Human Monsters

True Crime #135

These people specialize in the unthinkable.

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  • katefeelsdisappointed
    Plagiarism at its finest
    If ya’ll want some entertaining, quality material- Do yourselves a big big favor and check out Timesuck with Dan Cummins. This dude Morgan is putting little effort into creating content and we as listeners deserve better. He stole material from another creator, passed it off as fact then gave a really pathetic “apology” to his listeners for the “mistake” Come on. Do better.
  • Spidersoul
    Great research! Great topics
    I have to admit I had to get used to your pace but after the second episode I was hooked, you cover the tabu topics and when I want to understand what happened exactly with an intriguing case I know I can count on a great amount to details. The way some of these monsters are described in the media and other podcasts does not give you the full idea of why they are called monsters, I can relate more with the victims and survivors when I learn the whole story. This is the first podcast that made me pass a certain topic and that is not common for me 🙂. Keep it up!
  • nmc111275
    Mute button ?
    Love the stories and the narrator does a good job describing them. If he's going to drink a beverage during the podcast, it woukd be nice if I couldn't hear it lol . Thank you!
  • doc raney
    Not good.
    Horrible and unoriginal.
  • Synnikk
    My Evil Kin-
    The Harpe Brithers! Micaja and WileyI absolutely love the podcasts about my family! My father wrote a book and was also on the EVIL KIN on the ID network- speaking about the Harpe Brothers and how they are kin. I’d love to join your podcast and speak on my distant relatives and share what I know about the brother from the research my father put his entire life into!!! There is so much misinformation out there- I’d love to speak with you and clarify and clear some things up!!
  • Dog vomit
    Thefty McThefterson
    Stealing is wrong. We learned that in like kindergarten, dude
  • Ryabrator
    Steals from other podcasters
    They reported on Richard Byrd, The Vegas Strip Strangler, as if he were a real person. He was a fictional character created as an April Fool’s joke on the Timesuck Podcast with Dan Cummins. They even read directly from that episodes script, presenting it as their own research. Which begs the question: how often is this happening? It’s not just unethical, it’s pathetic.
  • LMSJsp
  • Makok Yomama
    Groundbreaking new research technique
    If I knew that all you had to do to publish a true crime podcast was present other people’s work as your own I would have started my own podcast a long time ago. 3/5 stars. Wouldn’t change a thing.
  • Johntoba
    Plagiarizes, half apologizes, then denigrates fans of Timesuck who called them out. Not worth the star I had to give to write the review.
  • ashleyndup
    Let me break this down: This podcaster took large chunks of another persons podcast on a serial killer, and made his own episode on it. He didn’t finish listening to the original podcast episode, so didn’t get all the information. Turns out, the episode he plagiarized was a joke for April Fool’s Day, and was stated at the very end (the part he didn’t stick around from). Then, after he was called out for passing fiction for true crime, and also obviously plagiarizing, he claimed it wasn’t his fault. Of course not, why would you ever need to actually do research? Anyway, I’d say 3/5 stars (iykyk), but this gets a straight up 0/5 from me.
  • HofiReviews
    Angry and bitter thief
    This guy steals from multiple other podcasts, claims them as his own. When called out, he resorts to calling people names and swearing. He was dropped from his main funding source for plagiarism.
  • Glamisbro2
    This podcast is horrible. The host has the most monotone, dull voice I’ve ever heard. I listened to a few episodes to really try, but I just can’t do it. There are so many true crime podcasts out there, I’d recommend looking elsewhere.
  • CrackinPanda
    Straight up stole the APRIL FOOLS episode from Timesuck and is reading it as if it were real. May Richard Bird forever keep fooling fools forever.
  • Finn 22
    Straight up steals content
  • notchrist
    Not great
    Misleading information
  • Sam the Butchers
    Steals content
    Steals content, doesn't do research and his monotone affect is horrible.
  • da dog maddox
  • westj2001
    Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo
  • Smithdoi
    If all you’re going to do is read something from the internet, at least get the pronunciation right. This is SO hard to listen to.
  • hwillyjr
    Stealing from other podcast
    Come on….. seriously? You thought no one would notice?
  • N8Peck
    Cumins Law comes for us all!
    Hail Nimrod! The Cult of the Curious knows the only way to respect is to own one’s mistakes. Resistance is futile
  • tml43
    Morgan love the podcast
    I recently read that something happened, no worries my friend no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. My husband and I are true fans of you and your podcast, researching can be daunting at times, but you keep your head up thanks for everything 🤗 If you believe Morgan is a copy cat stop listening WOOW. You are ruining our vibe and hurting the community, including Morgan
  • Strznc
    You should do your first original report on yourself, Morgan Rector.
  • Jonnybee82
    Copy cats only get one star.
  • Mike84509
    Waste of time.
    This show is a waste of time. I have a 7 month old infant and I honestly prefer her crying over this flaming dung pile of a podcast. No matter he desperate you are for something to listen to you can do better!! Maybe not worse, but definitely better!
  • PvZrocksmysocks
    Skip It
    I see a lot of people talking about how this podcast plagiarizes but honestly, it’s unlistenable because of the host. He is monotone and boring. It sounds like he is reading a high school research paper in front of a class. There are so many good true crime podcasts out there. This is not one of them.
  • Bekule
    Own it.. Dicky Byrd-brain
    Whatever… Just own it. You screwed up, you got caught. Admit it and move on. Integrity is something to strive for, not circumvent. My 3 year-old apparently has a stronger moral compass. We aren’t the trolls. You did this to you. 0 out of 5 stars. Change everything.
  • gigastacy
    Max a Melvin
    Maybe if you had stronger wrists and a more prominent skull you would be able to do your own research. 3/5 stars. Wouldn’t change a thing.
  • dayziegarcia
    You literally plagiarized a fake made up story lmfaoooo.
  • Jayzuflow521
    Zero remorse for theivery
    This podcaster was not just plargirising other podcasts on multiple of his episodes but got caught covering a fake killer because he couldn’t even bother listening to the entire episode before stealing that podcasts work. That’s an exceptional lack of care. And when people get upset he calls them trolls. What integrity. Hopefully his team properly owns up to their shady practices before they collapse as these ranking are going down fast. Yall are just hurting yourselves. You guys don’t deserve the 3 out of 5 joke, you’ll probably just steal it.
  • GratefulJuan
    Plagiarized Material
    Pulling straight from other podcasts and trying to monetize their hard work. Dead giveaway!! Check out Timesuck podcast instead and let this show fade into obscurity.
  • griffLab
    Peanut butt butter
    How is that episode even still up, have some self respect and delete it. You’re worse than that axel rose guy who stole my note book in high school and is now famous for my song utopia city and calls it “paradise city”
  • fuzznutzsssssz
  • Trg342
    Cummins Law at its finest!
    Hi! Another Timesuck “Troll” here! Sorry you’re getting cleaned out, but that’s what happens when you don’t put in the work. Integrity. Honesty. 3 out of 5 stars. Hail Lucifina!
  • DanDanDanDanDanDanDanFan
    In a saturated market…
    Who needs plagiarized content…so many podcasts cover the same stories, people listen to them for the writers, researchers and personalities. When you just grift and steal content you kind of shoot yourselves in the foot.
  • Laxandrew
    This podcast likes to plagiarize it’s material and pass it off as their own. The content stolen was from the brilliant Dan Cummins from the Timesuck podcast, his content is much better than this garbage pile excuse of a podcast.
  • fun guy 32
    Awesome podcast
    Way better than timesuck in my opinion. At least I don’t have to hear about your political views. Even if you rip off his content just keep leaving out the political stuff. 3/5 stars keep it up
  • Boston033
    Byrd’s hairbrush activities should have been a dead giveaway.
  • Portlyfatboy
    You are the smoothie guy of podcasts!!!
  • Nimrodsnip
    Don’t change
    3.5 stars wouldn’t change a thing lol
  • Crust rotch
    Troll here
    Thievery is unexceptable.
  • Ng16n0
    Dead giveaway!!!
    Does this podcast plagiarize all of it’s material or just some of it? This podcast does a great job of ripping off others material word for word. They knew what they were doing and only backed off when they got caught. Personally, I will not listen to this podcast but that’s because I have a morals.
  • Clit_Eatsgood69
    Fake podcast that plagiarizes not just one podcast, but multiple.
  • Bob from Milwaukee
    This podcast...
    ...plagerizes! Doing some research shows that it's a dead giveaway. 3/5 stars. Wouldn't change a thing.
  • Space lizard98
    3/5. Don’t steal from others and play stupid
  • Theipadguitarist
    Wow, what a complete tool. Plagiarized content from another (better) podcast that was an April Fool’s joke and presented it as fact. This guy didn’t even do enough research to find out it was fake, just decided to straight up steal someone else’s content. This is hilarious and sad at the same time. Do better, bro.
  • Villa6594
    You messed with the wrong cult !!!
    He steals from better podcast, if you are looking for something to listen to your better off somewhere else
  • Steve__Dave
    Laziest research ever
    According to Podbay. “All content for Human Monsters is the property of Morgan Rector, and Glassbox media.” Funny, I think some of the content is property of, and taken verbatim from, Timesuck. Plagiarizing something word for word isn’t an “honest mistake”
  • Dracaras
    Peanut butt butter
    This is how we do it in Hollywood; SHOW BIZ!
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