

It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

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Recent Reviews
  • maaaaadddzz
    Editing my old review to just say this: Morbid used to be one of my favs but has become unbearably cringey and awkward to listen to recently. I used to get excited about new eps and now I just put it on for background noise when I have nothing else to listen to. Research quality is meh and I find myself fast forwarding way more than I do any other podcast. Bummer
  • mrslduffy
    Just skip ahead
    Once you skip ahead 10+ minutes it gets better. After years and years of listening to this show the small talk never gets any easier to listen to. So, save yourself some time and skip ahead.
  • ErinBlumel
    Love every episode! But bring back adding (Part 1)
    I love this podcast and have been listening from the beginning, but recently I’ve noticed they’ve stopped adding, Part 1 in the title and only add Part 2. They now mention it in the episodes, but just a little annoying when those of us who listen like to listen as a whole. I’m sure it’s because it’s less views when both parts aren’t out yet, but I honestly stop listening anyway when I hear it’s only part one and just wait until both are out.
  • Lakeboy38372
    Good entertainment(earlier episodes are better)
    It’s good enough for me to continue to listen to some of the episodes, but it has moved to the “When I have nothing better to listen to” category.
  • Caylinjo
    I used to love this podcast
    Ive been a Morbid listener for YEARS now. Ive listened to every episode. Ive decided to finally unfollow and find a new podcast. Every episode, they spend the first 8-15 minutes talking about Gossip girl or promoting other podcasts, and that’s all fine and dandy. But then they also run 3-4 ads every episode so an hour episode is really only 30-45 min. I spend so much time skipping ahead. I do appreciate the commentary that is given but sometimes it borders on disrespectful and too lighthearted for the subject matter. Perhaps I’ll give Morbid another listen in the future.
  • Bre Kar
    My first ever listened to podcast and gateway into so many more, but this will always be the OG. I’ve always loved ash and related to her so much but the older I get, Alaina is cracking me up and I love her so much. They are elite at the way they do their cases and don’t just make it like you’re watching a 2000’s murder doc. They are so respectful to the victims and I’ve always appreciated the way they talk about them and give details on who the victim was, what they liked, etc. because these people were people with whole lives and loved ones. They are so funny and I actually love when they banter. They both have evolved so much and in the best ways. The best!!!
  • SadieKen
    I am begging you. Stop repeating everything fifteen different times! I just kept skipping ahead 30 seconds to the point of annoyance and just stopped listening all together. We know he put a girl in a box. We know he is a monster. Repeating the same thing another 15 times does nothing for your story. We know he is bad. Please…keep on track with the story!
  • xjugsjhi
    Started out as one the top shows.
    True crime shouldn’t be enlightened or something funny.
  • buttfgy
    I started listening to Morbid about two years ago on my “hot girl walks”, and now it’s my go to podcast. Whenever I’m in the car, at the gym, or doing chores around the house, listening to morbid is always my first choice. Love you Alaina & Ash and your realness - you both are wonderful humans and I appreciate all the work you do in making this podcast for all of us! At this point y’all feel like my friends and your voices live rent free in my head (I’m cool w it) 🥹💗 KEEP IT WEIRD FOEVAAAAA!!!
  • Chello87!
    Save the Best for Last!
    I always save the best for last! I have a list of true crime podcasts that I listen to and this is always the one I listen to last because it truly is a gem of a show and it calms my nerves ironically enough! I love the banter and I feel like I’m listening to my two besties! I’ve listened to every episode at least twice now! Love this podcast!
  • huntinwabbitz
    Listen to Sinisterhood
    These girls are classless. They have a history of misreading situations and victim blaming and then being fully unable to accept any criticism. They’ve had victims in their Instagram comments tell them that they misrepresented their case and all they do is deny and push blame elsewhere. If you’ve noticed they do more and more “old timey” cases now it’s because they involve no living victims to contest their storytelling. It’s also easier to write off their poor researching as difficult to find due to the times. I read Alaina’s book and it’s so incredibly poorly written I almost returned it. The last time I listened to them they were giving a trigger warning upfront about harm to children and school shootings and Alaina proceeded to say that if it’s a topic that you can’t handle just put it on mute and let it play so they can get the money from the view. What a joke. I was recommended Sinisterhood in place of Morbid and while they don’t primarily do true crime, they are a really great podcast and the hosts are truly classy and funny. Give them a listen and skip these clowns!
  • agb17-
    Often Off Topic
    The hosts do not stay on topic. They tell the story in a “entertaining” manner rather than showing respect to the victims. Take notes from crime junkie. Create a segment after the episode and make it optional for the listener to listen to all the off topic conversations after the podcast rather than before it starts. This podcast has potential but is too immature and disrespectful.
  • maxxx369
    ALAINAAAA (and Ash ofc) please come to FL for the book tour 😭😭😭 i’d be so stoked to meet you both
  • Tattooedwitch
    My go-to podcast!
    This has become my go-to podcast whenever I am crafting(knitting or crochet). I have a deep love of true crime, and this is an amazing podcast to listen to whenever I can. I love the amazing relationship and banter between Ash and Alaina; it feels like spending time with my friends and family with all the random pop culture references and bursting into song. And the one liners are priceless. Definitely give this a listen!
  • Suetincharge
    I used to love you. As law enforcement I get we mess up some times but you guys are so judgy against us. We’re not always wrong and you seem to think you know more than law enforcement. Makes me sad. This is why after 11 years I’m leaving a career I loved. Maybe just tell the story. If you wanna be law enforcement we’re hiring everywhere!
  • Marion1581@
    I wouldn’t
    Just two women jacked up on caffeine & regurgitating Wikipedia. Hardly insightful, the prattling & thought vomit make one point of the story take FOREVER. What could easily be concluded in an 45 minutes takes these, well, multiple episodes. A truly painful listen
  • snoopy036
    love love LOVE
    I love the banter, the life updates, the advice, and the interruptions. I look forward to the days episodes are released. Thank you for keeping my college brain sane <3
  • englund72
    Totally love this podcast! It has become my absolute favorite! You girls are the best …. ❤️💕❤️🩷 keep it weeeeiiirrrdddddddd😘☺️
  • Leo papalardo
    Best Podcast
    A fresh take on a true crime , hands down awesome
  • walkerbaittt
    Everyone talking about “stop with the old cases” shut up 🤣. Those are some of the most interesting cases out there and some of us like them. And you’re free not too enjoy them, but you can just move on from those episodes you don’t like instead of “Ima write a mean review” Anyways, thanks for being yourselves and we love the banter , the jokes, the laughs, keep it up you bring most of the most joy we feel in our days.
  • mea132
    No warning of part 2
    New episode drops, I listen to it. Then at the very end they go “stay tuned for a part 2”. There was zero indication that it would be a 2 parter episode.
  • zzqq389
    Too many interruptions/interjections
    The interruptions and dramatic interjections and reactions to every sentence are so distracting and detract from the episode
  • gardenfairy86
    I don’t listen anymore but I thought I’d just leave a review to warn others. All the episodes are cases from 1980 and back. No new cases AT ALL. It needs to be renamed to Morbid: Historical True Crime. You guys used to be good but once you started getting flack for your opinions, you stopped covering new cases. Who cares what people think?! Just do new cases again, please!!
  • IWannaGetHitByAUnitransBus121
    Love it
    Love the banter!!
  • Neona
    Love these gals!
    My kind of humor that’s for sure! I usually can’t stand banter, but these two are hysterical! Love all the stories, great mix of stories I thought I knew everything about and others I’ve never heard of. Keep up the good work ladies!
  • Stingray1229
    Keeping me sane…ish?
    I listen to this podcast religiously and continuously at work! I have a very enjoyable (yet repetitive) job and this podcast keeps my brain busy and me sane…ish. My therapist and I thank you for keeping my adhd and anxiety distracted!
  • Punky Clown
    Love these two!
    This podcast renewed my passion for true crime. Highly recommended due to how well researched this podcast is and it is so personable. They give warnings in advance when their episodes contain highly triggering content and I appreciate that.
  • tiffbutton
    I love this show! The way they tell their stories makes you feel like you are a part of their conversation. Great story tellers and I love the banter between the two of them.
  • Caroline.b4
    I love Morbid
    I love you guys I listen to every episode, and I wrote my speech about you guys for my college speech class HAHAHA. Just wanted to say thank you:)
  • bguster18
    Love this show. Listen to Love Murder for newer cases!
    I love this show when I honestly love the old-time content. If you want newer post 2000 cases, listen to LOVE MURDER. They always have newer stuff.
  • Fresh_air is for dead people
    Love this so much!
    Listening to this podcast is the highlight of my day. Ash and Alaina are so sweet and funny and their podcast is so informative. This podcast is (oddly) super relaxing for me and Ash and Alaina always put me in a good mood, even when I’m having a bad day. 10/10, would definitely recommend this podcast!!!!
  • Hbgfhkkjcgnnj
    Love these weirdos!
    I started listening to these ladies couple years ago when someone recommended them in some YouTube comments I seen. I’ve been attached ever since. These ladies voices are complete comfort to me.
  • Ddhhbbcc123456!!!!()
    It’s Finnnnne (Ross voice)
    I just started listening and started from first episode and now in 08/2019. This podcast isn’t great, but it’s also not bad…. It’s Meh/Mid. Like ok enough to keep listening to and thank goodness for skips so you can skip through the unessicary stuff; but also could be better. Some eps are good and some aren’t. I’m listening to BTK, I’d recommend skipping this one and listening to something else on him, unless you just want to hear 3 entire episodes on just their opinions on him. If you like that kind of episode though, which I guess is why people keep coming back, def go for it. Yes he’s horrible human being we all know that, but sometimes I feel like these are just all jokes and obvious opinions with no real story of what happens,. The story is there just tell it. They also struggle with organization of the story telling. They go back and forth and around world and eventually get back to the point. I do like the mini episodes cause they are short to the point and not much filler. Overall ok for an hour long drive to work in the am. Also, do give you props for doing what you do.
  • BGMays
    This podcast is so well researched all while being so hilarious. That in itself is a talent! Don’t miss it! You will never be disappointed!
  • Jay rock 420
    Hard to follow the story
    Normally, I’m down for the banter in the jokes here and there, but trying to get through one of these podcasts insane. Every sentence somebody interjects with a joke or add something that’s not necessary or laughing. there’s no flow to the story. It’s all broken up. I’m gonna have to pass on this one.
  • alwjuwiw
    Have stopped listening hate them can’t stand them
  • sayora_is_Gae
    100% weirdos.
    I absolutely love these two weirdo’s! I’m lonely a lot of the time and listening to these two just makes all the loneliness go poof! It’s like their talking to us! I would 100% go to their show(but it’s never where I am💔) and I hope that me saying this helps other’s support them too!
  • Lieseld
    This is definitely one of my favorite true crime podcasts! I love the banter it’s a great palate cleaner:) You guys are like two peas in a pod(cast lab) (That was corny I’m sorry) You guys are so funny and the cases are well researched
  • bowyerjr
    Story versus 🤬
    Good stories but way to many F bombs to get a point across.
  • odessc
    C’mon what more can you ask for!
    These dames deliver. Bantor, humorous catch phrases, in depth research on older cases that don’t get covered on the more mainstream True Crime shows—these ladies are here for the different, shiny, special, eccentric and dark persons of the world. Thank you both for brightening my days with dark tales.
  • Hobbinatrix
    Please… just don’t.
    I hate this show. The bantering and jokes. They think they’re funny. They’re not.
  • Jazzy_Ways
    Perfect blend of spooky and funny.
  • hauwkenfhwnqnajjddj
    Please girly pops please
    This is my comfort show, but unfortunately all the old time cases don’t make my brain itch as much as more modern cases, and listener tales. For the sake of my comfort and mental illness could you please throw in a modern case more often, you guys really are my comfort show and having to go week without listening because it’s many old cases in a row is causing me severe discomfort
  • Kat021564
    Old Old Crimes
    I used to love this podcast until it seems they have switched up their story telling to old crimes of 19th and early 20th century. I didn’t mind a few every now and then, but it’s all they have along with listener tales ugg
  • zmzalaqpq
    Amazing recounts of horrific crimes
    These women put incredible effort into researching these cases and I think they get to tell them however they want. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea because of some swearing and passionate reactions-and that’s fine- just go find a boring, zero personality storyteller if that’s your vibe. Love this show and hosts especially for the unique forgotten cases they find.
  • lindacollier
    Love everything about the show
    I love how it’s a mix of everything creepy spooky and murders while throwing in some crazy history
  • JosephMason
    Very judgmental
    It’s barely ok. Very judgmental but they insist that everyone shouldn’t be so judgmental!! Very opinionated when they should just read about the story.
  • Clb4211
    4+ years later…
    The GOATS.. Olympic icons of podcasting… the greatest to ever do the dang thang. I found Morbid in 2019ish and I’ve tried hundreds since but I’m telling you now- nobody does it like Alaina & Ash. I can’t even explain how much I love them. Ash & Alaina feel like my sisters & I constantly find myself wishing that we lived closer so we could all be best friends. I adore their big hearts, expansive vocabulary, attention to detail, and lack of weird mouth noises (I’m an ND girly, it is what it is🤷🏻‍♀️). Tl;dr- click subscribe & be nice to them or I’ll haunt you one day. The end.
  • veeo8519
    I am utterly & completely in obsessed with this podcast.
  • bebo1223
    Love ❤️
    My very favorite and the very first podcast I binged! Don’t ever change girls.
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