NPR News Now

by NPR
All Genres #139News #19Daily News #6

The latest news in five minutes. Updated hourly.

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Recent Reviews
  • Yaditexas
    No longer redeemable
    NPR is the same as mainstream news. Conveniently leaves out Israel of headlines when it comes to all the children who have been killed brutally in Gaza. I feel like I've wasted 25 years of my life listening to propaganda. I am never donating another penny to NPR. You will become obsolete.
  • UnderdogBobby
    Former contributor who has seen the light
    I’ve always considered NPR a voice for the people, but recent events have shown me otherwise. The decision to agree to predetermined questions for Biden reveals that NPR is no different from the corporate-owned mainstream media. It’s clear now that they follow the same narrative, perpetuating the idea that our democracy offers only two choices for president—neither of whom truly represent the people. It's disheartening to see NPR align itself with the establishment. I no longer believe they deserve public support and hope they lose their funding from the people. Don’t waste your time or money supporting this farce.
  • TheWillTorres
    No Ads Please
    I really love NPR. I listen daily. I donate annually. And I am concerned with advertisements creeping into every inch of the enterprise. Up First makes you sit through 2 to 4 advertisements before starting. For a five minute hourly news brief, please, please, please spare us. I understand you have to pay the bills, but this is getting ridiculous.
  • VPRMidwife
    Best podcast to have when breaking news happens. Everything NPR produces is fantastic.
  • Shel Lynn
    News media, with integrity professionalism! 👍
    I very much appreciate NPR's integrity in presenting the facts of news professionally.
  • Che Block
    Worthless rag
    Will Biden step down turns into Biden drops out The use of language is telling You’re 🤮 NPR
  • not a trol, just truthful
    Biased, leans left
  • esSilverlines
    Thanks for updating continuously.
    Balanced, unbiased, informative.
    Ayesha Rascoe
    If one were to go into a coma while listening to NPR in 1990 and woke up recently hearing Ayesha Roscoe one would think: What the… has happen to NPR??!!
  • YogaHerbMom
    NPR & Democratic leadership are untrustworthy
    NOR & Democratic leadership has been lying to the Public about Biden’s mental fitness. It is imperative that NPR begin to report from a place of unbiased moderation. The entire Democratic Party & the media have been lying to the World about Biden’s ability to lead. Who has been in charge? You are putting our national security at risk because of your ideology.
    I am very tired of listening to the NPR trailer. I have tried everything to make it stop. Please respond if you know how.
    They claim to be objective, but are not
    There is a definite left-wing bias here, no matter what they claim. It’s not only in how they report news, but in their tone of voice. It’s so obvious.
  • kejdjdmdjdj
    Bit excessive
    Tbh news every 1 hour is a but excessive, im honestly surviving perfectly fine with news once per day.
  • Nickifiable
    Deletes instead of retracts
    I’ve noticed that NPR has deleted episodes within the same day they air, sometimes within an hour or two. I believe they are deleting episodes that may contain information, later found to be not fully correct, instead of coming forward with their corrections, potentially on the next episode
  • Argento38
    Fact Based Journalism at Its Best
    Objective independent news you can trust!
  • pdxubaru
    Get rid of the ad
    I literally forget everything I just heard because commercial interests start speaking.
  • Chosen1966
    Left political news agency
    Why are taxpayers money being funneled to a political news agency. This will be stopped
  • AnnT21
    NPR is my go-to news source.
  • Minim entente
    Least nonsense news
    Great public service
  • Fatty2820
    Free Press
    It’s shameful seeing Bill Maher and others attacking our free press so unfairly. Get the facts, not listen to a former disgruntled employee. Think for yourselves, instead of propagandists living in your heads.
  • KrisD4
    Used to be great. Now a puppeteer for the left. Just described RFK Jr. as an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist (he’s not anti-vaccine) but described Cornell West as a professor. You’ve become a joke around town.
  • Tuffer12
  • Bass4jake
    Not For the People
    As a person who considers myself a true libertarian, npr is has fallen far from what it used to be. One sided, unfair reporting. Sad to see what is has become.
  • invisiblehand87
    Editing errors?
    I like the news coverage and the 3 stars are only for the editing portion of episode. More often than not, episodes are “choppy” or cut short before the actual report ends. Is it just my app? Is it just me? Please fix this if it’s not me…
  • Chianne61
    Informative with concrete facts
    NPR is and always has been my goto for learning the real story. Other reviewers on iTunes are writing negative reviews which do not reflect my experience with NPR. Mistakes have been made, as people say, but NPR corrects it immediately. Besides errors are rare and on par with other respectable news organizations, unlike Fox and other right-wing news organizations who often are rated very low in getting the facts correct. Because NPR tells the facts, backed up with research and real sources, Trump supporters hate it. Nothing Trump says is based on facts so he is easily exposed as a liar and a conman.
  • Steven Ledingham
    Like the news
    Short and to the point. Informative, not preachy and often a bit funny.
  • Cyrano16
    Full story
    I appreciate NPR’s diligence in presenting the multifaceted nature of a news story. It allows the listener to form their own view. I am definitely on the left side of spectrum but I need to understand what right is embracing so I can intelligently address it. Thank you NPR WNPR is my station. Yes, I support.
  • qualitynurse
    Left leaning
    I think the other reviewer meant left leaning.
  • LaurelDCO
    Great news in a flash!
    I love this podcast, it is updated hourly and provides a succinct summary of the latest news. Thank you, NPR!
    Word Play Manipulation
    They don’t seem to actually do fact checks. Only parrots the talking points they are given thus providing the audience a biased understanding of the subject at hand. For example: The UN Resolution calling for a ceasefire is BINDING. Stating that it is ‘non-binding’ per the Biden administration talking points is misleading the audience. All we ask is provide facts and not word play.
  • LiamCoy13
    Start my day, everyday, with this podcast.
    I rely on the global team of excellent journalists. Consistent, skilled and balanced.
  • BE/ARE
    The presumptive undertone is humorous, as if we should assume that everyone agrees with the progressive sociopath-political vision or they’re somehow less enlightened. We don’t have to be a monolith to exist together.
  • TheDrummerBoy23
    This used to just be a quick news update, now it’s a full minute of ads before it starts.
  • BagelzN'Space
    Taylor Swift is not news when we have border issues and wars
    Title ^
  • Paul (Cali Dude)
    It would be 5 stars for the sense that most of the stories and commentary tends to have a left-leaning bias as an undercurrent.
  • Badkatdad
    Israeli Soldiers
    Every time you report that IDF soldiers are dead it should be required to repeat the Palestinian CIVILIAN MOSTLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN death toll. This “balanced” reporting is severely askew.
  • FlyingCoco24
    Love it but want more episodes.
    It would be five stars if there was more episodes, like a weekly summary.
  • Danella76
    I start my day with NPR. It’s a great way to get a quick overview on what’s going on in the world.
  • Tio Joey
    Update screwup
    01-02-24 - The only thing available to me since 12-31-23 is the Trailer. I would appreciate someone looking into this matter. Thank you. 08-17-21 - There has been no improvement with the issues encountered with this app. The latest episode available today is 07-05-21, 4pm. 06-06-21 - This podcast on this app is useless. It will not update automatically on apple’s podcast app. Spotify here I come. 05-31-21 - This podcast is still not updating automatically. It is supposed to update every hour and the setting for automatic download is selected for this podcast. The automatic download setting that was available at the iOS settings menu for the podcast app has been removed so we have to make that selection for each individual show in our library. Why do you have to “fix” something that isn’t broken? iOS 14.6 did not help with this issue on this show. Jose Leon With the latest iOS update, 14.4.1, I am unable to see the latest episodes. The last one available is from 04-26-21. 04-10-21 - Latest episode is 12 hours. Not the advertised “episodes updated hourly”. Please fix this issue. 05-11-21 - this podcast is supposed to update every hour. That is not happening. Lasted episode available is 05-09-21, 12am. Please get this fixed. 05-14-21 - this issue has still not been fixed. 05-20-21 - I’ve tried working with Apple on this issue. Deleting/reinstalling the app got me only three episodes from 05-19-21. The last episode available today is 2pm 05-19-21. I’m moving to Spotify for my podcasts as they are unabl to fix this issue. Note: I am experiencing the same issue on both my iPhone and iPad.
  • Avebkuttjit
    Payment for delivery at once in advance Order to Jeremiah Ellis
  • HellNoiWillNotTryAgain
    You don’t have to read this
    It’s really nice to get a 5 minute NPR update, cause I often zone out during long news stuff
  • Coolair123
    Too many Ads
    Too many ads
  • HodorTheTriumphant
    This alleged News Platform is allegedly Good
    NPR is allegedly one of the best and most unbiased sources for what is allegedly being called news. Their alleged work is allegedly reliable and informative. They also allegedly like to describe things as “allegedly” even when we all darn well saw the event happen. There’s allegedly a difference between being unbiased and being an equivocating worm. They allegedly could use a reminder of this.
  • Gfhjgfuhghu
    No episodes?
    Just one episode at a time? So if I don’t listen to them immediately, they’re gone? What kind of service is THAT? I’m missed yesterday episode, NOPE, can’t listen to it now…..
  • rcpmac
    Siri insists on playing week old news now podcast
    Siri insists on playing week old news now podcast
  • fitbitrunner
    Siri used to play the news
    Now it is all stopped up on one episode December 7.
  • JSimani
    Siri can’t play the news anymore for me
    When I say “Play me the news” to Siri, it will only play the December 7th edition of the podcast, and there’s no way for me to mark it as played or even to delete that episode because the NPR channel doesn’t list it as an episode anymore. I’ve tried restarting my phone, unfollowing/refollowing the channel, and even redownloading Apple Podcasts, all to no avail.
  • jackrad
    Great news updates
    Great news updates—it’s nice to be able to just get a quick update and it’s helpful that they delete all but the newest update so it doesn’t spam my feed with 24 episodes a day!
  • *MacMom*
    Great news updates but feed is glitchy
    The hourly news was spamming my feed over the weekend. Now I’m getting no updates at all. The last hourly news was more than 8 hours ago. The updating of your hourly news updates has always been a bit glitchy in that sometimes the most recent news on my feed is several hours old, but in the past few days it’s been ridiculous. Sure hope you can fix it.
  • greandeath25
    Not my personality.
    It’s a resource for an aspect of the news. Selective coverage seems to be the norm. Best practice would be to cross reference with other sources to avoid blind spots.
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