
Business #68Investing #20

How would your life change if you reached Financial Independence and got to the point where working is optional? What actions can you take today to make that not just possible but probable. Jonathan & Brad explore the tactics that the FI community uses to reclaim decades of their lives. They discuss reducing expenses, crushing debt, tax optimization, building passive income streams through online businesses and real estate and how to travel the world for free. Every episode is packed with actionable tips and no topic is too big or small as long as it speeds up the process of reaching financial independence.

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Recent Reviews
  • SteveBESQ
    Best Financial Podcast
    I love this podcast. I have learned so much. I am close to leaving my current job to pursue other adventures. I really enjoyed the recent episode where Ginger interviewed a person who was already FI. It would be great to hear from more people like this to learn from their personal experiences. Thanks for all you do!
  • Vervainne
    Recent episode 509 was SO GOOD
    Wow, episode 509 was just so good, and this show is just generally so great—I love the focus on like living life and the ordinary FI/other ways people meet it and the show is really entertaining and interesting. As a youth™️ (26) I’d love to see (or be pointed to) an episode on picking a FI number way in the future haha Also: As the daughter of a FI couple (who aren’t in the community haha) I really like the mild emphasis on the whole second generation FI thing because that’s sort of what is happening for me (and what I’d love to offer any kids I have in the future) and the leg up I’ve gotten (financial exposure=investing at 22, paid for uni, family financially independent/not needing support, security in a safety net that means I don’t accept poor treatment in the workplace) has given me so many choices—it is like SUCH a great goal and I love seeing other people pursuing it. Kudos to you!
  • Insidepassage
    Empowering show!
    I started to invest when I turned 30 with Vanguard index funds, thanks to a coworker how exposed me to JL Collins. Another coworker mentioned this show and I feel empowered to try more on the road to financial independence including travel hacking and tax optimization. Thanks for all that you do!
  • maybdihjlz
    Different point of view
    I like most of your shows, but none of us have all the answers. I’ve noticed that when there’s a competing point of view or something he doesn’t agree with, Brad can be a little condescending. Like on the topic of dividends. It’s a “marketing gimmick”. Ok…check out S&P lifetime returns with and Without dividends…pretty big difference. Also I’m sorry but Rachel is not even 30 years old, doesn’t own a home, and she is “expert” on all things financial??? There is something to be said for years of experience plus knowledge. Has she been thru a recession, GFC, protracted period of a down market? Again, ease up on the “ my point of view is the only valid one” and everyone else is an idiot air that comes up once in a while.
  • Kyle23C
    Life-changing content when implemented
    Brad (&Jonathan) have been awesome mentors to me the past 4 years, although we have never met in person, because of the content on this show. I started listening 2-3 years after they started this show, binged every episode, & now it’s the first episode I play every Monday. I love how down-to-earth Brad is, when he talks about stuff he is implementing for his daughters & fam, & the variety of guests he brings on. I’m a fanboy for life, & resonate with his love for board games, rollercoasters, & wanting to lead lives we don’t need to get away from. The first few hundred episodes were more about the financial mechanics, the last few hundred have been more about mindset & why we want to pursue intentional lives. Great dude, awesome show!
  • BAB3546
    Too Insecure
    The host, Brad Barrett, is too insecure. I have never heard so much humble bragging - his financial situation, parenting skills, and new workout routine to name the most common culprits. Also, he seems very poor at receiving constructive feedback. When responding to my email, he was very defensive and kind of a jerk.
  • Visen
    Basically grifters showcasing other grifters. You don’t reach FIRE with their bottom feeding online marketing tactics. This is feel good noise and so quite detrimental to anyone serious about FIRE.
  • Wolv stat
    In a chaotic world…choose FI
    Brad has done an outstanding job slicing thru the “conventional wisdom” to arrive at a destination filled with hope and freedom! Thanks for all you’ve done!!!
  • ratsofNIMH
    Makes you feel you can do this
    And also that you don’t have to be crazy, or spartan, or greedy. Brad’s thoughtful kindness is a breath of fresh air in this genre. He really listens, and he sounds curious about the things I’m curious about—even though some of it is stuff he knows inside and out.
  • Interested bystander
    Brad is personable
    Good podcast.
  • TheRealMikeMartin
    I wish I found them earlier
    This is my favorite podcast. I’ve been an avid listener for years. I love that they challenge themselves and others to make changes and become better. This podcast isn't just educational but life changing!
  • ccss77777
    Favorite podcast
    This is definitely my favorite podcast. It isn’t about money (well, it is, a bit), it is about life. Your life will be better after every episode. Brad is a normal guy with great insights and phenomenal guests. A must listen!
  • ukmatt789
    Listen to this and grow rich!
    This is an amazing podcast that if you take action on…you can’t help but become wealthy! Wish I would have started sooner, but glad I found it when I did. Brad asks great questions and always has such an amazing perspective on the FI journey. I do miss the back and forth with Jonathan, but Brad does an excellent job on his own and with frequent guest co-hosts. I went back and listened to every single episode…it is that good!
  • Chino Bill
    Episode 482 is a big ad
    Live the show, but very disappointed about episode 482 which was enticingly named as “remote tech jobs being relevant” but instead was a huge long ad about a paid salesforce site and had nothing to do about tech jobs in general. All the other episodes are great though.
  • Cass374
    Making Finance Understandable!
    Grateful for Brad and ChooseFi! I’ve listened to the podcast for about five years now and have learned more than I ever thought possible! I knew little to nothing about investing or the idea of early retirement before starting the podcast. Fortunately my husband and I are now set to hit FI by the time I’m 50, while neither of us has ever made over six figures! We have four teenagers who we’re teaching FI principles to and they get to see first hand the power of saving/investing. Especially when I was able to go part time to spend more time with them before they leave the nest. Thank you ChooseFI for the blessing you have been to our family today and for generations to come!
  • La_bibliotecaria
    Such great perspectives
    I really appreciate the hosts candor and humor as well as the bread range of topics they cover that are helping me on my own journey to financial independence and an early retirement.
  • dr.chelle
    Life changing
    I just found Choose Fi and the whole concept of financial independence. This is huge. I would have been so much better off if I had found this podcast back when it first started, but I’m not dwelling on what could have been. I’m getting my life in order and also introducing my friends and family to these concepts. Thank you so much for all your work!
  • Rushlow
    I love how they cover a wide range of topics and point you toward the most optimal choices.
  • Alimoyni
    Amazing FI podcast
    This podcast is a wonderful blend of education and entertainment. Brad and Jonathan ask insightful and intelligent questions while at the same time make you feel like it’s just a casual conversation among friends. It took me several months to listen to the 100+ episodes but well worth my time. I love soaking up all personal finance podcasts but this one is the best.
  • Fatboy_mcStuffin
    Not bad, informative
    Great for someone looking to shore up their finances and ideally start actually getting in the game. In the last episode, however, the host started harping on people for trying to game credit card rewards points. It seemed odd until I realized the show is compensated by at least a handful of banks (Chase for sure) for endorsing their credit products. Seems a little icky. Guests are usually pretty good.
  • Temple Run !!<3
    Life changing
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for almost a year now. The host and guest speakers are always honest and helpful to the community. I’ve never felt so driven to getting off the hamster wheel and choosing financial independence.
  • HooahPOG
    Fantastic podcast
    I discovered ChooseFI during my senior year of college, and have since listened to every single episode. This podcast is the bedrock of my family's financial structure. Brad (and previously Jonathan) break down concepts, discuss its applicability in your life, and always leave actionable tips so you can improve each day. I've learned about investing, tax codes, diet and exercise, and basically anything you can do financially to help you and your family be happy and grateful in the world around you. Great job, Jonathan, Brad, and team!
  • $onibear23
    Could be great
    Host overshadows all guests. It’s frustrating to listen to. It’s like listening to one of your friends figure out something simple out loud. If the host ever gets replaced, I’ll be back as a listener.
  • JoshRod209
    Not just finance but life changing wisdom
    This podcast has changed my life. I went back to episode 1 and began consuming everything both Brad and Jonathan have said. Then I came across episode 10 when Jonathan took on the challenge to lose 30 pounds in three months before his sons birth. Well after hearing that something clicked in my brain! I needed to have a goal, a target to shoot for 🎯 So I had around 2.5 months before our first baby girl arrives(still waiting at 39+ weeks!) And today I reached my goal! I’m officially down 30 pounds and I feel phenomenal. I have more energy and I am so excited to live a happier, healthier life with my wife and daughter. Thank you guys, this podcast has changed our lives forever! P.S. our savings rate went from the Ramsey 15% to 50%!
  • Gman14567
    Hands down the best personal finance podcast!
    I’ve been an avid listener since the beginning, and I could not be more enthusiastic about ChooseFI. The absolute stars of the show though has to be (originally) the charisma of Brad and Jonathon and more lately Brad pulling the show by himself. I have seen a lot of podcasts run out of material or devolve into purely a list of interviews that consist of bland question and answers, without really expanding on the material or going to the next level. But I’m here to tell you that Brad absolutely has to be one of the most thoughtful and well researched podcast hosts out there. The last episode with Nathan Barry was an absolute masterpiece. At multiple times, Brad paused, reacted to something Nathan said, circled back (I know he jokes about that!) and scratched a little deeper, which created one of the most genuine, thoughtful interactions on a podcast show that I’ve ever heard. My hats off to Brad who has created an incredibly deep and nuanced version of financial independence and is the perfect standard bearer for the community. I have a ton of podcasts on my playlist, but I always find myself circling back to ChooseFI. Keep up the amazing work.
  • virago14
    A Must Listen for Anyone on the FI Journey
    I started listening to this show at least four years ago and got off to a slow start. As a woman, I was a little skeptical at first about a two dudes telling me my money business. But I’d drop in and listen every now and again and Brad and Jonathan grew on me over time, as I realized they are not fratty bros but real people sharing their imperfections and helping us all along the way. The show has evolved over time and is now a staple in my podcast lineup. Even the episodes I think will be boring end up teaching me something critical. If you’re on the FI journey, this is a must listen. Start with Episode 100.
  • CakerrMN
    Life Changing Podcast!!!
    For someone who thought he had it mostly figured out, I was introduced to MMM in 2020 which soon led to ChooseFI and changed my life forever. I have since listened to every podcast as well as a handful of recommended books which has unlocked a new reality that highlights the true opportunity costs of our financial decisions. Brad and Jonathan’s ability to speak to and impact individuals worldwide and inspire action by focusing on getting a little better week by week is unmatched. The only thing that gets me more excited about turning my financial life around is learning how to position my two kids for future success. Thank you so much Brad and Jonathan and the entire ChooseFI team!
  • Girish N
    Looooong overdue review
    Words cannot accurately describe how my life has changed when I was introduced to this podcast but I will give it my best shot. My entire philosophy & mindset about money has changed for the better, the hosts & guests that come on the show has definitely impacted not only our lives but my children’s life & people in my immediate family. For the last 3 years or so I have told about the concept of FI & the principles to anyone & everyone that I came across. I recommended books like the simple path to wealth, Psychology of Money, die with zero, Four thousand weeks & many more to many people. We optimized our life & got started on my journey to FIRE. I intently listen & look forward to every episode & the weekly newsletter. I have implemented so many tips, techniques & strategies that I learnt listening to all the people on the show, got introduced to some amazing human beings like Tim Ferris, Derek Sivers & fantastic podcast ‘Catching up to FI’. I can go on & on but the impact you & Jonathan & the value you add to people’s lives without charging money is commendable & I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I thank you for tirelessly putting out episodes every week & the newsletter. Thank you Brad, Jonathan & to every guest that adds tremendous value with your thought process & perspective.
  • Money mad man
    Life Changing Financial Wisdom
    The ChooseFI podcast offers invaluable tips in an easy to understand way that I put into practice even though we are only about 10 years from retirement. My favorite tip to date was starting a Roth IRA for my son when he got his first part time job and watching as he maxes it out each year since while still in college. I always tease him that when he retires at 35 he can say it’s all thanks to his mom’s love of this podcast! I’m also so thankful for the Choose FI Community and the motivation to do 1% better each week. I never thought I would be able to save so much by shopping around for a new car insurance policy! Now on to travel rewards!
  • Memememeeeeeeeeeeer
    Good Life Advice Really
    Basically anything they cover, is good. And it’s definitely not always about money, just about living a good life :)
  • FI w/Wine
    Be a sponge
    I’m new to the concepts of FI, and really just started listening a few years ago. This podcast is always on my list of downloads, and I love the constant stream of action items Brad offers. My only recommendation, is to be a sponge and soak up all the information this podcast provides. The fire is spreading.
  • PradeepCh
    The GoTo podcast of your goal is FI
    I can’t really thank Brad enough for these weekly podcasts. The information passed on helped me save a lot of money and put me on the path to FI. He covers the topics that you need to hear and also covers the topics that you ema him about. I sent him an email few weeks back and he took time to respond mentioning that he will cover it in future and also emailed me to tell that he covered the topic in next week Podcast. He doesn’t have to but he did. Thats BRAD for you.
  • Tom Fox, CPA
    Best Down to Earth FI podcast
    Been a follower from the early days and I’ve found the information to be both inspirational and ACTIONABLE. Thank you Brad for all you do for the community!
  • NP Trader
    The Podcast That Turned My Road Trip into a Financial Awakening.
    Last Thanksgiving, your podcast became my road-trip companion, guiding me from North Carolina to Disney World and back. By the time I returned, I had devised a comprehensive strategy to transform my financial life. Fast forward nine months, and I'm thrilled to report the plan has been a resounding success. I've boosted my annual savings rate from 5-10% to an astonishing 50%, switched to low-cost investment options for my retirement fund, and am successfully navigating the art of travel hacking—saving over $10,000 on flights to Europe and India as well as over $1,000 in hotel stays in Europe. What impresses me most is the reliability of the advice you offer. It's not just theoretical; it has practical applications that have had a transformative impact on my family's life. This podcast and its vibrant community have my heartfelt gratitude. To anyone looking to make real changes in their financial planning, this podcast is a must-listen!
  • shop door
    Hg is a great game but I think it is
    Mai chi m a qua cod restaurant and a great restaurant and the other guys that were ok with a restaurant and the place for
  • K Paley
    Really enjoy the Brad
    Having Ginger join the pod as a semi-regular cohost was a great move. I love the dynamic between the two, especially when Ginger’s counseling background shines through, and it’s great to hear a woman’s perspective in a field that’s still pretty heavily male. Keep up the good work!
  • Women are Waking Up
    Rocking it!!
    Congratulations Brad on being chosen to be included on the Dexa site!! OMG I never heard of Dexa and already love it I typed in HELOC and 3 different episodes popped up about it - Hallelujah!! Thank you for all you do
  • Maxisophie
    I’ve listened to almost every episode, & this is one of my favorite financial podcasts along with Afford Anything by Paula Pant. Brad is a true professional, is articulate, and discusses interesting topics. It’s difficult to listen to most of the other financial podcasts as they tend to exclusively feature male guests, which makes them quite boring and not inclusive. Thanks, Brad, for all you do!
  • Jolynne Smyth
    Would love to hear more from guests
    Very interested in the topic but the host dominants the conversation incessantly (particularly with female guests). Would like to learn more but prefer a back/forth exchange of information - fewer monologues, ideally.
  • Eastern Point Grl
    Life changing!
    This podcast will change your life! Brad presents well rounded information applicable to everyone. I listen to this podcast every week.
  • Kenitaly
    Changed my perspective increased savings
    This show helped me reduce my spending increase my yearly savings by about ~20%. There is so much fantastic advice and now I am on a path to healthy spending and retirement
  • Spades13
    Better than Ramsey
    Brad is honest and responsive to his listeners, making this the greatest crowdsourced finance podcast. He’s building a new format with his co-host transitioning and it’s still hitting important topics and covering details that money nerds want to know.
  • TH_64
    Great Podcast
    I’ve been listening to the ChooseFI podcast for a while now and I’m constantly impressed by the knowledge and insights shared by Brad. He has a deep understanding of personal finance and is able to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. The podcast is always engaging and informative, and I’ve learned so much from it. Happy Father's Day.
  • Mountains and Pine
    FI gold
    The ChooseFI podcast and website are a treasure trove of all things FI. The information can be truly life changing.
  • Isaac-Heather
    My go to
    I feel as if I don’t have as many opportunities to listen to podcasts as others so I only get to listen to a few each week. I feel like I need to be selective and alternate, however this is the one I make sure I do listen to each week.
  • D-money1115
    Good People Helping People
    You can just tell Brad is an intelligent and good dude, and the enthusiasm he brings is contagious. We need more people like this touting the game-changing possibilities of FI and the optimism it can bring. Choose FI manages to toe the line between dogma and too in the weeds. This show has genuinely made our family’s life better.
  • MattDB87
    Lengthy chatting not substantive enough
    Lengthy chatting not substantive enough
  • Bizzi_dc
    Listener interview
    I loved episode 436 especially because the listener is an immigrant who just started his FI journey and I resonated with many aspects of his journey because I am a Caribbean immigrant, solo income, on my FI journey as well. Very inspiring episode and I realize I’m over analyzing in taking action with my vision board. Thanks for this episode and wonderful content from the show.
  • Brandon- -Goff
    What I wish I had learned at age 16!
    I was already at FI when I came across podcast this but wanted to write a review to keep boosting it. These are all the principles that I wish I had learned when I was 16. I would have reached FI so much sooner and made far fewer mistakes in the financial realm. Every person in their teens or twenties should start from the beginning and binge listen to every episode. Absolutely worth the time!
  • Szwarcy
    Life changing
    I have been on and off again listener for about 1 year now and just recently went back to episode one to listen to everything in order and wow such a great podcast. Great information for all aspects of the FI game. Just finished reading choose FI book looking to start JL collins simple path to wealth next. Have already started second gen FI with my niece and now soon to be nephew. Going to changing my life and their lives for the better and would recommend this podcast to anyone willing to listen and implement these ideas. Keep up the great work!
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