Pod Save America

All Genres #39News #4Politics #1

Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.Ad-Free Pod Save America episodes available NOW through Friends of the Pod subscription. Head to crooked.com/friends to join today!For a transcript of an episode of Pod Save America, please email transcripts@crooked.com (edited)

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Recent Reviews
  • kdkett
    What exactly are these mens values?
    I'm changing the review I left on here several years ago because it's exceptionally impressive and informative that these men seem to focus more and more on Trump as the party they proclaim support of shifts further and further into Trump's policies. It's easy to say orange man bad, but it's a lot harder to explain how the people that you are galvanizing voters towards have gone from support for migrants and closing down detention centers to deporting the immigrants themselves. At this point all I hear whenever these men speak is the silence of complacency and being complicit in the rightward shift that's occurring in a party that proclaimed progressive values when their boss was running for office. Were they always lies? Or are the pod bros just slimy pragmatists who go where the money goes? Very disappointed in the way access journalism has effectively neutered these five men.
  • kat11:27
    tRump is too afraid to debate Harris Again Episode
    Hi Pod, Just wanted to say hello and offer some feedback regarding a comment you made about the topic of the “economy” not driving engagement. As someone who has worked for an independent expenditure in DC in 2016 with Paul Tewes and knows how polling and message testing works, I don’t think your sample is inclusive or reflective of folx like myself who are struggling to keep food on the table. Inflation and shrinkflation are real effects on our pocketbooks. I have a Masters degree and work for state government, and my salary still does not adequately take care of me. There are a bunch of people who’s story is like my own and my question to you is: does your sample size include and assess folx with a certain amount of income? Because if it did, I do believe your view would be different on how the economy might drive engagement. People remember not being able to purchase food and the basics to live. Ijs. Thank you kindly, have a great weekend! 🙂👍🏾👋🏾 KR
  • Che Block
    Debate September 13 episode
    Jon Favreau - Has showed? Has shown. Check your grammar book or talk with Lovett.
  • spiff3333
    Cool & White
    If you want thoughtful, nuanced & humorous political commentary delivered by privileged white guys, this is the show for you.
  • Johnny05isalive
    My Favorite Podcast
    My morning always is a bit better when I see a new Pod episode pop up in my feed. Obviously, the guys are progressive, but they also aren’t afraid to be honest (just listen to their episode right after Biden’s meltdown debate). This is why liberal media is so much different than the right-wing echo chamber. They deal in reality with humor, truth and helpful perspectives. Love it! (and won’t leave it)
  • SAV 74
    Love, but please monitor ads
    This is one of my favorite podcasts, look forward to this. I just signed up providing monthly support. But at the end of the 09/10/24 debate coverage episode a Megyn Kelly ad for her podcast!!?? Who let that happen, please address this.
  • 23degreesin410
    Ok but why Stand for the 2nd?
    Lol why did I just get an ad for tactical gear for patriots ?
  • Justuraveragetroll
    Silly libs, your politics are for kids
    Comrade Kamala “dominated” trump in the debate? Lol hardly. All I needed to know to bypass your pathetic excuse for a podcast
  • Duuuval!
    Very informative and inspiring. Jacksonville, FL
  • Louie K-E
    Jane Coaston…tough listen
    Love the show but Jane is insufferable. Constant interjection….didnt let anyone finish a thought. Bad hire!
  • Lj28w
    Staple podcast since 2017!
    I’ve been listening since the very beginning and these guys are just the best. The humor, the different perspectives they offer and their can-do/don’t give up approach gives me hope.
  • loveOES
    Omaha Blue Dot
  • The Cat’s Pajamas
    Good without guests
    The core hosts are great but many of the live event guests have no rizz.
  • Bdsbeach
    Thank you for your important contribution to prevent us from losing OUR DEMOCRACY
    It’s fact based with humor. Will never think about pizza the same again 🤮
  • reviewer1675243
    Russian Propaganda Elites
    Literal Russian agents. These people HATE America.
  • lexidemander
    Not my cup of tea.
    As an independent you are too much for me. I’m unfollowing show.. also idk your names but one of you guys has a bad attitude and little respect for other co-hosts.
  • Bizcochito73
    So tired of the constant Biden bashing
    You won guys. Biden is out. The constant snark remarks demeaning him are exhausting. Whatever your issue is, stop being the worst. Having Dana Bash after her pathetic interview and your constant defense of the NYT makes you part of the problem with media. You were supposed to be an alternative to the MSM, you’re just become the thing you pretended to be a fresh face off. So done with this pod and the self-important bros.
  • LynStL
    Dana Bash? Really???
    After that “interview” with Harris and Walz, why do you think this woman has anything useful to say? Do better.
  • soulrockerTLee
    He says he’ll take care of the economy the same way he’d take care of his own business….what?! With 6 bankruptcies???! And not paying people who provided him services???! Why not share youtube links like “The Real Story Behind Donald Trumps Wealth” and “How Rich Is Trump, really?”
  • Early Adopter
    Good show
    This is a fantastic political podcast from the Democratic perspective.
  • Cleo 96
    Doug Emhoff
    Loved, loved the Doug Emhoff episode! It is so important to humanize our leaders. A little glimpse is great. Thank you for keeping it fun.
  • CelloMothra
    Love the Doug Emhoff interview!
    So fun listening to the interview with Doug Emhoff!
  • VioletMeadows
    Not one word for the suffering, murder, starvation of 2 million Palestinians Doug?
  • Olo5
    Doug Emhoff Interview and more
    This was a tough episode for me to listen to. As someone who is trying to win their working class, conservative, Trump loving family members to the other side, this interview confirmed all the stereotypes about Democrats. Both the hosts and Doug Emhoff bantered about their lifestyles, ignorantly not realizing how different their lives are from the middle class. I think it breeds both distrust of and disgust for all Democrats. A second disappointment was the complete lack of acknowledgment of the plight of the Palestinian people. Not mentioning it is just as dehumanizing as Trump’s hateful descriptions of others. Possibly more so, because at least Trump acknowledges their existence. I was also disappointed with the episode about the Harris/Walz interview. Among other things, I wanted to hear thoughts on why she didn’t answer Dana’s questions about whether or not she asked for Biden’s support. The fact that she evaded the question created suspicion and distrust, especially alongside her story about making breakfast which seemed wholly contrived. I really want Kamala to win and it feels like the Democrats are making the same old mistakes as before.
  • sdkitergirl
    Doug is Amazing
    This review is for Tommy’s question to Doug about Netanyahu. Why can’t we stick to the issue as it relates to destroying Hamas? If we all agree on peace in the region, how is dealing with dismantling Hamas not the core discussion?
  • 5eeeeeeee
    New listener
    Great podcast but do NOT follow their advertising advice. Lumen metabolism, for example, is trash.
  • OffBrandDior
    Don’t recommend
    Nothing but lies, only covering democrats and nothing about the other side, every democrat they hype up and say powerful! It’s hate speach and gay.
  • KarnPG
    Too much paid content
    I know the current trend is to add paid content, but I’m not giving you a dime when I can get content elsewhere for free. Maybe try adding something to the content to make it worthwhile, but it’s not hard for a halfway intelligent individual to go literally anywhere to get content about polls and how to win the election.
  • TennisGuy00
    Great pod
    Enough with the Pollercoaster in the feed.
  • Mariah MDT
    I hate the subscription
    I’ve been a regular listener since early 2020, and I have to say that I’m disappointed that you moved to a subscription model. I can’t afford to subscribe. And it’s frustrating to miss so much good content.
  • 8935maria
    Unprofessional sound
    Please stop breathing directly into your microphones. Really love the content but the wheezing/whistling sound we have to endure each time half of you take a breath in is really repulsive.
  • Fishbowlbabe
    Podcast Queen B
    This podcast came highly recommended but after listening to the latest episode about Democratic candidate for president Kamala Harris I have to wonder if this is the best we can do. Hearing F bombs and such limited ability to counter what is being sold to us as acceptable is disappointing. It’s ok to question your own party. It’s ok to not back every breath your candidate takes. God help us if this is the best we can do and what is a true and accurate representation of the current mindset of every day Democrats. No thank you. You guys are so unprofessional and so narrow minded.
  • Hjkhcxfg
    Complete Bull***t podcast
    Full of one sided bulls***t spewing discrimination, hate, and lies.
  • *nmr
    Don’t give the other campaign ideas to improve their chances.
  • listener954
    She wears it well
    Thx for hanging in there guys & gals— I needed the honesty and humor and tenacity!! What a s%#€ show of a debate. And, parroting a NYT column, what happened to that terrible bad cold the next day? Biden was probably sun- downing. He almost called Jill “mommy” ala one of our ancient past Presidents who was finally outed as having early Alzheimer's while still in office. I don r hate writing this as much as I thought I might. I despise the orange ape but Biden and his family are showing themselves as being of the same ilk. Honestly, you all sound like jackels-in-the-box when it comes to reproductive rights. I assure you there s nothing great, fantastic or awesome about having an abortion. What is necessary is to have it as a safe choice for women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant . Biden is old— but what makes him so ick is his hubris in not stepping down. I have to hold my nose to give him credit that he deserves for his term because it turns my stomach that he didn t step aside for a younger candidate. And because of old Joe s hubris we ll likely get stuck with the bilious dictator, the butt-ugly craziness of trump. Both of these egotistical old dodders have disgusted a large part of America.
  • kasey$123
    Great show
    Great show
  • Nikki Fosters Listening
    Recovering Dem Candidate for Congress
    I’m a friend of the pod after a few years of political detox. I’m engaged and excited to watch how this Podcast has awoken people like myself to get involved and fight for our freedoms through activism. The regular dose of dialogue keeps me informed and motivated.
  • jillpaints
    Symone Sanders Townsend
    This was a fascinating discussion, it gave me more of a view of the project of political communications. But SST’s comments esp on why unmuting Trump’s mic is needed, and her perspective on the media’s current obsession with kvetching about Harris & Walz doing “more” press are clarifying. She compared Trump’s consistent lying during his pressers vs. when Harris does talk to press isn’t getting out to voters. She underlined the real contrast of how the press isn’t really handling interviews appropriately. The public doesn’t care about the press’ complaints. We want solid, reliable information, including fact checking.
  • StillWater1
    Part of the charade
    I’m a libertarian and not to see through this farce of installing Kamala at any cost, is truly frightening.
  • ellka
    helping to keep me sane
    nuff said
  • FatherGod6
    The epitome of “vote blue no matter who”.
  • River 2
    Pod Save America Is The best Podcast
    I love the cast and all the staff plus the music ! Great job !
  • Duck Robinson
    Origin of Kick Kennedy, RFK daughter
    I love Pod Save America! It has kept me sane for many years now. Heard the story about RFK’ Jr’s family transporting a whale head (??) on the top of the family car. His daughter “Kick” Kennedy made comments that were described. Jon and Tommy commented on using verbs to name children. I wondered if they knew that the nickname “Kick” came from their Great Aunt Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy. She was JFK and RFK older sister that died during World War 2. Keep up the great work!
  • Hoosier NPR listener
    Great show
    I listen to every episode and I love the pod! It would be more enjoyable if John F did less up-talking at the end of his phrases. Keep up the great work.
  • didit4thepoints
    Terminally podcasting
    I’m crooked pilled, I have been since 2021. Now that I’ve taken advantage of apples free trial it’s time to cancel and resub through the site. See y’all on the discord!
  • Cadavril
    Yes, I want to drink with these guys.
    Been listening since 2020. Great guests, informative, and fun. Kinda like having an intelligent conversation about politics with your buddies at a pub.
  • pamriyfitz
    Very good & Fun
    Like them all!
  • Ginmo3
    You guys are delusional
    You guys are definitely part of the machine. I used to be a Democrat, unfortunately it’s changed so drastically to a weak direction.
  • Pingaponga
    Ad free?
    Subscribed and playing from subscribers channel. Good content but not ad free.
  • ERDolphin
    Necessary listen
    Love listening to these intelligent political comedians. Thank you for making politics digestible!
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