

It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

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Recent Reviews
  • TheAppleIsRotten
    Love the show, BUT…
    I love them both, but the over talking Ash does while Alaina is talking and repeating what she says drives me bonkers!! EVERY episode!! Chill out!! Oh, and the “th” in “clothes” is not pronounced with a hard th. Another thing that drives me nuts.
  • jaxxqinolz
    Episode idea!
    Hi morbid team! I've been listening for 3 years now and I'm not sure if y'all have done Luis Garavito yet. Would love coverage on him! Thank y'all so much! I look forward everyday to listening 🥹
  • Tx💙
    Love love love
    Favorite podcast ever. Please continue with the political talk if you guys want to! Don’t listen to the negative comments over politics. This is a platform where y’all can discuss anything and everything you want, if they don’t like it they can keep it moving.
  • AznH0bbit
    The girls are well-researched, funny, and (in the earlier episodes they) roast the bad guys. You can tell research was boosted in recent years, so you get more in terms of citations/resources. Love this show. Unfortunately, I found out Wondery (their parent company) is owned by Amazon and I cannot continue in good conscience as a listener.
  • Chel I am
    Do you do any episodes less than 50 years old?
    02/01/25 - Plenty of stuff has happened this century. 03/01/25 - still waiting bruh
  • Calibean84
    I need you guys to do a story on
    Marianne Bachmeier please I don’t know how to write y’all sorry so you’ll never see this….but I tried…..
  • MamaMarathon
    Great Podcast, Great Gals
    The show continues to be informative, interesting and told by two kind-hearted and well-spoken hosts. The conversation/commentary before they dive into the story is always timely and makes me feel heard and seen. It’s authentic, true to who they are, and it shows. While I do think there is room for a bit more research at times (some of the things said about Mormons in the past for example was incorrect), we are all human and can’t be experts on everything, right? So please—keep doing what you are doing. Tune out those naysayers. We love you!
  • Luve22
    5 star show pre wondery
    I wish I could reply to views individually but since I can’t here goes..yes the show was better before all the TRUMP voters want to DICTATE what you talk about on YOUR show😂 “how rude”..tell agent orange to be kind and to remember EVERYONE didn’t vote for him. He stole/brought the election. Elon hacked the computers and gave Kamala’s vote to dt.
  • PoddyPods
    You women need to resist the urge to bring up politics, even though things are so exciting right now. When you do, you make morons of yourselves. Who could respect such loud, yet uninformed people?
  • Morbid girly pop
    Morbid is the best
    You witches are the best my aunt an me bonded over you to and to anyone who hates morbid go die in a hole my favorite thing you guys do are listener tails that all ways has me at the edge of my seat any way I love morbid.🕸️🕷️
  • snoopy036
    love love LOVE
    I love the banter, the life updates, the advice, and the interruptions. I look forward to the days episodes are released. Thank you for keeping my college brain sane <3 Also I keep seeing things about people complaining about the politics, I don't mind at all and it's comforting to know I'm not the only one freaking out about it. Speak your mind ladies, it's what makes you great.
  • My$tree
    I listened to this podcast whenever I got the chance to escape current world problems. I thoroughly enjoyed the content until politics were brought up and you lost me. I listened to escape that kind of thing as it’s everywhere and sadly now here.
  • Over it-
    Listener Tales
    Listener tales used to be so interesting years ago. They would report on small local crimes people had witnessed or happened in their towns. Now it’s just a ton of far fetched supernatural stories people write in. Like literally make up a wild scary paranormal story and you’ll be on the next listener tales. So disappointing. Please go back to the old format.
  • gmazzthespazz
    Here’s the thing
    I come for the exceptional coverage of true crime. It’s one of the best in that regard and I won’t stop listening for that reason. HOWEVER, & very unfortunately as many other recent reviews say, politics has found its way to the once-entertaining banter and I REALLY wish it wasn’t that way.
  • aunt shell
    so disappointing
    I've listened to your show for years, and for the most part, I enjoy both of you. However, I believe you should stay out of politics. More than half of the voting population supported the current administration, so you might be unintentionally offending many of your listeners. There are countless other podcasts available, and I think you should be more considerate of your audience.
  • finderss
    Hear me out..
    I tried this podcast for the first time. I assumed since it was Wondery it would be fabulous. However, the banter that goes on is annoying & therefore I quit before I even got started. Having to fast forward through the first 20 mins to get past the pointless chatting & giggles through the show just gets obnoxious. Can’t even follow the story - Not for me sadly. I wish the banter was non existent & the chick in the background should just exit because it’s just “sound” and distracts from the story.
  • Mack_13_2
    That’s the thing
    Love y’all, love the politics, love the constant repetition of the phrase “that’s the thing”
  • 143-i<3u-xoxo
    The banter at the beginning is too MUCH. Also political views I disagree with highly! My views will not change, like immigration, you can legally submit applications, process as should and be documented. Musk I support due to years of government waste and high taxes. Not a “go to” podcast due to these reasons, if I’m caught up on others and bored I might click and fast forward thru the garbage. I enjoy the voices tho. Very clear and explain situations well.
  • bmaddy7
    Great podcast - love the politics
    I love their content and that they speak about the problems with this country. When you have a platform you definitely don’t have to speak out, but they do and I appreciate that. Love the re-dos of older episodes (I.e., Elizabeth Short).
  • jackson608
    Request for a Golden State Killer Case Revisit
    Hi Morbid Team, I’m a long-time listener, and I absolutely love your podcast! You’ve all grown so much over the years, and your episodes are always so well-organized and engaging. The way you structure the cases now, starting with the background of the killer and then getting into the crimes and how they were solved, really adds a great flow to each episode. I’m reaching out because I’d love to see you redo your very first episode about the Golden State Killer. I’ve listened to it a few times, and while it’s still an interesting episode, it feels a bit chaotic compared to your more recent shows. There’s a lot of overlapping talk, papers shuffling in the background, and it doesn’t have the same clear structure that you’ve perfected in later episodes. The way the case details are laid out feels a bit scattered, and I think it would be amazing to hear you approach it in your current format, where everything is more organized and easy to follow. Would you consider redoing the Golden State Killer episode or doing a new, more structured deep dive into the case? It would be so cool to hear your updated take with all the improvements you’ve made to your podcast style! Thanks so much for all the hard work you do, and I’ll keep listening no matter what! Best, Saylor Jackson
  • Red Stick Crow
    Stop with the politics!!!
    I have been listening for years and have been a paid subscriber the whole time. I hear enough politics all day from every other form of media; I come here to hang with my home girls and relax. With that being said, I will not hesitate to unfollow and delete if it keeps up.
  • Dallas303
    No more politics, I implore you.
    I have enjoyed listening to you ladies for years. I love the beginning banter and fun loving conversations you two have, until recently. It seems no matter where you go nowadays politics always comes up. I was really hoping it wouldn’t make its way on to your podcast, but here we are. I realize I could skip the intro or stop listening altogether, but I don’t want to. If there’s any chance we could leave the political comments out, I’d be so grateful. Thank for entertaining us for years, with your well thought out and thoroughly researched episodes.
  • jdisix
    Used to be 5 stars
    This was easily a 5 star podcast before it went to Wondery Plus unfortunately. I used to be sooo excited when episodes came now, I barely listen anymore. You can tell they’re reading from a piece of paper now & not doing their own research anymore. What a shame, they used to sound excited & like they loved what they did. Not anymore, sorry girls. I hope you can bring it back!
  • camaira610
    Fav spooky pod
    I’ve been a fan of Morbid for years now. The pod was recommended to me by an old situationship lol. Truly the one good thing that came out of that. 😂 Alaina and Ash always tell their cases with such detail and care, while also keeping things the perfect amount of light hearted when needed. Thank you for sharing the stories that are often hard to listen to but deserve to be heard! I love you witchy weirdos with my whole black heart 🖤
  • Shakingjoker
    Best True Crime Podcast!
    Thanks for creating a space where my (somewhat) insanity and weirdness can be free! P.S. Now I'm trying to find haunted places to explore. Lol
  • DinoSperkles
    Stop with the politics!
    It’s really a bummer that the girls have been getting more political. I look forward to listening to Morbid as a way to disconnect from the everyday humdrum and listen to some already unfortunate events. We don’t need unfortunate reminders of the state of our political climate sprinkled in. Really disappointed.
  • arloann
    I’m intelligent and informed
    So when my brain needs a break I love these ladies. Ash is spectacular always though. #subsciber.
  • annevelly
    Major decline
    This used to be my go to podcast. I would look forward to it every week. I’m sad to say it, but politics has ruined this show. Wish you ladies all the best, but time to move on.
  • Meli0013
    Huge no for me.
    It takes them 15-30min to actually talk about the topic… also why bring in politics? I loved, the podcast where they were laughing for legit 10min straight… how annoying. This podcast is a huge no for me.
  • Jess W2
    Leave politics out of a crime podcast
    Hello, I love your ladies podcast SO much. I look forward to your guys jokes and stories you bring to life but then I get so irritated when you talk down on our political leaders when not everyone agrees that way. The amazing part of living in the USA, is we all get to have our own opinions but I come to this page to get away from all the negativity and then I have to hear yall degrade me unintentionally because of who I do choose to support. I do support that “orange man” and will continue to support you both but let’s be mindful with what we say as not everyone agrees with YOUR political view. Keep spreading kindness though!
  • Mprice423
    I Am The Night!
    Love this podcast! I’ve been listening to ya’ll forever. ❤️ I was just listening to the Black Dahlia episodes and I remember watching a show called “I Am The Night”. It’s on Hulu (2019). It’s about George Hodel and his devilish parties. It follows the story of his granddaughter Fauna Hodel, Tamar’s daughter. And ties in the black dahlia. So good! Forgot about it until now.
  • Jiujitsero
    Liked for years until they dumped on Elon who might single-handedly save humanity. Dummies!
    Boo. Read a book
  • Owl-Moon
    Feel All the Feels
    These two ladies do the research and give us the facts! At the same time, they present a story that gives feelings. You laugh with them, you get angry with them, and occasionally shout out answers when they ask rhetorical questions. Hold on to your butts (that’s an inside joke) and learn from these two a variety of true crime, mystery, and sometimes spooky.
  • Caroline.b4
    I love Morbid
    This podcast gets me through stressful times. Thank you so much:)
  • minutes kfjnb
    Please stop talking about politics! You guys are my escape from the world and all of craziness going on.
  • Hailda Wilde
    I always wanted a sister
    Feels like I have two! Love this podcast. Would likely listen even if I wasn’t into true crime.
  • Fdyisizitdisksuditdfoyftid
    Drop the politics please
    I like this show and have listened for some years. I do not want to have to listen to any kind of politics on this show - there is definitely enough of that elsewhere. I have come to enjoy this as a palette cleanser, if you will, to the constant politics everywhere else.
  • Courtneyxxccvvff
    Just read through the reviews because I was hoping I wasnt the only one feeling this way… don’t want to beat a dead horse but it’s a bit outrageous to preach community, mental health, love and then imply despicable things about republicans (condescending, mocking, name calling). Not only this but I do feel each time religion is brought up, they refer to something Christian as icky or creepy or brainwashing and then defend satanism as if it isn’t inherently evil…. I can understand not wanting to offend ANYONE but the pendulum swung so far that they make back handed insults. Let’s try to hold ourselves to the same standards you expect from others ladies because you aren’t currently doing that.
  • queequeg1982
    Stay in your lane and leave Politics out
    I started listening years ago, 2017 I think, the “underwater” days, and just like the other people commenting here, I’m leaving because of your misinformed ideas on the current administration. Maybe take some time and do some research on what over half the country knows and voted for. ✌🏻
  • Arabella1994
    Ash’s Instagram
    I love this podcast, but hunty!!! Your Instagram did not make you follow the POTUS. You were already following when it was Biden and when Trump took over office they POTUS Instagram changed to him and Biden’s posts went to the archive account.
  • Boymanor
    Use to really enjoy this podcast. But, as mentioned by others, their political views and opinions on everything is tiresome. Also, please stop saying “literally” every 20 seconds!
  • valormama
    This isn’t my favorite podcast but they do cover good cases. I just don’t like how the hosts constantly use the Lord’s name in vain. It’s very cringey.
  • maddawwwwwwg
    I used to love this pod sooo much but had to unfortunately unsubscribe. I can get over a difference in political opinion, but not the constant mocking of Christianity/ organized religion. Please stop acting like over half of the country didn’t vote for the “orange man,” or that MANY of your followers are religious. It is hypocritical to preach about kindness while belittling and isolating a solid fraction of your listeners.
  • Lizabellaa
    Your instagram didn’t follow anyone.. misinformation
    Just wanted to note that if you were following “potus” the account changed because the president changed. Your Instagram is not automatically following anyone. This is misinformation.
  • AlexaJoN
    Too political
    Love the pod itself and your banter… but let’s keep the opinions to a minimum. You say your opinions (sometimes in a hurtful manner) and I have been part of the people you ridicule. Just wanted to remind you ladies that not everyone from either party is evil… defiantly not gonna be part of the wondery plus anymore.
  • INAPB77
    Love the stories, hate the takes
    I love the cases they cover for the most part, and they do a good job covering them. However, I wish they’d leave personal takes - namely, politics - out of the commentary. We couldn’t be more opposite politically and every time they comment on it, it drives me away from the show. I don’t understand why they want to ostracize a whole sector of their listeners. A majority of voters in the US elected one President… for them to think a large portion of those people aren’t their listeners is ignorant and disappointing. Have your opinions all you want, but leave them out of your true crime pod and we will be good.
  • nope3333
    forever favorite podcast
    alaina! finally listened to ghost thanks to you. obsessed! love you girlies, thanks for keeping me (mostly) sane.
  • Kapp’s
    These two podcasters are horrible
    Murder at Lululemon
  • Bea_2222
    Love them more everyday!
    I feel like Ash and Alaina’s advice has gotten me out of many of what could have been bad situations and for that I will be forever grateful. 💟💟💟
  • Dallasvj
    The best podcast out there
    Two thumbs up for this duo of crime solvers! Absolutely great information and the way they tell the cases/stories is excellent.
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