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TampaBayChica👏👏Allyshia Interview!👏👏Great job interviewing Allyshia from Grant’s season! It was one of the most genuine conversations I’ve heard between podcast hosts and a guest in a long time. Ashley and Ben, you allowed her to tell her story, instead of interrupting her (like many hosts do), which let your listeners to get to know her. Bravo, you two!
jgomes007Love Ben and AshleyBen and Ashley have such a natural chemistry that makes every episode a joy to listen to! I really love the extra episodes each week. I of course, love the bachelorette, recaps and headlines. If you’re looking for a podcast that’s fun, engaging, and all your Bachelor content then this is it! Highly recommend! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
handmamaBreaking news, Matt JamesIs this a joke? You cannot call this breaking news. Waste of time.
Tortured earsLong time listenerI actually found out about I Do Part 2 from this feed and I really enjoy it! The bachelor is about love and I Do Part 2 is basically after the final rose 😆 I’m into it and they have bachelor nation people on as guests. Everyone needs to try new things it’s a new year! 🌹
jamiehendy419Clayton DramaPlease do a deep dive on this!!! It is the most bonkers story to ever come out of Bachelor Nation and totally should be covered!
christie-aWhy are you forcing these other podcasts on us?I don’t want to listen to I Do or whatever other shows are suddenly appearing in this podcast feed. Ben and Ashley have done about 2 episodes total in the past month and the episodes are filled with ads. If they are too busy they should just end the show at this point.
readyfortodaySpecial ForcesTrista needs to find out the true story of Kayla Nicole. Take a little deeper and find out who the true bully is. She is the fakest person in the world and really spun this to make her look great. Do a little research before you make your comments which are not true.
doesntmatter5Ads and short episodesShort episodes with mostly ads… what a turn off.
csticklerPlease Stop Including Other PodcastsI don’t understand what is going on? Why is a whole other podcast not affiliated with Almost Famout being dropped in this feed? Please stop including other podcasts or at the very least better mark the podcasts so it is obvious at first glance not Almost Famous. This issue while small, is affecting my impression of the podcast.
Sharbear73Losing listeners…This is sad…what is going on with the “I do…” podcast?? So annoying…better get a grip cause this is a dying podcast…such a shame.
Gerry janeyWhat’s Up With I DoI love Ben and Ashley have been listening to them for years and I understand as time goes on and they get married and have families. They need to spend more time with their family. Enjoy listening to Trista and Bob at times….. but this new podcast that’s now showing up in my almost famous feed. I’m sorry I just can’t understand why it’s here. Please give it its own station so we don’t have to wonder what the new episode is only to find out it’s this new which I personally don’t wanna listen to.
Long time listener2Spin offsCan we change the cover photos/titles so they don’t automatically fall under Almost Famous/Ben and Ashley? Have it on automatic download but have to open them to see if it’s a spin off.
em3930I don’t even bother listening anymore!I don’t even bother listening anymore! There is no depth or substance to the episodes at all. Why such short episodes full of ads, so boring. And it is hardly ever Ben or Ashley???
TM00!!Can we please just have 1 podcastI love the Almost famous Podcast but unfollowed because there are too many other ones on here. Give them their own podcast and stop incorporating it in this one.
sad x2Where are Ben and Ashley?Long time follower now unfollowing cause they keep feeding me podcasts that aren't Ben and Ashley. Please bring them back! Super sad. Please bring back Dean amd Jared too.
allieok9AmyI remember when Amy was getting sooo much hate on Scrubbing In years ago. I feel like we haven’t heard from her since then across all of the iheart podcasts. I just want to say, I enjoyed her so much on the podcast with Ben & Bob! Jump in more often on podcasts, Amy!! I loved hearing you!
Alexa1210Too much contentPlease stop posting 50 episodes a week 😭😭 it’s way too much, I can’t keep up. It’s making me want to pull back from listening. Did we need 7 on the baby shower alone?? I also agree with the others, stop putting the other pods in this feed too!!
ABB465OG HostsLove the show & have been watching since the start! Have been loving the OG episodes and Trista. But please can we replace Bob. The constant “I this” and interruptions cannot stand. Can we find another OG to join Trista as the co-host????
GaupegStopThis is a repeat of another podcast I just listened to what is going on
Daffodils35I’m NOT interested in I Do, Part 2That’s a separate podcast. Stop flooding your podcast with their episodes! You don’t have new episodes, they do & I’m NOT interested.!
AnnoyeddddddughhhPlease stop the extra podcastLove Ben and Ashley. Great content from them. Please. PLEASE. please STOP with the additional episodes that aren’t from their show. I am not subscribed for some random people talking about issues that aren’t related to the bachelor. You’re cluttering up peoples feeds and I’m about to unsubscribe. They can go create their own show that’s separate from this. It’s annoying and plain rude to listeners.
ZgsggfgUgh15 minute podcast 5 minutes of content! 👎👎👎
Sanders230Meridith interviewGod bless Bob and Trista for that interview. It was torturous listen to. Meridith was a difficult person to talk to and could barely answer questions. It’s so annoying to tune in and not know who you will be listening to. I’m here to listen to Ben and Ashley and it seems that 8 out of 10 times it’s someone else. Be real and call it something else then. I’m ready to unfollow if it doesn’t change.
shopper7890Too many AdsLong time listener and I want to continue but the Constant looong ads are such a turn off. Not sure how much longer I can last here 😟
selenatsylor357Amy and TJPlease remove Amy and TJ from this feed. They are not in any way related to the bachelor hosts and are not likeable. I’m skipping this feed altogether with such random programming.
EAC-TPlease no more Amy and TJ on this podcast.Why are Amy and TJ on this podcast? It’s so disappointing. Don’t they have their own podcast?
mehrunesToo many adsToo many ads! Not enough content! Content is great when we get it but not enough of it. Also, who are Amy and TJ? And why are we being forced to listen to them?
Jepsjqo lslazjwlJoining the crowdPlease stop with the I Do podcast. It’s not why I’m subscribed. Love the OG pod but this is irrelevant.
KendraeqNo “I Do”Enough with the I do podcast not why I come here
MommasavickI’d part 2I love listening to Almost Famous but I hate having podcast come up that doesn’t pertain to them. I follow Suckers too and I do Part 2 shows up on there too! Do away with having these come up under these that I follow. If I wanted to listen to there podcast I would subscribe to it
Purplelaces09STOP WITH THE OTHER PODCASTS!!!PLEASE STOP PUTTING OTHER PODCASTS IN THE FEED! I love Ashley & Ben and Trista & Bob. That is why I subscribed. One promo episode to advertise is fine but it has been weeks that this other podcast is in the feed and it’s extremely annoying and it makes me want to unsubscribe.
KzleighUnsubscribing.I’ve decided to unsubscribe. I like Ben, but the short episodes that are half insincere ads, pushing other podcasts, and iHearts complete disregard for local media has me running away so fast.
MidurafamPlease stop pushing other podcasts on usI love Ben & Ashley’s podcast episodes, as well as the OG episodes with Bob & Trista. But THOSE are the podcasts I want to hear. PLEASE STOP with the other podcasts that you’ve been sneaking in under the Almost Famous umbrella. I definitely don’t want to hear from Kelly Bensimon, Amy & TJ, et al. Stop pushing them on us.
Skyhawk31DisappointedI am here for the Ben
AromabGortonThe repeat Gorton ads! 😫😫
Sasha CampoToo many ads and random extrasWhat is up with all these random extra podcasts being added to the stream?? We’re subscribed for Ben and Ashley, stop with all the extra nonsense! Also way too many ads, it’s ridiculous. I’ve been a subscriber since the very beginning, but over it now with all the changes.
Jj jelledOh no!What happened to this podcast? It’s gone downhill.
sred1992Ashley is annoyingIdk why but I cringe everytime I have to hear Ashley say fish sticks of my childhood
zwhit599Over 50% adsCan’t subscribe and listen anymore because of the amount of ads. What’s there to even listen to? I don’t like the short 15 minute interviews that have over 8 mins of ads, and even the longest episodes of 26 minutes and over 50% is ads. Not Ben and Ashley’s fault… but this is awful. Trista and Bob are the WORST because they frequently reference how they haven’t even watched the episode they’re talking about or Bob doesn’t even know who he is interviewing… hadn’t watch their season, etc. awful.
Bublina2020All commercialsThe number of commercials, some on repeat within the same episode, is insane on this podcast. Episodes are so -so and very short, yet commercials take up so much of that time. Its not even worth it to listen any more.
HayleygomAnnoying adsIf I have to hear one more ad about Gorton’s I swear to god…
KBD0429Golden AdjectivesSuper important to eliminate words like ADORABLE and CUTE when referring to the Golden cast…they probably seem really old to you given your younger ages, but they aren’t THAT OLD and the adjectives not always complimentary 😉
jozcheeto2022InformingI really appreciate your enthusiasm for the older generation. However, you must know older people do not like to be referred to as “cute”. I know you are saying it to be nice, but its kind of disrespectful. Thank you!
SC in COGoing downhillSad because it used to be my favorite go to episode for all things bachelor, but the dynamic between Ben and Ashley isn’t there any more and she’s just down right annoying. And the ADs!! My gosh, it’s more than half the show. Yuck! Please turn it around. Very disappointed!
wickmankatI *want* to listenBut I can't with the adds. Ben and Ashley do a great job. They are interesting and have wonderful guests. But like all the other reviews, I can't subscribe anymore because I get too irritated witn the 5 minute add breaks every few minutes.
jsd2018Jenn’s FinaleGood analysis but is there a reason you didn’t mention Becca Kufrin? Who can forget how they kept the cameras rolling while Arie dumped her….and now Arie and Lauren are considered a success story for the franchise. They treated Becca horribly then, and again when they pulled her off her podcast. Much more to that than we will ever know, but I thought she and Ben were friendly. And he didn’t mention the way she was treated. It’s like “let us show you being crushed and you can be Bachelorette and go on DWTS”
JoycieperJen’s seasonJen did a fine job. But the show was a bore. The men for the past several seasons are just not up to the fabulous ladies they are picking. That’s why paradise has not worked and this season is a dud. Perhaps the men’s ages need to be upped into the 30s
RDprankAgree!!I agree with your breakdown of the Bachelorette finale, including the comparison to “Unreal”. The finale was very hard to watch. Jenn was a great lead who fell for an insincere loser. Not sure why they had her sit and re-watch her proposal with her former fiancé. Very sad.
stevenscoldBest everCongrats on the best podcast I’ve heard to date done by anyone on the Bachelor/Bachelorette. The two of you, especially Ben, encapsulated what many of us were feeling following the finale of Jenn Tran’s season. It was horrific, and Ben gave us analysis and behind-the-scenes insider info that really shed some light on the program. You guys are the best — ABC needs your input. Thank you for giving us a glimpse into the ugly underside of the bachelor franchise.
Doris34Having a childTo Jess and Ben:Having a child, being a parent. All great things. Focusing SO MUCH on being a girl dad or girl mom finds many parents not ready for a child that does not follow rigid rules of gender. Chances are a child born in 2025 will have friends who do not want to be the gender they were born with. I am trying to say this carefully, but you need to face reality and please get past your extremely rigid roles and be prepared for your child to be whoever they want to be. Do not smother them with pink or blue ans trucks or tiaras. Its about love, not about growing your twin in your body. It is about the CHILD.
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