Conversations at Midnight


Conversations at Midnight is a podcast focused on the discovery of the “more” in life; that through deep conversation and determined investigating, I might, with humility and passion, help illuminate the more obscure, darker and mysterious aspects of this ancient planet we call Earth. This podcast is designed to pay homage and respect to what I believe to be serious topics. From the missing 411, to cryptozoology, aliens and the paranormal, my goal is to provide listeners information without jest or mockery, so that I may not mistakenly make light of a subject many are already too embarrassed or afraid to talk about. I strive to remain family friendly; there will be no profanities or inappropriate conversations. That being said, I advice viewers to still remain cautious when listening, as these subject matters might prove too much for some audiences to handle, or too frightening for any younger listeners. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I hope my voice will help bring comfort to your hearts.

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