Crime Weekly


Join retired police detective and private investigator Derrick Levasseur and true crime Youtube creator Stephanie Harlowe as they discuss the crimes making headlines while also taking a deeper look into cases that have fascinated them both personally and professionally. They’ll give plenty of insight and safety tips along the way to help make sure that no listener becomes the subject of the next episode….

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Recent Reviews
  • lauraofessex
    More objectivity needed
    For the most part I really enjoy this podcast. The main problem I have is that Stephanie tends to be guided by her gut and her emotions when examining the evidence. Derrick is better able to consider many different viewpoints and possibilities. Example: just because a family member says “but she NEVER took that ring off”, doesn’t mean that she, in fact, NEVER DID take it off or that she NEVER WOULD take it off. People do things out of the ordinary all the time and families saying that people ALWAYS did something or NEVER did something isn’t proof that that is what happened during a crime. Stay open minded!
  • Madeline J
    Been a listener since the beginning. So disappointed.
    What used to be a great podcast with thorough research and deep dives has now turned into misinformation, lies, and let’s tar and feather everybody- innocent or guilty- and ads, ads, ADS. Stephanie, if you want people to continue listening you have GOT to be kinder. Yes, kinder. The last few series are full of you spouting your eye for an eye justice proverb, and when you’re not doing that, you’re victim blaming, victim shaming, and saying how you would’ve survived unlike the victim or been a better mother than the perp was. It’s disgusting. And you never let Derek talk for more than 20 seconds and you ALWAYS have to disagree with him. Your YouTube replies to people who leave feedback are always rude and disrespectful. I know you won’t listen to any of this since you don’t take criticism but it should be said. This podcast has officially gone down the toilet. We need a new hostess. She’s NOT it.
  • coffeemama123
    very disappointing
    i’ve been a fan since day 1 but lately have lost me
  • Sdlover84
    This pod got me on the true crime train
    Update Sept 14. One of my favorite crime podcasts! Thorough and clear hosts who do their research. Derek is great, I always enjoy his detective perspective. Your LONG multiple week episodes are my absolute favorite,. One comment about the gypsy rose series…while I get Stephanie’s skepticism about the doctors/hospitals part in all this, the other part is acknowledging how corrupt big pharma is, all they want is $. I mean there are doctors cutting off healthy children’s body parts In the name of supporting trans rights when I’m sorry, a lot of these are not reversible. Find the right Dr/practitioner and they’ll do anything for $ and showing they are compliant. Take the politics out of it and truly just do the research on the drs cuts from the stuff gypsy was recommended. Some show suggestions….i would absolutely love a deep dive on cases such as Rebecca Zahau or Susan Powell. UPDATED REVIEW 8/20 I enjoy this podcast so much, enough to write another review. The research and small details that go into the layout of each case is so thoughtful in telling the story of what happened. Derek and Stephanie bring such different elements to the table of perspective and I do enjoy hearing both of them, as it opens my mind even more. This is the only true crime show I listen to anymore unless I’m very curious about a case, since I don’t appreciate others getting political or virtue signaling other popular ones seem to do so again, thank you for that! I just finished the Daybell & Kyron’s episodes and there was so much about both cases that was unknown to me, thank you for being thorough. While I know children’s cases are hard, Danielle VanDamn was always an interesting case for me (as someone who lived in the town it happened in) just a suggestion! The Craig’s list killer I also would be interested in. Keep slayin guys! ☺️ UPDATED REVIEW 4/25 Thank you Stephanie and Derekr for NOT discussing stupid woke propaganda about politics and your opinions and for sticking to the actual premise of your show, TRUE CRIME! What a concept! This is the only crime show I listen to weekly because of it now as well as because of their thoughtful, open honest commitment to truth and facts of interesting and thought provoking cases. I found the 2 part Pappeni show so intriguing as so much was spun differently through MS media. I love how Derek plays devils advocate much of the time, finding it refreshing to see someone using critical thinking and analysis. The Anthony case was also a real treat of a listen, as I followed that case so closely when it all was unfolding yet there was still so much I hadn’t heard. Way to research Stephanie! Keep it up friends! Show ideas….the scuba honeymoon killer Gabe Watson, Jon Benet Ramsey, Aaron Hernandez, OJ Simpson (who doesn’t want to hear that one again?!) I am enjoying this podcast so much. These two hosts are thoughtful, super informed and clearly do their research. I love their commitment to deep facts and perspectives that do vary, but equally discussed. I love really long episodes that dig deep so the 6 part series with Lacey Peterson was a real treat!! , got me through long flights the last week. I hope of they pick another case like Jon Benet Ramsey, Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias with another long deep dive. I’ve never been into true crime pods but have paid attention to big cases over the years, I must admit. this show is so well done, i am now a fan and subscribed. I hope they continue to tackle these big story cases where the media certainly played a factor in how things were spun. It’s a great break from my political shows. Keep it up!
  • BravoBella22
    Both Sides
    So happy you are doing the other side of the Gypsy Rose case. Please look into the other side of the Maya and Beata Kowalski case. It is very similar and and fascinating. I believe that the documentary on Netflix was very one sided and misleading. Similar issues involving Munchhausen and also very relevant because of the current ketamine issues! Great job! I think it’s so important to see and hear both sides of every story.
  • Megf26
    I love the pod and I’ve been listening for a while. I understand the need for ads but the amount is insane sometimes. Each episode starts with two or more ads, ends with two or more ads and multiple breaks in each episode. To give some context I walk for work, they started an ad read when I began walking a residential street, I wasn’t even halfway done with the street and they were already taking another ad break. I wish they’d bulk them together sometimes or maybe cut back a bit.
  • Sam923772
    One of my favorite true crimes. I love listening to you both and the way you break down the cases!
  • NappyDresser
    Awesome Podcast!
    ❤️you Guys!
  • NaeaRae
    I have been binging Crime Weekly for about a month now. As a big fan of true crime I have no idea how they were not on my radar. They are now my all time fav! Keep up the amazing episodes.
  • I sleep like a Starfish
    Garbage podcast
    Stephanie vapes, eats or plays with her phone during entire episodes. It’s distracting to viewers and disrespectful to the victims of the stories they are telling. Her verbal abuse of Derrick is insufferable and it’s insulting when she excuses it by saying it’s “banter”. They stretch out stories into 5 or more episodes and call it a deep dive but it’s not - they pad the episodes with endless ads and useless rhetoric. You can really see their character in how they treat people in the comments section. Requests for citations, or fact checking (no matter how respectfully worded) is met with hostility or deleted. Comments asking Stephanie to engage with Derrick in a less hostile way are also met with hostile replies, and in multiple episodes she called out those commenters by calling them “cry babies” ON AIR. Lastly, there is speculation that CriminalCoffee is a fraud because they are not transparent with the funds collected that was supposed to go to support victims of crimes/solve cases. In conclusion, they have no respect for victims of crime and they have no respect for viewers. Was once a die hard fan, but was pushed away by how mean they are.
  • Graciewedge01
    Good, but…
    Derrick always sounds arrogant and Stephanie sounds annoyed. Content is good if you can get past the icky tone.
  • Mbouchie13
    Too much ranting. Needed another podcast and this isn’t it. Couldn’t stand to listen to all the excess talking.
  • FunGirl79
    Incredibly well researched
    The Hae Min Lee case is why I fell in love with this podcast. These two do an amazing job keeping facts and opinions separate. Great podcast
  • Jag41079
    Get to the point
    They don’t need 72 episodes per story. Way too much useless talking.
  • Ljljlhlj
    Oh yes please Derrick! I would love to hear some of the recordings from your undercover work!
  • zxcvbnmkopiyghfr
    Hot car child deaths on the rise
    I’m not a parent but completely agree with Stephanie. You would NEVER forget a child or a pet in the car regardless of temperature. When people forget their smart phone in the car, they are running back after 5 minutes!!! It’s an excuse to cover a crime and they found a loophole in the system to get away with murder.
  • Uclyon
    Female host is good
    New to this show. Male host is annoying and brings up irrelevant info. I find myself waiting for him to stop talking so she can get back to the story. Also- stop explaining cop tactics- why help potential criminals? I.e. the cameras they use on utility poles! I never knew/realized that. I guess he needs something to add. I’m listening to the Markel murder case and am really annoyed by him and his “insight” plus he doesn’t seem to know how to read people.
  • Zudini
    JonBenet Ramsey
    Hey guys! So first I recently found your podcast and I’m hooked! I’ll be caught up a year from now, hopefully. lol But second, do we think we’ll ever get a death bed confession from John Ramsey? Patsy couldn’t confess to anything because it would implicate her still-living husband. But, John can. Hmmm .. I wonder?! Also in the camp that believes Patsy did it and John helped her cover it up. That’s just me, though. How anyone could hurt a child is beyond me. Whether said child is yours or not, I just don’t get it. Anyway, love the podcast! Keep up the great work!!
  • John Door Smithinstein
    They aren’t researching this beyond
    Bad MSM and Wikipedia. Also you can tell they buy ratings. That’s never a good sign. It’s like two little people got a tank of helium and an iPhone for their birthday and decided to be “investigators” using nothing but a Nintendo DS and a xylophone.
  • clouds29
    It was really good
    The last three episodes have been sort of a drag. I find myself fast forwarding through Stephanie’s rants . Derrick seems like he’s walking on eggshells when he explains his opinion. Almost like he is scared to oppose Stephanie , possibly because the podcast has merged with YouTube now and that’s where Stephanie came from and she has a following ?? It seems to me like Derrick is cautious about any lashback from perhaps her YouTube community. Idk maybe I’m wrong but something happened. The vibes present in the episodes at the beginning of this podcast between the hosts are no longer there. What happened ?
  • cyberkraze
    The best duo!
    I’ve watched Stephanie for a few years now on YouTube, I have come to love her voice, personality, and overall fantastic insight! Stephanie and Derek and truly wonderful, and I hope we have them this way for many years to come! Updating my review a few years later to say that the dynamic duo is still going strong! I look forward to hearing the episodes each week and love the amount of research and thought go into their episodes.
  • namenick.nickname
    It’s Called Embalming
    Look it up, sweetie. Stephanie, stop acting like you know more than medical examiners who went to medical school and residency and aren’t going to risk losing their medical license to practice medicine just to fit your (delusional) narrative.
  • alexandracollinspenn
    Love you guys! Plus beam tips!!!
    You guys are amazing! But I just had to hop on here and tell you if you like the brownie batter beam you’ve gotta try the (1) sea salt caramel and (2) Annie’s salty chocolate caramel, they are sooooo much better!
  • Ashlaayboo
    Best True Crime Podcast
    New listener here… I love how in depth these episodes are. My biggest issue with other podcasts is that they rush stories. I’ve never even heard half of the information before in some of these famous cases.
  • tlklhughes13
    Best True Crime Duo!
    This is my favorite podcast. I hoard episodes so I just finished Menendez. The quality of research, the writing, the debate, the perspective of a former police officer all make this podcast unmatched in this genre. The thought and consideration of all angles of this case that those of us of a certain age grew up with is unheard of. Give it a listen; you will not be disappointed, but it may ruin you for any other true crime hosts!
  • KRmomaz
    Always interesting and relatable
    I’m relatively new to enjoying podcasts (less than a year) but this is consistently one of my favorites. Derrick and Stephanie are just a bit younger than me so I find them very relatable and I appreciate the way they share their expertise on the cases. There’s a slight downside because I don’t have time to watch the videos, but I appreciate when they take the time to describe things for us on audio. I would love if you would cover the case of Karmen Smith, which involved her young son Nick and their neighbor Lottie Spencer Blatz, in 1995. This hit close to home for me as I knew the suspect but didn’t find out about the case until more than 15 years later.
  • Jeff Miller1
    Indigence case suggestion
    Arnold Archambeau and Ruby Bruguier
  • Friedwing
    Awesome podcasters
    Derrick and Stephanie are great storry tellers! You will definitely enjoy the dynamic duo!! They are synchronized and respect each other’s point of view!!
  • ShelbiB93
    I started allllll the way at the beginning of the podcast and binged it over 6 weeks. I’m caught up now and look forward to the new upload every week! I love this podcast. I reached out to Kendall and Josh, but maybe I can you guys to help me! My daughter was killed in 2018 at 8 months old from a head trauma. Prosecutor won’t do anything in my county and arrest the person responsible for this. It’ll be 6 years 8/11. I hope you read these and could possibly help point me in the right direction!
  • DoctorBasile
    The best true crime podcast out there
    I’m a true crime junkie! I listen to a lot of podcasts and watch a lot of YouTube shows and documentaries about true crime. And Stephanie and Derrick are the best! I also watch their individual shows, but this show with both of them is my favorite. They play off each other so well and often have such different opinions, it makes for a very entertaining show. It also makes you see things from different perspectives than you normally would and their episodes are interesting, thought provoking and often even a learning experience. My only complaint, I hate waiting a whole week for my next fix!
  • NortherDreamer
    Loving Y'all
    The only BAD thing I have to say about this podcast is that I am so SAD that I wasn't listening at the very beginning. I've been listening for over a year now, and recently started been going back and listening to all of the ones I missed in order. All of them are so good, and seeing how ya'll have evolved as a team is awesome as well. I do wish you'd bring back "Undercover Pineapple" merch though. <3
  • Juno's mama
    Great research and insight!
    I wanted to learn more about the Menendez brothers since they are in the news again. I listened to the 7 part series. It was eye opening and it was obvious the amount of time and effort put into it. This was my first time listening to this podcast and I know I will continue to listen in the future. Really well done!!
  • Frustrated at the changes
    The best of two worlds!
    The GOAT of True Crime combined with a Law Enforcement whizz, I’m obsessed! I used to watch Stephanie on YT, and rediscovered her on this Podcast with Derrek (shoot I forget the spelling and he’s cringing, I know it!) and didn’t think I could love her more, but this duo really gets down to the nitty gritty of these crimes! Such a great team.
  • JRighetti
    Bobby Kent
    Stephanie and Derek, love your show. I would really love if you could maybe do an episode on the murder of Bobby Kent. That would be great, and I love how well researched your podcast is!
  • CB 1982
    Love this show!!
    Derrick and Stephanie are amazing! I love the deep dives and all of the research and care that is put into every episode.
  • annmarie302
    Crime besties
    If you want to know a case, this is where it’s at -I appreciate you Stephanie and Derek. I consider you my family 😘 also a shout out to Annie Elise! Tears we are all besties!
  • TARM1993
    Very Good Podcast
    I will say I do also like how Derrick shows us most cops really aren't that intelligent. He talks to Stephanie like she's the idiot but has no self awareness and misses so many things that she has to correct him on. I'm not trying to be mean, just pointing out something that truly makes the podcast what it is. It's like the audience gets to collectively be like ok Derrick, we love you but time to take a breather... 😂
  • Echoe (Ek-ho)
    Victims and details take front seat! Love this podcast💜
    Absolutely love this podcast and YouTube channel. I literally learn something new about the case every trip. I listen to multiple true crime channels but Stephanie’s “dog with a bone” attitude to uncover all details is unmatched. Keep being amazing!!
  • Saranottheh
    The Brothers
    I just finished listening to the Menendez Brothers series that was recommended to me by a friend. I’m hooked. The way you toggled through the stories with connections, testimonies and conversation, I now have a new podcast to listen to. Thank you!!
  • hill.e.j
    Love you guys, but I have thoughts…
    I’m a long time listener to Crime Weekly, currently listening to the Marlene Warren killer clown series. I love the insights from Derrick based on his past career, and Stephanie is a very diligent researcher. You guys go over every aspect of a case in a way that others don’t. However, given some of the things going on in your personal lives, I think you should stray away from husband kills wife/husband has wife killed stories. Two cases in a row that are so similar is out of character for Crime Weekly, and I don’t think you’re in a place to give unbiased perspectives. Let’s hear about something else that doesn’t hit so close to home.
  • Amkosm
    True Crime Hidden Gem
    Been listening to this podcast since the beginning. Stephanie narrates each episode beautifully with added spunk and spice, saying what we are all secretly thinking. Derrick is such an asset with his background in law enforcement and adds extra information for better understanding of the law. The deep dives into each case are well detailed and help you understand the case inside and out. This is a can’t miss podcast! It’s a hidden gem in the true crime podcast genre!
  • Devyfresh
    I just love you guys
    Not enough people are talking about this podcast. If you’re a true crime junkie like me, at some point, you run out of options, which leads you to search out new ones. I’m so glad found this one! It’s going to keep me happily entertained for awhile!
  • Tbartalone32
    Best research!!
    I’ve listened to Crime Weekly since their beginning. I love Stephanie’s detailed research paired with Derrick’s detective perspective, plus their occasional “brother sister” banter is the icing on the cake! They do lots of cases I think I know everything about, but it’s like hearing them for the first time with the detail they give. Highly recommend this podcast if you love true crime!
  • Devine Ms D
    How do you not know
    Why Lori Vallow didn’t get death penalty? To say you have followed from the beginning. The death penalty for Lori was because the prosecution was dragging their feet about turning over evidence on time, and with short time due to speedy trial request.
  • 4237598
    Thanks you guys for deep dive on Mendenez murders thanks for the research
  • Abby Marie2
    Follow this show!
    Crime weekly is a podcast I look forward to every week. Highly recommend!
  • Funsize 0927
    More Derick
    I think we’re missing out when Derrick doesn’t research the case.
  • HannaMurauyova
    The best!
    Thank you for the amazing podcast.❤️
  • eggshellr
    Steep decline in quality
    two years ago I would’ve given it 5 stars, but the female host talks over the detective every time he gives his opinion and makes it unwatchable. why is he there if all she wants is for him to agree? also after realizing lots of episodes are mostly plagiarized i don’t care to listen anymore
  • nacely23
    Stephanie messed the podcast up
    I use to love this show and still love derrick. But stephanie has become so unbearable with her constant need to argue. her constant need to bring up perosnal stories and calling everyone a narc. I can’t stomach the show anymore. Moving on the detectives perspective
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