Constant Wonder

Nature #31

Stay in tune with our phenomenal world. Join us for explorations of science, art, history, and more. We're on a quest to find awe and wonder in all nature—human or wild, vast or small. Encounters that move us beyond words. Hosted by Marcus Smith, Constant Wonder is a production of BYUradio.

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Recent Reviews
  • philychese
    An excellent podcast
    I really enjoy this show.
  • Shauna NI
    What a great program! The science of dreaming was outstanding. More like this please.
  • And then Jill
    Fun in the wondering!
    I LOVED this episode! I appreciate the variety of topics and the fun thoughts that are invited to my curious mind. Thank you!
  • onthedont
    Top notch
    Recently found this podcast and loving it, great host and topics, really liked the hospice Dr and ordered his book. Thank you!
  • germaine de stael
    Pretty amazing
    There is nothing slow or boring about this podcast. The excitement comes from the depth and the spiritual approach to all sorts of different topics. It’s become my favorite driving or relaxing podcast.
  • Maida.K
    Interesting, Informative and Inspiring.
    Thank you for creating this podcast! Just what I was looking for.
  • mituska2
    Fascinating topics
    This podcast interviews scientists and experts in diverse fields of interest.
  • DW39A
    This show helps re-create the wonder I had as a child learning about the world around me and the amazing people in it – keep up the good work – your podcast is one of my favorites!!!!
  • Cawilley
    Fascinating, inspiring, and so well done!
    This was recommended by family and friends before I finally started listening. I have loved every episode I’ve tried. They are always unexpected and uplifting! Try an episode.
  • zzzzzoster
    All the episodes are the same…
    I read the review about middle school knowledge being passed as profound/great, but listened anyways. A couple episodes were okay, but after two or three I realized every single episode was basically the same thing over and over again and I couldn’t listen anymore, although I gave a few more episodes a shot just to be fair. While I do think we need more positive podcasts out there, this podcast lacks spark. It feels like it’s trying so hard to be positive that a lot of information/topics are neglected. Similarly the production style seems condescending. Mostly: Throwing experts around doesn’t give you automatic authority or profundity, and the scope of this podcast is so narrow all the episodes are the same.
  • Otnoaf Forever
    Prestige Storytelling+Information
    Compelling and professional, keeps me coming back
  • jersey8750
    Expect the Unexpected
    This show really makes you think about how you look at the world. It has enough variety that I never get bored and I never know exactly what to expect. History, animals, space, science—you name it, Constant Wonder covers it. Great show!
  • Brooke Soldani
    So interesting
    Constant Wonder is always so interesting, no matter the topic. The content is always 10/10 and I learn something new every time without fail!
  • MtnRadio
    In-depth, engaging topics that help you see hope, wonder, and mystery in the world. A great break from politics and tragedy.
  • k$$$$!
    This podcast covers so many varied topics. I always listen in when I’m wanting to learn something new! Marcus is a great host. It’s an inspiring show too.
  • Furpep
    Great show
    Love this show but wondering why there have been no new episodes for the past 2 weeks?
  • <(Mr Roboto)>
    Great content and depth
    I have found the topics interesting, and discovered a number of ideas to pursue further. Favorites are cephalopods, running man, history of apples and tennis, rough hewn wood techniques, eat the Buddha, Wampanoag history and recipes from the Middle Ages. This is a great way to learn and develop a sense of wonder.
  • Great Slav
    Bad and it is getting worse.
    I had a great hopes for this podcast. The more I listen the more I notice how middle school knowledge is passed as a great knowledge. Only someone who slept through the school can find this interesting. Don’t waste your time.
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