Nate The Hate


Home of unscripted, raw, and one take honest opinions about the world of video games. Just blunt statements, truth, and harsh reality. With Modern Vintage Gamer (MVG). New episodes every week.

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Recent Reviews
  • Fuego9200
    One of the best podcasts if you love video games
    I love this podcast!! became a fan in 2024 and I always can’t wait for the next episode! What I love is both Nate, MVG, and guests that I feel like they know what they are doing and talking about not like other podcasts that they don’t even know things and pretend they 100% the game. One of the best podcasts out there because they cover every topic not just one company or type of game.
  • Red XIll
    One of my favorite Podcasts.
    Nate and MVG never fail to produce an interesting show. I love the their perspectives as people who have both been in the industry for many years. They also reveal a fair amount of games early. I really look forward to each new episode.
  • bobbyd384838
    More Xbox/PlayStation
    I like this podcast and I am a Nintendo fan, but big things are happening over at Xbox and it would be cool to hear some more about that! Also when Sony gets some interesting news that would be cool also.
  • Miraclemiraclemiracle
    Great insight
    Good insight into the gaming industry with unique opinions and ideas.
  • Mygxdsahgvv
    I thought you weren't going to talk about politics Nate..
  • not_relevant_0
    Great, balanced conversation
    As a gamer that has an appreciation for all camps in the gaming industry, I love the how balanced and well constructed the conversations are.
  • AceGrey
    Hate?! This is pure passion.
    Nate gets called the hate but here he is the most professional and logical person you can imagine, still is his own person with his own opinions. MVG, what can I say.. A man with a lot of experience and knowledge. Both are persons with experience and opinions that you have to respect, sprinkle in some insider knowledge and you get a very, very enjoyable and educational podcast that is as entertaining, educational as it is speculative. Always fun to listen to discussion about what may come and what is announced!
  • SmalllPotato
    Hate... with a twist?
    I consume a hefty dose of 60mg of hate per day to retain eternal youth and Nate the Hate helps me achieve that Daly goal. Beautiful flavor with a nice mouth feel, I give Nate the Hate 5 Ski Snipers out of 3
  • Joe Squid
    Embrace the hate
    Rare source of intelligent conversation about video games. Keep up the good work guys.
  • heyhihowareyabud
    Great Show!
    I initially listened because of MVG, but have learned to embrace the hate. 5/5, love your takes on the gaming industry.
  • Renard_Teach
    My people! I am home.
    Podcasts are a one sided friendship. I have learned that from years of a long commute. As I get older I feel more and more out of touch with most weekly gaming podcasts. Getting married, having children and growing in my career changed the way I play, so keeping up with a gaming grind to fully understand weekly podcast has gotten harder. These guys just feel like friends. People I want to join at a restaurant and shoot the breeze with before connecting on the weekend to play a game. Like many, I heard Gabe on Kinda Funny and I added the show to my feed. After a few episodes, this show has become a weekly Podcast priority for me. They speak my language. They talk family, life and games. I laugh out loud constantly (Malls!?) and feel safe to share the show with every member of my family. This is a must listen for older gamers. Thank you all for this show. Now, the only thing to do is put a dollar in the tip jar.
  • zeusdeep
    Great content
    My favorite video-game news podcast.
  • TRTitor is my homie
    I love hearing from these guys. Clearly well informed, without the dumb hype/clickbait content so prevalent in games coverage. High quality, honest takes about what’s going on in the games industry.
  • Awesomejax25
    Awesome, informative, and most importantly hateful
    It’s awesome to hear these guys who clearly know tons about the industry debate and talk about very interesting topics. Keep up the good work
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