A "must-listen-to" podcast on dating abuse and intimate partner violence hosted by Bill Mitchell, author of the memoir, WHEN DATING HURTS. This book is about the murder of Bill's daughter by her ex-boyfriend.Bill and his wife, Michele, lost Kristin to dating violence when she was brutally killed in June 2005. It was 20 days after her college graduation.FACT: 1 in 3 WOMEN suffer serious physical violence at the hands of intimate partners during their lifetimes. Typically, it happens between the ages of 16-24. But can happen at any age. It doesn't need to happen. Bill interviews experts with keen insights into dating and domestic violence:• "DV" agency counselors• Law enforcement professionals• Parents of children who were either lost to, or somehow survived, dating violence• Actual survivors of intimate partner violenceAfter you listen to the WHEN DATING HURTS Podcast, share it with those who need to hear it... Remember the 1 in 3 women statistic.

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Recent Reviews
  • ericas57
    Mission driven
    Bill, thank you for the platform you provide for survivors, thrivers, and the folks who have a hand in navigating these situations, from counselors to detectives. It’s always heartening to me when someone has the strength to take the worst moment in their life and tsurn it into something powerful that affects change for the better. I am certain your daughter, who was taken way too soon, is beaming with pride and is there with you every step. Your voice, and the voices of those you share, give me so much hope.
  • SRM808
    Such an Important Topic but the Host is Just…
    I listen to a lot of podcasts on a variety of topics and some very similar to this (IPV, survival stories, major life events that impact people, etc) and…this host, Bill, is just 🤯 he often interrupts, makes random comments that aren’t very astute, rarely asks thoughtful follow up questions- primarily asks obvious questions or things that honestly sound like he wasn’t listening well- and comes across as a semi- out of touch older guy who isn’t “hip” to all the things happening in young people’s lives. I will also say he sounds like a very kind, compassionate, and dedicated person who lost his daughter to IPV and I have a ton of empathy and compassion for him in that regard. It seems like most of his guests see that in him and he must make them feel very comfortable and respected in order for them to open up the way that they do. So he has a lot of strengths! And I respect his commitment to this cause very much. But unfortunately, a committed and loving, well meaning person does not necessarily make a great podcast host. I say this with kindness and genuine constructive criticism- I hope that Bill hires a podcast coach (I’m sure they exist nowadays!) and can get better at some of these skills because this topic is so important and relevant. Until then, you’ve been properly warned/prepped for his “style” of interviewing 🫠
  • truhtyj
    The host is terrible. Shut up & let the people talk
  • LSD122070
    Turn up your VOLUME please
  • Prairie376
    Podcast Host
    Please get a new podcast Host, It’s wonderful that he’s trying to share these stories to help others but it’s really a disservice when he makes misogynistic comments. He’s gone through a lot and obviously his heart is in the right place, but Bill needs some type of unconscious bias training etc. He interrupts the women on this podcast often with just completely unnecessary comments that come off as insensitive and disrespectful to the women who are putting themselves in such a vulnerable position of sharing their story.
  • Elan S K
    Great Podcast, and it’s needed!
    Late to the party but this podcast is great. It’s also needed! DV is a poison that runs so deep within our society and it’s about time we all start talking about it. However, major trigger warning for those who have trouble listening to people describe acts of abuse and to those who believe abortion IS murder. I started with Josephine’s story and it was so very hard to listen too.
  • treehouse50
    Volume Issues
    Please work on adjusting volume levels - they are all over the place. Guests are difficult to hear and sound quality is awful compared to host and commercials. This is such an important topic, however, the sound quality is so aggravating so I cannot listen, nor would I recommend for the time being.
  • Ally021305
    Wonderful podcast
    I’m so sorry for what Bill and his family went through. He’s a hero for creating this podcast to help other’s prevent what his daughter went through.
  • lizmckeon
    A life-changing podcast!
    As the creator and producer of The ClearlyWell Podcast, I believe that sharing important and life-changing information with our listeners is incredibly valuable. Bill Mitchell does a fantastic job not only of sharing the true and tragic story of his daughter's death but also of providing content that can save lives by highlighting the red flags of an abusive relationship with a narcissist. thank you, Bill for sharing your story as well as the true stories of others with the lived experience of life in an abusive relationship. Elizabeth McKeon The ClearlyWell Podcast
  • BirdsAndBeersPod
    This podcast will save lives
    Bill and his guests tell their stories in a raw and vivid way that really drives home the fact that DV is an epidemic that can affect anyone at any time. This podcast and the When Dating Hurts book are a great resource for anyone to learn the warning signs or how to help themselves or a loved one hurt by DV.
  • maverso
    Danielle Patrick
    She addresses what I wonder when I listen to all of the episodes. What is the neurological component of this? What makes abusers do this and why is it always the same pattern? These abusers need to be helped as well.
  • Babs5571
    Sound issues
    As much as I love and appreciate this podcast, the volume levels between the host and guests drive me crazy. I’m constantly having to turn my volume up to hear the guests.
  • princesslayah11
    You’re amazing
    Love your podcast even though it’s subject is not a happy topic! I appreciate you turning your pain into a way others can learn more about warning signs of their own situations! I also think it helps others to see they aren’t alone, learn it’s not their faults, and see there can be a great life on the other side of abuse! Thanks for creating a safe space, but also an educational space for victims and their loved ones!
  • Xoxoari227love
    The only problem I have with this podcast is the volume! I like to listen while at work but the sound is just too low unfortunately. Great stories and I really want to listen but the ads are much louder than the podcast itself and it just doesn’t work out great for me. So if that can be fixed that would be awesome!
    I list to every episode and bring back information to my kids so they are prepared and aware of signs and safety measures. I recommend to everyone.
  • Everynameistaken.com
    Jen episodes
    The Jen speaking for her friend episode was one of the most frustrating podcasts I've ever listened to. The format in which she told the story was SOOOOO all over the place I actually never even finished listening. the story she is telling is important but the way in which it's told I think is not being conveyed in the most clear digestible way and it does the whole message a disservice. I think the lessons and writing down the buzzword speech she rambles on with at the beginning should be at the end to tie into the story instead of saying "remember this for later" a million times. Overall love the show and the messages but this needed so much editing before releasing.
  • Clever nickname1
    Great podcast but have a recommendation
    I love your podcast but the episode Jen OMG on 12-12-2023 was SO difficult to get through the story teller was all over the place. I almost couldn’t finish. I encourage her to work on telling her friend’s very tragic story in a more flow through way. I found her going all over the place so badly it was frustrating to listen to. I think she could work on telling this better and make a better impact! I mean no harm with this review.
  • JulieAnnSoeataertKing
    Very compassionate and helpful
    Thank you for all you do! This is a very compassionate and informational podcast. Bill is so sweet to all- I’m so sorry anyone had to go through these things.
  • AndTheWildHeart
    So incredibly informative!
    This podcast is so incredibly informative. I’m so thankful to have found this podcast. I’ve been in two separate abusive relationships and with the help of podcasts like these I know that I will never allow myself to be abused by a partner again. Thank you for turning your pain into power!
    Love the content, but….
    Man, you need a better editor!!! There are so many parts repeated, out of order, on so many episodes, that it makes it hard to follow. The most recent episode just ends abruptly, mid sentence!! So annoying - but I do love the content and can relate to a lot of these survivor’s stories.
  • breezy19897
    Bill is great!
    Bill is such an advocate for DV survivors, victims and family of them. Also he gives perspectives from people who work in the field dealing with domestic violence. EVERYONE should listen to this podcast. Men, women, parents, non-parents. It is very educational in so many ways. If I had ten thumbs up to give, I would without a doubt. Keep doing what ur doing Bill! This is what your daughter would want you to do & she’s smiling down on you seeing how this podcast is helping so many. -Bre💜
  • ColGrayReg
    Fantastic information about domestic violence
    Bill Mitchell has been able to capture so many survivors voices and the intricate details domestic violence can cause. In addition, he has been able to solicit experts in the fields to discuss domestic violence and educate all of us on how we can spot the signs of domestic violence. I highly suggest this podcast for anyone who wants to protect their friends and loved ones.
  • Majestic Spirit
    This gets a one star simply because of the sound. If I don't have my speakers or earphones on full blast, I cannot hear them speak (but the f'ing commercials sure turn themselves up); this creates issues when I get a ding or something with headphones in because it hurts my ears to have it on full blast. Hopefully you will fix this issue so that I may listen to this podcast.
  • VonnieLV84
    Great podcast
    I love this this podcast! I think if more people listened to it (especially young people) they would know the signs and early red flags. Thank you for making this podcast and sharing all this information and letting people tell their stories in a safe space.
  • erica1566666
    Too much high school stuff
    Please quit with all the high school stories.
  • dredre089034
    Audio Quality
    I love this podcast, it’s truly a great podcast. The stories are so important to hear… which brings me to just one tiny critique. The ads are absolutely ear exploding, but the audio of the podcast is so low that even if I turn my volume (in the car) all the way up, it’s still too low. I’d love for the actual recording of the podcast to be louder. Other than that, keep making the podcast! It’s so so so important for people to listen to these stories so they can recognize the signs if they are going through stuff like this, or they know someone who may be in a situation like these. ❤️
  • kaybux14
    About the newest episode
    This story was so similar to what I faced with my high school boyfriend. I have gone back and forth on if it was or wasn’t abuse and this validated it that it was in fact abuse and it has effect my life and relationships with men. Thank you so much Angela for sharing your story.
  • Fortunateforte
    Great Podcast!
    Bill Mitchell does a great job of hosting and interviewing. These are sensitive topics and he navigates so well. He offers great insight and really understands the importance of telling these stories.
  • BLESSED 888
    I can’t find the words to describe how much your podcast has helped me. My heart hurts, but I’m learning so much and I’m getting better. Trans takes a while. Thank you so much Mr. Bill
  • Hollieluya
    Long Overdue!
    I just stumbled upon this podcast and I am writing this review because it’s so important to not just be aware of physical abuse that doesn’t appear until after the dating and leads to marriage but to be able to see the signs before it gets to that. The very small subtleties during a relationship that is going so amazingly great that you refuse to acknowledge these small signs because it would ruin the feeling or the image you have of your “perfect” partner. This podcast in my opinion should be at the top of the educational podcasts ; Ages 15 and up for women and men Thank you Becca for speaking about your relationship Especially after only 2 weeks! I can relate on so many levels-as much as an addict cannot or chooses not to see the devastation that the addiction is causing-same goes for the people who are in the relationship with the addict trying to help them but suffering in silence and just as addicted to this self harm aka love as the addict is to the drug. Thank you so much! I am going to listen to the other episodes I just stumbled upon this today. Thank you Mr. Mitchell for creating this series I feel that this show can be a “Oh my God that sounds like me!” moments that will, I am sure save lives. I’m so sorry for your loss I feel that this is a great opportunity to help, heal and be hopeful-there is always a way out
  • LizN'Alan
    Caitlyn” attracted to a black guy & . & 90% of these females dated blacks & they omit this,
    Causing a disservice to females looking to date.In my life,black women have been abusive to me.Not whites not Chinese,black females.Had them arrested too & it’s a shame this guy doesn’t touch on this sensitive topic so as to not lose sponsors, which I find a cowardly act. This is why I’m glad his daughter died because his bloodline ends. And yes they’re victims. Nothing wrong with that so why shame the term victim.
  • Anna Pants
    It’s nice to know I wasn’t alone
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while. I was so consumed by all the stories. And then i realized why, I ran across a note in my phone last week, stating that if I died, it was because of ******* I never saw it being “that” abusive, just crazy. How could I have experienced so much abuse and craziness and not recognized it. I think I shut it out for so long. My brain blocked it out. I was targeted, almost killed when he saw me on the road, and continued harassing at my home, sitting out front waiting for me to walk out my door. I had a complete restraining order and since looking through my phone I dated everything… every thing. It’s like opening a door to a locked closet that your mind wanted to shut out. I’m happy now with a man who loves me but all of a sudden I remembering this horrible person. Has this happened to anyone else??? This man told me I was going to be dead. (Now that I recall) he had it out for me. I have the old messages I just discovered again, How did I forget this? Is this why I am the way that I am without even knowing it? Has anyone had the same awakening?
  • Joshua1:5
    Really want to give 5 stars…
    I’m a survivor of DV; this is a great podcast with the best of intentions. However, I listen to podcasts while I’m working and the editing needs to be done a little better…I didn’t mind it the first time it looped the same clip, but when I heard the same thing three times in a row, I forgot what the heck was even being talked about. I’m going to stay subscribed because I want to like this podcast and hope things will get edited a little better. Thanks Bill for your dedication!
  • buntzz 737277
    Great podcast
    Bill is a great host. I don’t think he talks over his guests, and as for the editing… not a big deal. All in all he is helping save lives and getting peoples stories out there. Keep up the great work.
  • abr23
    Editing help
    I think the content is great, but there are so many places where sections are repeated or skipped, that it is sometimes hard to follow the speaker’s train of thought. If the host listened to the full, edited version prior to uploading it, and fixed those editing errors, it would be a 5 star podcast for me.
  • Rater90210
    Excellently produced in a caring and straight forward manner . You can tell Bill really cares about educating others about red flags and the dangers of DV, hopefully before it becomes too late . Bill is Very respectful and a good listener to his guests. Overall a must listen, you might overhear something that could help yourself or a friend in need down the line . A++
  • pammie8
    Read the reviews, let the victims speak!!
    Please guy, I’m sorry about your daughter but let the victims speak uninterrupted. Jeez
  • Berky273
    Love the podcast, needs a few improvements
    I’ve listened to almost every episode and while I do think this podcast is informative and helpful, I wish the host would not interrupt the guest so often, it takes away from the guests stories. Also I noticed a lot of replayed parts of the interview-so the editing could use some improvement.
  • dcdgffrghhjihfdvhybn
    Awful sound for people with misophonia
    I feel horrible, I really do, I’m sure Laurie is an incredible inspirational woman and I deeply wanted to listen to her story but when she spoke it sounded like smacking lips, like when someone whose mouth is dry is giving a speech. It was horrible for me personally, I can’t tolerate those types of mouth sounds. I tried but I couldn’t get more than 4 minutes in. I apologize but I wish that would have been remedied is all. I wanted to say that as a gentle critique only so maybe a sound engineer could be employed because this is an important podcast and I’m sorry to miss it. I’m sorry I hope I’m not being unkind, it’s a personal thing nothing to do with you guys. I hope she is doing very well in life and is safe blessed and happy
  • Billandgatsby
    Share with someone who’s child is dating!!!
    This podcast, written by the father who lost his daughter to dating violence, is highly informative and probably lifesaving. Bill Mitchell’s book, entitled WHEN DATING HURTS (like th podcast), is a primer on what can happen to any of our children today. The podcast has wonderful guests who unselfishly tell their stories in great detail. Five stars, yes.
  • Kkaoddjs1
    Great podcast, great host!
    This podcast is serving its intended purpose perfectly. I’m surprised at all the criticism about interrupting guests, as I’ve never noticed because the host’s comments and questions are insightful and based on his own tragic experience. Bravo to the guests and host!
  • Reenie53
    Listen -be present and allow your guest to tell their story.
    This is important information that could possibly save a victim's life. Let the guests talk without being interrupted.
  • nthomp
    I can’t believe you posted a story with the name of minors without their consent, especially the friend. It’s not the mother’s story to tell
  • gapodcastjunkie
    Can the guests actually share their stories?
    My GOD does the host interrupt the guests to the point where I don’t know how they maintain their composure. For people who are sharing such intimate details of their trauma, the way to appreciate them is to LET THEM TALK!!!!! Listen to podcasts like “Something Was Wrong” or “This Is Really Happening” to get a good feel of how to let survivors actually share!!!! I couldn’t even get through one episode without losing patience with the host.
  • lala6161
    Good but…
    It’s a really good podcast but he interrupts the people SO MUCH. But other than that i really enjoyed listening to them tell their stories
  • Vna247
    Host interrupts EXCESSIVELY!!!
    I almost subscribed to this podcast but it is so infuriating how much the host interrupts the guest speakers. The guests can’t even finish their thoughts and have to accommodate for the host’s comments instead of the other way around! How can you interview someone if you don’t have the patience to let them finish their sentences ?!?! If I wasn’t so invested in the episode I was listening to, I wouldn’t have finished it. But won’t be coming back to this podcast again.
  • EyesoftheWorld87
    Good podcast but host interrupts too much
    I like this podcast and think the host is doing great work but I feel like he interrupts and tries to finish the guests/victims sentences WAY too much. Please just let them finish their thoughts and sentences before interjecting or trying to assume where they are going with their statement and finishing their thoughts for them. It’s to the point that it’s really noticeable and disrupts the flow of the stories.
  • StinaMasFina
    Great Information! 5⭐️s
    Love this podcast! The guests are always fantastic whether they are survivors or advocates. I really appreciate all the extremely important information shared for victims needing resources at this very moment. Keep up the great work, Bill! You are producing important content that the world needs access to in every format possible. Thank you! 👍
  • Happycupcake87
    Very Helpful Podcast
    This podcast is very helpful for people of all ages to hear stories and insight and the red flags of abusers. Bill feels like a caring, protective Dad to me when I listen to him, and I can tell he truly cares about the people he is interviewing. I know his daughter would be extremely proud of the work he is doing and knowledge he is spreading. We need more men like Bill in this world.
  • Rookie27
    Great podcast - less interruptions
    I really enjoy hearing these stories. The podcast is really well constructed, but I feel that the host interrupts or over talks entirely too much throughout the victim’s story. The interruptions to ask the victim questions disrupts the flow of the victim story and I find it a little frustrating at times. It makes it choppy. Aside from that, these stories are really important to tell and I’m so glad that the time was taken to share these women’s stories.
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