The Tony Kornheiser Show

Sports #78

"The Tony Kornheiser Show" (now available exclusively on-demand) is a topical, daily talk show that starts with sports and quickly moves into politics, current events, entertainment and, really, whatever happens to be on Tony’s mind that day. The format of the show—regular sit-in guests with familiar interviews and segments—highlights not only the unique perspective of Tony Kornheiser but also the expertise of his network of friends. Join one of the most recognizable and outspoken commentators of sports and entertainment (longtime radio host in Washington, DC and current co-host of ESPN's PTI) and enjoy original episodes published every weekday ‪starting September 6th.

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Recent Reviews
  • 618485
    TK’s Loyal Littles
    Came for the sports talk, stayed for the boiled egg recipes
  • mike raphone hog
    Tony makes a good point when he observes that discussing politics on this show is a losing proposition. The country is so divided and entrenched in their views that real discussion has become virtually impossible. You then undercut your own argument by both sidising the everyone lies theory, implying that it is equally prevalent on both sides. This false equivalency is part of the greater problem in the current climate. You should have stopped at we don’t do politics and stopped there because by commenting further you only served to politiciise your opening comments ps it’s very nice of you to provide a little outlet for Chuck Todd and Chris Cilliza, but every time they’re on they make it abundantly clear why they both got fired. I applaud your loyalty to friends but they are a real detriment to the show
  • Pudelmom
    Mr. Tony
    Classy show. It makes me wish I was a Little.
  • Mkduffy
    More Ryan McGee
    He’s a great guest! More!
  • elberto66
    I like milk
    I don’t like milk.
    3 Others For Millions
    Gary, Tory and Jennie. Rid your podcast of your son and that guy with the fake Australian accent. Otherwise keep eating the bagels that come with Michael and “Nigel.” And forget the forgettable music and the stupid jingles.
  • Ryan77777777777
    This podcast stinks!
    Come on Bezos, peel off a few million for the pod, load up Wondery with new “podcast synergies” and let guys enjoy their bagels in class and ease. Throw in access to all the streaming services so, I don’t know, the guy who discusses sports, can watch the sports he might want to talk about on the show!
  • grant11955
    I have to get my Tony fix three times a week
    My favorite shows are when he starts wandering off-topic, usually in the beginning about how many times it took him to get out of the sand at Columbia golf course, or walking his dog or other old man problems like calling customer service instead of handling it online. Thank you for letting me be part of your family. oh yes, I almost forgot. I discovered 15 years ago ahead a knack for sports betting. I never knew I had it. I use so Jeff Ma, and other guests to improve my wagering and pocketbook.
  • dembobo
    Whining is entertaining
    Tony’s incessant whining makes this stupid show work.
  • dth53
    This show is great
  • ninjadave2
    Inflation - DUH
    Please don’t complain about inflation when you continue to vote for democrats. I’m not sure why I still listen to this moron. It’s not it - get ready for a $400 cable bill in 3-4 years. It’s happening to everyone everywhere for everything! MORONS.
  • wineboy
    Love the pod hate the gambling
    I listen to every single episode and have since day one but there are two things I don’t enjoy, Tony’s begging for free stuff is so unbecoming a man who is extremely rich, and I dread football season when the droning touts bore the daylights out of me with their picks. Keep Carville and the monkey, at least they’re entertaining. Bring back the ladies and the news!
  • Ballpark Nerd
    Too Many Commercials
    I get it the sales weasels need to make $ for the company. There are just too many commercials. They are long and repetitive. I also miss the rotating hosts. McManus and Torie. Gary and Cillizza. Someone to push back when Tony beats a dead horse topic like Lane Thomas. Concerned. I’ve been listening for over a decade.
  • frankwhitenyking
    Tony K The Legend!
    Tony K from Long Island! As another New Yorker from Queens, I’m looking forward to your commentary on what we just witnessed with the Women Boxer’s in the Olympics? We need Lengendary Sports Reporters like yourself to speak up and speak out on this George Orwell nonsense! Love the show Tony K!
  • Mphilly120988
    I still listen, but it’s not the same
    I love Tony, but the show is getting stale. I really wish the old hosts would be featured more. I wish Nigel wouldn’t laugh so much. No natural, same human being can laugh so much in an hour. Dude, please relax. Your constant cackling ruins the show.
  • suds524
    My fav
    I’ve been listening to the podcast (and PTI for that matter) since day 1. Love the grumpiness, sarcasm, inside jokes and self deprecating humor (or humour, as the case may be). They have microphones in Boca, right?
  • XxTaPxUxOuTxX
    Yes, we still leave reviews.
    This show stinks and it’s beautiful.
  • Boughdaddy41234
    Great show
    I discovered your show after my dad passed away in 2023, he was an avid listener on his way home from the office. He would often play bits and pieces of the show at home for me. I started listening to the show with my mom a month ago, as she was trying to learn on her sports intake but also trying to help me process his passing. I listened to 0-15 as my first solo episode without her, and for that matter without him, very entertaining. Thanks for giving Paul Skenes some light, it’s unusual that anyone talks positively about the Pirates in the media. Thanks for the stories and laughs.
  • jumbojohnnyb
    Can we start a go fund me to get wilbon a better phone ?
  • DrMongoose
    What is there not to enjoy about this podcast? If you don’t like it, then as they say, you can eat it!
  • Solojazz_
    A classic
    I love the flavor Tony brings to discussing sports. I appreciate his overreactive takes and obsession with minute details. I enjoy a peak into his daily life and I laugh at his cheapness of hitting leftover range balls and his fondness for frozen dairy desserts. I appreciate the intelligent guests he brings on and the audience’s witty emails. Thanks for all you do Tony and crew!
  • Rusty523
    Perfect sans Sands
    This show is beautiful on so many levels. Tony’s authenticity; the love he has for sports and golf and bargains and life. The time shared with his son and his team. There is only one reason to skip this, and that’s anytime that Steve Sands is on. My goodness does Sands love the sound of his own voice. I long for the golf season to conclude just to take a break from this blowhard and his swarmy voice and stories. Go away Sands, but come back Braun!
  • Cookies 'n Crime
    It doesn’t STINK…but there are eye rolls constantly
    I’ve been a fiercely loyal PTI viewer since it premiered in 2001 and began tuning into this podcast a few years ago. It was a gradual build-up to finally being able to “enjoy” the 3x week podcasts, but now I look forward to each episode’s premiere. If you like quality guests (Tim Kurkjian, Buster Olney, Sally Jenkins, Jeff Passan, Booger McFarlane, Tim Legler, and the occasional Wilbon or NASA expert appearance), this show may be for you. Maintain your vigilance, however, (READ: keep that “skip ahead 30 seconds at a time” button handy) if the following bothers you as much as it does me, because this show (unfortunately) covers too much: Golf talk (ugh it’s constant. I’m always skipping past Steve Sands or some other golf schmuck who’s on) Old music (there is so much unnecessary bloviating over The Beatles, Beach Boys, Springstein, and Simon & Garfunkel) Ornery old white man problems (technology doesn’t work, businesses don’t accept or know how to count cash, writing checks (yes, really), complaining about call center representatives) Otherwise, it’s a fine podcast for easy digestion of topical sports subjects.
  • robhallmd
    Greg Garcia!
    Greg should be a weekly regular!
  • Rockyblue2000
    Fan of Michael
    I look forward to Michael’s golf input as well as his other contributions. Do I miss the pre Covid guest shows, of course. All things change and evolve. Enjoy Tony for as long as we have him!!
  • jbraxatl
    Time to Let It Go
    After decades of enjoying this show the time has come to unsubscribe. The show has never returned to its pre-COVID level of entertainment or quality. The lack of interesting regular contributors, propping up of a talentless relative, the constant theme not having tech skills, and the “begging” for free items and benefits is just too much to justify continuing (not to mention how insufferable Wilbon has become). The show has simply run its course.
  • JRZ1
    TK Forever!
    Even though this show stinks, I never miss it and eagerly await each new episode. The orange old man is wonderful, his interviews are insightful & interesting, and his supporting cast is fabulous. In closing I would just like to say “eat it Cillizza!” PS - I live in NJ but I ate at Chatters twice. Great food. Gone too soon.
  • 425w
    Curb Your Kornheiser
    Tony…you & Larry David should tee-it-up for 18 holes of kvetching. My question: What’s your GHIN? Keep complaining, I’ll be listening.
  • Dbdjwuegkwpsb
    This show stinks.
    This show stinks.
  • GMac1776
    Tony should get Ryan McGee from ESPN on. He’s got a new book out.
  • ggbhhby
    Unlistenable these days
    Tony has gone full woke at the behest of his painful son and Gary. It used to be my favorite show to listen to in the car but the mind virus took over the show. It’s sad that these broken souls can’t see the light and remain part of their corrupt DC environment that the country is revolting against.
  • Jdoobiebhsi
    Not a sports show
    It is obvious Tony doesn’t really watch sports looks at the scores and extrapolates. His commentary is stuck in the. The shows East Coast bias also very obvious. I was the fan for years and as of today unsubscribed.
  • Rynokopp
    Tony doesn’t have a computer
    If you don’t like this show, no one cares. Your lousy opinion is meaningless. The fact that people take time out of their day to leave a negative review for a show they can simply choose not to listen to anymore is an astounding display of their own stupidity. Fonz you
  • GDH Sarge
    This show stinks!
    More than three episodes a week Mr Carson, please?
  • AriM,
    Was great, now isn’t
    Loved the show for nearly 20 years and have now unsubscribed. Hope it was worth replacing the smart, interesting and funny cast with your smug, uninteresting and humorless son. Every now and then I come back here to read reviews, glad to see so many people hate what Tony has allowed his son to do to the show.
  • Joe-in--San-Diego
    Michael still bad
    Was long time listener, gave up around 2021. Micheal adds nothing. I thought he would get better. I was wrong. Dude stinks.
  • Finnegan McCarthy
    Tony is a wordsmith! It’s my favorite podcast.
  • parrotheaf
    No so good anymore
    Not as good as it used to be. This podcast is well past its prime. This is my last review since as of today I have stopped listening.
  • Steverrg
    This podcast is usually the lead off hitter before listening to anything else. I’m Old enough to remember reading Tony’s columns, and young enough to not understand 90% of Tony’s old man references.
  • Pachinosin
    I love this show but don’t ever talk about music anymore old man. You very limited on what you know. Stick to sports
  • Delfin42???
    Good show. I do wish Tony would tone down his ego a bit and let Michael and Nigel have the floor more. They are both very interesting and funny.
  • freudy122001
    Who was right…Fauci or Rodgers
    Tony, You spend so much time trashing Aaron Rodgers about his personal choice on the COVID vaccine. As a journalist, you should be able to research who was more right, Fauci or Rodgers? Have you read Vinay Prasad, Stanford doctors, and other left wing liberal doctors who agree with Rodgers and say Fauci was wrong on vaccines? Stop personalizing your wrong views on vaccines and injecting feelings into your shoes. No one wants to hear your opinions on a field of study that you know nothing about, especially when your are wrong. I guess we will soon hear you are a supporter of Lia the man Thomas and other men in women sports.
  • ShanDee82
    Love them all!
    Tony and his cohorts are amazing!
  • hofwof
    Now explicit content…
    I have been listening day 1, but now the show has need changed to explicit content…so now the show is not allowed on my corporate phone, so I can no longer listen
  • Arrowlax
    Thank goodness this audio, ‘cause this show stinks but I love it so.
    A perfect, commuter podcast, except for Nigel.
  • SportsCrazyGirl
    I enjoy listening to your podcast. It makes me laugh and smile.
  • Watchful Protector 2022
    Go Away Dude
    Obnoxious person. Horrible broadcaster.
  • wdaly4
    Used to be great….
    This has hit new depths; ciliza, Todd, Michael all on same episode! The revolving in studio co -hosts, banter w/ in studio guests, ‘old guy radio’, all those things are gone. Now him and his son…just skip to guests you want to hear and move on. Sadly, the good guests(Ryan, Hornaday, ) hardly come on anymore
  • BeeeeFC
    So does Edith just stop by for bagels?
    So Cillizza just stops by, says three things, gets no segment, and leaves with a bagel sandy for his trouble? Am I the only one who finds this odd? Bring back some of the old crew and the old guy radio segment every once and awhile! Pretty sure we all want to hear from them.
  • betty outbwest
    A little out west....
    The old pod with all the in studio “co-hosts” was the best…a definite 5 star. Seems covid made for the change and believe me I was grateful for the pod during that time. I was hoping for a return to the old ways once we were “clear” of Covid. Regardless this show stinks and it is one of my go to pods to listen to on my walks, plane rides, long car rides etc. my TK sticker is still on my car…a little in central texas👍🏼
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