving, neo nazi sympathizer. Let the earth swallow them up.
    Laura is brilliant and it scares the Liberal Socialists!
  • Capecarpenter
    Big baby libs
    I stopped by to see if Laura had recorded any new podcasts. I guess she’s done. Anyway, the first four reviews I read were from toddlers who have nothing better to do than to review a podcaster that stopped podcasting. They undoubtedly believe Roswell Rachel Moscow Madcow but not Laura. You people are ridiculous. You truly are.
  • jhagley
    OMG you are so horrible I can’t even begin to explain! You support this traitor POTUS just to line your pockets! History will not be kind! You should be ashamed! I know your children will!
  • hayesm8
    Misinformation aplenty
    Ms. Ingraham fuels biased perception of US news and I’d steer clear of her podcast for sure, you find a lot better news elsewhere, and from a lot better fox anchors then her. Check out Hannity or anybody, just do yourself a favor and listen to somebody else :)
  • Boyimwhite
    Neo-Capitalist, White Aryan, Overtly Racist Mouth Piece
    We have the first amendment but at what cost? Laura Ingraham is a modern day slave owner wife. She’s a believe of anything but facts, science, and research. She paints the “Fake News” as a source for hate when, in reality, she’s Hitler’s Aryan wet dream. Laura Inagraham, Tucker Carlson, and the rest of the furious bunch at Fox News are barfing up the same disinformation and hate Edward Norton’s character in American History X did. And he played a Nazi in that movie. Laura, I mean this from the bottom of my heart — you’re a disgrace to women everywhere. Gorilla glue those two spaghetti noodle lips of yours shut.
  • Meeshinthecity
    Snooze fest
    Yawn. Don’t waste your time.
  • TKInLG
    Is she a dude?
    Look closely. Yikes.
  • conseler
    Excellent Guests with Timely Topics
    Especially enjoy the variety of guest interviews. Laura is a good interviewer and keeps the podcast lively and interesting.
  • mi cpr
    Laura! You must air the FLINT MI Protest Video... The Sheriff Shows America How It Should Be Done!! & These Residents Have Poison Water!!!
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