Here's Where It Gets Interesting

Education #32

Here’s Where It Gets Interesting finds the stories of America you probably haven’t heard. Host Sharon McMahon, a longtime teacher and one of today’s most influential voices, will ignite your curiosity about the fascinating stuff that wasn’t in history textbooks. She’s joined by notable thought leaders who share insights about history, culture, and politics, and inspire us to grow into more thoughtful, well-informed citizens.

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Recent Reviews
  • Pine-bit
    Disagreeing Better
    Every citizen should listen to this conversation. As a life long Democrat, I needed to hear these words from a Republican. I so respect what he and others in the movement are trying to accomplish and agree that “hope is an action”. Although I have a hard time understanding how someone who is trying to bring us together endorsed a candidate who’s goal is to divide us, I am grateful that he is acting on what positives he can find in his party. Kudos to you both.
  • Momslowlylearningapps
    Voice goes up & down
    Causing the need for frequent volume adjustments. Otherwise great.
  • Selina Raass
    Sharon is the man!
    The Stalin episodes are so well written!
  • C_Love…
    The Vigilantes
    Heartbreaking but incredibly insightful retelling of the sensationalized murder of both Mary Fagan and the wrongfully accused Leo Frank. This historical series is so relevant to our political culture today and serves as a warning against bigotry and irrational mob mentality.
  • GioMetry
    Fantastic podcast!
    The Stalin podcast series (season 17) blew my mind! Great storytelling! Sharon manages to make history feel fascinating and compelling. Couldn’t wait for each new episode.
  • msdoss77
    A teacher is going to teach!
    I absolutely love this podcast! I learn something new or interesting every single episode. Sharon's gift for teaching always shines through during her docuseries episodes and they are always so well produced - they are as interesting as any streaming doc! And her thoughtful questions to authors and political figures alike seem to always prompt them to give listeners a new insight into how they think about the worlds they inhabit. If you are like me and embrace lifelong learning, you will likely really enjoy learning from America's favorite government teacher.
  • JillT1214
    I love this woman
    Honestly, since finding Sharon on Instagram, my nervous system has returned to normal. She is smart, articulate, so fascinating, kind, and such a gift to this world. Between this podcast and her IG account, we’re getting an education we desperately need. There’s no way to adequately thank Sharon but from the deepest part of my soul, thank you.
  • Grateful Hearer
    I just learned of the podcast today and I am hooked! Thank you for your work and podcast!
  • Vote for RFK please.
    See below
    Not a far right extremist. Not a far left extremist.
  • KCon9
    “Mm, I love that”.
    Sharon is the absolute best. I have learned more from her podcast and IG account than from any other source in the past several years. I so deeply appreciate her dedication to educating people in such a pragmatic and engaging way. Thank you, Sharon, for all you do!
  • Beast14650
    Frustrating to listen to the host speak because she gets excited with certain information and raises her voice which one then has to turn volume down on headphones and then she goes back to talking softly and one has to turn volume up!!! Sooooo annoying throughout her podcasts with one minute she speaks too loudly the next too soft!!! Have never experienced this with alll the other podcasts I listen to!!!
  • Rosie21!
    A Must Listen
    Sharon and her team do an amazing job on their series and interviews. Sharon asks the important questions and shares the stories America needs to hear to educate and remind us of our shared history.
  • TiaFowles
    Interesting and compelling
    American Heritage was one of my favorite college classes and this podcast is like sitting in on those lectures but in a much more relaxed, entertaining way. The nooks and crannies she dives into and the stories she uncovers are what really make up America. Sharon is such a great story teller!
  • K-Panda
    Something for everyone!
    This podcast is one of the most interesting and well written I have ever listened too. I love the variety of topics, mix of interviews and more in depth series, and mind blown moments! This is a podcast that I will save up to binge and it always keeps me on my toes. Thank you for the thoughtful and inspiring stories!
  • AZMorrell
    Sharon makes everything interesting
    Even if I begin a podcast with lukewarm interest I end with so much curiosity about the world and its people. Sharon and her team are high quality delivered right to your ears. And you feel a thousand times more motivated to learn more and also to be a healer to our beloved planet. THANK YOU!
  • personreal
    So so good
    I learn so much from Sharon… every time !
  • Yia Yia Pam
    I certainly didn’t expect to get so invested in a story! I REALLY didn’t expect to be sobbing by the end!! So relevant even today. You would think this would not be an issue over 100 years later but here we are. Great job Sharon and team!
  • deltabreeez
    The Vigilantes
    This series was simply stunning. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn about this case of antisemitism and the miscarriage of justice . Sharon and her team provide a glimpse into the past that gives clarity and ease of assimilation. The tie-in to current times and institutions is sobering.
  • Tall Takes
    There is an ad free version
    Just an incredible amount of research and work have obviously gone into this production and I happily pay for the ad free version. Sharon’s ability to tell a story are incredibly fun! Proof that reality can be stranger than fiction!
  • The Vigilantes series
    Incredible series!
    The Vigilantes series is incredible. A must listen.
  • nmekonnen1
    Jaw Dropping
    I’m a long time follower/subscriber of Sharon’s and this is the first docuseries I have finished. I was on pins and needles EVERY week waiting for the next episode to drop. Today… after listening to the last one.. I just couldn’t believe it. I was so heartbroken for the innocent life lost. How she narrated this entire series without breaking down is beyond me. Thank you Sharon and team. Thank you simply for your existence. This was a true work of art!
  • blm13579
    Story telling is moving!
    I’m catching up on your podcasts and have been listening to season 15 vigilantes -wow, wow, wow my heart is racing because I'm frightened for Leo!! I wish my life allowed me to binge all of the episodes like I do tv shows, but hearing this riveting story is hard without visuals-thank you!
  • Black dog 24
    Always informative
    From the interviews to the deep dive stories I always feel more educated and informed after listening to Sharon’s podcast. Highly recommend!
  • Techy2015
    Interesting and riveting
    Sharon is a masterful storyteller. The Vigilantes hooked me from the first episode! So informative!
  • Mrs Skinny Skip
    The VP
    I hesitated listening to this interview. I truly hoped she would give a thought out response to your question of how she would win over the undecided voters. Her answer sounded like a political campaign. This is where I stopped listening. But I will finish it just to appease my curiosity.
  • amynotaprincess
    Government-History Instructor for Adults
    Hooked on The Vigilantes from the first episode! Love the Here's Where It Gets Interesting podcast, because I learn reliably by the best story teller. 10 stars! Momentum is phenomenal! Don’t miss it. I am thrilled to be learning material either I slept through or was not covered in school. I agree with others—Sharon is a national treasure. Students of all ages deserve the quality in-depth honest history that Sharon offers to her listeners. With sincere appreciation!
  • BJMG104
    So thankful for Sharon!
    This podcast is phenomenal. Interesting, engaging and fact based- it is a go to and should be for you as well. Keep up the good work, Sharon. You’re a real American hero!
  • berzz47
    Thank you
    Great interview! Really enjoyed listening to Nikki’s perspective.
  • 2020craft
    Thank You
    Appreciate the effort and time it took to get Nikki Haley on the podcast. Was good to hear her complete a sentence without interruption.
  • AlisonSantosSPO
    What makes me proud to be American
    Sharon and her IG and podcast have restored some faith of a brighter future for America. Love this platform.
  • whomever you want
    Good subject, but some pretty major misconceptions
    The subject was a good one, but I find it disturbing that people who should know still think that Thomas Jefferson impregnated Sally Hemmings after the theory was redacted. People need to read “The Jefferson Lies” by David Barton before judging Thomas Jefferson’s character.
  • Jackie in KC
    Sharon is the real deal
    I found Sharon on IG and have loved her from day 1. Her podcast is a great extension of the info that she shared on IG. She’s the civics and history teacher for adults that we didn’t know we needed, but now we can’t live without!
  • Jdhtx
    So informative and listens like a great book
    I love Sharon’s series and interviews. The series are my favorite because it is like listening to an audio book. The way she and the team arrange the delivery of the series keeps you hooked. Thank you for sharing all these series with us.
  • kplsp
    Refreshing and Informative
    I really enjoy these informative unbiased podcast by Sharon. They are always so interesting. this is a great way. Tell her about history and keep up with some current events. She has explained a lot of things to me, and I am grateful for all of her work.
  • CHRG14
    Please add more decades series
    I would listen to a few of Sharon’s podcasts here and there. I enjoyed the women in world war 2 series but never finished it. The Mayhem series had me absolutely hooked! Growing up in the early 80s I always heard adults talk about some of these things but never any detail or context. In school history always seemed to stop at the Cold War and the parts discussed were vague. I would love to have more of the decades I grew up in to help explain stuff that had been happening around me as a kid. Plus as a busy mom to three kids these 30 ish minute episodes are perfect for my schedule.
  • ama glg
    Most ethical person in earth!
    In a time when so much is being thrown at us, Sharon helps to keep things straight! The first time I was eligible to vote was the 1980 presidential election (I voted for President Carter) and I always felt he wasn’t given the due credit he deserved. I loved hearing the 70’s and I would love to hear about other decades. Thank you Sharon for the non-opinionated facts and tools to formulate our own opinions. Hugs, Gloria
  • craftyerinw
    Excellent content, excessive ads
    I am always glad when I persevere and get through the first 6 to 8 minutes of ads to listen to the show. But I have to talk myself into it every week.
  • Emmy_Rose2020
    Too Many Ads & Left Leaning, Not Unbiased
    I’ve enjoyed listening to many of Sharon’s episodes. Many of them are very entertaining and I’ve learned a lot about history that I did not know; however, I will not subscribe for two reasons. First, she has way too many ads. After listening to ads for 5-6 minutes, I’ve sometimes lost interest in listening to the episode. Second, Sharon says she’s unbiased and nonpartisan, but she’s definitely left leaning. I don’t mind if podcast hosts fall more on the liberal or conservative spectrum, but I do mind if they are not honest about their biases. I was most disappointed in her interview with partisan “journalist” Taylor Lorenz. So I’ll check back in to see if there is an episode that I’m interested in but I’m not subscribing.
  • WilmaSue42
    High quality stories, ads have become unbearable
    The stories are so good! I’ve almost caught up to the current season, but the ads have become excessive and make listening painful (even when skipping ads it’s annoying when there are so many!) Would happily pay for an ad free version.
  • jjmpower
    Love the information. Well researched and brilliantly told. Please, though, cut the background music. I find it very distracting and unnecessary!!
  • A real reviewer
    So irritating I could barely get through the episode. The over enunciation was insane. The weird voices etc when she's trying to be funny were obnoxious. The over generalizations and bizarre statements combined with the enunciation and voices makes it seem like she thinks this is story hour with five year olds. Yikes!
  • jujubee-13
    The content is great when given in a narrative
    Sharon McMahon gives you unbiased information; little known details about an event or the history of the event. All the facts wrapped up in fun. I enjoy this podcast so much when Sharon gives the information as a narrative. Having a guest to participate with no correlating information is not necessary and at times uncomfortable. I realize it may give the guest an opportunity to present their “brand.” Of course, this doesn’t include those guests who that are actually being interviewed about their experiences. I have definitely enjoyed the content of the podcast and I will continue to listen and tell others about it.
  • aLgae7
    Excellent Research
    Such high-level storytelling and amazing guests! I usually don’t have the patience nor the time to spend on podcasts (I’d rather read), but Here’s Where It Gets Interesting is absolutely exceptional. 5/5 stars, no hesitation.
  • Sjanusz
    6 minutes of ads before the show starts
    Very good show, 6 minutes of ads before show starts is a little much.
  • Avesteroonie
    Just the right details
    I so enjoy learning about names and things I heard in the background while growing up. Sharon distills the stories into short, eminently listenable episodes with just the right details. To keep me out from under foot in the kitchen, my mom gave me safety scissors to cut out pictures in the week’s old newspapers. So many pictures of Nixon, and other figures from this era. Great to have more understanding to go with those memories.
  • ToriL007
    You won’t regret the knowledge you gain by listening to this podcast!
  • mama howard
    SO many ads
    I really love the podcast and it used to be my favorite. Now, I find that the amount of ads is excessive. The most recent episode did not even start until around the 5 minute mark due to ads at the beginning of the episode. I respect the hustle but there has been a noticeable increase of ads over time. I do really love the podcast! Just wish the ads were a little shorter or less in number.
  • Raerko
    This is my favorite podcast
    Love learning from Sharon and guests. Seriously, if only social studies class was like this. Especially love the latest seasons. I haven’t listened to every episode yet. But I sometimes listen to them twice to make I capture it all.
  • KarenP
    Always something interesting, often unexpected
    Sharon always shares something interesting, be it forgotten historical figures from different states, how to navigate today’s political climate, explaining constitutional concepts, or learning history from one of her comprehensive deep dive series, you will gain knowledge in every episode. Can Texas secede? Sharon has the answer. How did education start in America? Sharon will tell you. Did Disney affect the political history of Florida? You betcha. Wanna know more about early civil rights, Japanese incarceration, women’s contributions in WW2, political change of the 70s? Find a series and start listening, you will be smarter and entertained. No many podcasts that can do that.
  • gdsfhiydsfhiywwffgjitrhjt
    Hi there I love the podcast.❤️❤️❤️🌙🐺🐾🦴
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