Just Ignore It


The Just Ignore It podcast hosted by Liz and Dave Adams features real talk about marriage, parenting, embracing the chaos and learning as you go. Expect to get a deeper look into our lives, how we keep our marriage alive among the chaos of raising three boys and having fun along the way.Follow Liz on Instagram @lizadams.Follow our podcast on Instagram @justignoreitpodcast.Keep up with us at helloadamsfamily.com!Keep in touch at podcast@helloadamsfamily.com

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Recent Reviews
  • kbeck14
    Just ok
    Just ok. Feel like it had potential and it fell flat
  • Melissa KRF
    Too Much Bickering
    I understand the premise and like Liz enough from Instagram but this podcast is not enjoyable to listen to. I appreciate that they are sticking to their instincts and not doing an outline/being themselves, but every episode seems to devolve into bickering and each of them feeling like their parenting styles/way of existing is the better way. I feel like half this stuff needs to be worked out in couples therapy so it can stop being discussed ad nauseam on a podcast.
  • apk0730
    Need a warning about Santa!
    Good podcast but two podcast in a row they talk about Santa not being real and I had my kids in the car and frantically turned down the volume!
  • daughelm
    Relatable, funny, off to a good start
    I love how relatable you guys are. I love how you laugh at yourselves. I love that it feels like I’m listening to a story from a friend. When you talk about your marriage I feel so seen! I agree I’d like to see more topics covered- interviews with some of your friends, peers, small businesses, etc with regular check-ins in what’s going on in your lives/what you’re currently thinking about or into.
  • KWRP91
    Great for Parents in the Thick of It
    I just listened to your Reviews episode and I wanted to add a positive review! I’m a mom in my early 30s with two boys, two and under. The timing is perfect for a quick car ride shuttling my family around, running errands, or heading into work. I don’t expect a formal agenda; there are other podcasts I listen to that offer that. I enjoy the casual tone of each episode and I often feel validated or laugh along with the conversations because I’m usually experiencing something similar in my family life.
  • sbw22888
    Relatable and Fun… smiled the whole time!
    I’ve been a long time follower of Liz and finally started listening to the podcast. I downloaded the first 15 episodes and listened to them on a plane trip, and I seriously could not stop giggling and smiling. If you’re not in the same season of life and the throes of parenting young kids it might not be for you, but I personally found it so relatable and some of the convos her and Dave were the same convos between me and my husband. I liken the episodes to be very similar to when her and Dave used to do Insta lives- which I always found to be so fun! It’s very lighthearted, and an easy enjoyable listen!
  • Stef McD
    Hilarious and Awesome
    Love, love, love this podcast! So entertaining, and I laugh out loud during most episodes. I find Liz and Dave to be very relatable and adorable! Thanks for opening yourselves up to us every week!
  • Erin Bakke
    Love these friends
    My husband and I both listen separately and cackle at how relatable and lovely Liz and Dave are. Love hearing from other parents of littles. I love the randomness of the topics, if feels like you’re sitting down with your friends and catching up. But they’re so funny!!!!
  • Katherinehm
    Enjoy listening
    I enjoy the back and forth between you two, and wish you luck! I don’t think it needs to be “structured” just need to get some really good topics going! I enjoy listening to relatable content. Marriage, kids, friendships. Etc
  • ldunton
    Easy listening and enjoyable.
    I enjoy this podcast. I think their banter is funny and lighthearted. It makes me feel like it’s okay to not have a perfect relationship and that’s 100% okay. I appreciate hearing how they are doing life. I feel like I’m just hanging with friends. I also appreciate that they don’t interview the SAME people everyone else interviews. Sometimes I’m in a mood to just smile and don’t want to always learn something. This is that show.
  • Katgeary
    An episode about reviews?! I’m sorry I’m out. If you don’t have anything to talk about don’t do a podcast. I truly believe podcasting is harder than it looks and you gave it an honest try don’t feel like you have to keep going when it’s clearly not something you all like. It’s similar to the yt you all are clearly just too busy to look into topics for weekly uploads.
  • knb1995
    So fun!
    I am a newlywed with no kids but I love hearing you all talk about relatable relationship and parenting stories/problems! You both actually make me look forward to parenting when everyone else scares me to death. Such a genuine couple, keep doing you!
  • Clairekbonnell
    Love your podcast!
    I really enjoy listening to your podcast. I find the “imperfections” relatable and truly look forward to fridays with you. I listen while I update my excel files lol. Anywho, I am getting married in 6 months. Overwhelmed by it! Would love to hear some wedding/engagement/early marriage advice! Thanks!!
  • hayleymsmith
    Just ignore it
    Hi Liz and Dave, I live here in mt p..I snorted laughing at the credit card comment. You just can’t be everything to everyone and I find y’all funny and very relatable. But here is the thing, those people taking time to write mean things are absolutely NOT your people. See ya at the works Liz 😘 Hayley
  • Krr523
    Look forward to this every week!
    Mom of 3 young boys and a chocolate lab here ;) Just wanted to say I look forward to listening to this every Friday morning! You guys are genuine, so relatable, and fun. It makes me laugh and smile every week!
  • SC 1809
    Like eavesdropping on a date night
    This podcast is actually so funny and I love listening weekly but there isn’t really much structure or substance - which is exactly what I want! The thing I love is that Liz and Dave are so relatable in their bickering (ahem, golf weekends) and talking about kids and the things they fight about. It definitely takes off the veneer they have on instagram and it makes me like them even more! I love that this podcast makes them seem more like real down to earth people versus the instagram which can often feel like one big ad. I love hearing their highs, their struggles, and their day to day life it really feels like you get to listening in on someone else’s date night. Please keep it up! Edit: This podcast has kind of lost its way. The sex therapist episode was nice and refreshing but the other ones seem like the same conversation over and over again. Would definitely love to see a bit more structure or some new exciting ideas
  • MarthaKL16
    My favorite podcast
    I love listening to this podcast because it is so relatable! I do listen to others that are more informational but I love the escape of that and laughing along with this one. I look forward to the new episodes each week!
  • AMRH_1
    Relatable and enjoyable
    Maybe it’s because I’m a boy mom of the same ages as Liz and Dave’s boys (thus us being in the same phase of life) but this podcast is just so relatable and enjoyable to listen to. And also, oddly enough, VALIDATING, because there’s so many things our own family goes thru, or our marriage, and you often feel alone in all of it, but when you hear Liz and Dave go through it, you’re like okay, whew, we’re not alone! I hope they keep the new episodes coming.
  • areviewaday
    Dave is not nice to Liz?
    I’m single so maybe I just don’t get it but Dave takes things a little too far. The first couple episodes were all fun and games but now a few months later it’s actually shocking how he talks to her and about her. Liz always takes it on the chin and is a great sport but personally I can’t listen anymore…this man went from being funny to be kind of a jerk.
  • Schneids425
    Dave - you’re annoying
    It’s painful listening to Dave invalidate Liz’s feelings and concerns about motherhood and marriage every episode. He acts as if his laid back and “black and white” approach is superior, ignoring that Liz’s energy and effort is what allows him to be the more relaxed spouse and parent and the effect that dynamic has on her. For example, in the latest episode (20) she asks him to take initiative on household tasks and he mocks her saying that it’s not that hard for her to remind him. Later when she said “you make me feel like a dummy because you don’t understand me” my heart hurt for her. I love Liz but listening to this podcast just makes me feel frustrated and irritated.
  • Shleyyyyyyy
    I love listening to you and Dave on the podcast! Your episode about Webster….had me in tears! Soooo funny! Btw I completely relate and also am the person that would eat my dogs hair!
  • boeseh12345
    Not interesting
    Not worth listening to. Very boring and not helpful
  • constancefrye
    Your self-absorbed friends
    You know that couple you go out to eat with that just blather on and on about their kids? Well, this is the podcast version. Liz and Dave seem like nice people who love their family and are enamored with each other, but why this needs to be a podcast, I don’t know. I enjoyed the early episodes where they discussed their careers and moving to Charleston, but I think they’ve run out of things to talk about. It would serve them well to look outside of their bubble a bit.
  • Romona R
    Best ever!
    Most relatable podcast! 😀
  • Jenba83
    I laugh out loud every episode
    I feel like we are sitting at a table and chatting. Even tho I’m just listening! The flow of this is easy going and conversational. I think being in the same life stage as Liz and Dave makes this so relatable and hilarious. Husband and wife dynamics are so similar and the comments and perspectives on parenting, being an adult and just being authentic is a fun listen. Thank you both for your vulnerability and openness here! It’s fun, and I’m not kidding, I laugh out loud every single episode. It’s just too relatable, I love that it makes me feel like we are all in this life together, doing our best!!!
  • Meg from Detroit
    Breath of fresh air!
    Honestly, my favorite podcast. I’ve tried so many podcasts and am quickly bored by most. Liz and Dave are just a breath of fresh air. So funny. So relatable. 💚
  • Football4lyf
    Great for moms!
    Can relate to Liz on so many levels and love the candid convos btwn her and Dave. They are the best and so real! No fluff! I look forward to the new episodes every week. Keep ‘em coming!
  • Alynne81
    Love this podcast
    Liz and Dave are very funny together and everything they discuss is relatable! It’s nice hearing real content out there, especially while they make you laugh out loud.
  • newlistener1517
    Love it!
    I am a new mom and your episode on becoming parents made me feel so seen! I appreciate how relatable you are and I’m so glad you started a podcast :)
  • Simple Southern Life!
    Hilarious & so relatable
    Y’all are the funniest, cutest, most relatable couple! I’m loving this podcast so much. Keep it going!
  • CostaPortugal0127
    Love Liz & Dave
    I’ve followed Liz for a while, they were meant for the podcast world!! Love listening to them in the morning while using products she’s recommended over the years!
  • Jen B - North Carolina
    Great episode!
    Really enjoyed the financial tips episode. A topic that needs to be discussed more often! Can’t wait to keep listening!
  • Bshamleffer
    Unrelatable and mostly bickering
    Would love to see more of a structure/POV of these podcasts— it’s typically a hodge podge of topics and mostly Liz and Dave bickering. The finance episode was especially bad and cringe-worthy… if your financial experience is “I don’t ever look at how much money I make and spend on my credit card without a budget” that is neither relatable to most people nor helpful
  • Allisonz14
    Love Listening to Liz & Dave
    I’ve followed Liz for a long time now and was excited when I saw her and Dave were doing a podcast. I always enjoy Liz’s content. I find her and her content relatable yet inspiring and this podcast delivers on that plus the bonus of plenty of laughs from the banter between Dave + Liz. I catch myself literally laughing out loud. The biggest surprise for me has been that even my husband loves listening to them (he 100% has a man crush on Dave).
  • haa1912
    What is the point of this podcast?
    I don’t understand this podcast. There is no structure and even if they have a title for it - half the time they don’t even talk about it and they just talk about the same thing they talked about podcasts before. Liz and Dave talk over over each other and complain the whole time. Liz blabs on just like she does on her IG stories.
  • mama pch
    My favorite good mood podcast
    I just love listening to them chat! They’re funny, relatable, and a great Friday morning listen. I just wish the episodes were longer 🥰
  • Sarah Mercer
    This podcast is soooo relatable and I find myself laughing out loud each episode… one of my new favorite parts of each week walking and listening!
  • jasaleanwitit
    So relatable!
    I’m about to be a mom of two boys and I love listening to liz and dave just chat about life and family dynamics.
  • mem914
    Liz & Dave 💯
    Love these 2. I’ve followed Liz for years, but I feel like I really know her now. This podcast is so relatable and validating and they keep is super real and down to earth. Subscribed!!
  • C DeArmond
    These 2 are so relatable and I love how candid they are! Great listen 🤍
  • imrishbish
    Love Liz & Dave!
    I love listening to each weeks episode. It’s great to have an insight to their relationship and how they navigate life! Thanks for sharing guys!
  • Rachleemart
    Makes me smile!
    I have a smile on my face the whole time I’m listening. Very funny and relatable! Best part of my Friday mornings.
  • DaveBear25
    I love it!
  • Bellaflyer
    Funny, real, so easy to listen to...like we're casually across the table at a barbecue. So glad you did this!
  • Kathleen1011
    Love listening to Dave and Liz! Longtime follower of Liz and love their banter and relatable parent talk.
  • Alexandra Chap
    Love it!
    Love Liz and Dave, love this podcast! Keep them coming!
  • smillsp
    So real! Great banter!
    I love you guys. The dynamic. The sarcasm. The real life stories. I love it all. It’s been so fun listening about kids and life and the parenting styles. Keep it up!
  • sh223455
    The podcast we have all been waiting for 😍
    I absolutely love the podcast! It's so entertaining and relatable!
  • Wine please thank you
    I love you Liz and Dave
    I love listening to Liz and Dave! I literally laugh out loud every episode. Super relatable! Yes I have heard a few of these stories before, but I don’t mind! I love them!! 🫶🏻
  • Brittneyr1234
    I wait all week for this
    I always look forward to this coming out like I wait all week for this to come out, put kids down for a nap, make myself a cup of coffee and have a good laugh listening to this. Literally feels like I am hanging out with friends I absolutely enjoy it so much.
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