Anxiety Rx

Arts #150Books #52

I am an anxious doctor. Or at least I WAS an anxious doctor. After literally decades of suffering from intractable anxiety, and seeing over 50 different types of healers I found my way to heal my anxiety through very unconventional (for a medical doctor at least) means.In 2013 I was so anxious I considered suicide and a friend suggested I try LSD, and although that scared the crap out of me it showed me the path to healing. You don't have to do LSD to heal, I took it for you! I'm a medical doctor, neuroscientist and intuitive. (I know, common combination!)I found my way out and it is counterintuitive and very non conventional (but not scary!).I will show you the way out too, you just have to listen to me, dammit!

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  • Anxious Ken
    MDMA Podcast Episode
    I just listened to your MDMA episode. Good work! I am a retired physician with a lifelong history of OCD/OCPD, GAD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia and Major Depressive Disorder. Psycho-education is a big part of my treatment. I enjoy your Podcast. But I was particularly excited about your most recent interview. We certainly need more than standard therapy and antidepressants to curb the epidemic of mental illness in our society.
  • marygwenmolnar
    Must listen if you suffer from anxiety
    Thank you Dr K for your amazing work. After suffering for over 20 years I am finally understanding the root of my anxiety and working to heal. Highly recommend to others!!
  • rcyoungiv
    Transformational Content
    Grateful to have encountered Dr Kennedy’s approach to anxiety being a feeling problem, but a talking problem. However, some recent episodes have had some incredibly distracting background noises (heavy breathing, footstep, grunting(?), and doors closing)
  • Sebytershsh
    Great content. Bad audio
    I bought the book and think it’s fantastic. Purchased the MBRX program and not too far into it but seems good. The podcast content is great. But the audio quality is annoying. At times it sounds like heavy breathing/sniffling/ loudly directly into the mic or something while someone is talking. It makes it difficult for me to listen to the podcast. Resolve the audio issue and it would be 5 stars.
  • Hari N.S.
    Absolutely Changed My Life
    Thank you so much Dr. Kennedy. Reading your book, listening to this podcast and doing all the MBRX meditations have completely changed my life for the better. I feel significantly less alarm and able to process tough situations more easily.
  • Marsee999
    This podcast has helped me though really tough times. Thank you.
  • bfmusic
    As a mental health professional who has struggled with his own anxiety for decades, Dr. Russ came into my awareness at the perfect time. I’d been struggling for months, missing work, and barely functioning. Then I found his book and podcast. For the first time in years, I felt hope that things could truly get better, and that someone else knew exactly what I was struggling with. I’ve recommended his podcast and book to several of my own clients at this point, and listen intently to every episode as soon as it comes out. Highly recommended if you struggle with anxiety and are looking for a fresh, new approach! 🙌🙌🙌
  • hoonmama
    Life changing
    So I don’t know if people even read reviews, but if you’re reading this I cannot rate this highly enough. This has healed me and allowed me to live my life for the first time in thirty years. I can be a better wife, mother, friend, church leader, member of the community because what Russell teaches is truth. Your body and mind will resonate with the material and you will understand that healing is possible. Don’t give up hope, you are loved, and will overcome.
  • Juneau*
    A bit repetitive
    Dr Kennedy brings a lot of help to anxiety sufferers but he repeats his own personal stories as well as much of what he speaks of way too many times. I find his book to be the same. Again he educates us as to how our mind and body reacts to anxious thoughts, but speaking of his childhood over and over doesn’t help. I would like to hear other people’s struggle and how they were helped.
  • MWMota
    Thank you!
    A lot of what you have mentioned has resonated with me on a deep level. I've been working through all this trauma. Trauma I knew was there but I didn't really know what to do with. Like living in a house with no lights. Finally learning how to turn the lights on and seeing myself in the mirror for the first time in a while, seeing all the mess in my home. Stepping back and realizing it's going to take a lot of work and effort to clean stuff up and get to a healthier, stronger place. Learning much about myself. Going to therapy, too. Even got my therapist hooked on your podcast! Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for this podcast. Thank you for doing it when you don't feel like it, too. Thank you for pushing yourself. You're helping people change their lives. Take care!
  • cdullea
    Very relatable episode
    Thank you for the episode, on codependency, with your wife! This episode was very relevant, because I grew up with an older brother, who was disabled. I also became his caretaker in the later years of his life, and I am now caretaker for my elderly mother. Understanding who I am and setting boundaries has always been difficult. My relationships were volatile and I never understood why, until recently. I am currently working hard to understand and overcome codependency/anxiety. Your podcasts are very much appreciated!
  • Alissa Shirk
    Love his work
    Dr. Russ is a neuroscientist, M.D. and yoga teacher who has a wonderful way of explaining anxiety to those of us with an anxiety! I love how he touches on things that soothe anxiety, the ways we fuel it, and how to function at our best despite anxiety! Much Love - Miss Alissa
  • A.brad13
    The ALPHA child episode hit deep. I have been on this journey for years… trying to understand why I am the way I am. I couldn’t believe my ears when you were describing hugs/affection. You, coupled with Dr. Nicole LePera, are changing the world. THANK YOU!
  • laurliuzz
    Thank you!
    So happy I found Dr. Kennedy! I heard him in Mel Robbins’ pod and it was like he was speaking directly to me. So spot on. I’ve been seeing a therapist for a couple years who takes the same approach to healing anxiety. We work on integrating parts of Internal Family System (IFS). It’s wonderful to have this pod as a little companion to that to help reinforce the things we do in sessions to keep me connected to my body and out of my head during my off-weeks. 100% recommend!
  • ChloeLantz
    A refreshing approach
    I love how he doesn’t discount science, but includes it with a more holistic approach. I’m a health anxiety sufferer who has found real tools listening to Dr. Kennedy!
  • succduolingo
    Thank you!
    Dr. Kennedy’s book is amazing! His weekly podcasts help me stay aware that I have alarm in my body. If I connect to that alarm, aka my younger self, and give her what she needs, love attention, reassurance etc.. I’ll be able to calm myself and stay out of rumination. It’s a practice I need to be very intentional about and Dr. Kennedy helps me stay committed. Thank you!
  • heymaggiemay
    Validated after all these years
    The book anxiety RX as well as this podcast has been so validating for me. The way Dr Kennedy describes and explains things is so easy to understand and just makes so much sense. He takes what has been so elusive and mysterious and helps you understand how to support yourself and heal your chronic anxiety/alarm. I highly recommend everything he’s involved in. This podcast is absolutely worth your time.
  • Sportsenthusiast35
    Truly Life changing if you suffer from anxiety! That’s no exaggeration!
    Doctor Russell Kennedy’s theory on anxiety, or what he calls alarm, is absolutely legitimate!!! He helped me see and understand that the allopathic way of treatment isn’t the only way to work on anxiety. I used to think this was the case. I’ve been following his work for a while now. I’ve read and heard a lot of “tips” about anxiety, but NONE of those “tips” have had as much of an impact on me as this theory has!! Now, even if the alarm / panic attacks get to me, I understand not only what I need to do to help myself—the science behind anxiety—the next time but I’m also more relaxed about the anxiety / panic attacks overall. Meaning, his theory has given me huge amounts of hope!!! Listen to this podcast and follow his work in general if you want real advice that will work, advice that will be extremely useful!!! One of his phrases I love is: “Sensation without explanation,” which you’ll understand once you read his book!! Unequivocally I know that if I hadn’t found his theory from another podcast I listen to, I’d still be struggling way more than I am!!! I plan to keep his book—which I’ve suggested to others who suffer from anxiety—near by for the rest of my life! Let me just end this review by speaking directly to Doctor Kennedy himself. Doctor Kennedy, please keep doing what you’re doing, keep putting this extremely useful, amazing, advice out there!!! You’re the man!!
  • brunorudy
    First time listener
    I love this podcast. Like Dr. Kennedy I have suffered from my alarms going off and the dreaded over thinking syndrome for the majority of my adult life. This new revelation that what I used to call my anxiety was really connected to childhood trauma coming back out because of the need to feel loved and safe has been eye opening. I am barely starting to listen to his podcast and I am hoping that I can stop and separate the alarms and overthinking and just work in shutting down the alarms when they start to go off. I am excited and optimistic that one day I will also be successful in curing myself from all the anxiety I have dealt with the majority of my life. Love the phrase don’t listen to your thoughts after he is done with the podcast.
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