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PeteD,NY$5 million? Pocket changeBill, Catholic Charities has gotten exponentially more than this, for years. My best source? Michael Hitchborn at the Lepanto Institute. Give him a call. He’s been investigating this for years. God Bless.
Insearchof#Is Trump the real power in America?Bill, I disagree that Trump is the “power.” Here’s why: Trump gives voice to the wishes of the majority of Americans. And finally, Americans have stepped out of the shadows and made their feelings evident. The PEOPLE are the real power; Trump is only the vehicle of our voice. Without that Trump would just be another struggling politician. This distinction is critical to understanding how our country is intended to, and finally is, function.
dgforchristNot so fair and balancedIt’s weird at one time you used to be fair and balance but not so much anymore. I don’t know what’s going on with you O’Reilly. It’s kind of sad to see.
louie9thMany thanks BillI love your shows Bill. I believe and trust the information provided and appreciate the absence of conspiracy theories and your dedication to the truth and due process! Thank you and your staff for helping to keep America great for future generations. It’s a shame the negative nay sayers don’t see it this way. You certainly deserve the wonderful trips you take. Regards!
cuznjamesThrowing Trump under the busTo have not covered the Biden pardon is inexcusable. O’Reilly has clearly lost his incentive to compete with much more formidable and motivated competitors. Goodbye Bill!
Glen7901No Spin != No BiasThis show is really part of conservative media, but that’s what I expected from someone who used to work for FOX. Bill offers a bit more presentation of salient facts than some others and has good researchers working for him too. His insights are good and the show is brief enough to be a daily listen. This past election was a victory for right-wing media as they received confirmation that many people trust their presentation of facts more than the left.
SKreger1968SMBBill claims to be all facts but on today’s podcast he said Harris lost by 10 million votes. Looking at the current vote totals it looks to be closer to a loss of 3.3 million votes. Huge over statement by Bill. I’m an independent and have voted for both republicans and democrats. I listen to be able to understand all sides. Seems to me he is no better than most. Misleading his listeners.
Red Tube BarWe’ll doIt live !!!!!!!!
CA MisfitAppreciate Bill’s Reports!I love listening to Bill. I learn so much from Bill. His honest reporting, based on facts, is really wonderfully eye-opening.
Drew P BahwlzBillBest journalist ever, and thank you.
Misirlou_1994Bill has lost his fastballBill mainly complains about his jet lag experiences which involve travels to places that most people listening to his show likely can’t even afford. Sympathy vote?! He also iteratively drops subtle shameless plugs for his books when not being a hornyacker for his own podcast. He was a lot more authentic and original before Fox showed him the door in 2017. Ok Bill, we get it: you are no longer donating to Marist College and hate Jet Blue.
AvmeadowTruthThe negative nellys complain about everything. Bill O’Reilly is right on the mark. He is a truth teller! Fox News has not been the same since he was canceled. I believe in Bill,
wailboyMaybe you wrongI thought you said Lester Holt was a good guy .
Bear"sMomSo done with you.You my friend don’t do your investigating before you spout off, take care of your dog, could be eaten, talk to the AG in Ohio.
Cbgb01Too many repeatsRepeating old shows an passing them of as new. Very annoying.
mrdadelusI gave it one star because I can’t give it zeroHis latest (Aug 18) Delacy with costs and blame (it’s always blame, but that’s not new). During which he continued to fail at understanding costs but remain a Fullbright expert on assigning blame. Everyone but you, as long as you aren’t a Democrat. He’s been a shill for as long as the far right was making money from him and now he’s a back bench shill while they squeeze out the last few drops of outrage from a guy who would’ve better served the nation sitting on a porch after his shift as asst manager of a mattress store for the last 40 years.
mrs mc gonagall's sisterBilly boyIs old and lame. Boring. Be gone
CyberCW3Bonging was rightEither dementia or laziness, he barely phones it in anymore. Spews “facts” without any actual research. Today’s example: No, the President cannot order the National Guard to do anything in the State. He can approve a God’s request.
mikeevansdbcToo many commercials BillIt’s not the same as the good old days
LisaDeeCLoveWould love to see this guy back on TV. Only news I listen to. Dont trust any other Podcast or TV. Sad day I have to say that.
Tbeach07Don’t listenIf you don’t like it don’t listen. A lot of people do like to listen
Bill koeppeObjective and SolidYou can always count on Bill for honest, ahead of EVERYONE, and a sharp biting wit. He is beholden to no one but his viewers. Outstanding. Just outstanding. Bravo zulu.
DorfkentFine PeoplePresident Biden is lying again on Lester Holts about Fine People Hoax. Yesterday, he said was going to be uniter. But bring this lie back up isn’t being a uniter.
Gal110Bill takes the radical dems to the wood shed post Trump shooting at Pennsylvania Rally.He didn’t waste any time! Called the radical usual suspects out immediately. Now that’s how it’s done folks. Thank you Bill!
NickPappaKind of an hangry toneHe acts like everything he says is profound
Chs237**MFf rrr
Just_>_MeDONE with Bill!After certain recent events and things he has said and done, I’m not supporting his insidious, controlled-opposition, hypocrite self anymore. Bye Billy-boy…
pandemicfoolYou mail it in! 15 min cast and some guy is doing it!Not much news in short podcast and I’d say since Bongino pulled his teeth in Thursday June 20th, this Tiger will fall faster than a meteor out of the ratings. Bad move Bill, you should know better than attack that rising star with the 4th best radio show in America. Think a bit before you open your opinionated mouth.
DoTheMath45Embedded ads. Lies against ConservativesBill O”Reilly has longer embedded ads than most podcasters and video producers. He lies maliciously about many Conservatives. Not a trusted name in news.
Balladman1Not ConservativeOReilly is a doosh loser and lied and slandered Dan Bongino
Wonder_WomenNo spin?Bills opinions from certain time. Time is passing faster with the web, Also bill doesn’t spin the news. But he does only see one side!? Bill says he is a independent but almost 97% of the time he is on the far right of the topic? But I will pick to listen to bill over most because he is less of a angry rant kind of show.
FunnyweatherornotCan you pleaseYour team shoots down my other pod cast as well as yours. There is no broadcast option on my I phone. You are driving me nuts. I deleted you from the general the delete podcast. With an Apple representative. Howrver. You are still here. Because there is no remove down load. . I would like to subscribe. But maybe from my computer at home. There is tremendous Interference. Please set up a remove podcast. So you company css as n stop stooping down my other podcasts. You are not the only one Ilidtrn to. I hope I made my self clear. 929 355 9598 I want you completely gone. From my phone. And I need your help. So help. Remove podcast all the other ones have this feature
Cathie zCost of LivingCathie Z from Nebraska here. Bill, I’m concerned that I give you five stars every day yet your count never goes up. What’s up with that? Anyhow, I don’t always agree with you, but you are brutally honest with your reviews and I appreciate that very much. Keep up the good work. You are a blessing!
Frank AcavanoHot airA lot of hot air from a big bag of wind
houston weaponxAlways informativeLove the way Bill give the news with no spin. Always direct, always thorough, always interesting and always informative. Thanks Bill for your years of exemplary work!!
Thebeach77America speaks EnglishBill, I love your show. The facts and just the facts approach is so refreshing. I’ve been listening to your podcast for a few years now. It’s my morning go to. My only issue is Apple Podcasts are now putting Spanish ads. Last time I checked English was the language of America. If we don’t push back we are going to lose that too. I find it offensive.
rancid brewCluelessRINO, RINO, RINO!!! Don’t you stand for anything bill? No one smarter than the simpleton I mean simple man right billy
Jasny3068No Morality WhatsoeverThe dude is a total charlatan. Morals? Nah, just playing one side against the other. He plays the same game the Left does but in reverse. He too bows down to the Dark Media Overlords in lieu of the Truth.
valeriahaxStop Pandering to the LEFTO’Reilly, stop pandering to the LEFT… stop insinuating that whatever LIBERALS do, conservatives also do. It’s not true…. you are catering to your NY LIBERAL friends…. Just STOP!!!!
CrimepodnaRefreshingBill tells the truth about what is happening in our country. He’s an independent so you don’t get a slant like with Fox and MSNBC. I assume the low ratings are due to people believing he leans to the right, but that’s not the case.
ccsggygdtBill O’Reilly-Sir. Your podcast 2/16/24.Who was that guest you had on 2/16/24; No spin zone podcast? Unfortunately don’t ever recognize him anymore - he has just become a mouthpiece for the democrat right, what a shame. He was at one time a rebellious rebel rouser-now-a mush mouth for all things democratic & socialist. 🙈😅🙈 Thomas E Denver, Colorado 👍
JustMaria&Bella2Tells it like it isI love listening to Bill O’Reilly get the truth the first time. He encourages thinking for yourself doing the research. He’s very helpful. You won’t find this information and news anywhere else.
PupiloloWhat a waste a time the interview with Geraldo !!!Geraldo really not doing his homework before his opening his mouth, maybe he forgot to look down to small people who struggle day by day now with this inflation cause by Biden !!! What a waste a time .
Loves🇺🇸Geraldo..He’s probably the worst guest. TDS on full display and his opinions are completely worthless to citizens who love this country..
ArtttomStraight to the bottom lineBill has always been abrasive at times but he gives you his honest opinion and he’s straight to the truth as he sees it and I believe he tries to be as honest as possible something very lagging in a lot of media coverage nowadays.
wheejoGuestJosh. 👎
Pgh ProudBENEATH YOU BILL-SOUR GRAPESMad at DeSantis about your book being removed from the school library so you refer to him as being totalitarian and you have a guest on to say the same. It would have been more respectful to wait until you received a response from the Gov. You are so much better than this. Nancy Dinger Mechanicsburg
BmanweExcellent insightThank you for bringing your experience and intelligence to your audience
MosquitoSwarmFreeze-dried & reconstituted excrementYour seditious hypocrisy knows no limits. JFC.
1963miketnLove the show!Great opportunity to find out facts about current events everyday. Most of the information presented by Bill O’Reilly isn’t presented on the hour by hour shows. Amazing range and depth of topics. I appreciate that I can listen early in the morning or anytime during the day. Great job Mr. O’Reilly!
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