Your Own Backyard

All Genres #236True Crime #49

A documentary podcast series investigating the 1996 disappearance of Cal Poly student, Kristin Smart.

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  • LoublueM
    Thoughtful and Informative
    Chris, thank you for working so hard to not only bring us information and updates on this case, but also for honoring Kristin. She, and the Smart family, deserve justice and Kristin deserves to be laid to rest in respectful manner.
  • sshoemake
    Well done!
    What a caring, informative podcast. Well done Chris! Thank you for relaying the story of all the good people finding justice for Christine. We can’t take back the horror's that happened to this beautiful person. There is evil in the world but also good.
  • Racergirlee2
    I felt like I knew Kristin Smart listening to this podcast. Chris Lambert does such an amazing job of telling her story. The Smart family is so strong and inspirational in that they have never given up and stuck together through such a terrible event. #JusticeForKristin this podcast is by far one of the best I’ve listened to. 10 stars.
  • Alli Gaulin
    It’s rare that I review a podcast- maybe never before- but this one deserves some accolades. Most of us would say that for true crime podcasts, Serial Season 1 is the standard. This surpasses that for me. It’s top notch and unbelievably exciting to have been along for the ride as the podcast inspired new attention to this long cold case, with an incredibly satisfying ending that probably wouldn’t have happened without it. I’ll be watching for more by Chris Lambert.
  • Molly51018
    On of the best investigative podcasts
    I remembered this case vaguely when I started listening. Lambert is one of the best podcast journalists I’ve listened to & I’ve listed to many. Well done reporting, interviews & weaving together a very long, intense journey.
  • Dougs024
    So Satisfying
    I’ve listened to a tremendous number of podcasts and never reviewed before. But the way this all plays out is not only extraordinarily well written but SO SATISFYING. Your work is so important! Great research, great layout, GREAT podcast.
  • bcr1112
    One of the best ever
    This will go down as one of the best podcasts of all time. Huge respect to Lambert.
  • Bigboy76839
    The host does something many fans of the true crime genre dream of: he makes a difference. A pure amateur, his thorough, balanced, insightful, sensitive, and compelling storytelling had me hooked. His voice is pleasant. His sincerity is palpable. He even does the music. Truly top-notch
  • jaystew26
    Gold Standard
    This is the gold standard for investigative podcasts!
  • a_music
    I’ve listened to this podcast 3 times. It’s incredible. Glad there was some form of justice for Kristin but it will not be complete until they bring her home. Prayers for the Smart family!
  • Alliejnyc
    This may be the best true crime podcast I’ve ever listened to (It’s a toss up between this and the first season of serial).
  • catdougherty
    Incredible, job well done.
    I listen to a TON of true crime podcasts. This may be the best one I’ve ever heard. Exceptionally written. Enough detail to keep you engaged but not bored to death. Gives details about the case that even the police didn’t give. Incredible work. Prayers to the family & thank you for helping get some answers for them.
  • MZavSan
    Excellent Job!
    I will listen again. Prayers to the family. This was an amazing podcast. I tell everyone I know to listen to this one.
  • katiecraven
    I think I’m on my third listening of this podcast series. The style is quiet and methodical, yet absolutely riveting. Thanks to Chris Lambert for his exceptional work in carefully evaluating every detail of this terribly sad story, and still never losing focus on the victim herself.
  • NashuLee
    One of the best
    I listen to a ton of podcast. Mostly in the True Crime genre, roughly 8 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week. With that , Chris Lambert has done such a excellent job in this. The content is amazing, and he is an easy listen. I’ve listened to many podcast where the show contains one or the other of these , ease to listen to and great content. Kudos to Chris and team , and thanks for your hard work.
  • bugeatmud
    One of the best
    If you’re into True Crime you probably ingest A LOT of TC media. No exaggeration, this show is one of the best. Chris Lambert does an amazing job of bringing light to a cold case without being exploitative. He’s tender and sincere with Kristin’s family, goes above and beyond with his research and interviews and narrating. I also feel he’s one of the true non-biased true crime storytellers. He truly tries to be unbiased and here everyone’s perspective and ties them all together through an objective lens. And he’s not even a podcaster! He started this because this horrible event happened near his hometown and he felt awful that the case went cold so he wanted to try and help. And he did! The ending is arguably the best part. Great job, Chris. You’re a freaking champion.
  • sisbd d
    The Best
    You are the best podcast I have ever heard. I am a true crime junkie. You need to continue.
  • Jen Tanaka
    Mind Blown!
    Wow. Just WOW! I’ve listened to countless crime podcast and most all great but this is THE ONE that I was truly moved with emotion. From beginning to end I was absolutely captivated! Mr. Lambert, if you are reading this I just want to tell you that what you did with this podcast is truly a gift to society and you were absolutely born to tell this story. Bless your heart for bringing justice to the Smart family. I hope to hear more from you in the future!
  • Meghan877
    Dare I say perfect?
    This was the best podcast I’ve ever listened to. Informative and easy to follow from start to finish. Your kindness and compassion with the family was heartwarming. I remember this story from when I was in high school but I never knew how it ended. I didn’t want this podcast to ever end. Please cover more stories.
  • afg02
    Sending love and light to the Smart family
    Blessings to the Smart Family and friends. Blessings to Chris Lambert.
  • Hunt Noob
    Amazing impact!
    Such a well presented podcast that not only taught me the history on this crime, but ultimately changed history in real-time! So freaking powerful! Just so amazing! I really hope he tackles another case cause wow 🤯
  • MarkeTtRoll
    PF update.
    I have an interesting update for you. I’ll find a way to contact you. The information is private and has to do with his current situation in the CDCR.
  • TNR2426
    My most favorite podcast I've listened to
    Chris, thank you for this podcast. It was extremely moving and thorough, and my heart goes out to the Smart family. Without ruining the ending for others, I'm praying for another episode with another update for the Smart family. Thank you for your work and for sharing!
  • Cal-kitty
    The host is so informative and respectful. The role that this media had in getting this case moving. Honestly I was looking to get into podcasts after watching only murders in the building and this one really just moved me. I have recommended to everyone I know.
  • ChrisLK16
    This was one of thee best podcasts I’ve listened to! Everything was on point. I cannot put into words how my heart felt listening to Kristen’s Story. Great work Chris!!
  • Chiensamourai
    Darkness and light
    This was so captivating right from the start. Chris Lambert did an incredible job, not just in creating a richly detailed and poignant account of what happened to Kristin Smart and all the shades of humanity in the people involved, but his open mindedness and curiosity and tireless commitment to her story was so inspirational and restored faith in our humanity - that regardless what what we don’t have control over, the bad players who do bad things - there’s a larger shared humanity filled with kindness and love that is far greater than the bad.
  • Shell1311
    Extremely well done. Simply, an amazing podcast.
  • Grannyfranz
    Highly recommended
    This podcast was pretty addictive. Host was sincere with a pleasant voice (this is important). Loved the original music. My heart goes out to the Smart family. Lazy police work at the beginning of the search—that may be harsh, but it seems like some pressure on a kid like Paul would have yielded a confession. 🤔 I am anxious to dive into the follow- up episodes.
  • Box Diggy
    Thank you
    Chris Lambert, this podcast is an amazing work. Thank you for this gift.
  • unsmartphone
    I was in college and living in San Luis Obispo during this time. Kristen was a year younger than me and living in SLO during this time was a real trip. Hearing the back story and details we never learned back then is so interesting! This is a well thought-out podcast and everyone I know who grew up on the central coast has listened to it. It probably is extra interesting to me for those reasons, but it is just a very well-done production and it keeps you wanting to learn more! I highly recommend it whether you are familiar with the story or not! You won’t want to stop listening!
  • Nice Personnn
    One of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. The host, Chris Lambert, is everything you could hope for in a podcast host. He is emotionally genuine and objectively factual. He is compassionate with the people he interviews and cognizant of the trauma they’ve endured. His research and the presentation of his findings is impressively methodical. The interviews that he was able to obtain further illustrate how thoughtful he was in approaching not just the situation, but the variety of unique individuals involved with it. Highly recommended.
  • sourseagrapes
    A Shining Example of What True Crime Podcasts Should Be
    This is an incredible podcast, done so professionally, respectfully, and thoroughly. It’s hard to believe Chris Lambert wasn’t a professional investigative journalist when he put this together. And the fact that this very podcast played such an essential role in helping to get some justice for Kristin Smart and her family is beyond words. Your Own Backyard is proof that an amateur can make a huge difference in this space. Even if you’re late to the podcast like myself, you will be absolutely riveted—even in the courtroom recaps. Thank you Chris Lambert for such a meaningful project.
  • NY.Meli
    Great podcast, so disappointed in the trial/put come.
    I fell into this podcast while cleaning Sunday, and got sucked it! This was done so well, and thank you for covering the trial! I'm hugely disappointed in part of the outcome, as I'm sure many are. I hope some day the Smart Family can "bring their daughter home" and have a proper burial. Karma will get the rest of them, who know where she is.
  • Fai-Ianto
    Well Down
    Only found this because of the casual criminalist but I hope someday you will be able post an update where the Smarts finally, finally get to bring her home.
  • Marmalard
    I doubt there has been a finer feat of investigative journalism in the history of podcasting. Superlative in every way. This podcast played a major role in cracking a case more than a quarter of a century old. So moving.
  • f1lthy frank
    Investigative journalism 10/10
    I’ve known of your podcast for years now, but I hadn’t ever fully listened to it until it was covered by Casual Criminalist. I have fallen in love with your writing abilities and dedication to finding the truth and Justice of this case. We need more investigative journalists like you, Chris.
  • lisachiquita
    Skate ramp
    First of all, this podcast is the most incredible thing. Hands down. Secondly, how do we get a warrant to dig under the skate ramp?
  • Roadgoddess
    Well done Chris, well done
    Although nothing will ever bring Kristen back, I’m so happy that her family has finally been able to find a small dose of closure to this horrible story. You did an amazing job. Chris bringing this all together and tying it up and a neat boat that it will allow for this incredibly satisfying conclusion.
  • RachMcclan
    Needs an Award
    What award can Chris Lambert win?! He needs a podcast academy award for podcast writing, production, and hosting. This is the best pod available and the outcome puts it over the top. I’m a local of the Central Coast of CA who, as a 20 something, remembers driving to SF, seeing the roadside billboard, and feeling chills. The closure of this case is one of the most satisfying feelings.
  • Regi Bee
    Probably the best, most informative and well done investigative crime podcast I’ve ever listened to.
  • taylor.w.
    this podcast was amazing. I couldn’t stop listening and love how well it was told, amazing job. I am finally now finishing the series and listening to the last few episodes - i haven’t wanted it to end bc of how well this podcast tells kristin’s story i felt close to it as well and have been dreading the final chapter bc it will be a sad, yet victorious ending. thank you for telling Kristin’s story and for helping ignite the fuel that led to finally catching who was culpable. justice for kristin 💜
  • zqxwcevrbt
    Nothing better
    I can not put into words how much I love this podcast. It is so well done, nothing will ever top it in my eyes. Chris showed unbelievable compassion and consideration while shedding light on Kristen’s case. I recommend this podcast to anyone and everyone.
  • MelaninGoodness
    A powerful and tasteful podcast!
    Chris Lambert’s sense of awareness and sensitivity towards this case is refreshing. This isn’t a podcast that sensationalizes a tragedy—it’s a podcast that is committed towards seeking justice. Beautifully done.
  • KateElizabeth8
    One of the best
    I love true crime podcasts and this one is superior! The investigation into the facts is amazing! Very well thought out and organized. Well done 👏🏼
  • Tinketew
    Thank you.
    Thank you so much for all the work you did in the interest of justice.
  • Crocodile203
    Amazingly beautiful. Thank you.
  • imsorrymissjackson
    The BEST!
    The sensitivity in the story telling of Kristen Smart’s case demonstrated by Chris is honorable & what makes this podcast a win. Thank you for your hard work, dedication & bravery in putting this out into the world. I will always Kristen Smart.
  • Spesh713
    True Crime Done Right
    I can only dip my toe into true crime pods every so often because of all the dead women; it’s just too depressing. This, however, has been worth it. While heartbreaking, it’s done so beautifully, respectfully, thoughtfully… In short: it’s done right.
  • Original Gman
    Very interesting!
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