The Bulletin


The Bulletin is a podcast for Christians seeking insights into the events, questions, and people that are shaping their world. Each episode will help Christians consider the intersection of faith, culture and spiritual formation. Subscribe today!

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  • Alpine Rules
    I never miss an episode!
    But I do miss Nicole Martin and hope that she will be back. As much as I enjoy the other hosts, it’s important to have a racially diverse viewpoint.
  • Leanora D.
    Bye Bye
    I know this review will not make any sort of an impact to Christianity Today’s production but I feel like I need to say something before I walk away. I’ve been listening every week since the first episode. I actually started by listening to Mike Cosper in the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. I knew right away that the shows hosts and producers, particularly Russell Moore, were left leaning/liberal in their views but reasoned to myself that it was good balance to hear non-conservative viewpoints especially since this is a “Christian” organization. However, I can no longer listen, I have had enough. Each and every week it’s just more of the same negativity towards anything Trump or Republicans. The takeaway each week is to shame me into voting the way you want me to. I mean at least tell me how I can biblically vote for the most pro-abortion Democrat ticket that the US has ever seen. Produce a podcast to show me how it is morally right to vote for policies like that. After all this time invested in your podcast regret and frustration is all that I’m left with, what a shame.
  • Krl1989
    I look forward to every episode
    I love this podcast, and look forward to hearing conversations that are both provocative and nuanced, and also biblically grounded.
  • Gabrielle _M
    Nicole Martin’s absence
    Long time listener, and really enjoy the show. But since the recent format change Nicole has very noticeably not been featured. Really hoping this is due to maybe scheduling conflicts, and doesn’t signal a departure from having her as a panelist. I find her perspective and insight into various topics very informative and is highly appreciated and MISSED!
  • Pastor ChristianJ
    I am a long time reader and listener and I have unfollowed and considering canceling my subscription. The political analysis is very poor and obviously subject to popular narrative that don’t bear out. I don’t turn to Christianity Today for political analysis. It’s not their strong suit. With such a large focus on politics, I am uninterested in spending time listening.
  • JessDeland
    Current events with Christian perspective
    Enjoy this program so much that I subscribed to CT magazine. The daily emails linking current events with the Christian faith have encouraged me to be more thoughtful.
  • Kan TheMan
    Left leaning
    This podcast was recommended to me as a Christian, neutral, and non-partisan platform. However, after listening to several episodes, it's evident that it leans left, often promoting leftist policies under the guise of Christian views. The content consistently criticizes Republicans and right-leaning perspectives while overlooking the shortcomings of the left, especially in the context of Christianity. I found this quite disappointing.
  • @meredithgracedesign
    Thought-provoking from a Christian perspective
    I like the hosts ability to engage guests in topics of the day from a Christian perspective. I have not found a podcast that engage such a variety of topics from politics to Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons to Christian education. I appreciate Christianity Today moving us toward discernment and away from divisive judgment.
  • CTCPastor
    Don’t become as blinded as ‘those people’
    I enjoy your show because, to be honest, it stretches me and helps keep me balanced. So thank you. But I want to encourage Dr. Russell Moore to not let his utter disdain for Trump completely blind him from what he was seeing in the President during the debate. I understand that hurt you have experienced from the ‘alt-right’ extremes, but to assert that President Biden is capable leading the free world in navigating a global crisis is to deny what we all saw. I am no fan of Trump, but in my view, you have become blinded by your pain and your disgust at an alarming level that makes me call into question your ability to see issues clearly and communicate them fairly.
  • Mouths full of laughtet
    The Morris -Gateway episode
    Thank you!! Thank you for addressing the issues with absolute clarity and no equivocation --without any evidence or ties of emotional entanglement that would confuse the appropriate actions, expectations, and responses. We have not been members for several years but my children were raised in this church. We sat in the sanctuary and listened to the sermons which were simply masterfully recrafted lies about the repeated abuse and rape of a 12 year old child entangled with Kingdom Truths as Morris discussed as "When I was a young man, I had an inappropriate relationship with a young lady…" over and over and over again over years. Processing that. Thank you for the clarity.
  • ShellC72
    Where is Mike Cosper?
  • listeninginoakland
    Response to the encampments episode
    Hello! I don’t normally write podcast reviews, but I wanted to humbly offer up a response to last week’s episode on campus protests. For years I’ve so deeply appreciated CT’s efforts towards examining complicated stories in good faith, especially in such a culturally fractured moment in the US. You’ve taken risks in your reporting and editorial decisions that I so admire, whether or not I agree with them. Yet I was disheartened by the attitude of disdain and the narrowness of the supporting interviews offered about the student protests. There is already a glut of editorial takes on the protest that are generally, “as adults in the room, we find these student silly and misguided.” I wonder who these takes are written for. With that tone of disdain, it would be difficult to claim that this opinion is offered as nourishment and guidance for young people in a painfully contentious time. Someone on the podcast asked if the protests signifies a failure of discipleship. How could a young person let themselves to be discipled by adults to talk about them like this? When I was in college and electrified by new ideas, I often found myself either dismissed by adults or being recruited by adults to be used for their own movements. Now in my 30s, I look back and wish that an adult had instead offered to care for me through that moment of transformation. I wonder what the good people at CT think of this. Hope to hear more thoughtful discussions soon.
  • Darcy Black
    Sadly can’t continue
    I love the idea of this podcast, and I wanted it to be a “go to” for me. Sadly, it didn't hold up. I did enjoy it at first. I loved the back and forth on topics and the effort to take a reasoned approach to current events within the context of history and Christianity. I didn't always agree with the thoughts presented, but I liked that—being pushed to think in different ways. At that time, I felt like discussions where handled well and were thoughtful, intelligent, and respectful. However, the hosts started to express clearly biased content regarding Israel and dismissive comments about Palestine. I just couldn’t listen anymore. Some of the comments made were thoughtless, uninformed, unproductive, and just unprofessional. Btw, referring to someone who took their life as “evil” is not helpful to anyone. I don’t know what you think you can provide to a discussion with such a comment, but it certainly came off as cold and reductive. Disappointing because all this tarnished what respect I’d previously had for CT.
  • 0727Deacon
    Beyoncé Review - Tone Deaf
    I like your show - the savvy, the principles, the humor. That’s why I was appalled at the recent review of Cowboy Carter. Mind you I’m not a fan of country music and I’m mostly agnostic about Beyoncé’s music. I checked out her new album, based on glowing comments from Nicole Martin, Charlie Peacock, and Mike Cosper. Nicole had even used the word “brilliant”. Twice. But I was appalled. Several songs are pornographic, with descriptions of explicit sexual activity, replete with f-bombs. Is this “Christianity Today”? It’s one thing to endorse the product, it’s another to endorse the product with no caveat whatsoever. I’m still in disbelief that this could happen on The Bulletin. Another non sequitur was Charlie Peacock comparing Beyonce’s album to John Coltrane’s “spiritual” album “A Love Supreme”, with “liner notes that read like a Bible study”. Sorry, Charlie. Coltrane’s notes could have been read aloud in a mosque. No mention of Christ or the gospel - just “spirituality”. As a jazz musician I am still in awe of Coltrane’s work with Miles Davis and beyond, but to my knowledge he never embraced the exclusive claims of Christ or any biblical convictions. So, shilling for Beyoncé on The Bulletin? How the mighty have fallen.
  • JulMworth
    Balanced & informative!
    I love this show. It’s thought-provoking and defies political polarization. I really appreciate how each topic is looked at for its own sake, from all sides with serious & thoughtful discussion instead of jokey political one-liners & self-righteous naval-gazing like so many shows these days.
  • Joedvet
    Gave it a couple months and sadly disappointed
    I downloaded this podcast as it was recommended by another great podcast. I was looking for a Christian but neutral view of the current events. I am not sure I found either. The podcast seems to weekly spend a good portion of time attacking ex president Trump. I am not a Trump fan, his behavior and treatment of others is nothing I like, but to hear them spend a good portion of some shows bashing Trump and even more so, those who support him leaves me disgusted. Again, I do not support Trump, but I have some sincere Christian friends who do and are not blind idiots that CT makes them out to be. I have listened to over 6 episodes and have not heard one negative comment about the left or the corrupt Biden family. Give Trump his due criticism but please keep it balanced. The hosts seem to be stuck in their hate for Trump with no love in their tone or speech. I will listen no more.
  • TASchmidt
    This is such an engaging and informative podcast. Not to be missed each week! Takes complex news, church and cultural stories and presents them in a clear and understandable way. Highly recommended
  • Carol Cambra Smith
    Worth a Listen
    Christianity Today has been a voice in the wilderness for me. The christian Nationalist movement has left me as a Jesus follower behind. I am so grateful for Russell Moore’s leadership in this magazine and podcast. It is well worth a listen here. The Mars Hill story was particularly well done!
  • Bwilliams340
    The show is a voice that cuts through confusion and handles the complex issues of the day rightly and with the dignity of all people in mind. I have a hard time finding thoughtful discussions on the day’s issues with the goal being to glorify Jesus and serve others. This show accomplishes that. I’m thankful for the ministry of Mike Cosper, Dr. Nicole Martin and Dr. Russell Moore.
  • Grateful Hearer
    Reproach Carefully
    I appreciate the podcast and gain insight and perspective in the listening. This particular episode (Reproach Carefully) got my attention in hearing the discussion about the resignation of Harvard’s president. I am so glad Nicole expressed her perspective and experience of POC having the added burden to “do twice as much to get half as far” (my words, not hers exactly). I’m so glad she stood firm on her belief that the probe into Claudine Gay’s plagiarism was racially motivated. I respect that Nicole respectfully did not back off her very valid assessment of the whole matter. I was disappointed that Mike and Dr. Moore, whom I have gained great respect for over the course of listening to the Bulletin, offered so little affirmation and respect of Nicole’s lived experience and expertise in this area. A little humility and deference goes a long way, gentlemen, especially when you are hearing from the only qualified person at the table to offer an adequate valuation of the full story. Additionally, I would have expected the Bulletin to present a broader perspective of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as has been the case with other current events and big issues. There are Christian Palestinian scholars, theologians and experts who have relevant knowledge and perspective that the Church is in dire need of hearing and learning from. The Bulletin, in my opinion, has a responsibility to give voice to the aforementioned rather than doubling down on simply taking the side of Israel.
  • Shellain's Phone
    Not a Christian podcast
    The pretense of this podcast is that it is based on Christian beliefs. I’m not sure how you can claim that when one of the hosts isn’t even a Christian. The hosts don’t hold tightly to a Christian worldview and “Christianity Today” should not be willing to offer their platform to this show. Better yet, Christian Today should more appropriately change their name to society today.
  • ccg24
    Generally nuanced and thoughtful
    *Generally*, the show is really thoughtful and the discussions are nuanced and respectful. Definitely worthy of listening to. No disrespect in this next statement: adding Nicole Martin, I believe, has led to substantive decrease in the quality of the discussions. For as often as she emphasizes the need for nuance in sensitive conversations….her contributions in the conversations lack…nuance. There’s not much depth to her input which is probably the only thing that tempts me to skip the episode. Stay for Russell and Mike for nuance. Stay for Nicole if you want identity politics that’s irrelevant to the discussion.
  • Smith-Mac
    Ready for it
    I enjoy the Bulletin pod and find the mix of Mike, Nicole and Russell a good one. I find each one thoughtful and enjoy the discussions. I particularly enjoyed the last “Ready For It” episode. I’m not generally a fan of typical year-end reviews/new-year talk but this was really good and gave me some ideas to consider as I do a new year reset. I think what I liked most about this episode is the calm tone while discussing serious matters. That is indicative of the podcast as a whole. Thanks CT
  • Kmcalary 12
    A Source I Can Trust
    I look forward to every episode produced by The Bulletin because I know it will be researched and that the discussion will be nuanced, compassionate and as objective as possible. Mike, Russel and Nicole bring perspective to the hot topics rocking our world today and their approach is refreshingly respectful of different opinions without hesitating to state theirs. In a world of chaos where so many Christians have lost all credibility I can count on the Bulletin to give me hope. Mike just hearing your voice helps settle my anxious thoughts! Thank you so much.
  • Ben88493930
    Love It!
    I can’t stop updating my review to this show. I friggin love it! So dang interesting and insightful. Nicole Martin is a great addition.
  • MRN Brian
    Faithful first to scripture.
    Finally! A reasonable source of Christian thought that won’t be governed by political poisons and positions from either the right or the left. The CT staff offers much worthy conversation about faith-relevant news for consideration by today’s Christian. It’s so refreshing that this source of thought and perspective does not reverberate any agenda but the one that Jesus trumpets. The Bulletin is necessary detox from today’s politics-first popular Christian perspective and great therapy for minds that honestly seek Christ.
  • Thatch 07
    Appreciate the perspective
    These are the discussions I have been so longing to have but unsure how begin in my community and church family.
  • harry stylerrrr
    A must listen
    This has become a must listen for me.
  • Hawkeye252
    Often not about Christianity and the female host
    The “conversations” (can you use this word less??) are often about politics and have little to nothing to do with Christianity. The female host needs to realize that every single time that she says “ummm” or “uh huh” or such that to a listener it is an interruption of the person speaking. Brutal to listen to.
  • Marquisse W
    Mike Cosper’s voice specifically is wise and helpful!
  • bookish73
    Really thoughtful and interesting discussions
    I look forward to the new episodes each week! Very refreshing to hear a balanced view of politics instead of the usual, so called, conservative Christian bent. Nicole Martin is new to me but a fresh voice on so many topics. She is one of the most articulate and impressive female voices from CT and an outstanding addition. Always want to hear more from Moore! And Mike Cosper continues to keep me tuning in. Thank you.
  • BKD1121
    Used to be great but….
    Really enjoyed the discussion when it was just Russell and Mike and sometimes a guest they interviewed. Now, it’s just lost it’s depth and I’ve quit listening. Popping back over to Russell’s podcast and anything Mike puts out on his own!
  • Nobody kn22344
    Woke and not my Christianity today
    I like the work that Mike Cosper did on Mars Hill but this podcast cannot compare to that. Fluff topics and some guest can only contribute with "I think" or "I believe" Guests are usually fairly weak on expertise and knowledge. This podcast seldom actually refers to the Bible or Christian principles. Very disappointed. I listen occasionally mostly just to hear the sad woke talking points of liberal Christians. A missed opportunity.
  • AVankirk91
    Started well but has dipped lately
    I appreciated Cosper’s work on the mars hill podcast and liked this early on. Lately the quality of the episodes has dipped and lacks in depth and doesn’t always inform the listener about the context of topics that are covered. For example when they were discussing Jason Aldeans song I hadn’t seen the music video or hadn’t heard the song to know why it was being criticized. They just operated under the impression the listener already knows. Also it seems like Donald trump is covered on a weekly basis and it is tiring and they could cover more locally based news things. I think I’m going to tune out for now
  • J Byrd AU Fan
    Long Time Listener - Recently Disappointed
    Loved the show early on. Mike Cosper and Russel Moore’s conversations were thoughtful and engaging. That’s not been the case for months.
  • blessedaggie
    As of 20 July 2023
    The podcast covers a variety of weekly headline topics from a generally Christian perspective. Politics are discussed from a middle of the road to left leaning bias depending on the topic. You will be frustrated if you are politically literate with a lack of deeper political understanding. Especially with the hosts multiple judgments on political leaders who claim a Christian perspective. I believe there is a real lack of regard to policies that would be put in place if those leaders political opponents were in power. I could overlook those issues if there were less references to people’s supposed sins without ever stating the issue. If you see an issue, call it out. Stop with the insidious insinuations of racism and sexism if you are not willing to say what the exact problem is. The podcast has fallen lower and lower on my priority of listening (8 month listener) as the discussions lacks informative analysis and applied Christian principles beyond a surface level.
  • Aaron Marcizzle
    Thankful For Common Sense Morality
    It’s been so refreshing to listen to this podcast weekly and hear balanced, morality and spiritually-charged takes on current events. This podcast is not for those who prioritize their politics over the religion. Rather I’ve found it provokes me to thought and encourages me to be able to better articulate hope in the darkness - both for non christians and among all the negativity currently within the church.
  • mattandkaramae
    Great Podcast One of My Favorites
    It is so nice to get current events/ issues discussed from a nuanced Christian perspective that is not filtered through political ideology but strictly through a Gospel view. Thank you CT.
  • Lifecreatesneed
    The hosts are clearly biased and hold to leftist ideologies. They enjoy putting the spotlight on specific people and issues without shining that spotlight on ALL that are guilty of the same.
  • crbrinks81
    What is your definition of aggravated homosexuality?????
    I just tuned in for the first time on the recommendation of a friend and listened to the episode “you’re going to need a bigger ballot” I agree with all your points regarding the treatment of homosexuals as consenting adults in a relationship but the way the Ugandan law read was: imprisonment for engaging in homosexuality and promoting homosexuality and the death penalty for aggravated homosexuality (rape). You mentioned understanding the difference between sin and crime and were justifiably outraged over “killing gays” , but you only spoke of it in the context of a lifestyle preference and this law CLEARLY states that the death penalty is being reserved for the CRIME of RAPE. One still might be in disagreement with the Ugandan law, but you did not really represent it fairly or explain it correctly.
  • B.A. in BR
    Very disappointing bias
    I thought I would be getting news with Christian worldview, and for many episodes, I feel like I did. But anytime there is any discussion of politics, I feel like I am listening to a CNN panel. All of the views are very biased towards the left. I get the sense that they believe any Christian even if repulsed by Donald Trump’s personal behavior should never have voted for him no matter what. Like Hillary and Joe are any better! Ha!! As much as the hosts complain about the extremes presented on cable news, they join lock-step with left wing media outlets.
  • j48howard
    The new female co-host took the Lord’s Name in vain (“Oh my God”). Then, Russ says that, since the civil war, America’s darkest hour was Jan. 6, 2021.
  • Cmatt99
    A rarity in Christian media
    I absolutely love the variety of topics and guests! The Bulletin has become a highlight of my week and l'm grateful for the insight and Biblical perspective on current events that you all provide. I have not found another podcast of this caliber when it comes to the journalistic prowess and professionalism or the valuing of persons and topics being discussed in a way that I truly believe does justice to the Christian faith. Thanks for your presence and contributions!
  • AndrewDarnell
    Thoughtful Engaging Hopeful
    I find this podcast well presented and thoughtful, honest and engaging, and in the end I feel encouraged and hopeful that these conversations are happening. This podcast serves as a great opposition to what I occasionally feel as the depressing state of Christianity generally along with the various conflicting actions of the christian community in our country. All things are redeemable, but we have to be honest about it, and we have to let God be big enough to deal with the realities versus and our institution’s abilities.
  • Kbird219
    Like many others, my first intro to Mike Cosper was the Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. There are so many ways that Mike is willing to lean into the difficult realities of faith in a fallen world that make my concerns feel acknowledged while also pushing me right back toward hope in Christ. This balance he strikes is evidence of the Spirit in him, as many many other leaders in the faith will not be transparent about the difficult parts of faith. The ministry Mike has here and elsewhere has helped keep my eyes on Christ and truly has been a means for keeping me on the path of Christ, not total deconstruction.
  • Chelsea RP
    The Bulletin
    I really do appreciate the podcast as a whole; it’s great to have current events discussed from a Christian perspective. However, I will say I very rarely finish an episode feeling encouraged as a Christian. While that could just reflect the status of Christianity in America, I wonder sometimes whether the producers or hosts are selecting the very worst American Christians have to offer and dissecting every evil bit of it. I even agree with their takes! But I find myself tuning in less frequently as it becomes increasingly discouraging.
  • Kadena Joe
    Great Christian Perspective
    Mike & Russell do a great job of thoughtfully looking at current events and suggesting what they mean to a Christian. Entertaining and very informative.
  • Deetyxzs657
    Love it!!
    I can’t say enough about this podcast- it’s informative, smart, and thorough. It’s clear that men and women that love the Lord and seeking out practical ways to deal with the world we are living in - to be in the world and be the hands and feet of Jesus, but not of the world. May God continue to bless you all and keep you in grace and truth.
  • pigslauterer
    Great insights
  • Kirsten in SD
    Biola University/Ed Stetzer
    Im a Biola alum and can attest to the excellent liberal arts education I received there. For me it was the commitment and professionalism of my accounting professor who after 8 yrs working for one of the biggest CPA firms in the world decided to change course and go to seminary at Talbot and teach undergrad at the same time. He was so effective that I passed the California CPA exam while I was still a student at Biola. I think Stetzer did a good job here talking about Christian education. Im disappointed he didn’t say the words “LGBTQ” issues when going through is list of differences and things that students are talking and care about. I am no longer a conservative evangelical primarily because my views of egalitarianism and gender identity have changed.
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