The Extramilest Podcast

Running #17

The Extramilest Podcast helps athletes reach their full potential in training, racing and life. Interviews with world class athletes, coaches and rukus makers about health, wellness and performance. Hosted by endurance athlete Floris Gierman.

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Recent Reviews
  • S.dewey1
    Love this podcast!
    I love the all the guests and content of this show. The balance between being informational and inspirational is spot on!
  • Cipri222
    Loved the science based info
    As a runner I got injured quite a few times and now am trying to do things more “by the book”. That’s why I appreciate a science backed approach to sports, and Floris’ podcast definitely helps in the process. I appreciate the guests that bring a wealth of sound information based on their experience and/or research.
  • WheatgeassDan
    New runner
    I am a new runner and I love this podcast. It has more than enough information for me currently and far more advanced information for me later on I have been practicing low heart rate training for a few weeks now, and I have really been noticing a difference, highly suggest this podcast to anyone interested in running.
  • DonaNobisPacem
    Love Floris’s podcast!
    I loved Floris’s content on YouTube. The informative, encouraging content helped me to go from a fat, middle-age couch potato to a fat, middle-age runner doing 11-15km in one session, slowly! Finally found the podcast version, so now I could listen to it on my slow, long runs!!
  • Dalel Magnin
    OMG amazing podcast
    A real jewel for the running world. I have run 56 marathons and am still training hard at age 70. Floris has the most!!!!!!!! amazing info in these podcasts!!! I would HIGHLY recommend to any runners who want to get better or just to understand better. THANKS!!!! Floris for you hard work.
  • Set Eyed
    One Grateful Novice Marathoner
    Thank you for producing this show. I am two marathons in and just switched over to MAF training. Your shows help talk me down when my training runs are embarrassingly long!
  • tocherk
    Let’s keep running
    Excellent motivation and education from all different runners in how to excel and exceed your running goals. Floris is a great calming voice of advice and assistance on our journey to be better runners.
  • Archery.43
    Outstanding podcast!
    I'm an old runner but new to running podcasts, though I only compete with myself I always try to learn everything I can about it. This is a great show, I've been doing a lot of low hr training as well and found this to be a fantastic helpful learning platform. Great stuff
  • SD Guy27
    My new favorite running podcast
    If you’re interested in running - especially longer distances - this is such a great podcast! Floris has interviewed some of the biggest names in the sport, from athletes, coaches, nutritionists, physiologists, and more. He does so with interesting questions, but more importantly, gives his guests room to express their thoughts and ideas without being constantly interrupted or being pummeled into a certain direction by the host. Those kinds of interviews, where it becomes almost more about the interviewer and their experiences and opinions, drive me nuts. Floris has a wonderful interviewing style, brings his own unique experiences and thoughts to the table when appropriate, and really does manage to evoke so many nuggets of wisdom and insight from some truly inspirational and knowledgeable folks in the world of running. Love the show. Keep up the good work!
  • dear running
    Thank you!
    Dr. Cucuzzella summed up this great episode perfectly towards the end of the podcast: “Running is such a powerful mood enhancer.” Every podcast episode is packed with such helpful running information and tips. This one was particular insightful - running enhancing - through the perspective of a running doctor and athlete. Thank you!
  • New Blue Soap
    Learning so much!
    Great way to learn MAF / Zone 2 running. Gives me confidence to keep at it.
  • SamIam51
    Very informative!
    Just recently found this. Seems as though I learn something from every podcast. I listen while running and walking.
  • bbbenzer
    Thoughtful and genuine content with great resources and information. Well done!
  • Validioxus
    THE podcast for low heart rate training
    I watched and listen to countless episodes of the show over the years. Floris does a great job and has continue to get better as an interviewer! I’m not sure of a better podcast to listen to if you’re serious about low heart rate training, becoming a faster runner, and achieving your running goals! I feel very fortunate to have discovered this show early on in my running career. Keep it up Floris!
  • Drosophlia
    I’ve learned so much from watching and listening to Floris Gierman! All the topics and people he interviews have taught me so much! Thank you. I am watching him to learn and prepare more for my upcoming Ragnar relay race.
  • JKSmith
    Finally committing to MAF
    These podcasts showing me so many wide ranging success stories of MAF training have finally gotten me to buckle down and start running slow. Super inspiring listening to all of your guests share their concerns, lessons, struggles and ultimately successes has been the light in the darkness while slowing down😣. Thanks for having such amazing content!
  • Parker CJ
    Start of sub 3 journey
    Love this podcast! I learn so much and am understanding the wisdom of how to accomplish a sub 3 marathon. I just want to get out and run after every listen. Sadly, Fargo ND IS -25F.
  • mbalong11
    Excellent Guests & Content
    This is a great podcast to learn about MAF (Maffetone) running, training, and nutrition strategies from accomplished, sometimes world renowned, runners. Much appreciated.
  • Lizarlington
    Always learning from Extramilest
    First-time reviewer as I’ve been hooked on this podcast for the past two months. Playing catch-up with earlier episodes as they remain fully relevant. Floris asks the most informed questions and gives his guests the time and space to talk in detail about their origin story, short and long term approach, triumphs and challenges, mindset and habits. He’s the perfect host who runs an efficient, friendly and information-packed session. He will ask that seemingly arcane question you were wondering about and he shares his own experiences where they relate to the conversation. Gierman’s own running story is fascinating in itself. Pleased to have discovered this podcast gem. It’s given new life to my running.
  • The Raw Warrior
    Excellent podcast!
    Excellent information on becoming the best runner you can be. Floris does an amazing job and I have been learning something great with each episode.
  • trypn0
    This is it
    The only running podcast you need.
  • grisdottir01
    Great Resource for the MAF Training method
    I stumbled across Floris after being interested in the MAF Training method and he does a great job of giving advice on how to implement MAF Training.
  • Amanda.C.USA
    Interviews and personal content!🌟MAF gold!
    Found him on YouTube when I started to get in to low heart rate running. Major game changer. Great guests and he does some vids on his MAF tests and his runs too :) thanks Floris!
  • KKgurll
    Great podcast, great content. Packed full of wisdom for runners. Can’t get enough.
  • John Goodrum
    Outstanding podcast!!
    Fantastic podcast, so many great interviews and so much invaluable information for runners of all experience levels. A definite must-listen for anyone new to the sport!
  • Crumpster1306
    New Runner
    This podcast is great, It gives me great tips from experienced marathon runners, I really enjoy learning more about low heart heart training, which enables you to run slower which will eventually give you a faster mile time. Please keep the great content coming.
  • Heath in SC
    Good show
    Great info provided by the host and the guests. Interesting content, especially the low HR training.
  • Shrooman777
    Invaluable resource
    This podcast has been the single greatest resource for my journey with low heart rate running. Not only for all the great information how to improve as a runner, but also for Floris’s thoughtful questions about athletes’ struggles and frustration with low heart rate training, after feeling many of the same frustrations despite my starting point being far behind professional athletes. I can’t recommend it enough.
  • Fotfkc
    Never disappoints!
    Floris always hosts an engaging, informative and just darn positive podcasts. I am always happy to see a new one drop and learn great tips and inspiration from Floris and his guests.
  • Bobby from Frisco, TX
    Excellent source of information to help improve your endurance running!
    Nice mix of professional/elite runners and everyday runners sharing their journey on how to become a better, stronger and sustainable endurance runner. Floris Gierman is on to something here!
  • Jordan Kartal
    Best MAF podcast
    Floris and his Exreamilest Show are mine daily drivers. Best MAF training podcast! ❤️
  • DimesD
    Tons of great material
    Floris does a great job providing tons of great running advice...Both psychological and physiological. He has both elite athletes and amateur athletes on his podcasts which help provide any level of runner great advice. He is my #1 social media resource for all of my running information.
  • thething86
    Learning Something New Every Time
    Floris invites a range of guests who educate on a wide range of running topics like diet, training, training plans, running techniques, etc
  • scott benbow
    Listen while you run
    I highly recommend Extramilest. Floris has a great attitude and an excellent approach to dispensing wisdom and interviewing guests.
  • Sam R 2020
    Great heart rate running podcast
    Great guests and host that discuss the low rate rate method and real world advice
  • MontyM-Spanish Springs
    Great Podcast!!
    Terrific podcast that is so informative and stays current.
  • Mapram, Tx
    Extramilest Matt Fitzgerald
    Without a doubt the best podcast for runners. His knowledge and love of running coupled with calm demeanor and friendly tone of voice make Floris the perfect interviewer. Matt Fitzgerald awesome wordsmith, self-deprecating humorist, dedicated running coach and cheerleader. Fun to listen to, knowledge to take home. Thanks for this great work.
  • Persistent Gra
    Floris “gets it”
    These are amazing podcasts with a solid grounding in science and safety with mindfulness. Anyone can follow these concepts of “life long learning”. Running is something one should get into for the long haul with the learning being the goal aiming for mastering knowing you will never truly get to the moment you can’t learn something else. Personally I have an SVT (Supra ventricular tachycardia) that kicks in (heart rate 223) whenever start too fast and I get anaerobic too soon. It feels like a gut punch. My chest feels strange and I get flushed due to additional adrenaline rush when I sense the change. Knowing what triggers the SVT has allowed me to start MAF training so I can progress without the “Elephant in the room” waking up.
  • AdwInNY
    This pod is a gem
    Floris’s enthusiasm for endurance and low heart rate training is infectious. The guests are great and the discussions yield information you can apply to your training immediately.
  • Fnhscc
    Fantastic resource for people looking to dive into low heart rate running!
    Floris provides fantastic guests with great knowledge into running while utilizing low heart rate training to enhance health and well-being.
  • Stefan08081212
    Floris does a great job providing genuine feedback for runners. He is a great resource to stay a healthy happy runner. Thanks Floris.
  • A boy name Jew
    Great podcast with applicable lessons
    This is a worthwhile podcast for anyone who is serious about improving their running performance the right way. Highly recommend
  • Thekoonce
    Been a while
    Or Atleast it seems like it... Anyway I totally enjoy this podcast and different perspectives on training and further explanations on what easy running truly is in correlation with low hr training
  • KStrobe
    Highly recommended- 5 stars!
    I’m so glad I found this podcast and was introduced to the idea of LHR training. I’m a believer in this approach. Floris and guests do an amazing job explaining the importance and benefits of this holistic way of training. I highly recommend this podcast!
  • Mike Stallone (no relation)
    I came across this podcast recently when I was researching MAF training and I am so happy to have found it! Floris does an incredible job of interviewing the many guests and really letting them shine. It’s been really helpful in my own training to hear that many of the struggles I am facing are not unique to me. Currently making my way through the entire catalog of episodes and I haven’t been disappointed yet!
  • Jack in MA
    Really goes deep with LHR training!
    I appreciate how Floris always seems to extract lots of useable training wisdom nuggets from chatting with each guest. I have applied much of what I have heard to my own LHR training journey! Great show!
  • bradley.j.wall
    Informative and inspiring
    Love the guests that he gets to talk about the long-term journey of running and life.
  • michaeldwilson
    Informative and inspiring podcast!
    I have enjoyed every episode in this podcast. Floris usually explores the practice, challenges, and enormous benefits of low heartrate training, in particular, the Maffetone Method. If you are interested in this training method, I think you'll enjoy these podcasts too!
  • AustinLor
    Longtime Runner learning new things
    Informative. I like his style of interviewing. Like that he doesn’t only have men as experts..
  • Valerie Neumann
    Very Informative Podcast for all Runners
    This is my favorite podcast to listen to about running and MAF training. If you have any doubts at that this training works, listen to the insightful guests who each had their reservations and successes.
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