The Rebel Capitalist Show

Investing #90

Helping you thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments.In this podcast I help you build and protect wealth through investing, real estate and an extreme dose of economics.

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Recent Reviews
  • Todd Dexheimer
    Good information and analysis
    George does a good job highlighting what’s happening in the economy and how it will impact you.
  • KapStone Traveler
    Less Brent Johnson, Please
    Great podcast, appreciate the passion and effort! I would rate it 5 stars if there was less Brent Johnson and his overused and lame “dollar milkshake” theory. Please remove him from your rotation.
  • AMAZingAmazing007
    Angry bears are losers
    Just cherish this Goldilocks!
  • Dik Tittman
    Ranting lunatic
    The schizophrenic rants about various economic and financial topics are quite unhinged
  • tomcruse123
    Lots of good economic news and quick short analysis and little bit of humor.
  • coryolla
    The Great Taking
    Please have on David Webb as a guest. He is the author of the book The Great Taking
  • ABC3 girls
    Love your show!
    Thanks for all the great info you share!!!
  • Bonestx1
    What you are saying research your market and view.
    As a product of real world I agree with your view. Question everything believe nothing. Test all of it.
  • OBS154
    It’s Labor Day - c’mon man
    Just listened to your show from September 4 and you and Josh called it Memorial Day, c’mon man. How do you take a noble day and mix it with a stupid day? Other than that, I enjoy your shows.
  • JR Bonez
    Have fun staying poor.
    Doom and gloom on repeat. Peter Schiff protégé.
  • Noldor858
    Gone downhill a year or so ago
    This used to be a really great show until he started doing lots of shorter 10-15 minute episodes. The longer ones (55minutes +) tend to still be good, but it's mostly click-bait titles and outrage over the political stupidity in the world these days. Once I find out what the tidbit is, there isn't any point to listening to the rest.
  • Skogen Equity
    The IMF dedicated a whole monthly issue to proving and crying for Central Bank control over crypto and all economies. None of this just happened. It was all engineered
  • boob0056
    Click bait
    Bunch of end of times click bait
  • WildlyFastWill7
    Awesome. Subscribe now.
    Insights not available elsewhere.
  • Hawkeye252
    Fantastic macro podcast. George Gammon is a quick thinker, open minded and presents the material in a well spoken manner.
  • PaigeBPodcasting
    Great Show
    George really knows his stuff. I learn something interesting every episode. Keep it up!
  • 남자0691210
    Please turn up the volume when recording.
  • Samuel G
    Too clever by half this guy
    Listened to the Saylor doomberg discussion. This gammon guy was just argumentative seemed annoying and non constructive
  • DaveHochh
    Brainless politics parroting
    Doesn’t actually talk about investing or econ at all. This guy just parrots republican political talking points. You can get the same content from fox.
  • Pharmacist Jordan
    Necessary in today’s economic climate
    A must listen to understand the economic whirlwind that central banks have created. Thankful for George!
  • creativeblockdoctor
    The Sage you need in troubled times!
    Casey is the best trusted through time and treasure. The sage continues in a skillful interview. Dr Joyce Blook Hawaii
  • swac1102312
    Great Review of the Global Monetary System.
    George is exceedingly insightful of macroeconomic interactions and the genesis of vulnerability that our economy faces. We really don’t want the DMV-like central policy makers running our central banking system.
  • DamDoc
    Thanks for sharing.. love your show.. found after you appeared on quotith the raven..
  • Kingcuba24
    Really great info
    I love you’re takes on the social front along with the economic appreciated
  • Jhwahaha
    George is the man!
    Great show but I wish they would add podcasting 2.0 tags so people can give value for value.
  • ach517
    George is easy to underhand and entertaining
    George is great! He speaks about political and economic news in layman’s terms and does so in a very level headed manner. My husband and I have this show on our must listen list every day. Thanks George- keep it up!
  • ETrain7273
    Click Subscribe Now!
    George Gammon does an incredible job of explaining economics and talking about the benefits of free market capitalism.
  • pushycat
    Add whiteboard explanations
    Please add the youtube “whiteboard” explanations and describe the graphs verbally. Summarize main point at beginning and end and then ideas on what actions I can take on defense on offense. After listening to George Gammon, I feel like I can at least ask for everything. Oh yeah heard cpi scam video and i dont recall seeing it in the podcast. It is a must watch video. Thanks for getting me thinking.
  • 11jcarlson
    George is da man!
    This is a fantastic podcast if you want to learn about economics and common sense policies that are in favor of liberty and freedom. George is careful in what he says by saying “there are no certainties, only probabilities” I only wish George would just flat out say Hillary Clinton is a lizard person or something… love the show!
  • secto
    Released late?
    I love the podcast and YouTube content but as someone that doesn’t sit at a desk all day it would be great to have the podcast released the same day... so I’m not listening to your comments on the news 2-3days later. Sure I can watch you on YouTube but it’s a bit hard to do when your running a tractor...
  • 123abc123abcgeneric
    Best Economics and Current Events podcast out there!
    George Gammon brings a critical review of the mainstream media under the lens of Austrian economic lens, and does his best to try and anticipate what this will mean for our freedoms and liberties moving forward. Love this pod along with his YouTube channel, can’t get enough!
  • jdh in iowa
    Been listening to podcast for over a year, look forward to every new episode. Thanks for all you are doing George. Jim Iowa
  • Sophcorn
    Live Stream -Jan 2 2022
    Really wish you’d stayed in your lane George….listening (and attended RBL in Miami this past year)…for personal finance info, not your political critiques …as an overly abused Trump supporter, I’m sick and tired of all the slander slung his way with rarely any evidence provided to support it…you, unfortunately, just joined this list….au revoir Rebel Capitalist
  • Newman4350
    Great podcast
    Voice of reason and warrior for freedom. I would love to drink a beer with George
  • l1bt@rd46
    Listen to the interviews, skip the rants
    Interviews are very informative and thoughtful. The shorter episodes are basically listening to your senile drunk uncle yell at clouds during thanksgiving. I do give him credit for admitting in his rants that he doesn’t have any evidence and it’s most just his hypotheses so that puts him ahead of 99% of other podcasts on the basis of his intellectual honesty.
  • Lew in Chicago
    That laugh turned me on to the George during an interview on Locals. George is a frank capitalist who totally, has the same laugh as Wranglerstar.
  • ronnie aka eeshan
    Quick Good Macro Insights
    He breaks down policy decisions whether political / apolitical and explains how it could shape or affect the business world in the long run. He urges listeners to apply critical thought process to anything we hear on news whether financial or non financial.
    Angry disrespectful podcast
    By using names like Cerveza sickness and medicine instead of vaccine, the author creates more disinformation.
  • Ammcdo03
    Love George
    All his guests are great. He does a good job letting every guest lay out their theories/predictions, even if they don’t necessarily jive with his ideas. It’s great to get varying perspectives on current economic issues.
    Has become one of my favorite podcast.
    George and his guest do a great job! I have also found other great podcast through this one that have also became some of my favorites.
  • Jeffrey Purtee
    Finance and Freedom … what a combo! With charming wit George Gammon gives us his analysis of the course of history during these times, and where we might have a chance to survive the assault on our political and economic freedoms. As a bonus, he seems to be on a first name basis with nearly every respected name in the investing space, and has them on regularly to provide their insights. Keep up the great work!
    So grateful
    to have first heard you on Pomp’s podcast. I listened multiple times and have enjoyed a lot of your content since. I used to listen to Mike Dillard also, your conversation with Mike is one of the best podcasts yet
  • 8 Figure Vision
    Outstanding, riveting, what you need to hear
    George provides the straight, unbiased, self-evident truth backed by highly qualified interviewees and credible charts to give us the truth about macroeconomics, the Fed and what he says over all, personal Liberty, and freedom. These are root topics nobody is talking about and George came out of retirement to share it with us I started watching George reveal this content via his YouTube, but he puts out so much jam packed knowledge, I had to start listening to the podcast to catch up with it all. George has opened my mind to what is really going behind the scenes and how the average joe or Jane can prepare for this world
  • GripLock
    To much
    I’ve been listening to this show since 19 . Went from 2 episodes a week to as many as he can do . It’s really clogging up my feed . Might unsubscribe
  • Emil Island
    Decentralized Talk Radio
    I have listened to talk radio for 35 years, so when I say I applaud and am impressed by George’s recent foray into a hybrid YouTube-talk radio-caller program, you know I mean it.
  • Sneeebs
    George Gammon, bringing it to the people
    George is doing more to educate people about what is happening in our world and economy than any stuffy economist or opportunist politician. He’s unafraid to speak the truth and put economics in a real time, real world context, unlike a lot of other investor/speculators who seem to be operating in a vacuum. Not helpful. Thanks George! You’re one of a kind.
  • SpenceDawg1776
    The guy gets it, without freedom, money means nada
  • Fashionistagirly1967
    Fascinating Content!
    I learned so many new facts in this show!
  • JaJ2121
    Great Podcast
    Fantastic discussion with Like Groman!!!!
  • Runone4fun
    Great show and content but…
    The sound quality is awful. The intro song is too loud vs the volume George and his guests are set at. George, please upgrade your sound set up! $200 investment, max! Keep up the great interviews and insight.
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