The Family Discipleship Podcast


Imperfect parents having conversations about the critically important and mostly ordinary work of leading at home.

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Recent Reviews
  • Martin Rodriguez III
    I’m a new father (my daughter is 9mo) and I LOVE the Family Discipleship Podcast. I know you didn’t share the 1 star “boring” review to be reassured, but I just could not believe that someone would come away from one of your episodes thinking that. These are all such important and relevant topics discussed from spirit-filled people in the trenches. I know the Lord is blessing your work because I leave each episode feeling more in love with Jesus and more excited to be a dad.
  • Karen Parnell
    Grateful for this resource
    Several months ago, my husband and I celebrated our anniversary in Mexico, and God was so gracious to plant Adam and Chelsea right beside us at the pool. They shared about the podcast as we chatted about our kids, churches, and schools. I snuck a peek at some recent episodes and realized they’d recently interviewed one of my college roommates - what a surreal connection! When we returned home, we started at the beginning with season 1, catching an episode or 2 a week on days when we carpool together to and from work. What an unexpected gift this has been to our parenting journey, helping us to really lean in to the ways we can bring intention to discipling our children. Our kids are 2 and 6, and these messages have felt so well-timed for our current season, with an eye towards those to come. We get a lot of things wrong, but leaning into the wisdom here is one thing we’re getting right. So grateful for this resource, and for God’s generosity in sharing it with us in a most unexpected way. Keep the content coming!
  • Joshfortney
    Encouraging and Convicting
    I’ll be honest, I’ve been listening for a while now, but I’m just now getting around to leaving a review. As a dad, and even as a husband, I have been encouraged and challenged in potentially equal doses throughout this journey of listening. The most recent punch to the gut was the obedience episode that didn’t address discipline practices, but only addressed obedience, even though I was looking for someone to tell me exactly how to discipline my child. Tremendous and convicting lesson on what we’re looking for from our children. I know I’ll have all three of your voices ringing in my mind as I consider the long-term motivation behind the way I’m discipling my children to obedience. It’s not about trying to scare or bribe them toward obedience, but that is what I am bent toward in my flesh. Thanks for beating me down when I need it (shout out Holy Spirit…and Cassie) and for encouraging me when I need it (shout out Holy Spirit, again).
  • Jane111e
    Life changing
    I have been so blessed by this podcast. It has put words to things I’ve felt, and given wisdom to areas I haven’t even considered. I am very inspired by Chelsea, Adam, and Cassie. Chelsea is basically my hero mom and Adam’s little nuggets of wisdom he throws in on what feels like a whim have deeply ministered to me and impacted my relationship with my kids. Thank you FDP. You have blessed my family. I have tears nearly every episode and have told all my friends. ❤️
  • mrs mc gonagall's sister
    Small minded
  • YogaRunnerCyclist
    Thankful for you guys! Great topics, always focusing on the goodness of God. Keep going!
  • Holdque
    Thank You from a Dad!
    I just want to say thank you, last year our pastor told us about your podcast during a sermon, my wife and I have been hooked since. Your words encourage us and help us to better disciple our kids. You are a blessing to us and our family and have definitely help my family grow closer to God! Thank you again for what you do!
  • Malea Lee
    For any parenting season
    Admittedly I first listened to FDP because I work at our church and I thought it would be a good resource to point parents to. My kids are older (one adult and one teen) so I really didn’t think it would be geared toward my season of life. I was surprised to find just how helpful it was for my own heart. Regardless of our kids ages or what parenting season we find ourselves in, we know that being a parent is not just an 18 year gig but a lifetime endeavor, and this podcast reminds me of just how much I still need Jesus in everything I do, especially in parenting. It has become one of my favorites and I never miss an episode!
  • Snoop dee oh dubble g!
    God is wise, generous, loving and good
    I loved the simplistic breakdown of such a profound truth in the four attributes that you shared and your desire for them to be foundational for your kids. “God is wise, generous, loving and good. He knows what’s best, He gives what’s best, He does what’s best, He is what’s best.” I want to reflect on this and make it a refrain for my home.
  • Rachael Bush
    Can’t get enough!
    This is my go to podcast and I truly can’t get enough. After each episode, I feel deeply encouraged, refreshed, and pushed toward Jesus in a new way. Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing!
  • cmaso359
    I don’t miss an episode!
    I’m so thankful for this podcast. The hosts are Spirit-filled as they offer biblical advice for parents. I feel like a lot of parenting/family podcasts talk solely pragmatically, whether or not the advice aligns with the Bible. FDP always brings it back to Scripture. As a woman, I hear a lot of female voices talk about parenting (which is great!) but it’s so refreshing and comforting to hear Adam talk about family discipleship and how he leads his church and family. I feel so shepherded by him! What a gift these voices are in the cacophony of parenting advice. ❤️
  • christinedemauro
    Vulnerable, Relatable & Scripture Backed Truth
    This has been one of my favorite podcasts for a while now, but this season’s vices and virtues theme has made me love it even more. I have benefitted from every episode in a profound way because of the vulnerability, bravery and maturity you guys lead with. Thank you for the honesty, relatability and scripture backed truth you present. I wish I could be your real life friend and do this parenting, marriage and discipleship life with you, but I am grateful for this technology and each new episode! Thank you!
  • JEveritt
    Such a great resource!
    I have benefited greatly from listening to these conversations related to family discipleship. As a mom of two also working a full-time job, it is hard to find resources not developed specifically for the stay at home mom, but this podcast is able to speak into different types of families and encourage parents to persevere in discipling their children!
  • tw_hol
    I just started listening to this podcast, and I can already tell it is going to be a big blessing for me.
  • Macydwalker
    Can’t speak highly enough!
    I‘ve listened to a lot of parenting podcasts, and this is by far the best. Cassie, Chelsea and Adam, you have my deepest gratitude and admiration! It’s evident that you guys speak, live, and love the truth of the Bible. I have a special request! I would be forever grateful if you guys would do an episode or series on discipline (for children under 3 would be especially great). Any resources you can share would be great too! I understand the theology of discipline, but would love to hear your own practical experiences with your kiddos! I find that people talk about the theology of discipline often but tiptoe around their own experiences. Thank you for all you have already done. Praying over you and your families!!!
  • jessandblake
    a thankful mom
    can’t thank this podcast crew enough for helping this mother of 3(5 month, 2 year, and 5 years) walk a little better. the work you are doing blesses the Lord and His people. you guys rock!
  • SarieOJane
    Favorite. Parenting. Podcast.
    Favorite parenting podcast—by far. Nothing but good stuff here. Great guests, knowledgeable hosts, and consistently strikes the balance between challenging and inspiring. Episodes don’t leave me feeling overwhelmed or demoralized. Rather, I feel motivated to parent my kids well, by the strength and wisdom that the Lord supplies.
  • laura.e.h
    So helpful, encouraging, and relatable!
    Incredibly thankful for this podcast and the wisdom they bring to discipleship and parenting! I always feel encouraged after listening and like I’ve learned a ton. I always laugh too- the banter between Adam, Chelsea, and Cassie is the best. Chelsea’s dry humor brings me so much joy. 😂
  • Chicken Tender Pub Sub
    So Good
    Such great conversations and I love the friendship between the hosts!
  • Acbertrand1
    So encouraging!
    Thank y’all for spending your time to help families disciple our kids and give grace to our spouses and children. I have been listening to your podcast for a few months now and really enjoy spending time listening to y’all. I am currently working towards becoming a Christian Counselor hoping to specialize in family and marriage so this podcast brings great information and book recommendations!
  • DrBeckner
    Real, honest and easy to listen to! I’ve taken many notes and implemented much for our own family!
  • JoyTolar
    Not just another parenting podcast
    Thank you guys for offering a disciple focused parenting podcast. It’s not just parents that grow a disciple but it is mainly parents so thank you for equipping us by asking and discussing topics that the churches we grew up in seemed to avoid talking about. Question: so that we don’t leave the full scope of theological and biblical teaching to the church or to school (especially for us parents not homeschooling or sending our kids to private Christian schools) how do we go about making sure we hit all of the things we need to hit at home before they launch? Resources you could point us to if any such thing exists? AND what advice for you give to moms/wives whose husbands do love the Lord but tend to disciple more along the moralistic or therapeutic lines rather than God focused lenses? In a way that doesn’t undermine his spiritual authority in our home but can see the dangers which lie ahead thanks to the wisdom you all have helped me grapple with.
  • Brian of Alexandria
    Interview with Sean McDowell - What is this generation facing
    Such a great and helpful and uplifting interview with Sean McDowell! Especially the last 10 minutes about embracing Gen Z and seeing the challenges that face them as an opportunity that the Lord can use. Every question and answer of the episode was pure gold.
  • Outrajess24
    Amazing and so beneficial
    As a single mother, it’s pretty often that I am hard on myself and always questioning if I’m doing enough and if what I’m doing it right. Well this podcast has truly made feel at ease and educated me in ways to continue disciplining my children and I’m very encouraged. Thank you so much for your teachings!
  • RHorton12345
    I don’t even have kids and find this podcast extremely helpful in even ministry to kids
  • Kschmidt1982
    Christian parents MUST listen!
    This podcast has been so helpful as I desire to intentionally disciple my own three daughters! They share such godly and intentional wisdom- and I love the topics and the guests that they have! I have shared so many practical episodes with other parents, and will keep doing so!!
  • Kassie (not the host ;))
    One of those podcasts that I keep on 1x speed because I never want it to end!
    Seriously…I always listen to podcasts on 1.5/2x speed, but I have to slow this one down because the content is that good, convicting, challenging, and I never want the episodes to end! THANK YOU for these eternal-focused resources!
  • Jess151530
    A Thankful Mom
    My most favorite podcast, by far! So easy and fun to listen to. Although I have never met them, I laugh with them as though I’ve known these hosts for years. Thank you for sharing your biblically based parental knowledge with us and bringing on amazing guest speakers to do the same. I am also very thankful for the many, MANY resource suggestions given. I have utilized quite a few of them. My family truly does benefit from this podcast. Signed: A thankful mom working to intentionally raise kingdom minded children ❤️
  • AWorley94
    An Incredible Podcast!
    Although I’m not a parent, I serve as a Kids Director at a church and love listening to the FDP!! I’ve sent episodes to our families numerous times for encouragement or to help them think through specific topics. I enjoy listening to the conversations to be better equipped to help parents navigate issues or to know how to think through my responses to questions I am asked. I appreciate the gospel content featured every episode, the fun format provided by the hosts, and the lineup of guests on the show! This is one of my favorite podcasts to listen to and recommend to parents.
  • kyliemagyar
    Really great podcast!
    Love this podcast! This podcast is valuable in many many ways. Practical, convicting, and encouraging. Always pointing parents back to honoring the Lord with their work with their children and lives. I would however love to hear from some guests who come from a homeschooling perspective. Just a suggestion!
  • hillkeck
    So thankful for FDP!
    Always encouraging, loving, full of wisdom and pointing me to the truth in my motherhood journey. Not to mention, they keep me laughing! A huge thanks to Adam, Chelsea and Cassie. You all are such a blessing to me!
  • hollyml1211
    Love, love, love this podcast!
    My only complaint is that they don’t produce these more frequently! I have loved and gleaned so much from each episode!
  • Sarahpolitan
    So helpful! Thank you to the team.
    This podcast really is for training the church! I’ve been catching up from the beginning (and sometimes skipping ahead to more recent episodes). When I listen, I laugh, cry, and revel in the goodness of God toward me… this podcast encourages me to show His goodness and all His ways to my kids more often. I really enjoy all the conversations with guests. Also I enjoy a good podcast jingle, and this one is included!
  • jakefromtemple
    Great Parenting Podcast
    This is a great listen for anyone looking to bring up their children in the way of the Lord. Highly recommend.
  • Amber Gutshall
    So thankful!
    This podcast is perfect for the family that has exited the little years and is now learning to disciple their children! I outgrew a lot of my favorite podcasts in this new season of life, so this one came at the perfect time! It talks about such real life issues that we are facing and helps gives us tools we need to face them. I have already referred several friends to this podcast!
  • kariannemc
    A MUST listen for all parents!
    Another QUALITY podcast from Training the Church.This is one I never miss. When I first heard about it I thought it was aimed at parents of young kiddos but I have teenagers and it has been so helpful.If you areLooking for parenting guidance that is biblical and from a solid Christian worldview this is the podcast for you.
  • mfermier
    Worth every minute!
    I love FDP! Cassie, Adam, and Chelsea are great interviewers, asking thoughtful questions and giving their guests plenty of space to speak and answer. Grateful for the time they take to prepare and the way they engage. Every episode offers wisdom, wit, and opportunities to learn more about how discipleship happens in families. Thank you for this resource!
  • scf30
    Binge Worthy Godly Wisdom
    As a mom of a two year old and a bible study teacher to middle schoolers, I can’t get enough! So much of what is discussed are things that I have thought about but haven’t quite put into words! I appreciate so much what the guest speakers say and the input from the hosts!
  • Alys_J_Gris
    Every episode encourages me!
    Every single episode makes me tear up at some point. It inspires me and strengthens me to continue on this journey of parenting my children for the glory of His name!
  • RR911822
    So needed!!!
    This podcast is one of the resources the church truly needs right now. Parents are struggling to know how to shepherd their children and teens according to God’s word in a way that is countercultural, yet loving and faithful. I am in youth ministry and see the fear and anxiety that both parents and teens are facing today. Adam, Chelsea and Cassie bring wisdom, humor, truth and ENCOURAGEMENT with every episode and I find myself saying Amen! over and over. They are saying what too many are afraid to say. I’m grateful to glean from each one and pass it along.
  • Bookishbrookish
    Best parenting podcast around
    Love love love this podcast! My favorite pate ring podcast to listen to - really gets me thinking about being intentional in my parenthood
  • rosejk1
    The BEST family discipleship podcast!
    This podcast is so engaging! Family discipleship talk grounded in Biblical truth with amazing hosts and exciting guests. I look forward to listening to each episode.
  • aldencaroline
    So good!
    I find myself anxiously awaiting Monday and the FDP’s new episode release. Each episode is filled with many nuggets of truth and encouragement for intentionally discipling your children well. I find it instrumental and incredibly valuable to equipping me as a follower and disciple of Jesus hoping to disciple my children well.
  • nathanehresman
    Encouraging, edifying, and helpful!
    This has easily become my #1 go-to podcast! It is encouraging and edifying to my soul, the way the crew talks so graciously about important topics. It is also immensely helpful in my own parenting and family discipleship as they give a biblical vision and practical tips on how to lead my family toward Jesus. One topic I would love to hear you discuss: how to talk to kids about disabilities and God’s good design. Two of my three children (currently aged 4 and 2) were born with minor physical disabilities and we have had a hard time knowing how to properly balance celebrating their disabilities as a part of God’s good design for their bodies (Ps 139:14) with recognizing the physical effects of living in a fallen world.
  • Madison12161102
    Encouraging, Transformative, Biblical Podcast
    I stumbled upon this podcast and have been hooked since. If you’re looking for a podcast that is biblically sound while also vulnerable and transformative, this is it. The family discipleship podcast has truly opened up my eyes to the truth and gift of parenthood. It has changed mine and my family’s life for the better. It has been such a blessing to us. Every episode is drenched with biblical knowledge and applications that are doable for every family, every size and age group. Thank you Family Discipleship Podcast for following God’s Will and being obedient to His calling.
  • graced0123
    Such a wonderful resource!
    This podcast has been such a blessing to our family. Thankful for the practical ideas it gives for how to disciple your children, and reminders of the importance of intentionally discipling your children from day one.
  • ecmayky
    Discipleship Gold!
    Such an encouraging resource for parents and caregivers on how to start or level up how you disciple the children/teens I’m your life!
  • Jits Dad
    Real life encouragement
    I love hearing the real talk about the frustrations and sorrows, the joys and the celebrations, and everything in between. This is like joining a conversation with wise, godly people.
  • kariRasm
    Practical. Real. Helpful
    This podcast has been deeply encouraging and helpful. Coming from a home where parenting has been a real challenge for quite some time, this podcast has helped equip us, encouraged us to not feel alone in our parenting struggles, and led us to be honest with ourselves and others, while all pointing us to the good news of Jesus for weary parents. The guests and hosts keep it real, engaging, and fun. Can’t recommend this enough.
  • cesbain
    A MUST listen for parents
    I am loving this podcast so much. They do a fabulous job of talking about the real hardships of parenting and providing practical steps to take to grow as a parent. This podcast is saturated with Biblical truths and helpful resources as well as real people who talk about the reality of parenting, not pretending to be perfect parents themselves. My husband and I are both enjoying listening to this podcast and would highly recommend it to every parent.
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