Live Awake


The Live Awake podcast helps bring you back to your grounded center through reflection and guided meditation. This podcast lends a new outlook to some of life's hard landscape. Perspective is everything, and by choosing to live awake to all that blooms in front of us we begin to live a more empowered life where joy becomes our natural state of being rather than something we occasionally stumble upon. Through living awake we become conscious participants in our life’s unfolding.At the end of each episode you will be guided through a short meditation on the topic at hand to help loosen the spots we can feel victim to. By doing this we come to understand we can choose not our usual, painful unconscious habits but instead to live from a place of grounded awareness, free from suffering. Live awake is for all those devoted to their hearts, devoted to the soul behind their ribs that came here to grow and expand, to all those devoted to learning, respecting and honoring the ways they are being called to do so. It is a place where one can come to close their eyes and rest a while on their breath, and see all they trouble and toil alongside is truly a gold lined cloud, holding a message of great hope and learning cradled within it.

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Recent Reviews
  • Imperando
    Live Awake Got Me Through!!
    I listened to this podcast back in 2018 onward I believe, and it pushed me through postpartum depression and that sinking low that no-one understood. For whatever reason it just popped in my head and I came to write this! Even if this podcast is no longer producing, the old episodes are timeless and DIVINE.
  • Hilarie Houghton
    I listen on repeat!
    I listen to Sarah’s work on repeat. Such a gift. Thank you for everything you’ve shared with the world, Sarah.
  • Dj DBC09890
    Beautiful, insightful and speaks to my heart.
    Sarah has a way with words. She just has a deep understanding of the human spirit. I listen to these over and over. They are perfect.
  • Sebness
    So Helpful!
    I’ve listened to these many times. They have helped me through very difficult times in my life. Huge part of my healing process! They also are quick ways to help me redirect my thinking and mood boost. I’m a psychotherapist and recommend them to many of my clients too!
  • noogats
    The best part of my day!
    A friend introduced me to Sarah’s work years ago. From that first listen I was mesmerized and in absolute ahh. I wish I could speak as exquisite as she does to describe how much her meditations mean to me. They bring me to a level deep within myself I never want to leave. She brings me peace, and back to a remembrance of who I am. She touches the deep core of my mind and spirit. Her meditations help me to move through the hards that life throws sometimes. She knows exactly what to say to bring me back to center! Her tone is perfect, soothing, and safe. No one in the world of mindfulness compares! Thank you Sarah for being so talented and in touch with the core of one’s soul. You’re truly gifted. My friend and I speak of you as if you are one of our oldest and dearest friends.
  • *A#Bee
    Touches me deeply
    I love her whole presentation. The music, the perfect voice and such healing words. Beautiful. Thank you.
  • Abbie Maegan
    I love your podcast so much! Will you be posting more soon?
  • NewJetstream
    Love, Grace and peace
    Thank. You Sarah for your meditations which are a healing balm to our souls, mind and essence.
  • Shannie Hope
    Part of my day to day life
    I’ve been listening to these meditations and prayers since the beginning of covid and they continue to give to me in every season I am called to. In all the grief and the blows of life to the successes and overcoming of hurdles and challenges. This “podcast” remains a constant in my life and I am forever grateful to Sarah for the profound impact her creation continues to have on my life. No saying if I will ever get enough of the spirit that lies within her messages. Grateful to have something I know I can always return to, regardless of the season life has called me to.
  • 1tshay
    I keep coming back
    These beautiful pieces are so profound and helpful. I am so so grateful.
  • Llama 19?
    I name is Bharti
    Hello, my name is Bharti. I am a 17 year old high school girl in the world the borders of California in the specific county called Marin. Every since I was little, I had struggled with truly finding who I truly was. Hopefully these podcasts will help us try and find out who we truly are. You guys got this and they love you whoever it is if they’re dead or alive they miss out you and they want to give you the support reach out to them and tell them your absolute truth and don’t hide the secrets that are held within you
  • Wisteria826
    I am a 56 years old Black woman who is experiencing the most challenging season of my life. In the midst of this journey I am grateful, so very grateful for the healing received through this podcast. Thank you Sarah Blondin.
  • juniperhall
    A balm for the anxious
    Sarah’s words have been the biggest gift to soothing my anxiety. She understands how fear, anxiety, and depression work in us. Her writing and delivery comfort in a way I have not experienced with any other guided meditations. Thank you, Sarah.
  • Banjo Wes
    My heart feels its own loving energy
    Sarah has a way of tapping into my heart like no other. I’ve become so attuned to now for the first time grasping the realization that it was my heart that was blocked in so many ways and through Sarah’s words my heart has become awakened to its love for me. She has helped me be part of a transformation inside that frankly I wasn’t really aware of. I hug her in my heart deeply and know whoever really focuses and more importantly feel what she says you will be a gentler kinder human that has no fear of themself replaced by love and fearlessness that life is joyful every day by unblocking the blockages in my heart. I so love you Sarah. Thank you from my heart to yours.
  • camoc16
    Sarah has this way with words that rips right through your ego down to the source. I’ve never met anybody with such talent at touching and cradling that softest part of us.
  • Cuppo
    My path to self compassion
    This podcast has been a highlight of my daily practice as I work on self compassion and being anchored in my knowing. I happily purchased her audible book to continue the journey with more meditations.
  • krit42
    I can’t say enough about these recordings. It is deep and it is just what I have needed I listen over and over I really hope to see you back soon!
  • princessaurora417
    Life changing
    These have been life changing for me! Sarah is a gift to the world! ❤️❤️❤️
  • ladylydia
    With gratitude
    I found you on Insight Timer, and from the beginning, I felt that you’ve known me better than anyone else. It is as though you know me intimately, can read my heart and mind, and understand as no other. Thank you for sharing your heart, our universal heart. Thank you for being. With blessings and love, Lydia
  • monzzz-moon
    Background music
    The background music is soooo loud sometimes I can’t really hear what she is saying!
  • 001bg
    deeply needed nourishment
    thank you for voicing your heart. you are beautiful, and I cherish you.
  • Sandpoint Bob
    Love this
    I am reading the book and following along with the meditations. It is transformational. Thank you Sarah for making the world a little bit better.
  • a.chalms
    Soothing my soul
    Her voice and messages calm parts of me I didn’t realize were tense. Thank you Sarah
  • Lauren P in DC
    Sarah’s words and voice are a gift!
    I’ve been following Sarah’s work for years. She’s a gift of a human being and her writing and her voice are treasures to be savored! The podcast series steered me through some dark nights of the soul. I recently read her book Heartminded while hiking the Appalachian Trail. I use her wind down/sleep meditations on Insight Timer often. I’m also subscribed to newsletter and say some recent meditations dropped on Spotify. Thank you, Sarah, for putting so much goodness out into the world! <3
  • Nickname334343
    Life saving
    I found this podcast when I was at my lowest and darkest point in my life. She guided me through the darkest toward the light. Through the pain to the healing. Thank you thank you thank you!
  • Ashley Camp
    I found Sarah on insight timer back in 2017. She changed my life. Her meditations took me to parts of myself I was afraid to meet. Her voice feels like a full body massage. The way she strings words together is poetic and beautiful and always makes my eyes wet. I am infinitely eternally grateful for her and the work she shares with the world. What. A. Gift.
  • bucahig
    Super excited -
    That Sarah Blondin has a podcast that started in 2015! I get to hear earlier on Sarah! She is my favorite guide on the Insight Timer mediation app. This podcast has inspired so much more meaning and joy to my workdays on the road, interactions, and outlook on life. Many thanks!!
  • Cliffroberts
    Great way to start your day or ground you in the middle of it
    A really nice and well made meditation It helps - try it out
  • Davefromearth2
    Finally peace within my life
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • Sunshine 9865
    This podcast is helping me achieve my dreams and it’s always needed. ❤️❤️❤️
  • KamilleDeVille
    Saved my life and soul…
    Thank you Sarah. I can never express enough how this IS your life’s work and combined with a few other people, your episodes saved me through a divorce and still keep me calm and connected to myself. I wish you could know what a difference your poetic words and beautiful thoughts and insight have done and continue to do for me
  • Les M. Young
    Such a gift!
    I am so grateful to have found these meditations and Sarah 🙏🏼 Her words speak to my soul and have comforted me through a tough time. Thank you so much and selfishly I hope you continue posting and sharing your gift💚
  • Gustav Dunn
    Saved my life.
    I like to think this podcast found me during the most turmoil season of my life. The instant tears of understanding and introspection it ensued is nothing but refreshing. We need more continuing education like Sarah's teachings, she is a gift to the earth and her voice will live on for generations.
  • PaulaPic
    I listen to these over and over and over . They keep my heart open Keeps me being my true self . Thank you Much love 🙏
  • AvidReader-1*
    Life saving
    These meditations have helped me significantly and I hope you continue posting, Sarah!
  • larbo444
    This is amazing, so perfect for this moment. Sarah has the most soothing voice I have ever heard.
  • Jamiah K.
    Missing these meditations
    I’m going back to this mediations because I realized I have listened to them all. They still apply and I just want to say I miss having new episodes. I’m always compelled and they’re always right on time, in divine timing to what I need to hear.
  • CaliforniaLily
    True inspiration
    I have been following Sarah for years and I’m always moved by the power of her words. She speaks with such grace and eloquence, and her metaphors always unfold like achingly beautiful flowers. She provides so much solace during trying times. This podcast is truly one to subscribe to, to turn into, and to ground down and really listen to.
  • Nedemke
    Sarah is beyond amazing! Her meditations and guidance to my soul has forever changed everyday from here on out!
  • Kammy Ann 💋
    The most beautiful voice speaking the most impeccable words, this podcast awakens and comforts my soul in such a divine way. 💫
  • ravensfeast
    Sarah’s daily meditations are the most nourishing part of the day. Kind, wise, empowering, and grounding. I look forward to the sacred space she’s created both for contemplation and solace.
  • @holisticinhawaii
    Deeply nourishing!
    Listening to Sarah’s podcast has helped me change my self-talk to be more kind and compassionate. I am a mom of two and a small business owner and these words help me leave the chaos of a busy day to check-in with myself and hold myself in love. I listen to the episodes in the morning and at night and have found these teachings making their way into my thoughts throughout my day. There are a lot of self-help resources out there but this one is simple, beautiful and deeply nourishing. Thank you Sarah!
  • DvGuts
    Absolutely stunning. Your voice, your words, so healing and soft, yet powerful. Thank you for sharing this with the world.
  • alexandria010101
    Absolutely beautiful 💕
    Your voice, your words, your sincerity it so raw and beautiful! You brought me to tears the moment I began to listen. Thank you so much for sharing your healing journey, I was led to find this podcast.
  • SusanSoul127
    Real deal
  • n&nreddy
    Please do more
    Please write more, say more, feel more and share more. I don’t meant to be selfish and I hope this isn’t asking for too much out of your own soul and spiritual well, but please please keep going. I do have your book. But there is something about your voice and the peace that it brings to my being that I can’t not quite replicate with the reading. Please keep going with the podcast ... with that being said. I wish I could kiss your hands some day and thank you for taking the time for writhing these for us. The world is a better place.
  • ZBluseke
    Teaching me how to speak to myself
    Sarah has to be one of the most powerful people I’ve ever encountered. Her ability to talk straight to my heart is breathtaking. Her “Accessing your Stillness” meditation has been such a gift to me, in times when I most need to meditate but am having trouble overcoming the pull to resist. There is so much wisdom in her words, which are woven beautifully with healing sounds and music. Her words are exactly all the things I’ve craved to hear my whole life, but didn’t realise it until I found them. I’m learning how to love and care for myself by learning from Sarah how to talk to myself.
  • One Body Unbound
    These meditations speak with such precision to my heart and soul, supporting the softening and opening within to the gentlest stripping away of all resistance to grief.
  • Her Wild Inner Known
    Amazing words
    So much truth and beauty in these words! My heart expands with every episode 💖
  • SweetWalle
    The writing is incredible. So full, I need to listen over and over. The messages are so helpful.
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