The Breitbart News Daily Podcast

Politics #134

This Monday-Friday podcast will be a “Director’s Cut” of the SXM Patriot radio show. Hosted by Breitbart’s Mike Slater, you’ll hear Mike’s take on the big political stories and interviews with various newsmakers.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hopeful🦋
    Audio muffled
    Loved content but Host was too close to mic
  • Beth Marie Evans
    Love Brietbart
    Who could not love, Andrew? Mike Slater is a great host. I really miss Steve Bannon, and he interviews guests in a similar manner to Steve. A great understanding of information warfare. . . Love it! So glad I found this podcast.
  • Pimpbot773
    You are bearing false witness!!!!!
  • gallonbot
    Volume Uneven
    Great podcast but the volume when the host speaks goes up and down. When a clip is played the volume increases greatly. I am constantly having to adjust the volume in my car. Because of this listening with ear buds is impossible.
  • ElDiabloDeLosAves
    Woefully bad podcast. I simply cannot tolerate listening to an untalented hack, even though I may agree on most political points of view
  • tee_jag
    Truly appreciate the recent dialogue on ‘23 election, especially the Ohio #1 prop voting results. Mike’s podcast is refreshing, hopeful and thought provoking. 🙏
  • eps1969
    Audio is terrible 😣
  • Liz in Paige Texas
    No no no Nikki Haley for VP
    Women voters don’t require a woman VP. I say Larry Elder is the man to round out the ticket as a former Libertarian. He claims he had the creds to make the 1st debate. Unlike Nikki, he didn’t stab President Trump in the back.
  • Senator7
    Audio issues
    I was just coming to complain about the awful audio quality and see vitaman44 beat me to it. Slater is less muffled than Alex used to be but it’s still bad and the blasting of the “theme” breaks is ear-splitting. Please get the audio corrected and stop trying to blow my eardrums with the theme music between sections.
  • TechnoObsessed
    Significant Degradation in Content Quality Since Alex Marlow Left
    Alex Marlow, Breitbart News Editor-in- Chief, was the previous host of the podcast and was an excellent host—very much a professional who presented the news in a succinct, interesting, and thoughtful manner. Mike Slater, his replacement, bloviates his personal opinions in a monotone, surfer dude voice that gets very old very quickly and does not tie in with the Breitbart website. Mike has several years of experience doing podcasts, but he’s sorely lacking basic technical skills like maintaining a consistent voice volume so his voice can be easily understood. Just about to reluctantly give up on this podcast and stick with the mother website.
  • vitaman44
    Audio difficulties
    I listen in my car. I constantly find myself adjusting the audio. It usually corrects itself after a while. The beginning of the show is very muffled, then the opening music comes on and it’s very loud. I’m glad I read another similar review about this, I wasn’t sure what was going on.
  • Gallerinski
    Why is the audio quality so poor?
    I love BND but it is becoming unlistenable. The audio is very muffled and difficult to understand UNTIL the lead in music which blows the windows out of the car. I try hard to listen but more and more find myself abandoning after just 2-3 minutes.
  • mlea624
    Miss you Alex!
    Mike frames the headlines from a moral point of view. It’s good for reflection and a great show…… though miss your dark humor Alex!
    I like Mike
    I love Breitbart! Followed Andrew from the beginning. Acorn maybe?? I love Mike, was so glad you chose him! But what is going on? Where’s Mike? And I really like Matt but can’t take him these days cause he’s so on the trump team. Am trying to skip over the trump love segments but it’s pervasive. Please don’t turn BND into the Trump show, the show is bigger than that!
  • Kanagawa Ken
    Breitbart Continues
    Good luck Alex. Hello Mike! Still a good show.
  • MIchael M600
    Good News Podcast
    I enjoy Alex and his interviews. Only issue is the music is so loud and his voice is low. Please balance the levels so my ears don’t get blasted with the music since I have to turn it up to hear Alex.
  • Florida Chief
    Host never shows up…too inconsistent
    Host never shows up…too inconsistent.
  • admasnek
    Plain spoken
    Not too partisan.
  • Oltec#1
    Starting a labeling campaign......
    How do we start a ‘Made with Slave Labor’ campaign? That way all countries with slavery/slave labor is marked with a label for customer consumption or not.
  • AlaskanExile
    Paris should have own show!
    Paris should have a podcast, or news commentary daily, or at least weekly.
  • keerthekeeks
    Love that you had Alex HRH on! She’s spot on!
  • e5150112222
    Turn down the bass
    Turn down the bass on your mic too much rumbling can’t hardly make out what you’re saying…
  • solomonsebastian
    State of Mind
    Exceptional Extraordinary Excellent
  • Blackbeard-4590
    Lots of great information and carefully researched stories but…
    Sometimes, not often they have a guest that’s just annoying. Listening to Amanda is like trying to catch a spastic chipmunk in a box. Is it possible for this lady to put two cogent thoughts together to make a point? “Like you know” a 13 year old girl, she uses “like” 3-6 times every sentence. It’s not possible to graph a single contiguous thought in a sentence. This show has so many well thought out and well communicated topics until a guest like this comes on to bounce off the walls like a child on a “sugar rush”. Note the proper use of the word “like” in the previous sentence Amanda? Maybe she is just there once in a while, to provide a bit of silly comic relief, much like the Woody Woodpecker cartoons that were shown in theaters before the main attractions in years gone by.
  • madog 12
    Judicial Watch
    Why was judicial watch been banned from you tube?
  • 2/72
    2000 Miles Interview of Dinesh
    This interview is riveting! It was also great to hear from JD Vance about the upcoming Ohio Primary. Good job Mr. Marlow!
  • old lady geologist
    Mostly great, part of my daily lineup
    Alex does a daily news and commentary podcast that covers almost everything you’d want to hear about. I like his calm and wry delivery. I definitely don’t like being yelled at and Alex helps me keep my cool. As a New Mexican, I was troubled by his podcast today where one of our gubernatorial candidates was interviewed as the “GOP hopeful“ in the race. Not only did Ronchetti not get enough votes at our pre-primary convention held in February to get on the ballot, this weatherman is the RINO and has a lot of money from out of state sources. The RNC has decided to get behind him.Could it be because he is a Trump hater and believes in man-made climate change? Perhaps. The RNC has not endeared themselves of late. We have much better candidates who are getting the support of the grassroots in our state. I would suggest Alex interviews one of them, notably Jay Block,
  • chopper7926
    Sorry Alex but you lost me.
    Maybe you should be dosing your kids w boosters since you are determined to be on the side of anti ivermectin. Ugghhh. Whatever.
  • LindaYogaGirl
    Loving Jerome sitting in for Alex. Both deliver great news and analysis, as well as helpful and informative guest interviews. Prefer this to watching the news which is so upsetting. Concise, powerful, calm yet witty—gives me shades of Rush, who we all miss so much. Thanks guys!
  • beeklebeek
    Moink Box commercial is tedious.
    Really don’t appreciate the spot.
  • Javito AZ
    Respect 45
    Was almost enjoying your podcast until you showed your disrespect for the President. Didn’t know you were a comedian. Maybe you should apply to take over for Alec Baldwin on SLN. There are too many great conservative podcasts to continue to listen to this show. Don’t think I am asking for a lot. Hope you reconsider how you portray yourself to the MAGA Patriots from here on.
    Most racist podcast host on Apple
    The program is about conservative talks but pure far right evil nazi stuffs. I don’t understand why Apple would allow such program on its platform. Unbelievable!!
  • oregon mamaw
    Buying made in the USA
    Perhaps people could set their minds - while we eliminate trade with China - to not expect such high profit margins. It would be worth it in the long run.
  • jimbo we
    Calm and sensible
    Always appreciate it!
  • phil5105
    Alex always brings new thinking to the issues of the day
  • 50ARMS
    Great Podcast
    Love the show to recap the show because I can’t always catch it in the morning. Alex is great and Jerome as back up equally good. Love the guests!
  • Mattyhos2333
    Best Insight
    Great place to get both news and opinions from some of the better minds out there. Must listen every day
  • Lairdnolen
    Genuine Investigative Journalism
    Alex’s podcast is wonderful! If you are ready for truthful information about current events, this is it.
  • getWisdomP45
    Sober Insight
    Alex Marlow sees what is going on in the world and evaluates it with clear eyes and a sober mind. Nearly everything he brings up are the most important topics and the most critical aspects of them. The more I listen to it, the better I like it. I just wish Alex were not quite so cynical. Maybe it helps him be more dispassionate in his analysis, but I wish he were just a little more hopeful about the future. Great job with the podcast though.
  • Dkrad
    100% solid show
    I listen to Breitbart news in the morning with Alex Marlow every day and have been for many years. Now I have a perfect way of sharing this with others who need to hear good commentary and listen to smart people with excellent guests. Excellent product and you’ll be smarter for listening. Let’s Go Brandon PS: my dogs Winston and Wallace also enjoy listening with me. It’s a fun event for all. Puppy Wallace would love to hear a shout out on the radio for him. He’ll be wearing his Hawaiian shirt . hahaha Still Let’s Go Brandon
  • wblend
    What else is there to say!
  • I'm not a bad person but
    Breitbart News Daily
    So worthwhile, informative with some dry humor sprinkled, wonderful guest…. Never disappointed!
  • FoxHole One
    Pro American Podcast
    Very good show to listen to. Enjoy many of Alex’s guests. Never miss a show which is convenient to listen to while traveling.
  • Stanley42000
    Great show!!
    I don’t have time to listen to the full show, but this podcast gives the highlights from the day. This is perfect for my ride into work! Love this show!!
  • Tonya, Florida
    It’s about time!
    Alex is the 1st thing I listen to every morning and Breitbart News Daily makes getting up at zero dark thirty worth it! He gives common sense analysis of the chaos and topics that matter. His guests callers are top notch, some you’ve heard of, some you need to get to know. Alex asks the questions we all want answers to and he gives his guests the platform and time to answer them completely. So glad there’s now a podcast I can share so others can get addicted too.
  • 2460A
    Great Format
    I m enjoying the show more with now callers. It was to much of a distraction.
  • dab1963
    Real News
    One the best sources for real news you will ever experience. Consistently scoops the legacy media. By the time I read about it in the WSJ or on Fox, it’s already yesterday’s story because I listen to Breitbart.
  • Philly philster
    Best podcast ever
    Best podcast ever
  • Patriotsstand
    Light in the dark period
    I listen every morning on the way to work. Alex tells it like it is and his guests are the most knowledgeable on their topics. If you haven't read Alex's book, 'Breaking the News', you dont understand how broken the main stream media is! "Walk towards the fire, don't worry about what they call you!" - Andrew Breitbart LET'S GO BRANDON!
  • MissFishin'
    Progress in Citizenship
    Smart and succinct, I always learn something to build a civil society.
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