The Living Waters Podcast


Enjoy the ride with this hilarious new Podcast as hosts (Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro) and special guests explore the pressing questions of our day with sound theology and apologetics! We would love to hear from you. How has the podcast encouraged you? Are there any subjects you’d like the guys to cover or questions you’d like them to answer? Email us at and you may hear your feedback and questions quoted on the next episode!

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Recent Reviews
  • Unicurnz
    Nothing like it
    I mean this in a positive way of course. Though these guys may seem somewhat odd, peculiar, and bizarre (EZ especially), you’ll grow to love them, laughing with (and sometimes at) them and absorbing the wonderful Gospel centered truths they share. Thank you guys for all that you do!! You’ve greatly encouraged my walk with Christ and I pray that God will continue to work in mighty ways through your ministry!
  • Sammy Bolton
    Thank you
    Hello Living Waters, I just wanted to make this review because I have been so blessed by your podcast. Recently I was involved in a very horrible car crash in which I lost control of my arms and legs and I have become a quadriplegic. I have never been in such despair as I sit in my lonely hospital bed longing for the day I can move again. That was until my mom discovered this podcast and decided to play an episode to me. I just wanted to thank you EZ because your singing made me get out of bed and turn the podcast off. God bless you guys.
  • WitCheeky
    Something Special and Rare
    Quite a few times I have felt the desire to rate and review a podcast that I have especially enjoyed, and I am a little ashamed to say that I never have made it past the inclination. I stumbled upon y’all’s show a few months ago and after the 4th or 5th episode I was hooked and started feeling that inclination again. I am now a little over 70 episodes in and I am convicted to such a degree that it feels like it would negligent to not do so. WHO you guys are, individually, is such a blessing, and I have been inspired by thoughts and stories from each of you; but WHAT you are is invaluable and for me I would say had become almost a necessity. I have had 2 jobs in the last 15 years and both of them have components where I do somewhat medial tasks for hours of the day, so needless to say, podcasts have become a very valuable thing for me. There is something special and rare about the relationship you all have together that seems to bring a little light to those darker areas. Your senses of humor, and banter, how y’all seem naturally adept at navigating the shallower and the deepest spiritual conversations, the way that you all seem down to earth (for lack of a better phrase) while obviously having your mind set on the kingdom, the way you talk about the most serious things while never taking yourselves too seriously (maybe EZ slightly less than the others). And so much more. I looked for a Christian podcast for quite a while and couldn’t get more than a few episodes in without finding a reason not to continue, and I am so grateful God eventually led me to you guys.
  • Evafromtexas
    Fight like a man (or woman in my case)
    Hey I’m Eva from Texas. I’m been listening to your podcast since y’all dropped the first episode. There’s always something to laugh at, something to be convicted of and always something I can learn from. I love the fellowship/friendship you guys have. I was very excited for EZs book and I ordered it right when it can out. I asked my brother if it was wired that I was reading a book for men since I’m a woman and he said yes lol and there’s been some things in there that aren’t really relatable to me but I’ve still learned so much from it and have really been convicted of how I viewed sexual sins. I would highly recommend the book to anyone that has ever struggled with any sexual sins in the past. Thank you guys for what you do!
  • chubby baker
    You are not funny. Get to your topics. I cannot endure your time wasting at beginning of every episode corny jokes forced humor. Yuck.
  • Gus Ram.
    Love this podcast
    I love this podcast, been listening since the first episode. Ray, EZ , Oscar and Mark are so faithful To Gods Word. I Enjoy so much every episode. Thanks Guys and keep up the good work.
  • shillipsmom
    My new favorite!
    I love this podcast! It’s hilarious, convicting, encouraging and speaks so much of His Truth and encouragement into my life. Ray is such an incredible example of the courage and boldness we all should have for Jesus. So thankful God is using y’all in such an amazing way in so many lives!!
  • Isaac Welch
    An absolute lifesaver
    I absolutely love this podcast. Up until a month ago, I was a false convert. I lived in sin, pornography addiction, lying to my wife about it…. But this podcast showed me the truth about my sin. I always knew it was wrong and I told myself I was still be sanctified but I wasn’t really putting any effort toward living righteously. This podcast has seriously helped open my eyes and set me on a path to chasing after the Lord. I had discovered Ray’s videos about 2 years ago and I devoured them like crazy when I first proclaimed to be a Christian, along with Mike Winger and others. But I never had the heart change. I relate mostly to Oscar, because of his love for books, and I relate to EZ’s sense of humor. Mark has a lot of wisdom that has helped me on my journey and Ray’s passion inspires me. Thank you guys for all that you do.
  • BriTallWhite
    Welcomed into a Friend Group to Glean Wisdom
    I’ve been listening for a over 2 years now and love this podcast. All 4 men take their walks with the Lord seriously, with thanksgiving and joy. This is displayed through the friendship, as well as their convictions on each topic. I recommend it every time I’m around someone. My dad and I like to start our texting or in person conversations with “alright freeeeeends”
  • Seekfind
    Light-hearted yet seriously biblical
    I now listen almost everyday to this podcast while walking my dog or doing chores. I enjoy the humor and light-hearted yet very insightful and above all biblical conversations. Some episodes are so good that I was compelled to share them with friends. :) that said, I’m still on the fence about getting the mug. :D
  • AndrewFrie
    I absolutely love this Podcast!
    I have been listening to this podcast for around a year now and it is easily my favorite, it really helps me get out of the ruts I constantly fall into. You all have really helped me grow in my spiritual life, and I am so thankful for the laughs and wisdom, thank the Lord for people as dedicated and wise as you all, you guys have such a gift, and you are helping so many people around you, Thanks!
  • lallyjoe
    Can’t Say Enough Good Things About This Podcast!!!!
    Hi friends! 😂 Thank you guys so much for this podcast! I have learned so much about The Lord, The Bible, how to walk out my Christian faith etc… You have helped me develop a biblical worldview. I recommend this podcast to everyone and those who’ve listened feel the same way - we are being equipped!! I am really grateful for the topics that are not taught very often these days like repentance, the holiness of God, sin etc… But I am particularly grateful for episodes on feminism, a biblical view of women’s roles, and the one on female pastors.. listened several times in tears to each one. You see I grew up in a culture that celebrates feminism. Praise GOD I was born again in my 30’s. However, I was in an egalitarian-minded church for a long time after being saved and ended up becoming a female co-pastor. Praise God He has done a work in my life the last couple of years!! I have repented of being a female pastor. I now embrace and delight in believing the Bible from cover to cover and am endeavoring to study deeply and obey it. It is such a DELIGHT! And you guys have been so instrumental in this massive shift in my Christian faith. Thank you! You guys often ask for ideas about podcast topics… I’d be so curious to learn more about when and how feminism/egalitarianism entered the church. It seems to me that this movement has been destructive to Christians, churches, marriages etc… Thanks again guys. I’m praying for you all! Please keep speaking the truth especially on the tough stuff - The Truth you share equips us in a culture dominated by lies and churches that have weak and false teachings. Also thank you for sharing the 9Marks website… we found a greta church through that! Blessings! -Your sister in Christ Laurie who likes both black coffee and coffee with creamer… I know weird huh?😁
  • Disciple2024
    Awesome Podcast!
    Both entertaining and informative. I was able to attend the Ambassador’s Academy this year (for the first time) and have been hooked on their podcast since I got home. It encourages me to get out there and share my faith as well as gives me tools to do that. I would only make one recommendation to the podcast sign off for E. Z. “Don’t keep the faith, give it away!”
  • livkozel
    You guys are a wonderful light to this dark world. Between the goofy antics throughout the discussion to the deep theological truths that are talked about. I greatly enjoy and have benefited greatly from this ministry.
  • Auntie HeHe
    Love love love
    I’m so thankful for your pod cast. I enjoy how God works through the 4 of you to bless so many! I also her ‘hello frennzz’ and say it anytime someone uses the word friends. Thank you for the love, laughter, and truth! Love you all! Praying God’s continued blessings on your lives.
  • dorth_341
    Greatest Podcast, Franzzzz!
    Hello franzz! This is the greatest podcast ever made! It’s funny, convicting and encouraging. EZ, Ray, Mark and Oscar are so fun and hilarious! Love how you’re biblically sound yet fun to listen to. Love this podcast, keep on the good work! PS I agree with Oscar on coffee flavors, but I prefer cream in my coffee! 😅
  • JoopieSoCute
    Too many jokes but good messages.
    For the most part, I like this podcast when they actually start talking about the Bible and how our everyday aligns with it. I just hate the 15-20 minutes of mindless banter and jokes. I always fast forward until I don’t hear anymore chuckling. Seems like something you guys should do before you start the podcast to give more time and thought to the message you wish to convey. Other than that, I appreciate this podcast.
  • Evidence study Bible
    Hello from Maine
    My dad has been listening to Ray Comforts ministry for a very long time, from way of the master to the 180 video, I love all of them and came across your podcast a few months ago! My name is Gianina ( E.Z. And Oscar can argue on how to pronounce it ) and I’m 27, living in Mid-Coast Maine! I’m one of 10 kids and my dad purchased I don’t even know how many evidence study bibles, but he gave me one and it is FANTASTIC! Thank you for being and example of the right way to share the Gospel! Ps you guys pick on eachother and it’s hilarious
  • Matthew Vman
    An encouragement to all of us
    This podcast is amazing. These men push me to encourage others and share the gospel. Thank you all.
  • Silva94clau
    Absolutely the best podcast
    I don’t necessarily agree theologically on everything(non foundational/fundamental objections), but these men’s fruits are most obviously Godly and of born again believers. I thoroughly enjoy it. Also love the nonsense talk at the beginning of each podcast. It’s a great format. Ps E.Z is hilarious.
  • gallabling
    Best Podcast
    Thank you Ray for advertising this on your YouTube videos, this is how I found it. I have been so blessed as I binge the podcast. The Lord has used this to teach my heart! Thank you, thank you and thank you!
  • Roper Family 5
    Family fun: a podcast to work to
    I love listening with my kids (all teenagers) to your show. We listen while driving and doing chores together. Along with family bible reading, these podcasts have been a blessing in opening conversations about serving our God, sharing our faith, and discerning truth. Now my kids listen without me while they do their individual chore and exercise! Its a blessing to watch my kids growing in their faith. Always praying for your ministry. My kids want to point out what great friends Ray has. Quote from my kids, “On the mug and cover, Ray Comfort has the best friends because they let him be as tall as the rest of them”.
  • TracyRoberson
    Thank you!
    I am a 4 month old Christian (47 year old human) and I found your podcast recently, I absolutely LOVE it! I live in Fort Myers Florida and since the traffic is horrendous here I laugh through your podcast while others are getting angry and trying to fight each other for lanes! It also helps to quench my thirst for understanding my new walk with Jesus. I would love if you would do an episode on being unequally yoked, I am married and my husband is not saved or very much interested in listening to me talk about my new life with God. I have completely changed how I live my life and he has not. I would like to hear thoughts and suggestions on how to navigate this situation! Thank you so much for what you do! It’s very much appreciated!!
  • Jeremy W. ✝️
    As Speaking the Utterances of God
    Much has been said before of the way Living Waters stands on the word of God and on the word of God alone, yet, notwithstanding, I will echo what many have said: these men stand on the Bible. That is all they do, and that, of course, is what matters. They speak on the podcast as men acutely aware of their own limitations and simultaneously of God’s infinite power. Clearly, they live out 1 Peter 4:10-11: “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." I thank the Lord for them.
  • Joshua NM
    How to kill sin in your life
    I love the humor and the genuineness that is sprinkled in with deep Biblical truth. It kind of reminds me of some of my favorite conversations I have with my best friends. Thank you for all you do to spread the word of God! I definitely see that concept in my life where when I feel like I am victorious over sin, it sneaks up and grabs me. Thank you for encouraging me to stand firm in Christ our sure Foundation!
  • JawBone J
    Spiritual nitrous for running the race with Christ
    I have been listening for close to six months now, and cannot get enough. The impact that these men have had on my walk a Christian and my life with Christ is immeasurable; I often find myself pulling lines of thinking from this podcast when discussing the things of God and sharing my faith with others. I had been praying for God to soften my heart and prepare me to be a father of two children when I found this podcast, and now that my daughter is born, I find myself thinking of the guidance and teaching on the show to help me through difficult times being a father of two and a husband, and not stumbling over the same blocks that I did with my son. I don’t know what I would do without this ministry, I’m sure God would find a way to do his will, but I’m glad he’s doing it through The Living Waters Podcast.
  • A grateful saint
    The Sin of Christians being unequally yoked episode
    Loved this podcast and episode. Every Christ follower who is going to marry one day should listen to this podcast. I can attest to the difficult challenges of being married to a non believer and it gets even harder as you age. I was not a believer when I married my husband but received Christ in my late 30s. He is by the worlds' standard a good faithful husband but doesnt care at all about Christ who I love and follow. It can be very lonely. I have prayed many prayers and will never stop. So a warning to young women and men , do not marry a non believer or someones who is a lukewarm Christian. Dont take the risk and go against Gods' Word by thinking you will convert him or her. It will have serious consequences You will not be able to live out the Christian faith the way God intended. Trust Gods' Word in this matter more than your feelings.
  • Daniel2736
    Excellent podcast
    Instructional and entertaining podcast for those who want to grow in their faith.
  • BZRK247
    I love this podcast. Definitely my number 1 podcast. It’s funny, theologically sound, and EZ raps (ish). He is the real saved shady. Every time I hear this podcast my day gets better. 💯 WOULD RECOMMEND‼️ I just want to ask you guys, how do you deal with toxic parents while you still live in their house? Whenever I have talked to them about it I am the one who ends up getting in trouble. Because of this I’ve just kept my mouth shut, but I know it isn’t good for me to keep my emotions bottled up, tho I do it anyway, and it’s not good for them to continue in sin. But at the same time, if I say anything they don’t like I am grounded. Do I keep my mouth shut or do I just leave when I’m 18? I know that was long but I don’t rlly have anywhere else I can go without my parents finding out haha.
  • Bijgc
    So grateful.
    I stumbled on one of rays videos at the start of last year. While questioning Christianity and trying so hard on my own to fight against sin I did not realize I had no true understanding of the gospel. No one had to try to get through to me like how Ray did when preaching the gospel. I am forever thankful to God for granting my salvation and I am thankful to you for being faithful a witness. I am now in tenth grade and have started a Bible study with some guys on my football team. I appreciate the podcast and getting to share your wisdom to my Bible study. I had been listening on Spotify and there was not a way to write a review. It amazes me how you guys don’t even know the amount of impact you have made on people’s lives. I seriously look up to all of you keep doing what you are doing.
  • T33dub562
    Great Pastor
    Thank you Mark for a wonderful sermon at my church Calvary Chapel Downey.
  • Adan man123$@
    Love this podcast
    listening to you guys really has helped me with my walk and able to speak with other people about my faith. It has given me a little more bravery to share the gospel with others. and my friends and I also speak to each other about the conversation. You guys have to have it’s so much fun!!!! ALSO You guys should watch movie called “marvel and DC war on God” it is a documentary movie it is very information movie. I really recommended it!!!!!!
  • Knoxville chris
    Entertaining and helpful
    Wow, I really love this podcast. The guys have a great rapport with each other and the topics are always very interesting. They teach from the Bible and I have learned so much through them. Thank you guys! I talk about this podcast often to friends with the Asterix you’ll get used to the voices! Keep up the good work! Chris from Knoxville
  • Peter yo man
    Best podcast
    Best podcast ever made. Love you guys eternally
  • TheologyNerd316
    I have grown in my passion for the gospel
    I was gifted the School of Biblical Evangelism book about a month ago, and that brought me to start listening to this podcast. I’ve seen Rays witnessing videos for years, but between this book and podcast, I have been greatly encouraged to share the gospel and be a light in my community. Thank you all!
  • Jfromnewtulsa
    Listening to the podcast while out Evangelizing on a mountain bike
    I love the podcast! I’m up to Episode 73 now. I listen while mountain biking then when I see someone hiking or stopped on their bike, I reach into my fanny pack and hand them a million dollar gospel tract or the good person cartoon and start the question of “Do you believe in the Afterlife?” I lost count (hallelujah) on how many gospel presentations I have given. It’s inspiring to be listening to the 4 best evangelists on earth, obeying God’s command to seek and save those that are lost, all while being out in God’s creation handing out gospel tracts and presenting the Gospel message. I love it. I’ve had numerous “Aha Holy Spirit Moments” out on the mountain. Thank you for educating and teaching us about doctrinal truths and theology like baptism, justification, Idolatry, Fasting, etc. Practical, discipleship topics for true believers to grow in our faith, be challenged in our thinking, and help understand other religions and beliefs.
  • short old Italian
    Men of the Word
    Men after God’s own heart, men following and preaching the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit are an eternal gift to all who hear. And I must say each of you communicate a beautiful level of maturity and depth in the Word. Some of whom I follow are J MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, RC Sproul and I find y’all…as solid. However, (you probably knew that was coming 🤔) the first 20-30 minutes of your show I fast forward. The banter and giggles are a waste of precious podcast time. You sound like high school girls. 30 minutes of your hard core teaching (when you finally get to the material) on the authority and sufficiency of scripture is the power to change hearts thus lives. I appreciate you’re trying to reach the young, I get that. But time is short and the young get enough of the “funny, haha”. I do so love your teaching, when you finally get around to it. The scriptures are the power. The Word is a lamp unto my feet.
  • Not I, but Christ!😄🙌
    Thank you!
    Thank you for letting God use you. Such a blessing to me. Thank you for being faithful!
  • Nor111
    Maybe a podcast idea?!
    Hey you guys! My husband and I both listen to your podcast and we love it! I think it would be great if you guys could do a series on each the 12 apostles or each pick your favorite! You could do a deep dive of their histories and ministries. Just an idea! Great job you guys, keep it up!!
  • ElizabethMcGowan
    I’m learning patience as I listen to EZ
    I enjoy ray comfort and the others on this podcast immensely however sometimes I found myself becoming very irritated at EZ’s antics during the conversation as first I felt like it was really taking away from the subject matter and with limited options for myself for good discussion and conversations that help me grow spiritually I kept forcing myself to power through and now I feel as though it has actually taught me patience and to look past these minimal issues to appreciate the whole group.
  • Saving nutt
    250 & still going strong!
    I've listened to all 250 podcasts & even though sometimes the title does not interest me- I always seem to get a nugget of knowledge or viewpoint that I was missing for my christian walk. Thanks guys!
  • D in Cal
    Thank you
    Love this podcast. You all are encouraging and thought provoking and entertaining!! Thank you for sharing your time and your talents! May God continue to bless you and yours!! May He come quickly!!!🙏🙏🙏I cannot stand" Friends......" Stop very annoying
  • RealSethward
    Biblically sound
    Attention FRAAAAAAANDS, you must listen to this podcast! But in all seriousness, I have been listening since this podcast launched, and it has really encouraged me in my walk of faith. It has been hard finding good solid Christian content that I can relate with, and this group of guys remind me of some of the friends I have with Cru at my university. They never fail to make me laugh, and I’m always left with things to think about and ponder. God has blessed each one of them with wisdom and care for the body of Christ, and I highly recommend listening to their content. Also, if EZ is reading this….made you look.
  • svsonyasv
    Great!!! There is a definite place for improvement
    I love this podcast and I think it has been a great blessing to many people. After I heard Mark speaking in Calvary Chapel Chino Hills I was blown by meaning of the sermon and decided to find the podcast. I love topics you guys discuss and how deep you go in the Word. However, as one of you even said - you talk too much. I don’t mean to be rude or critical but 10-12 first minutes spent on talking about foods or conveniences is a bit too much. I respect humor in sermons and of course podcasts when it is appropriate but sometimes it might get you distracted first couple of minutes. Please be you and continue to be funny and encouraging but maybe cut the talk in the beginning a bit so we can get to the topic sooner. If I am as someone already hooked up by the topic lose patience how my non believer friend that I would send this to not get distracted a bit too much? Please forgive me for giving you 4, just wanted to get your attention P.S. If you think it is old boring grandma speaking - you are wrong. I am 26 ;)
  • Luke23464!!
    I am 16 years old and love listening to Living Waters! I am always encouraged, challenged, and even humored by the Podcast. I really enjoy the variety of topics they cover. One subject I would love to see talked about would be their stance on Calvinism and Arminianism.
  • JJ Sniffster III
    Theological Meat
    I love this podcast. The depth of understanding of our relationship with the Lord is tremendous. I am greatly encouraged by the time I spend listening to this podcast and consider EZ, Mark, Ray and Oscar to be friends. And yes, I do hope Ray is able to meet with Ben Shaperio. A few of us work together at our church to do evangelism on a regular basis. We find your commitment to the ministry of reconciliation one that is worth emulating.
  • FreeJubilee
    Hello Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar!
    Thank you guys so so much for the podcast! My name is Eden, and I’m 15 years old. I just wanted to say that the episode about the lovingkindness of God and the Mercy of God encouraged me so very much! Those episodes gave me a renewed fire and love for the Lord, so thank you! I love every single second of the podcast, especially the beginning! You guys make me laugh so easily! I admire all of you guys! E.Z., If you read this, I want you to know that I think you’re very funny! I especially love your weird voice for Ray! 😂 Oscar, your insights are so encouraging and I love your humor! Mark, you are on point with your bold statements! I heard that your daughter was also named Eden, and I thought that was cool! 😁 I also like chess as well! Ray, You are so patient with E.Z., and I thank you. What a good sport you are. 😂 I love your YouTube channel and your tracks! I recently gave a million-dollar gospel of John to an unbeliever! 😁 I Praise God for all of you, and you will all be in my prayers! With sisterly love, Eden Beck (also, your podcast email address rejected my this message 😬)
  • sweepsweepsweep
    Love and appreciate you fellas! I love the brotherly banter. I love the willingness to discuss tough issues and how you guys can disagree respectfully and not take it personal. I have yet to hear any offended tones or vengeful retorts. In of itself, how you communicate preaches as loudly or louder than the content. One thing to watch for though. Be careful how you speak about other religions. I don’t mean don’t critique them. I mean don’t mock them. We were all blind and deceived and some point outside of the grace of God. It doesn’t happen often, but I would let the truth be offensive by itself. Laughing at or snorting at other religions or views I think creates an unneeded obstacle. Your strengths are confronting lies lovingly. Stay! :) But you guys are wonderful. On a separate note, could you guys address some of the gender theology coming from Michael Foster, John MacArthur , Nt Wright etc. I don’t want to miss wisdom they have or become unbiblical in leading. Thanks again! Love you all much. Soli deo Gloria!
  • juinper14
    This podcast, in few words, is biblical, encouraging, inspiring, engaging and comical. I am so grateful to God that he has inspired you all to do this podcast together, you all bring wisdom, insight and laughs! Keep up the great work fraaaands! 🐔
  • GorillaSpacesuit
    Oh So Blessed
    Friends, a little over 4 months ago I was made new. I would love to tell my testimony, but this is a review, right? So here's the rough and tumble version. I spent 43 years "luke-warm and naked" I never knew the Lord. I was radically transformed by God on my way to work one day, I felt filled with electricity pumping into and out of every bit of my being. Like the answer to a question that I didn't ask, but needed answered, I heard "It's God." I pulled over with tears in my eyes, looked to the heavens and wept as I cried out for the first time ever, "Lord, I hear you!" I've had knowledge of the Lord just pumping through me since. It's in my very bones. My heart aches to be away from the Word for mere hours, my tongue craves only to speak His name and Word into the world. As a new Christian, it is not always easy. I am telliing you this, because Ray, Mark, EZ, and Oscar have been as brothers to me in my walk. I am comforted that these men allow a slob like me to be considered a friend. They are truly some of the best friends, which I never have met. Ray has encouraged me so much, and I hope he can see this, because I truly want to say thank you to him. The wisdom of Ray has been a blessing. Now, when I go out to pass out tracts, and speak the Gospel, I no longer feel the pains and shame of 43 years not knowing Jesus. I only feel joy and overwhelming love by spreading His name. Ray taught me how to do that, and I am so glad that he also taught the other men on this podcast. Thank you, each of you. I look forward to enrolling into the Online School of Biblical Evangelism soon, and I hope you keep the Ambassadors Academy rolling too, because I'd love to go out and really turn things up to 11 for Jesus! Thanks again. Your friend, Daniel
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