Real Estate Rookie

Business #46Investing #11

Ready to build your real estate empire… but not sure where to begin?Think of us as your personal trainer.From detailed breakdowns of real-world deals… to one-on-one coaching sessions and a warm, welcoming community… hosts Ashley Kehr and Tony J Robinson bring on a wide range of guests to tackle the “newbie” questions you've wondered about but might be afraid to ask.Looking to 10X your real estate investing business this year? This show isn’t for you.Looking for your first, second, or third deal -- or envisioning a more modest portfolio? Step right up. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we’ll arm you with the tips, tools, and roadmaps you'll need as you embark on your journey toward financial freedom.

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Recent Reviews
  • AJ 1800
    Anesthsia resident CRNA
    Love listening to this podcast. Listened each time driving to and from my hospital rotation!!!
  • Garedew E
    Great podcast
    Love how Tony and Ash follow up with questions targeted for rookies, keep doing what you doing …great job
  • NoobREI
    Listen to this everyday
    Love the show! Please keep making content. I need daily motivation from you guys. You are what keeps me going and dreaming.
  • Aldo723
    Way too much advertising and hosts pushing their services
    Just put on the podcast from 1/1/2025 and it starts with 2 minutes worth of advertising. Tony has his wife on a bunch of episodes to sell their short term rental course
  • LDmoneyMoves
    Mindy Jensen ❌
    I hate when they bring Mindy Jensen on the show. Bigger pockets needs to stop trying to shove Mindy down our throats on their various shows. She’s very annoying to listen to. I choose not to listen to the regular Bigger Pockets because I don’t want to listen to her, so it’s irritating when they force her on Bigger Pockets real estate shows where I thought I was safe. It’s weird that they push out really good podcast hosts yet keep someone who gets many complaints about her sucking at podcasting consistently.
  • Bry4nt8474
    Love this pod cast
    I started out watching/listening to your YouTube channel while I worked as a home hospice nurse. I’d drive between patients just listening and pondering my next move. Unfortunately, my wife did not share my vision of passive income through real estate. However, when the opportunity came for her to leave her W2 and for me to work 100% remotely from home I pounced on it. Using the knowledge I gained from your pod cast and You tube channel we kept our home and rented it out for Mid-terms through Airbnb. I chose this strategy to get my wife comfortable with the idea of renting out our property. During that time we rented a small apartment in another state, and the money from the rentals covered the mortgage, expenses of running an Airbnb, and most of our rent. We have now purchased our second home, and have pivoted from mid term rentals to long term rentals for the comfort of steady income (and reduced stress from potential long vacancies). The info I gathered from listening to your show was critical to enhancing our learning and understanding as we pivoted strategies, avoided pitfalls, and now seek our third home (which will likely be another SFH used for midterm rentals). Please keep the info flowing so I keep growing!
  • REWealthCreator
    Not for Rookies
    Tony and Ashley, bringing someone to push syndications is NOT what you should promote on your podcast. Syndications are NOT for rookies. Don't upsell BP's products by exploiting your audience. Edited my review as it used to be better
  • AmyAndT
    Favorite real estate podcast
    —-editing my original review to add to it —- This podcast has become disappointing that there’s basically no rookies interviewed anymore. With show titles including how people made millions and whatnot, it’s unrealistic for most of us to relate to. Now it’s like the original podcast that just went off the deep end. Original: I listened to the original BP podcast for a few years and love it. I knew I could do real estate but felt like I didn’t know where to start. When I found the Rookie podcast I was so excited. It felt like y’all were more on my level and I’ve enjoyed hearing the stories of rookies getting started. I look forward to every new episode and I hope one day I can be a guest on your show!
  • SonjainCDA
    Time Well Spent
    I needed a place to start getting educated when I decided I wanted to get into real estate investing and I’m so glad I found this show. I have yet to buy my first property, but in the year I’ve been listening I’ve started working on the steps I’ll need to be “bankable.” I’ve nearly paid off all my debt, have squirreled away about $20k and have identified the market I would like to start in. Using their tools I’ve started running numbers to identify deals and am hoping to pull the trigger on my first multi-family in the next 12 months. These two are the real deal and cover SO many important topics. I made the conscious decision last year to start spending my “down time” listening to something educational (instead of true crime) and am so happy I found this show. Tony and Ashley are well versed in real estate while also being super relatable. I can’t wait to start my investing journey!
  • KHoover85
    One of the best podcast for beginners!
    Been listening to the BP rookie show since day one. Ashley and Tony are great at exploring the story of each guest. It’s one of the best podcast for beginners in REI.
  • Rizozi
    Inspirational but
    Tony has been inspirational, but I’d like his real estate advice better.
  • cklipping
    Way too many commercials
    Too much
  • Yatta625
    Simple but effective
    This podcast should be required listening for all new investors. I have learned so much from the hosts, their guests and the viewer questions that are submitted. They keep the content super simple which makes it helpful for new or newish investors trying to learn the basics and just get started. Thank you for all you do!
  • kxholle1
    As a new investor I always feel a sense of security when I listen to you both. You both seem very non threatening and your dialogue is very easy to follow and I don't think I would be intimidated if I met you both in person which is on my bucket list. Keep moving forward
  • King Kong 1953
    Great information
    Absolutely love the succinct content and breaking things down so that no one assumes you know everything. They really do a phenomenal job with sequential information that is very pertinent to the topics on hand!
  • JimHohl
    Great content, hosts and guests - but show notes lacking
    As a total newbie to real estate investing, I am a huge fan of this podcast. I’ve listened to probably 40-50 episodes and have learned a ton. The hosts are great, the guests are very relatable and both hosts and guests provide a huge source of inspiration to beginners. My only complaint (and why I out 4 instead of 5 stars) is that the hosts are always mentioning past episodes or saying something will be in the show notes - and it never is! I use this show as a learning tool and often listen on the go. Having the past episodes that are referenced and the guests contact links in the show notes is a must. Start doing that and it’d be a solid 5-stars.
    I love this podcast!!
    I’m just beginning to look into investing in real estate. I’m an over the road truck driver that has been trucking for 32years. My wife and I would like to start investing so that eventually I can come off the road. Listening to this podcast has taught me so much. Since I drive a lot I can listen to each episode more than once to refresh my memory. We’re looking forward to our first deal. We’ve been casually looking around so far but, we’re going to get serious about it this year. Thanks for the info! It’s been a huge help.
  • Byzantine Eagle 1453
    I’m in the game!
    Before listening to this show, I thought you needed to have lots of money to be a real estate investor. More than money, this show taught me that perseverance and intellect are important when analyzing deals. After 18 offers over 13 months, I am happy to say that I am finally a homeowner. Instead of just a condo, townhome, or single family home, I bought a multifamily and am well on my way to BRRRing it. I gut renovated the unit that I live in with my dad and some handy friends and raised the below market rents in the other units. I am tackling the yard this spring. I hope to be ready this Fall at the 12-month mark to do a cash out refi and explore what’s next. I’m a young guy who works for a non profit, and this show has been instrumental in helping me shift my mindset when it comes to real estate investing. Thank you!
  • Bill-mc
    I’ve been listening for about 2 years now. At first I thought it was all sunshine’s and rainbows. I kept listening and slowly implementing things talked about into my life. Tracking spending and paying off debt. 2023 I paid off 20k in credit card debt. Today I am debt free with almost that much money in the bank. This is the year I find a house hack. Keep putting out exceptional and motivating content. Smalls steps lead to big successes.
  • Rock Solid Painting
    Great but…..
    Great information, stories, pointers, questions, and vantage points. Great guests and conversation. Can’t alway relate or have the same vision but a definite winner. This has helped us in our journey that was started in 2020. The ONE thing that irritates me is the put down of contractors. We run our own business and businesses need to make a profit for future growth and compensation. We answer the phone, care, are responsive, and are respectable. It’s a symbiotic relationship.
  • Brouer09
    Love this podcast!
  • DWR242
    Stellar Podcast
    I was first introduced to this podcast by ways of the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast. I mistakenly thought that since I had been investing for a short time and listening to the other show that maybe the “Rookie” podcast would not be for me. However, once I started listening I could not stop. Ashley and Tony are awesome to listen to and even the information I feel I already “know” provides positive reinforcement and helps solidify various concepts in my brain. I am an active duty soldier in the US Army (Special Forces); this show has helped me learn important investing concepts in the real estate world regardless of my busy schedule. Thanks to this podcast and others at BiggerPockets, in 3 years time, I am now at 5 LTRs and 1 STR across two states. I have big plans for 2024 and beyond; I know this podcast will continue to guide my success. Thank you!!
  • mrobinson999
    0 - 10 Doors in Less than 12 months
    My wife and I started in real estate last December and today have 1 STR, 4 MTR, 4 LTR, and 1 SFH (not sure what we're doing with it yet). You two were a huge part of helping us to be successful... the STR is killing it and the MTRs have been mostly full since they went into service. The 4-plex LTR was definitely a challenge. Bad contractor and RE agent... it stunk at the time but it's near back on track and will be a nice positive. Tony and Ashley... You two were also a huge part of this year. thank you for all your support and kind sharing of knowledge. Also, thank you to the many many guests who shared their story. I’ve learned so much and been so inspired by everyone.
  • Jephte from NJ
    Episode 355 was inspirational
    I thoroughly enjoyed episode 355. I’m from the Philadelphia area and since I started my investing journey, I have been weary of investing there because I have been worried about appreciation. But when someone takes a compassionate approach to investing as your guest did, success is inevitable, and it comes with a sense of contributing to the betterment of the city.
  • cckidcat
    Trailer trash to trailer cash
    I’ve been following bp since it started in the Josh/Brandon days, for the beginners out there tune into the rookie podcast to change your life
  • Duhnuvunys
    Great for Pros too
    At 6 units I don’t know if I’m still considered a rookie but I can’t help but tune. I love that they have the time to break things down to the basics as well as new ideas to find and secure deals.
  • Nick@REI216
    I listen to the show every chance I can get! Can’t wait for the new episodes to air weekly. I always find value some way shape or form! Im fairly new to the RE investment world. I love when you guys talk about partnerships. I am in a partnership with my brother and one other guy. You guys always seem to have something I need to hear on a regular basis! OH and can’t forget to mention the book you guys wrote on PARTNERSHIPS, love it! Keep on giving back, I can’t wait to be on your show one day! It’s my goal to be featured on my most favorite podcast and also the podcast that has shaped my investing career. I always wanna “feel” like a rookie and never become stagnate. We finished out the year with 7 doors and 4 flips. 5 stars is an understatement !!
  • AllyAlvy
    Great Show
    You guys are great! My favorite thing about this show are the questions the hosts are asking ask because most the time it’s the ones I am thinking in my head! Keep up the great work! Highly recommend!
  • MaysStays
    My go 2
    It is one of the first REI podcasts I came across a little over a year ago and after countless others this is the one I can’t wait for new episodes to drop! Tony and Ashley are great and make sure all content and terms are explained for us beginners. A little over a year later I have 1 sfh that I traded for. 1 duplex & 1 triplex with seller financing and 1 STR that took every penny I had lol. It is changing my life thanks to you guys Jake May from MN
  • Casey Intero
    I love Wed and Sat!
    I've heard that you're out of review to feature, here's one for you 😆. I can't express enough how much I adore this podcast. As a seasoned real estate agent and investor, I find myself learning something new every single week. My husband and I eagerly dive into discussions about each episode. The authenticity and down-to-earth nature of your guests truly resonate with me. Thank you. Please mention more about your mentoring program, I would love to be a part of it!
  • kdemsky79
    Entertaining, accessible, motivating
    I love this because it gives me the inspiration to pursue my REI dreams. Good spread of expert guests and rookies telling their stories.
  • HammondsFam
    A Fountain of Info Every Week!
    I have deep dived into real estate investing the past 3 years. I’ve been listening for years and this podcast always has great info that I can leverage in my life in real estate journey.
  • Jet91Jackson
    My Favorite REI Podcast Right Now
    I’ve been listening to the Original BP Podcast for years and I also love the On The Market Podcast, but I find myself gravitating towards the Rookie Podcast more and more everyday. They cover all the details and strategies a rookie investor would need to know and I love hearing the challenges people have ran into and overcome on their journey’s. Not to mention Ashley and Tony compliment each other very well. Keep it up guys, you’re helping more people than you know!
  • DatingShame
    Like, sorta, you know, kinda sloppy
    Admittedly I have a pet peeve over people who use the above filler words excessively and I recognize there is a time and place where each serves a useful purpose but I find it impossible to focus on their content when every single sentence is chocked full of these mitigating words. It’s strikes me as lazy language: instead of considering what they are trying to convey, the hosts (and many of their guests) like, kinda, sorta, you know their way through the interviews. And that, like, you know, sorta, you know, rubs me, like, the wrong kinda way. Language has meaning and when 15+% of the language used by these podcasters serves no purpose other than to pause the topic at hand, it perturbs the focus one would otherwise have.
  • Think It Plan It Do It
    Review as Written by Myself in 5 years
    Review as written by myself in the year 2028 This podcast completely changed the trajectory of my life, my family’s life, and my friends’ lives. Five years ago, I felt stuck in an uninspiring, corporate job, but Tony, Ashley, and the podcast’s guests brought me the knowledge, confidence, and motivation to take daily action towards my goal of obtaining financial freedom through real estate investing. The podcast’s weekly inspiration, along with my daily actions led me to where I am today, which is financially free with 15 doors. Without this podcast, I wouldn’t have known about or had the confidence to execute the multitude of strategies that I used to build my real estate portfolio. This show truly taught me everything, including, but not limited to, deal sourcing, structuring, financing, acquisition, management, and the numerous strategies associated with each. I have now been able to spread my knowledge and love for real estate investing to family and friends, who are now on their own paths to financial freedom. Who would’ve thought that a podcast, daily action, and Tony reading this review during the introduction of a podcast episode, and therefore making me accountable to the thousands of listeners, would have led me to where I am today? Thank you Tony and Ashley! - Frank
  • chooch'in
    Real answers to real questions
    I get so much knowledge from this podcast- Ashley and Tony are by far the very best at B.P. to help educate rookies on what to do. You actually explain things in a way we can understand. I had zero knowledge prior to my recent year of research and then found this show just when I was feeling like the info I seek would require payment for some overpriced “boot camp.” I’ve listened for awhile now and after the last episode I heard(Ashley explains “points”) I knew it was time to leave my review. Researching “points” was on my agenda this weekend and I feel like she provided enough information to begin the full understating how they work and how to use them to my benefit. You guys are truly just great, your willingness to give answers others would charge for is the real golden ticket I’ve been searching for. I’d like to ask though- are either of you taking on any remote interns or willing to offer some mentorship? I’d even fly out to you and buy you dinner just to get your advice and guidance for a few hours. Thanks for all you do and offer-💚 Becky
  • Angelbaby650
    Thanks for the indispensable adventure, Real Estate Rookies!
    I've been an avid listener of BiggerPockets for the past two years, and I can proudly say that their invaluable insights and support have led me to a significant milestone. Closing on my first out-of-state rental, located 2,997 miles away from my West Coast residence, was both nerve-wracking and exhilarating. The guidance I found within the Real Estate Rookie and BiggerPockets community, Thank you Toni and Ashley who have played an instrumental role in my successful investment journey. BiggerPockets podcasts, including BiggerPockets Money and BiggerPockets Real Estate, delivered exceptional information that jump-started my investment endeavors. Through their episodes, I have absorbed the do’s, the don’t s, the practical tips, and learned from seasoned investors, and gained a solid foundation to navigate the real estate landscape and truly feel ready for any obstacle along the way (which a lot have been to thrown at me this last 45 days of closing). What truly sets BiggerPockets apart is its power to forge connections. I've connected with fellow investors, forming friendships with individuals I met virtually through platforms like Facebook and Instagram. I can’t even imagine the relationships I’ll build when I go to BP Con or real estate meet ups in the future. The connections proved invaluable as I faced challenges along the way during the closing process. Each hurdle became an opportunity for learning, and I am grateful for the support and wisdom shared by the community. While the road to closing was marked with its share of bumps, I've emerged more knowledgeable and confident than ever. With the closing behind me, I am eagerly looking forward to the next steps in my investment journey. Thanks BiggerPockets! You have truly been an indispensable companion on this adventure, and I can't wait to see where the future takes me.
  • Lehlend Spinks
    If you can get past the first 10 min…
    They start the show by hemorrhaging words for the first 1/3 (10min), AND THEN they use the remaining 2/3 (20min) to relay some really good info. I promise you, if you’re interested, it’s worth just skipping ahead to the content of the show. Lots of valuable info and helps make you feel like you’re part of a team of newbies, not just you out there, all alone.
  • DelaRogue
    Exposure to Realistic Real Estate
    This show is great for people like me who work a full time job but want to learn more about investing. REI seemed overwhelming at first but listening to Ashley and Tony weekly helped me get more comfortable with all the terms being thrown around and investing in general. I am on the Bigger Pockets forums now and learning as much as i can before i execute my first deal. Thanks for all the tips guys!
  • Jrschmidt2012
    The best information out there!!!
    Thank you for providing so much useful information. I haven’t made the first purchase yet but I’m in the middle of moving to a new market. I don’t think I would be as confident as I am without this podcast. Keep it coming guys!!!
  • TonyDeRosa
    Thank you Ashley and Tony!
    As a new real estate investor as of 2022, this podcast has helped shift my thinking on the tangible steps to take (e.g. deal analysis) and key considerations (financing, insurance, partnerships, tools, etc) to get more deals done the right way. My wife and I used to have more of a mindset of spending our earnings to enjoy the fruits of our labor, but we’re now taking actions we would have never considered like house hacking the lower level of our primary residence for greater long-term security. This podcast has guests with diverse expertise and features lots of advice based on real user questions. Thanks Tony and Ashley!
  • Scottydude2314
    Constantly coming back for more knowledge
    Everything I run into a situation I come back here look for the episode that relates to the situation listed take notes and execute. Thanks so much for y’all’s help. Closing on first 12 plex this month!!!
  • GinaLu
    Wealth of RE information!
    What a great podcast full of excellent REI nuggets! Thank you for sharing your journeys, finding inspiring guests, and providing a wealth of information for new real estate investors. When I was looking to get started in REI, I came across Bigger Pockets and the Real Estate Rookie podcast. Listening to this podcast gave me the confidence to break out of analysis paralysis and jump into REI at the age of 41. I found a partner who brings the majority of the capital, and I bring the sweat equity, managing rehabs and rentals. We purchased our first property, a BRRRR SFH, in Feb 2023. We closed on prop #2, an out-of-state STR, in April 2023. I just placed our first tenant in door #3, a MTR, in July 2023. All of this was going on while we both maintained full-time w-2 jobs, and I juggled the responsibilities of being a wife and mom to 4 kids. This year has been a whirlwind of experiences and successes. To Tony and Ashley, I want to say a huge ‘Thank You!’ for all you do to share your knowledge and experiences with new real estate investors.
  • Mgraziano11
    Incredible Info!
    I have been wanting to get into real estate but unsure how to get started. I was introduced to this podcast and community and I am so glad I was! I feel like you guys break down the confusing world of real estate investing and make it possible for people like me. Thank you for all the support and sharing of knowledge you two provide! I look forward to the release of each episode!!
  • Mmk2255
    I am now an investor!
    So many thanks to Ashley and Tony. I love the entertainment, knowledge and motivation from the hosts and their guests. I started listening four months ago and just closed on my first property. I met Ashley at a conference recently and she’s even more genuine in person. My next goal is to meet tony! Keep up the boring banter and thanks for everything!
  • i am daryl
    Very entertaining and informative.
    Ashley and Tony are great. I love how they will stop and explain something that they think the listeners wouldn’t understand as a rookie investor. Their are so many terms and a lot to understand as someone who is new to investing into real estate. They do a great job slowing things down to explain terms and how a deal works or what the guests was saying in ABC terminology so that you can understand it. Also the story’s ,vibe and laughter , keep every episode flowing and enjoyable.
  • Johnnnnnny B
    Amazing Podcast
    Amazing podcast & very educational. Thank you!
  • Jenbean16
    Truly, the best podcast for rookie real estate investors
    Ashley and Tony, I love you guys! I’ve listen to over 100 bigger pockets podcasts, and recently listened to one with the two of you on it. I really loved the information you both provided, so I immediately followed your podcast and wow, the wealth of knowledge that has come from the two of you in just a few short days is unbelievable! Listen you guys, if you are truly new or relatively new to the real estate investor Market, this is THE podcast to dive into headfirst. Between BP and Real Estate Rookie podcasts, I feel like I have my degree in real estate investing for beginners ha! keep up the good work!
  • StuCat11
    Probably useful if the self serving humble bragging could be edited out
    Let me start by saying I have a personal policy of listening to at least three episodes of any show that I am trying out before making a judgement. On this show, however, I turned off all three episodes within the first 5 minutes. I must say that when your show includes the term rookie, you’re obviously targeting people new to the arena. How would it not seem alienating to rookies to be humble bragging about attempting to rub shoulders with people to mooch free rides on their private jets? Thanks. But if you are the type of people I am going to have to network with to make money in real estate I’d rather find something else. Nothing about this show was appealing. Begging for 5 star likes and reviews then requesting us to keep the negative reviews to ourselves is embarrassing. Put out quality content and you wont have to manipulate people into getting what you want, but as your private jet story shows, it’s just who you are. Good riddance
  • Coach Mick.
    As Advertised!
    This podcast is exactly what it sounds like - a resource for rookies! So refreshing to have an honest place to learn & grow. It’s a perfect balance between advice, examples, inspiration and fun. After listening for a few months I had the courage to buy my first property. Wouldn’t have taken the leap without listening to relatable rookies on the podcast. Thank you bigger pockets, Tony, Ashley and all the guests who are willing to share their story. I never thought I could get into real estate being a teacher in Colorado but this podcast showed me that there is always a way!! Appreciate you guys.
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