Internal Affairs


It happened on a frigid winter night. First, a sudden moment of terror. Then, a frantic search to find a costumed killer. “Internal Affairs,” Dateline’s next original podcast series, takes us to northern Colorado, and into an obsessive and deadly romantic affair. Reported by Josh Mankiewicz, it’s a story about bad choices, a fatal attraction and men and women who proudly wore badges at work--while living lies at home. And when the day of reckoning came, the people with the badges had to investigate their own.Listen to all episodes of Internal Affairs now completely free, or subscribe to Dateline Premium to listen ad-free:

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Recent Reviews
  • faithful Drea
    Unbelievable story. Stay faithful and things like this will not happen.
  • kareems healing
    I was abused mentally from a narcissist and physically from the hospital. I’ve been trying to heal myself for five years. It’s very hard physical wellness and healing can be done fast, but Mental it never heal stay away from the narcissist. And don’t let anybody abuse you Healing can happen. You just have to stay strong. Stay positive and surround yourself with people love you and help you grow.
  • brightnessren
    Episode 2 made me so angry
    Josh Mankiewicz basically implying that men cannot be sexually assaulted is gross and makes me not want to listen to the rest of this podcast. Whether or not I believe the guy’s story, it’s pretty horrible to say that having sex requires a willing participant. Men can be assaulted too. Shame on you.
  • Notditzy
    Loved the writing
    The story was made compelling by the excellent writing and narration. Well done. Sadly, there will never be a shortage of narcissists who destroy lives.
  • Haje99
    I showed no emotions while listening to the podcast from the beginning until I heard what happened to baby Victoria 💔 she didn’t deserve such a life.
  • Lisiem
    This one was hard to listen to
    I love all the Dateline podcasts, but this was by far the hardest one to get through for me. Two people so stupid and narcissistic that made a never-ending string of terrible and selfish decisions… It’s incredible. Really hard to listen and realize this is real life.
  • CoachShellyS
    Wow! Just wow
    I think I’ve listened to all the Dateline 6-part series and this was hands down my favorite. Incredible story that keeps you pulled in. I looked forward to my daily walk so I could catch a couple more episodes!
    Next one
    When is the next one coming out? First one was really good!
  • Nurse JOI
    Internal Affairs
    Such a tragic story. My heart goes out to poor Victoria who was truly a victim of this senseless murder. She truly loved her mommy. I’m so saddened to hear of her tragic death as well. All because her father couldn’t do the right thing and stay loyal. I was expecting Shawna to be a beauty queen, instead she’s horrible creature inside and out!
  • Grb611
    Well done
    Narrated well and very detailed. Will there be more seasons?
  • Moonflowerkl
    What a tragic tale of choices made and choices carried out. This was perfectly spooled out by my favorite Dateline person, Josh. Well done as always.
  • Gvhavhsb
    The first time you can see uueyywiyw
    The only way to make it happen would wiyw
  • AdrieKo
    Bad decisions
    The best revenge on Sandra would be if Ken did the murder and set her up.
  • MJDmel
    Gorgeous Storytelling
    Absolutely gorgeous storytelling. The words are fluid, like waves flowing on a sunset beach, Josh M is an artisan painting pictures as he tells haunting stories that linger with you after his voice has faded away. Very well done.
  • amanda5533
    Such a senseless, tragic story! Well told by Dateline.
  • Nickname4377
    Drama at Greeley Colorado Police Department
    How embarrassing for this police department! Very well done podcast! Totally worth the listen! Poor Heather! All because her husband needed to be involved with some Hussey for a fling!!!
  • lutenitdansmommy
    Chefs kiss😘✊
    Guess who is never having a husband who had an affair
  • uh)kjn
    Love it
    I love man and this doesn’t make sense
  • banxrunner
    Good story with lots of twists and turns.
  • Master A. Chu
    What a turner. Could not stop listening
    This was such a twisted crime story. One decision really did set off a chain of events. Thank you Josh for your storytelling.
  • in o t
    The The I’m the Woman in
    IIghtyyjjjtt I kit c rt
  • Aaron Marcizzle
    Hard To Follow
    Several times I felt lost like I should have been taking notes while listening in order to keep up with all the characters and details mentioned in passing.
  • lizzenup23
    Good storytelling
    Josh Manciewitz does a great job. The writing is thoughtful and a cut above the usual true crime podcast.
  • Awesomenesslyamazing
    Loved it
    Really great story telling. I usually have a line up of what I want to listen to for the day. But after listening to the first episode I had to know more about this case. Very sad and lots of twists and turns. I recommend to anyone who likes true crime to listen.
  • txlashgrl
    Binge worthy for sure!!
    Love the story telling experience, delves deeper than an hour program on television. Keep up the great work hoping there will be more cases coming soon
  • d.lewie
    Totally Binge Worthy
    I watched a reenactment of this case on ID but whoa, the story portrayed was so different than the real case. Thank you Mank!! Hope this podcast continues with future cases.
  • Lisa2018 OK
    Binge Watch!
    I love listening to Josh narrate any podcast. But this was also a binge worthy story.
  • Donata Jeanne
    I listened to the entire podcast yesterday while cleaning, so what would I be paying for? Thirty dollars a year for constant new ones? Or is that it? And by the way, there ARE commercials.
  • TiffYandt
    Couldn't stop listening
    Great podcast! I hadn't heard this story before. Josh did an amazing job as always!
  • .M.el.
    Ig makes this unbearable
    This is not a story about Heather. Rather, this is about Ig and that’s where Dateline went wrong on this tale. He’s unbearable and everything he says makes me annoyed I’ve wasted hours listening to this show. Go find a better podcast—there are so many out there.
  • lolamaew
    Great podcast
    Very well written and delivered. Looking fwd to the next season.
  • SickMarky
    She remembers everything, but doesn’t remember that evening? Yeah she got what she deserved, but ruined other life’s!!
  • LYnnQW1992
    Won’t play.
    I’ve tried numerous times to listen to this podcast and I get the same message every time, “unable to play.”
  • clsullie
    Unnecessarily long and drawn out, which made it boring. Josh put too much emphasis on the salacious details. Also, he did not push back hard enough on Ig who took no accountability whatsoever for his cheating ways. All these people were so unlikeable.
  • Olsonnelson
    Captivating story
    Really enjoyed listening to this podcast. Could not stop. It was very captivating
  • asdefrthuhgsfb
    Wonderfully narrated story, however Ig and Shawna sicken me. Total POSs!
  • 5GMT
    The Debauched, the Deceived, and the Dolts.
    The characters, vices, setting, story and consequences rival those of a Biblical parable. A tale of the morally challenged, unchecked debauchery, and naive victims. Excellently presented by Mankiewicz. Wonder if his neck is sore from all the head-shaking.
  • CocoTate23
    No one does it better than Dateline
    Even though the story will infuriate you, the story is captivating and the way it is told is addicting. I’m just satisfied that the guilty party is paying the consequences but sorry that what happened, happened to someone who was truly loved and seemed like such a good person. As always, Dateline tells the stories of those who can’t, the best. This one is definitely worth the listen.
  • J9ssica
    Sad to hear that an innocent woman who got freaking cheated on had to die, but good that the B who did it is suffering her consequences!!
  • Agent M007
    Screaming lol
    I was yelling at this podcast lol the whole story was making me mad!
  • unforgettable_beauti
    Couldn’t stop listening!!!!
    Loved this!!!
  • Quilter CrossStitcher
    Couldn’t Stop Listen
    It has all the drama and details of a perfect crime story. Had to listen over two days because I knew it would be finished to soon.
  • Mary_Clare
    Loved It!!!
    It had me 3 minutes in and I gulped down all 6 episodes in the course of a single day while traveling on business.
  • Cilla 82
    I was captivated by the way the story was told.
  • nerdlett
    Treatment of abuse victim is unbelievable
    It’s shocking that the victim of sexual abuse was mocked and treated with such contempt because of his gender. I stopped listening at that point and hope the host can educate themselves on the realities of abusive relationships. Zero stars.
  • TK3284
    Feeling foolish - Great Show
    I didn’t realize the story continues in the next episode. I thought each episode was a new crime.
  • Traisie
    Love Josh’s Narrating!
    Great stories too! Keep it up!
  • Rooty$
    Internal Affairs
    High five! Josh’ narrative is compelling!!
  • breezy_lua
    Markowitz is the man.
    King of compassionate chutzpah 🫶🏼 imo… 💯Markowitz > Morrison 🙊
  • Boylen
    The narrator is hilarious!
    I love anything by dateline but this one stands out for Josh Mancowitz’s sarcastic one liners.
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