Bannon`s War Room

All Genres #221News #33Politics #8

WAR ROOM: Pandemic is the first and most comprehensive program to bring the most up to the minute information on the news of the day. Stephen K. Bannon brings medical experts, politicians, business leaders, and those on the front lines for a comprehensive look at the latest news from all and provide their insider insights.

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Recent Reviews
  • Qornfoe
    Very Dangerous Propaganda!!
    Bannon is probably the most dangerous MAGA lunatic out there who openly incites violence, hate, and quackery conspiracy theories. It’s no wonder the ReTrumplican party has been underperforming lately…. I seriously hope this show is taken off the air! GROSS!!
  • Rettabug1
    Daily listener!
    Most informative show anywhere, hands down! Stay healthy Steve….America needs your voice of reason & we look forward to your return ❤️
  • Jabberjockey#1
    Original Listener Here
    I’ve listened to Steve from Day One and War Room only gets better. There’s only so much time in the day to keep up with all the complexities of our political system PLUS the need to understand all the insider connections and MSM misdirections. I love three programs which always deliver but Steve Bannon is my hero. President Trump took a bullet for us and Steve Bannon sits now in a 5x7 cement dog cage, having God knows what done to him, just like the J6-ers, in order to stand firm against the madness and corruption. Navarro from Trump’s admin suffered the first degradation with honor and pride. Bannon marches through this Valley now, shining eyes forward, his resolve doubled in righteous anger and with his finger on his Freedom of Speech trigger. We all await his release and miss him terribly. What a time to be alive and watch Trump and Bannon battle the Darkness.
  • davpt
    Chock full of lies
    Steve Bannon, a sweaty, unshaven, repugnant, clearly alcoholic pig, is currently in prison. Good! He’s an inveterate liar, he supported an attempted coup, and he should never be let out. Did you know that “the war room” was a creation of the 1992 Clinton campaign? These mouth-breathing MAGA morons can’t do a single original thing, except trying to overthrow the legitimate elected president. Kamala 2024! The Trump era is over. Disappear, fat ugly Steve.
  • Plummer 52
    The best truthful information available! Multiple well informed, honest , interesting and prophetic guests. Steve stirs the drink and once awhile his Irish comes up and he goes into a wonderful rant. They tell you information literally years before the giants of the establishment news figures it out. Closing comment…. Free Steve. He puts himself on the line and inspires courage which all other virtues rest. Thanks Steve and all involved!!!
  • Madpetvet
    Steve Bannon is the best
    Steve has so much knowledge and experience and knows so many people who do too. The best source for news conservatives need to know!
  • Corker4lyfe
    The Command Center
    The War Room is the best and only show that gives you the truth and real news that Fox News won’t. This is the central nervous system of the MAGA Movement
  • Freespeech77
    Can’t miss my daily doses of truth from the Warroom hosts while SKB is a political prisoner.
  • poopoosanicknick
    Natalie Winters KO’d the GOP!!
    …in #3863 she lit the GOP UP! I was on my feet. Natalie, I miss Steve a little less when your at the sticks. God bless you and watch over you, truth warrior
  • kaaylo
    Guest Hosts are Doing Pretty Good!
    Been on board since day 1, but they need to end this travesty and RELEASE STEVE BANNON!!!!
  • Father Thyme
    Potato Truck Rider
    If you want to know what the globalist cabal is doing to take away your country’s sovereignty and enslave you and your children, this is a superb resource. You still must do your part as a citizen.
  • Ruthie2019!
    My goal is to learn three new things everyday. Before listening to these podcasts it wasn’t as easy, but now I absolutely am exposed to economics, World geo politics, military generals, to name a few experts. A cornucopia of knowledge daily. WOW!
  • blackadder25
    The Con Room
    Monstrous. Anyone who enjoys listening to this podcast would benefit from therapy.
  • LaNiece2017
    The Education I Never Received
    I have been listening since early 2020 to War Room. I have learned about so many people and issues (global and national) I never even heard of in school or MSM. Steve Bannon connects so many dots and people; he’s a really inspiring teacher. Do yourself a favor and listen for a month. You will see the world differently and you’ll be better prepared to deal with it. And you won’t stop listening.
  • Mollysnona
    Top podcast
    Truth is hard to find on most social media. But when I found Warroom in Jan 2020 I found informed patriots. Listening to Steve Bannon's podcast or the live show on GETTR daily will keep you informed by top experts in economics, health and the state of justice in America. Keep praying and spreading the truth by sharing these episodes.
  • MPrice70
    Master Level Education
    I have been listening since the beginning of the show. I have learned how this political mess we have in the United States is tied to the mighty dollar. How the government has has spent the last 70 years taking from the people. I was naive for the past 25 years to think the Republicans had the back of the little guy and led to believe that patriotism was tied to all of these foreign entanglements. I was red pilled roughly 6 years ago when I started listening to Alex Jones. I appreciate the honesty, guests and content of the show. FREE STEVE BANNON!!!
  • MommaG50
    Love this show!
    Steve Bannon Warroom is one of the main sources I trust to receive News. All of my updates on current events is from Warroom!
  • dhxgfch
    Bannon is best
    My favorite news source! I listen daily!
  • sono01
    War Room with Steve Bannon
    So much easier when on the go to be able to click to my podcast and get straight to Bannon. We miss him terribly and continue to count the days for his return. His show has kept us going and surviving this past debacle of Bidens disastrous term. I usually used GETTR or Rumble but this will be easier to get right to! You’re always with us Steve!
  • dadbooks
    Keep yourself informed. Signal, not noise!
    I enjoy listening to the RAV family and mainly watch Stephen Bannon War Room as it deals with our day to day issue. They provide insight into things that will affect everyday Americans. Example before 401k crashed and many of my peers lost 10 to 20%, Bannon and Peter were warning of the economic conditions. After I did some checking, I came to the same conclusion and then I set my contribution to a no risk account. It saved me thousands and I did not lost any money. Many other topics discussed here have implications for our live and there are just truthful discussion about the direction of those topics. Thanks RAV and Steve for this great show.
  • ithinkyannimaybetrans
    MAGA media
    Love it , keeps me up to date with all of the real news!!
  • WJL2020
    Steve is an Amazing Patriot!
    Bannon is the true American hero, serving our Republic. You must listen to him in order to fully understand what is happening to our nation! Must listen to!
  • luluwolf.
    Imagine how big Michelle Obama's crowd size would be if she were running
  • KlaussZvvvv
    This show has gone downhill since they locked up Bannon. At least in regards to foreign policy. Same old tired talking points youd hear from Hannity. How is that MAGA?
  • DVaJett
    If you like gross MAGAts, this show is for you.
    Gross and despicable
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    I will never vote for a guy who poops his pants and doesn’t care. I won’t be voting this time. Over and out. Have fun in jail
  • Lazuli7
    Saturday Force of Action
    Thankful for Royce White, our next man up, Action, Action, Action gift to the Posse. Great, hard-core, informative, motivating monologues.
  • Poppyneese
    Usually listen 4 times a day!
    The guest host are doing a good job while Steve Bannon continues to be a political prisoner of the Democrat/Communist party.
  • Craw56
    War toom
    No one can replicate Steve. Let’s just be honest. However, the people standing in for him are doing it out of the goodness of their heart and their patriotic duty. It’s not so much the moderator but the content they bring each day I still listen. I will never stop listening. I am thankful that Steve had the wherewithal and the courage to start this program and I wish I found it when it began. I found i just six months ago. I do my best to get people to follow, but it is not easy. I am shocked beyond belief and frustrated when there are so many people out there that are so uneducated and Trump haters, they are so indoctrinated it’s beyond words. I pray for you to return safe and sound Steve and I pray that Donald Trump can penetrate the thick skull of these people and win this election.
  • jfgiikk
    From Bad to Worse
    Show was practically unlistenable when Steve was the incoherent rambler. Now these copy cat replacements are even worse.
  • MorseLewis
    Where’s Raheem Kassam , he should be filling in for Steve as he is a great host Peter Navarro is also very good along with the fantastic Ben Harnwell
  • Jpec73
    Missing Steve. Ben and Dave are doing a fine job as usual. Natalie is hard to listen to. I just can't anymore. The way she talks is annoying and the mimicking of Steve's nuances. Natalie G Wnters - just stop
  • Mental pod
    Really just stomach turning garbage.
  • 17TippyTopOrangeBTCstars
    #1 podcast Free Steve Bannon!!
    Tippy Top real facts and frontline action action action.
  • truckthriver
    Episode 3797 with Chip Roy!!! Yes Yes Yes ‼️‼️‼️ Denver please fix sound issues … There's nothing that can get close this show; you guys are just The Best!!! I can’t wait to Saturday show! Cheney Rodney and all well known RINOs got to go! Declassify it ALL President Trump! Yes indeed Thank you Steve and all of you
  • Sniper Will
    A Year Ahead of Fake News Media
    A Great Podcast. Full of information, and a focus on reporting the facts, and then allowing the audience to come to their own conclusions.. what concept.. This is the way the Press should operate. This political podcast is called radical right, id call it patriotic and populism. Communist, The Feds, and deep state never miss a show bc deep down they understand that the reason the show is popular is bc the vast majority of America and the world share the same common sense ideas. This audience isn’t necessarily Republican in fact republicans are hated more by the posse than the communist, at least they are consistent and stick together which can be respected. Listen with an open mind and I think you will find the value in the content no matter your politics. Politicians hate all of us anyway.
  • Gfx4freedom
    Action action action
    We all have to play what ever roll we can and keep pressing. Free Steve Bannon!
  • Wideopenwally
    Over the Hill
    The term over the hill used to have a connotation of old age or fading ability. Bannon sees over the hill and the threats mounting. Over the Horizon targeting of Naval Capability as Steve is aware. The convergence of Global reset, population control, tyranny and dystopia of Machine god IT morphing of Anti Christian anti liberty anti Constitutional excess are discussed and analyzed. The information normally suppressed by media outlets is given life Liberty and allows the intellect and pursuit of happiness where truth is, here! Ultimately mobilizing individuals to know there are common values which stood the test of time now invigorated. Thank you War Room team minute men and women of Liberty. True to the American ideal tempered with justice!! The Globalust whores want us to be a Colony of the UN New World Order Atlantic Council Reset Retrograde Hive Mind! 1776 Revisited
  • Jenn G in NC
    me too
    the dropping off as "played" or check marked as "played" also happens to me with various shows that I frequent similar to this one
  • Shrlly p1
    The best for hearing the TRUTH
    I want Steve out of prison. They are holding him unjustly.
  • Jgpinc
    Issue with podcast
    I listen to many podcasts. This is the ONLY one that constantly remarks episodes from “unplayed” to played, presumably so it falls off the unplayed list. I am constantly remarking as unplayed. I sincerely believe this is on purpose as a censorship tool.
  • Bert*1
    Guest Hosts
    The name of the substituting Host should be listed in each episode’s Banner paragraph; especially Natalie’s!
  • Land of Enchantment Lobo
    New Morning Crew
    Morning Raheem & Natalie should be the default hosts in the War Room until Bannon is back in the saddle. Pure podcast gold!
  • Tabathapay1
    God Bless Bannon
    I love Steve and thank God daily for each one God is using to reach so many! Trump, Bannon, Navarro, Flynn, Clay Clark, and so so many more. This is America’s Freedom‼️🇺🇸 moment in real time, making amazing History! Scary at times, but so proud to be a part of this living History in the making!
  • ZonaiQueen
    I’m Proud To Be An American 🇺🇸
    As a conservative I enjoy the adrenaline rush I get whenever I listen to this podcast! Trump 2024! MAGA! WWG1WGA! Also prayers for our TRUE president, Trump, who survived attempted assassination just yesterday! He wants us to fight, fight, fight the deep state and I will!!!🙏 🫡
  • ttyl2020doitagain
    Next Man Up
    My voting heart loves to see people standing up to keep the show going! It will be saved!
  • Bonez Bedlam
    These shows are a continuation of stupid people spewing false rhetoric in the hopes of conning stupider people out of their money. It’s not red and blue, it’s smart enough to NOT be fleeced and dumb enough to rock a MAGA hat.
  • cgcoregon
    Congress needs to stand up! All of this is so WRONG!
  • A Republic of you can keep it.
    Prayers for Bannon
    Steve Bannon will be in all of our prayers and we know his voice will reverberate louder than ever through the War Room Posse. We pray for a speedy 4 mos and we will see him at the DJT 2nd Presidential inauguration. God Bless America
  • JLopezii
    Since day 1
    I don’t understand how this isn’t the biggest podcast on earth. They started off with a day by day war room report on impeachment, then as they identified the Chinese virus, they pivoted. They renamed it War Room Pandemic, months before anyone in the media thought the virus would be an issue. It’s evolved to the WAR ROOM and if you really want to understand what’s happening in the world and geopolitics as well as America. Tune in.
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