followHIM: A Come, Follow Me Podcast
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WendipbLove FollowHIM!Can’t go a day without listening & feasting upon the word! It’s rejuvenated my love for the scriptures!
mlshaw1899Sister ChipmanWOW! Sister Chipman was an utter POWERHOUSE!! I love all the insights she shared. Helped me look at sections 10 and 11 in a new light.
K S CordovaFollowHim Love IT!I’ve been listening for years and still can’t get enough! I’m taught and inspired every time I listen! I tell all my friends about this podcast, and I think they are getting sick of it! “Hank said this… John Bytheway said this…!” Thank you for all your time and effort!! My knowledge and testimony has been strengthened!
KTreffInspirational and informativeLove listening each week
TamzanderInspired & motivatedYou’ve inspired and expanded my knowledge of the scriptures. Thank you both and your guests.
LoveMedNMLove the formatLove the humor & the incredible scholarship… thank you!
Seth StearsTestimony building!Listening during the week is the best. Thanks Jon and Hank!
B.DissapointedExcellent Podcast!This is such a great not annoying podcast. The hosts are obviously amazing, but what I’m impressed most by is their humility. This isn’t a pride project, they aren’t dominating the conversation, the first scholars are diverse and fascinating. Audio is great, not a waste of time.
elle.r.wCome Follow Me InspiringThis is one of my favorite podcasts!!!! Love how they bring on experts in their fields to share their knowledge of the weeks study. Hank and John make it fun and inspiring
Haiti LanceThis content is aimed at helping listeners become better disciples of Jesus Christ.With each host having his own vast experience with the scriptures, the pair of them stay out of the way of the experts brought in to unfold the facts and the truth about the topics being discussed. Both Dr. Smith and Brother Bytheway respectfully add insight and perspective without being preachy or judgmental. Both Hosts are simply welcoming and honest.
MSS 03Fantastic podcast!I listen to this podcast as I drive and am always disappointed to arrive because it means I need to turn it off. Thank you for connecting me to my Savior week after week!
CauliflowerIsDaNameWOWThis podcast teaches so much and in so many perspectives that I didn’t even think about. The hosts are so incredibly smart, deep-thinking and experienced. Experts add so much to the table that I put into lessons at church and personal study! Keep up the fantastic work everyone!
Neecee from AZGratefulI love this podcast! I listen to it on my way to work and it starts my day off in a great way! I am so grateful to Hank and John for their dedication to studying the scriptures and helping me understand the scriptures more and see them in a different way. Thank you! Denise
Tylaw21Thanks just isn’t enoughI don’t have the words to express my gratitude and love for this.
hutchgirlWonderful PodcastThank you for the time and effort you put in to unfolding the gospel each week! Love this podcast!
AndieRoarI’m only 15!My mom would listen to this podcast before she would do family scriptures with my siblings and I. Sometimes she would have all of us listen. I got interested and wanted to listen for myself without the noise of my brothers and sisters. Every time I get to hear the stories and the revelation and the insight from these amazing hosts and guests I just understand the scriptures so much better and cant deny how true all of these words are. I would recommend to anyone who wants a new perspective on the gospel and ‘by the way’ I love it. Sometimes I even need to bring a ‘hanky’ because of how strong the spirit is. Thank you guys for all the time you put into this for us. Your listeners are so happy for your willingness and because of you I am even more willing to harken unto all the words God speaks! 🫶
KWCaldwellBest part of my weekI stumbled on Follow Him during a very trying time in my life. The insights and knowledge I have received while listening are truly more precious than silver and gold. I am able to go through my difficulties because of the faith and hope that continue to grow within me. I listen to every single episode. Hank Smith and John Bytheway and their guests have truly changed my life. Thank you for this podcast. Thank you for what you have done and continue to do. I am so grateful to have found this.
Brook1093So uplifting!Thank you!
RebeiraoClimb every mountainThere are 58 mountains in Colorado over 14,000 feet. Over the last few years I have climbed everyone of them while listening to this podcast. There’s something very refreshing about listening to the doctrine of the gospel in the thin air above treeline. Some of these climbs take all day and I was blessed to find out you had been doing this podcast long before I discovered it so you guys have me plenty of material. There’s something that happens above tree line in the heart in the soul that causes any bitterness or resentment to depart from you and you’re able to see things as they really are. Thank you for bringing the spirit into your podcast and for having such wonderful guests. I have found great peace and insights from the Follow Him podcast and I’m so happy to hear you will be carrying it forward for another 4 years. Thank you for taking the time to do this.
WDW1971:)Led by the SpiritThis is an excellent podcast. The hosts, Hank and John, are well versed in their knowledge of scripture. They are coherent, clear teachers that lead by the gift of the Holy Ghost. Thank you for teaching, leading, and being instruments of the Lord. If you would like a suggestion, I would recommend bringing in more BYUI professors. Thank you!
Slayqueen!!❤️👑10/10 RECOMMEND!!!I have been listening to this podcast with my mom since it’s first started. I’m in my 2nd year of YW come 2025 and so I decided to download the podcast app on my phone to be more responsible. This has really helped me understand the scriptures so much better. I’m so greatful for this podcast! One of my biggest dreams is to get to be in this podcast because I look up to it so much! Thank you Hank, John, and Guests! -Ellie
ErikaPettetUplifting and InspiringThis podcast is so wonderful. I grew up listening to John Bytheway and Hank Smith and I’m so grateful they have come together to make this show. I’ve always been inspired by their words and stories. Their humor has always put a smile on my face. I am a mother to two small children and I don’t often get the time or make the time to study the scriptures as I would like to. This podcast has helped me to understand and increase my testimony in so many ways. Every time I listen to the speakers and guests, I am filled with The Spirit and inspired to act upon what I’ve heard. What a blessing modern technology can be! I’m so glad this exists!
Mr. Martin6thGreat weekly podcastI get so much out of this podcast. The experts they bring on the show share such great knowledge and the way Hank and John keep the conversations going help me to process the learning and grow my testimony.
mjlarsen11This podcast is an answer to prayerAs a busy mom of young children, this podcast has fed my soul and lifted my spirit week after week. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been strengthened as if listened to Hank, John, and their countless guests testify of Jesus Christ. Thank you for doing this podcast!
Julie PearseThank you from WVI can’t find words to express my gratitude and degree of appreciation for the Follow Him Podcast. I would never have made it through the Old Testament without your podcast. I received cultural insights from the Follow Him podcast that helped me to better understand the New Testament and the life of the Savior. I am sorry l have no recall at this moment of the study of the Doctrine and Covenants, must have been Covid fog. I just finished the episode covering Moroni 10 with guest Dr. Anthony Sweat. Thank you so much. I was so touched as you reflected on the blessings the last four years have been in your lives. Please know Follow Him has been an amazing experience and has brought so much spiritual light into my life also. Again with great appreciation Hank, John and every amazing guest for the time and knowledge you provide each week in my life. Julie
CaraDrakeCome unto HimI have been abundantly blessed by listening to and re-listening to this podcast over the last 4 years. Follow Him has brought the spirit into my home and given me the motivation to study and learn more. Thank you for making it engaging and allowing us to partake of the spirit and come unto Christ. ❤️
TristanWilliamsThank You!I have listened to this show nearly every week for the last 4 years and it has been an amazing spiritual boost and I have learned so much and drawn closer to my savior because of it! Thank you for your time and this amazing way to learn the material and become better!
FollowHIM Biggest FanAwesome! Same day but more fun!It helps every human being go and worship Jesus Christ. They all love each other. I’m not a big podcast guy, but this podcast makes me want to listen every week.
58tibsThank you, thank you!This podcast has been central to my come follow me studies for the past 4 years. I was so worried it was going to end after the Book of Mormon episodes, but I just heard you say you are going to keep going!!! I cried. Thank you. This podcast has blessed my life in more ways than I can count.
Amberely WavesI adore these two people and for the effort that goes into these podcasts. It’s a lifeline and a joyThank you! this is phenomenal and all the guests on the show that help shine light on the Gospel.
TammygrammyMy weekly inspirationI have been listening to follow him for a couple of years and totally love it. It gives me a spiritual boost each week as I listen to the discussion regarding the scriptures. When I am going to teach, it gives me such great lesson material. I truly appreciate Hank and John and all their guests.
Jenna_RDMany thanks!!I listen to a lot of podcasts, but there are only a handful that I make sure to catch every week...and this is one of them! Many thanks to John, Hank, and all of their amazing guests for helping expand my knowledge of the scriptures and invite the spirit into my life more often. I know running a podcast is a lot of time and work, and I'm so grateful for the selfless sacrifice of everyone who makes this podcast possible.
kdiggidydoggsGreat podcast!Always learn something new about the scripture while listening to this podcast. Thank you for helping me walk away feeling uplifted and ready to follow in his way everyday.
NR DrakeThe Mainstay of my spiritual studyThis podcast has been a rock of excitement and strength as I study. Never met John and Hank, but I Love them. Thank you my brothers
ThankfulforawesomepodcastsAwesome podcast!!!I love this podcast! I have learned so much from both John and Hank, as well as the guests who are so knowledgeable and add so much more to the pod cast! A side note to Crystal Pierce, I had a very similar experience by losing a younger sister last summer. This made me really look at the doctrine of loss, and my belief… I haven’t had any problem letting everyone else know, but this was very personal, and I’ve had to kneel on my knees so many times. I’m sorry for your loss of your brother, and time does help, but I’m truly so grateful for our loving Savior, who has such an amazing plan for us! Just know I’ve been thinking about you since I heard your loss on the podcast. My Condolences 🌷🌷 🌷
bng47Great insights, engaging to listen toI don’t often listen to podcasts (I’m more of a written/reading than an auditory learner) but this is one I do listen to when I get the chance. I’ve loved the insights I’ve gotten into the scriptures from listening to it. Hank and John are both good hosts, funny but also have a good sense of when seriousness is called for. I love that they have show transcripts and notes so if I want I can go read it.
Taina BoricuaSuperb!This podcast was recommended to me by my Sunday School Teacher and it has become my absolute favorite.
HeidimessThank you!!I never miss an episode. Come Follow Him
Seth JensonIf I Could Only Take One PodcastIf I could take just one gospel podcast with me on a deserted island, this would be the one. Hank, John, and the top-notch lineup of scholars bring such a richness to every episode. These guests are true experts—people who have dedicated their lives to studying and understanding the scriptures. They share insights that make you think, question, and reflect on a whole new level. The scholars’ depth and perspectives add layers of understanding that you just wouldn’t get anywhere else. And with Hank and John guiding the conversation, it always feels approachable, like you’re sitting in on an incredible discussion rather than a lecture.
JJ HurrayLarry NelsonI don’t usually listen to an episode twice. But Bro. Nelson’s comments especially in part two of the week regarding Mormon 1-6 were particularly captivating.
NealSegaFantastic Use of Your TimeI can’t adequately express just how great this podcast is as a tool to deepen my personal scripture / gospel study. I LOVE the balance of guests - academics, thought leaders, etc - all combine for unique and enriching perspectives. Thank you!!
LeahStimA FAVE for CFMAs an early-morning (it’s my calling not profession) seminary teacher - I can’t express how grateful I am for this podcast! My teaching is dramatically elevated because of the insights I learn here!!
15734 deeBest Gospel Podcast Ever!Hank Smith and John Bytheway, along with their wonderful guests, help me make sense of the scriptures in a way that I could not do alone. Their explanations, stories and inspired comments bring out so many things that I would have missed. This podcast is such a blessing to me as it increases my knowledge and strengthens my testimony. I look forward to it every day.
CoombsashleyBest gospel study podcastI have listened to every single episode beginning with the Old Testament. It has changed my study habits and testimony in so many extraordinary ways! Thank you so much for your work.
Wyatt718Insightful and upliftingI started listening this new year as we started the Book of Mormon. I have wondered all year how they always manage to get the perfect guest for each section of scripture. I finally realized that it’s always perfect because they invite the spirit and He does the rest. Such an amazing addition to my week. Thank you for all you do!
<3 Catherine <3Extraordinary podcastThis podcast helps me realize what results from spiritual competence. Listening makes me hungry to analyze deeper, which always leads to unburying something simple and profound. Nothing fixes my day faster than hearing the opening theme song and locking in for a good episode of Follow Him
SaltygloBest podcast everMy days start with this podcast every day. It brings me and subsequently my family closer to the prophets and Jesus Christ and his doctrine.
TheRogerThe guests are so goodI find the material on a weekly basis to be so valuable. The guests are all so different but excellent. Well worth taking the time to listen.
D.W.SabinGod likes me listeningFelt that God was happy that I was listening to this show. He knew it would bring me closer to him and Christ. Thanks
Anna of the mountainsUplifting, inspiring, hopeful, encouraging, wonderful!!!This has become my favorite podcast!!! Every week I am amazed by the guests and the insight they share. I am grateful for all that it adds to my come follow me study. I often share it with friends who are also grateful for it! It has deepened my testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ and helped me to see His gospel in new ways. It is helping me BECOME more like Him! I highly recommend it!!!!!
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