The Viall Files


My name is Nick Viall and I host The Viall Files, a podcast that one anonymous reviewer called “surprisingly insightful and substantive.”The Viall Files explores all things dating and love - from post-breakup healing to salacious texts - in our three (and sometimes four) weekly episodes. Ask Nick - Every Monday, listeners navigating a challenging yet relatable interpersonal circumstance--from a 2 year situationship to a blowout fight with their mom to a friendship feud to reigniting intimacy after 10 years of marriage--call in for Nick's signature blunt yet compassionate advice. It's ripe with the type of hard truths your friends are too afraid to say, but you're better off for hearing.Bachelor Recap - We break down this week's episode of the Bachelor, Bachelorette, or Bachelor in Paradise on Tuesdays. This color commentary is full of hot takes, debates, jokes, and the insider knowledge only a former Bachelor can provide. Nick, Ali and Amanda are joined by special celebrity guests--you'd be surprised how many of your favorite actors and comedians are closet bachelor fans.Freestyle - On Tuesday during the Bachelor "off-season," we dive into the hot-button, zeitgeist topics--the latest celebrity drama, trending reality tv shows, new love song/music video that everyone's obsessed with, and occasionally a months-long highly publicized defamation trial between divorced A-list actors. Our lively discussions include takeaways we can all relate to. We also have "Texting Office Hours," a segment where we help a caller craft, edit, and press the send button on a nerve-wracking message. Going Deeper - Every Thursday, a special guest joins the show for a tell-all interview and to discuss their latest project, their philosophies on love and relationships, plus the most relevant pop culture topics. These episodes conclude with our beloved "Texting Office Hours " segment where Nick, the guest, and our co-hosts team up to give advice to a listener on a message they need help writing.The Update Show - The last Friday of the month, by popular demand (and we mean POPULAR) cliffhangers are resolved and burning questions are answered with updates from our most engaging callers. These much-anticipated follow-ups reveal if the caller took Nick's advice and how everything transpired, providing much-needed resolution to the callers' stories that stole our hearts and attention.

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Recent Reviews
  • Spanky&Sakai
    Disappointing Decline
    I used to be a dedicated listener to The Viall Files, eagerly tuning into every episode Nick released. The conversations with Allie and Amanda were always engaging, intelligent, and offered insightful takes on pop culture. I’m truly disappointed by the current state of the podcast. Its turned into a cacophony of idiots all agreeing with each other. It’s devolved into a chaotic mess where misinformation is rampant, and topics are reported far too late to be relevant. While I initially enjoyed Natalie’s contribution, her frequent negging of Nick has made the episodes uncomfortable, and her immaturity and lack of education are more apparent than ever. I urge the team to PLEASE READ THEIR REVIEWS, because on this path, the podcast won’t survive much longer.
  • SwissK123
    Please get rid of Natalie…she brings nothing to the table.
  • cleopod
    Extremely Annoying People
    This podcast could be 50 minutes but sometimes goes on for what seems like hours. Most episodes I have to fast forward or just skip. Not good.
  • Inlovewithjbiebs
    People in a glass house
    The episode with Taylor Frankie Paul was the last time I’ll listen. The hosts love to point out other people’s flaws and shortcomings but think their own relationship is perfect and that they have no problems or issues of their own. Gross behavior.
  • robynkarabin
    Would be good without Nick
    he’s a douche and will talk about others relationship probs and not his own and seems like he thinks his opinion is fact
  • SpoonZzz
    I’m out
    I had to say before I leave this podcast for good, that I agree with all the comments about Natalie and Nick. They used to be fine, but they have become something I can’t listen to anymore. I wish them well but I just listened to my last podcast.
  • courtney1518
    OG fan
    I miss the old show and the old household. I no longer listen due to Natalie showing zero respect to Nick (clearly she is not in love with him anymore) and cussing every two words. Just gives off bad vibes with the constant bashing of people!! She CONSTANTLY talks over everyone and makes it about her.
  • ans6293
    Please reconsider the household
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since the beginning but don’t love it anymore. It has gone downhill fast due to the addition of Natalie and the newer “household” members.
  • tillybean12345
    Too Many People in Episodes
    Please stop with the four, five, six people talking at once. So hard to follow especially when everyone is just talking over each other.
  • mivyfish
    Disappointing Decline
    I have been a listener for years, but it’s been sad to lose a big portion of the Bachelor recap content I started listening for. Not to mention regular listeners no longer get any special updates on Ask Nick episodes. Also, I respect that some listeners may enjoy the football segment, but let’s be real….it feels out of place and it’s getting a big fast forward from me. Lastly, I am happy for Nick that he found love, but the disdain Natalie uses when she speaks to and about Nick is really uncomfortable. It truly brings the whole vibe of the show down. I miss the days of Ali and Amanda. They brought true heart and soul to the show. It feels like the heart and soul are gone now.
  • EmilyMusic
    Missing the nuance
    Edit: So disappointed by the interview with Jenn. I initially discovered your podcast for the bachelor recaps, but also grew to love your Ask Nick segments. I appreciated the nuanced viewpoints you often shared, and the pushback you would give to help people look at situations in a different light. I haven’t listened regularly for quite some time now, but tuned in to hear Nick interview Jenn. I was looking forward to you asking questions about the discrepancies between her story and Devin’s, but the entire interview felt very one-sided. I expected to hear more of a discussion about the blatant lies told at AFR, and it’s a bummer that didn’t happen. Jenn appears to be completely dismissing anything that conflicts with what we know now is her false narrative, and it’s really disappointing you didn’t dig deeper. Thank you for sharing your opinion even if it's not always the most popular one! I really enjoyed your perspecitive on Madi.
  • janeep16
    Five stars but tik tok overkill
    Missing the variety of guests we got before the nonstop tik tok sensations. Bring back the experts and the doctors or at least some more variety with actors musicians etc. agree with another review - please hire someone in a different age bracket to balance out the 20 somethings. It’s getting increasingly difficult to only hear a very young person’s point of view, even if they are “mature for their age.” seems like Nick caters to their opinions more than he expresses his own these days
  • mec7333
    Nick just loves to hear the sound of his own voice
    He talks about himself the whole time, relates it back to himself, and annoys me too much to get through these episodes.
  • Carly0204
    Living under a rock
    How do these folks not know who Dave Grohl is or that James Earl Jones was the VOICE of Mufasa from Lion King! Podcast is going down hill with stupidity like this! Done listening!
  • saja0874
    Sick of the explicit language. It’s actually ok to form a sentence without having to insert a curse word. Shows lack of intelligence.
  • Morgan Borck
    Nick Viall = next Jason Nash
    Nick Viall makes his money off of exploiting his relationship, child, and young people from reality shows and influencers. He’s a middle aged man without a real job or any real skills. We will see him begging for galaxies on TikTok soon enough.
  • hannahmayyy13
    Lost a listener after the mormon wives interview
    I have been liking this podcast less and less lately … but oh my gosh the episode with the 6 girls from secret lives of mormon wives made me want to bash my head against the wall . I can’t even understand what anyone is saying , all I hear is 8 people talking over eachother & you can’t even make out what any one of them are saying . The episodes with ONE guest is better but stop brining on that many guests , I seriously had to turn the episode off because I got so upset I couldn’t even hear anything . You guys already have a million hosts on the show talking at once & then brining on these girls who want to do nothing but interpret and say what they want , god it was a nightmare .
  • tob19....
    The Natalie show
    Enjoy Nick, but Natalie is just too much
  • 2024listening4202
    Unnecessary Explicit Language!
    I am trying to enjoy listening to your show but the unnecessary outburst of explicit language is so unnecessary. Not to mention you all sound horrible cursing.
  • Gsquared1
    Love the Jonathon Interview
    Totally enjoyed the interview with Jonathon! It was light, fun, and playful with all parties involved. Thank you Nick and Natalie for a great interview!
  • FieldHockey39
    Lost a listener
    I used to listen to this podcast fairly often, especially reality recaps and ask Nick episodes but it’s hard to get through a single episode anymore. It feels like Nick is purely using this podcast to cater to Natalie, and while people can grow and change, it feels ingenuine to Nick and his own advice many years ago. I now find him annoying and think his perspective is outdated. I wish him and Natalie the best but have stopped listening altogether
  • Shannon198x
    For the love of God
    I know Nick thinks he’s too cool for Bachelor nation, but if he’s going to continue to put it in his title, he needs to talk about it longer than five minutes. The majority of the last podcast was about football. Football? No one cares about football that’s listening his audience is women and to hear he’s gonna make football a segment goodbye! Waste of time
  • Alejandraaa Aaaa
    Good guests, but Natalie is hard to listen to. She is immature and it shows. Sick of hearing her joke about her relationship, motherhood, personal woes. They occasionally get some good guests, but I don’t even bother listening to the “ask Nick” episodes due to the mansplaining. Wish they included which episodes and which show they were planning to discuss during each pod episode. I end up having to skip a lot to not hear spoilers.
  • mangeonsmtl
    Recommend a Gen X/millennial co-host
    I disagree with some of the other comments. Good on the couple for being open. I do recommend more makeup moments and less bickering though. Other than that I’d bring on a cohost covering another generation to balance the voices out. Gen X/millennial.
  • croissantbetch
    Thank you for your service
    Jenn- a VIETNAMESE WOMAN- is under no obligation to “thank Marcus for his service” in the military. Very white woman take with no consideration as to what the US military has done to Vietnam and its people. Tone deaf on Nicks part too. No one cares your brother was in the military Natalie, maybe try looking beyond your own life experiences for once.
  • MackinDaddies
    Calling it quits
    I’ve been a listener since day one. This podcast has gone downhill in both quality and maturity since the new household joined. They are all very immature and have caddy moments, and it’s clear that there is a difference in age and overall attitude between them and Nick. There’s no substance to the discussions anymore. I loved the ask Nick episodes and would take a lot of that advice and fold it into my daily life. I learned a lot! I understand wanting to talk about pop culture to fit in with other podcasts, but it’s gone too far. A lot of us don’t care about pop culture and we’re here for the more thought out, applicable content. Loved producer Chrissy, was such a better fit than Rachelle, and Alli and Amanda were great too! This new household ruined it, especially Natalie and Ciara. Finding a new daily podcast!
  • Kim c 123
    Miss the old days
    I liked and followed for a long time because it was logical and mature, I loved Nicks perspective and how he approached interviews and advice. With Natalie it feels catty and hard to listen to. She’s also really demeaning to Nick.
  • hollybreen
    Great interview!
    Never thought I would be following a podcast by Nick (Bachelor show always stirring up drama and villains)It’s so important to remember that reality TV is NOT reality, and truly just meant to entertain. Those producers know how to spin things to make you keep watching every week. All this to say, I just listened to the episode with Taylor Frankie Paul and really appreciated how Nick went about the interview. Her reputation was destroyed on TikTok and I’m so glad he is giving her a safe space to share her story. At the end of the day, we don’t know these people one bit & shouldn’t be so judgmental. I will say I judged Nick when he was on the Bachelor and I’m sorry that I did.
  • kkallieee
    love his honesty
    Could do without with call ins/ life help. Love the guests/ interviews and pop culture talk.
  • sad123445894
    Sound quality is bad
    I like this podcast, but the volume is so annoying. Nick will talk so quietly and everyone else is pretty loud. If I’m listening I am constantly turning my volume up and down on my phone and in my car. Pretty annoying. I have skipped episodes I was excited about because it was so annoying. PLEASE turn up Nicks mic!
  • lizbeth522
    Used to Love Ask Nick
    I used to love the Ask Nick episodes when Amanda and Allie were here. Now I feel like Nick spends too much time on each question and ends up repeating himself multiple times within a single call. The opinions of Allie/Amanda added more variety to each call. I also feel there’s less callers than there used to be each episode? The episodes are not as entertaining to listen to now.
  • Punpunks28
    Variety is the spice of life
    I love this podcast. I love how Nick and team constantly has a wide range of topics. I love the most recent NFL discussion. Love the banter and the constant variety of topics and guests. This is my go to podcast for pop culture.
  • Ellisbee99
    Difficult Listen
    I couldn’t get through one episode. How 43 year old Nick connects with Natalie says a lot about him. It’s like hanging out with your teenaged kids and trying to be the cool dad.
  • Lew999999
    Not good anymore
  • DSpice33
    What happened
    Haven’t listened in a while, so started with old AN episodes and quickly worked my way to current episodes because they were so fun and interesting to listen to. There was such a noticeable decline in the quality of content and advice as I got to current episodes. To the point where I was like “wow, I wonder what recent reviewers are saying” and it felt validating to see that it wasn’t just me. The one newer girl always has to interject and doesn’t add anything to the conversation. The new people make it painfully obvious they are only there to pull a younger audience. They are nice though with the exception of the one that is constantly interjecting and is mainly negative. I am thinking the only way to save the integrity of the show would be to talk about their issues because there is some weird tension that I can’t make sense of and makes the banter and advice feel inauthentic
  • Tinasview
    Used to listen religiously
    Over a year ago this was one of my staple podcasts. The girls then, balanced out Nicks quirky personality. The advice was thoughtful and it was nice hearing about Nick’s relationship and staying up to date. I’m not a fan of what is happening now and only tune in when there is a noteworthy guest and I want to hear the interview. It’s almost annoying listening to a couple on a podcast.
    Stop being mean
    I used to love this pod. It’s gotten mean- for people who talk about therapy while also pretending to act like you are a therapist is just not itttttt anymore.
  • SarahC0089
    Taylor Frankie Paul interview 🔥
    It was so good. Five stars
  • JTaylor820
    Please introduce your guests & who they are. It is so confusing when you just start talking to someone without any preamble.
  • KelsSkirch
    Will no longer be listening.
    Ever since he interviewed Dr Phil who literally supports wilderness programs for kids where they experience abuse and deprivation of food in the name of tough love, I lost all respect for Nick. He also has become insanely arrogant about his own relationship and his advice feels like he just likes the sound of his voice. Fast forward and his interview with Nicole on love island where they implied someone’s sexuality… no. Nope. Done. (Below was my review from 2020- how things have changed- now this feels like it was performative activism) “I love the bachelor and I love this podcast because Nick isn’t afraid to talk about important topics: Black Lives Matter, Women Empowerment, Sexuality, Lack of Diversity within the Bachelor, etc. Thanks for always holding people accountable and keeping it real!”
  • Someone cooler than you :)
    Looove you Nick!
    Nick, you are a great host! Absolutely love your podcast. Miss Amanda though… no offense Natalie but I don’t love her on the pod :(
  • Midesquer1
    What has happened?
    I have been a fan for yours and completely understand that it is hard work to keep up with a podcast for years, however I’m not sure that the current co-hosts match what Nick has always offered to his audience. While everyone is nice and all, the articulate maturity is missing from what it used to be. Painful to listen to at times to be honest.
  • Jmarielandon
    Love Nick, Natalie & the hot takes
    I love Natalie & think it’s so annoying how many of these comments are coming for her! I think she adds value and humor to the show. I enjoy her stories & banter. Absolutely love the hot and honest takes. Also love the amount / diversity of content on this show. It would be boring if everyone agreed with everything that was said. Keep the episodes coming - one of my fav podcasts to listen to.
  • townie boy
    natalie’s energy is cancer
    wish nick would listen to the feedback of his listeners
  • MovieWatcherNYC23
    I miss Amanda & this pod.
    I enjoyed this podcast for years, but why was Amanda (the most articulate and thoughtful person on here) & even Allie indirectly pushed aside for Ciarrrrra, youngins and the nepo wife that already had her own separate career? We feel the loss and miss what this podcast used to be. Now it’s adult Nick leading an army of like five very young sounding minions that just repeatedly interject GenZ buzzwords like “period” or “literally” or “truly” or “love that” or “facts!” instead of any real substance. Or should I say, entitled Natalie pushing him aside to take over as army lead?
  • A girl from Charlotte
    Nicole Episode
    Should be renamed the vile files. Shameful and awful behavior on the hosts part. So callous and disrespectful to Kendall… honestly was hard to listen. While we all love drama and want to hear Nicole’s side it was really distasteful how the interview was conducted.
    Ciara and Natalies voices
    The weird accents aren’t it
  • gypsyjules47
    Too much filler
    I shouldn’t have to listen to over an hour and a half of a podcast to get to the main topic and headline of the show. I like the podcast but seriously way to much filler and nonsense talking. Please just talk about the main topic within the first half hour. No one has time to listen to a 2 hr podcast of you just rambling, just saying. That really just irritated me and the reason I haven’t listened much to the podcast because you do this all the time and I don’t have time to fast forward over an hour!
  • marrrrelizzzzz
    I like the pod but your producer Cierra is so unbelievably annoying and I have to fast forward when I hear her voice.
  • aubsdelkay
    Lost the plot
    Tired of listening to Nick and Natalie bicker. Natalie also comes across as incredibly vain and self-centered and doesn’t make for enjoyable listening. Unsubscribing.
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