Killer Psyche


When a shocking crime occurs, people ask “Why?” Was it about power, ego, or revenge? On Killer Psyche, retired FBI agent Candice DeLong draws on her decades of experience to reveal why these murderers and criminals committed these heinous acts. She will reveal fascinating new details about what drove these people, including cases she was close to. Candice will share specific psychological methods and profiling techniques that experts use to understand the deepest part of the most complex, fascinating, and twisted minds, from the Unabomber to Alex Murdaugh to Mary Bell.

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Recent Reviews
  • NicholeSSP
    Very well done
    Love Candace! I could listen to her all day. Love her podcasts and her tv shows
  • Collette French
    Leopold and Loeb
    Podcast was very good, but to listen to part 2 you have to have a subscription. Not good
  • ngdkgxlgxpux on
    Get rid of Bodi
    Like the podcast. I find the Bodi advertiser highly offensive.
  • AHCarroll
    Killer psyche that doesn’t analyze the killers psyche
    the host is knowledgeable but far too entertaining. She could be a reference that an experienced host refers to. Also, the show is called killer psyche but it’s often times only the story of the killer, not much mention on their actual psyche or any footage/tape on them at all.
  • Bella da wells
    What’s yalls problem?
    I love this podcast, so much production goes into these episodes. This podcast is the only thing keeping me sane while I’m at work. I love Candace Delong’s takes on the actual psyche of the murderers compared to what they were evaluated as in court. If ads bug you there’s this thing called a fast forward button and it works really well! 🩷
  • Mlatherton
    I don’t know how people listen to this?? She drives me bonkers. Like it’s either comical or just down right irritating. I think the people who say she’s great are lying. Surely. It’s gotta be a joke.
  • R in roc
    Paywall Nonsense
    Sorry to say but I am done with this podcast. I could tolerate the ads but now almost all older episodes are shoved behind a paywall. Newsflash: these certain podcast conglomerates are ruining the podcasts they host. They’re just going to lose a ton of audience members. Guarantee this will cause the failure of podcasts like this when everyone stops listening. It’s a decent podcast but not enough to subscribe to certain infuriating podcast group. Bye
  • chixbassist
    Love the podcast but hate the music
    I love this podcast but the music is a distraction. Too loud and unnecessary. It is getting to the point where the music makes it difficult to listen.
  • Nicksnamedbuteverythingistaken
    Great writing and research and potentially the most interesting show that I’ve ever heard, but the narration is so weak that it was difficult to listen to. Maybe consider somebody with voice acting experience to narrate and I think you have the best show out there.
    Nurses Rock!
    Nurses are so seldom portrayed as experts in media. Candace is one of my nursing sheroes!
  • ljlankford
    Great Show
    I consumed this show so fast! Her voice is nice to listen to and her story telling is top notch!! Great show!
  • nekewksnbd
    You have your facts wrong
    If you are going to do a podcast then maybe have your facts straight. It was starting to snow when Karen dropped him off. He was found on the lawn of the Albert’s not a snow bank. John’s injuries week to his face, head and right arm, no other injuries were noted by the ER physician. Several people deleted messages on their phones and several upgraded their phones. Brian Higgins got a new phone number, broke the SIM card and dumped the phone and the SIM card at a military base.
  • Nikki1492
    Really great true crime podcast
    Sometimes I would wish more depth into the psychological part, but then again, maybe there is none. Maybe glassbowls are going to be glassbowls. And are going to kill. Or the “falling on the head as an infant/toddler/small child” explanation.
  • Runnermama13
    Hero worship?
    Host seems to blame all the behaviors of the criminal on others in their lives’ than on the criminal themselves. Many people have bad things happen, abusive parents and head injuries, but do not turn into a serial killer. Sounds more sympathetic towards the serial killers most of the time. It’s a little gross.
  • Jljurado
    narcissistic parents…
    Very informative and I appreciated the topic. I don’t believe the emotional abuse of children is discussed enough. Especially given the lack of safety nets these children. Thank you
  • maria tenta
    i used to love this podcast
    …until i heard Candace de Long do a commercial in her own voice. How can i trust anything she says after this?
  • ClapperGal
    Use 1.25 for playback
    The material is thoroughly researched. Great topics. The pace is extended like speech is dragged a bit. Recommend listening on x1.25 and it will flow more naturally. However, this podcast is fantastic!
  • Duh I'm Deaf
    Some glaring mistakes
    For the Ruby Franke episode, the max sentence is not 60yrs, it’s 30 based on Idaho’s sentencing structure. In the episode about Charles Whitman, there’s a statement about his wife not following him on a deployment to Cuba. Families don’t deploy with soldiers. Beyond these types of mistakes that accompany the volume of production, it’s an enjoyable podcast.
  • tingolo
    Caroline Herrling EP 40
    She goes by Carrie Phenix. I used to hang out with her about 15 years ago because she was dating my boyfriend’s friend. She was smoking meth back then, too. I don’t how she doesn’t have noticeable facial changes. Carrie was incredibly smart and always finding ways to make $, whether it was stealing things and selling them on eBay or hitting up ex-boyfriends. At one point, she was considering becoming a madam.
  • Isildriel
    The Best of its Kind
    Huge fan of Candice Delong and her straightforward analysis of both well known and lesser known crimes and criminals. For my money nobody does it better.
  • OsLo's Mom
    I have been waiting for a podcast like this!
    It gives facts, not opinions. It leaves out unnecessary/filler details. The host doesn’t create fake dialog between the murderer and the victim. Host doesn’t make stupid jokes. The host gives explanations and causes to their psyche. Host even includes safety tips for if this should happen to you and WHY it works. I’m am all around impressed. It’s informative, educational and intriguing.
  • Dflgma
    Annoyingly Pedantic
    Good material; terrible delivery. Unless the show is for 8-year-olds.
  • blondeandmouthie
    Animal abuse TW!
    I generally enjoy Candace & the way she recounts some of these horrific events. However, today I could t move fast enough to turn off the podcast when explicit talk of animal abuse was mentioned. Maybe I missed a TW at the beginning of the ep, but I usually never do. Anyhow, maybe throw in a warning when you’re about to mention the cruelty to animals.
  • k2yogi
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Learn so much and see how childhood trauma really has affected. Love the host very informative & keeps my interest. Only thing I need more episodes! Keep up the great work. Thank you
  • Kke05
    Boise, Idaho is pronounced Boy-See. NOT Boy-Zee.
  • Jalin Ma
    Foxcatcher insight, please!
    Not sure where to make requests, so putting here 🫶: I saw both the narrative film, FOXCATCHER, 2014 (starring Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo, & Steve Carell) and the documentary, TEAM FOXCATCHER, 2016. I’m so interested in hearing what Candice DiLong’s psych evaluation of John du Pont would be! [In my eyes, there seem to be some striking parallels w/ Robert Durst’s story (THE JINX, HBO 2015).] Can KILLER PSYCHE please cover this insane case? Thank you for considering. Others chime in, please, if also interested 🙏 p.s. LOVE the show (cuz I always learn something)!!!👊🏼
  • imarchon
    Lose thenNew background “music”!
    The newest episode has very distracting background sound/music. This does not add anything positive to the podcast. It diverts attention from Candice’s excellent analyses. I’m hopeful this is a failed experiment in audience reaction.
  • JJ Paintings
    Couldn’t make it through an episode
    I tried to listen but couldn’t make it through an episode due to the ridiculous, distracting, unnecessary background music. There should be no background music at all, let alone music that is as loud as and competes with the narration. … Nix the music and I’ll try again.
  • RachWindy
    Seems a little unfair
    I feel like a lot of these episodes piggyback off of other popular documentaries. They didn’t do of research on their own for each case. I also am not a fan of how many repeat episodes are uploaded.
  • JennyLooHoo74
    Very good podcast.
    Great podcast. Only negative thing I could notice is maybe the host, Ms DeLong, hammering home her credentials beyond the show introduction. After the shows introduction, we really do not need to be reminded repeatedly of professional credentials.
  • rustyespio
    Learning so much
    I am learning so much about the impact of childhood trauma and behavior patterns to be mindful of, and of course to lock my doors!
  • KatherineBL
    Love the advice!
    I’ve been listening since the first season - love this podcast! The John Joubert episode was hard to listen to but loved the advice given at the end. I appreciate that and have passed it on to my 2 young kiddos (and husband! 😉).
  • 24mongoose
    Really poor fact checking
    I have heard about this podcast for awhile and finally gave it a listen. I checked out the Bryan kohberger episode and am honestly shocked at how poor the fact checking for this episode is. They pronounce “Moscow” wrong, they pronounce “kohberger” wrong, they say that kohberger bought the knife he used to kill on Amazon which is completely unsubstantiated (the cops got a warrant for his Amazon clicks but no one knows whether he actually got the knife from there)… this podcast is like if 2 people who had read a little bit about the case on Reddit just presented everything they could remember people saying or speculating as fact.
  • asianone13
    Binge worthy
    I heard about this through another podcast (can’t remember which one) but great episodes that help the day pass by wuicker Edit: it’s 2024 and I’ve been listening to this wonderful podcast since 2021 or 2020(can’t remember). All the episodes are definitely binge worthy and entertaining. Allows a different perspective from a professional point of view.
  • classysouthernwoman
    Just meh
    So. Many. Ads for a short podcast. Phew! Seems all I do is fast forward. Not worth it for the story being told.
  • Emmy3212
    I’ve heard this psycho’s story before and as horrible as his childhood was, I can only think what a nightmare HIS daughter’s childhood must have been.
  • Truffle Shuffle 101
    Many Thanks
    I am listening to the John Joseph Joubert episode. Your advice abt teaching your kiddos to be safe when you are not around came at the right time! I have done this with my grandkids,we have to meet w our grandson’ teacher/principal, tomorrow morning abt him talking +knowing there are adults who want to hurt and kidnap children. I have heard him correct his friends and letting them know not all adults are good. So I can already hear the personnels responses! I know they are going to say to not let him know too much because he’s little and let him be a kid…yada, yada, yada! This is a 9 y/o child and he has to be alert! We are not trying to scare him but we would rather have him know that, for the ‘JUST IN CASE!’ His parents or us cannot be around all the time. I have the Citizen app that shows adult and children rapists in your area. Turns out there is a child rapist across the street from us and we are talking, three houses away from an elementary school. I let the school know the app, I did not say names though. I contacted the property realtor and asked if he realized this+he told me this is a city issue and to notify LE and they have no obligation to let the school or anyone else know there is a child predator living close to children. So I will continue to have our kiddos be safe. ALWAYS‼️💯‼️
  • twinklr14
    It’s Facticious Disorder Imposed by Another
    For an expert, it’s super weird that Candice doesn’t know that it’s not called Munchausen/Munchausen by proxy anymore.
  • BZi08
    This podcast is really interesting. It’s also cool to hear Candace’s insight
  • Lori/SC Teacher Assistant
    Candice adds so much of her knowledge to these stories!
  • Happy Valley Picker
    Great True Crime Podcast
    One of the best true crime pods out there!
  • doodlehere
    Mostly good
    The content is good but Candice has a habit of asking a question then answering it (a major pet peeve of mine when it comes to presentation). She also throws in little personal comments like “yeah - no kidding” or “i’ll say!” which is pulls me out of the story shes telling. Otherwise, a good true crime podcast
  • Crys686
    How did I miss this podcast!
    I have Deadly Women saved in “my stuff” no new episodes for awhile and now I know why. So excited you’re still doing true crime you. I love your professional insight and quick wit/sarcasm. Thanks for your contribution to this genre!
  • susanconnorny
    A thorough, thoughtful podcast by an expert.
    I love this podcast, and the host, Candace DeLong. She is a professional, and her point of view is always educational and measured. I enjoy that she dives into the complexities of the criminal mind, but also, the environmental factors that may play a role in the development of psychologies. The podcast is interesting and also humane. The host does a fantastic job at balancing the realities of awful crimes with the realities and gray areas of our world. Thank you Ms. DeLong, from this longtime listener. I feel your podcast has gone so far beyond the usual salacious, True Crime showboating…and into the real heart of the matter. I can listen, and not feel I’m taking part in the further victimization of the individuals involved…and always come away feeling I’ve learned something.
  • Calamity Drey
    A must for those of us passionate about understanding human behavior. Thank you!
  • yhas crime junkie gals!
    Love but…
    Candace is a little too full of herself. Just report the facts. Thanks.
  • EGS212
    Love it
    Candace is awesome
  • Britmady
    The best true crime podcast
    As a psychotherapist, I love this podcast! Candace does an amazing job of explaining why people do the things they do, and she has such a good perspective because of her history of working with the FBI. I also appreciate the respect that she treats the victims with. This podcast is the best true crime podcast out there!
  • Jogden123
    Loved this show but lately
    My favorite weekly podcast to listen to during the last season. This newest season is a lot of interviews and not what I expect from the show that I’ve been listening to since it came out
  • Happy2Lose20
    If you are interested in learning about the psychology of criminals this is the show for you. Candace has a wealth of knowledge from her careers as a psychiatric nurse and FBI profiler. Highly recommend this show.
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