This American Life


Each week we choose a theme. Then anything can happen. This American Life is true stories that unfold like little movies for radio. Personal stories with funny moments, big feelings, and surprising plot twists. Newsy stories that try to capture what it’s like to be alive right now. It’s the most popular weekly podcast in the world, and winner of the first ever Pulitzer Prize for a radio show or podcast. Hosted by Ira Glass and produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago.

Recent Episodes
  • 840: How Are You Not Seeing This?
    Sep 15, 2024 – 00:59:39
  • 839: Meet Me at the Fair
    Sep 8, 2024 – 01:04:21
  • 801: Must Be Rats on the Brain
    Sep 1, 2024 – 01:09:46
  • 754: Spark Bird
    Aug 25, 2024 – 01:03:12
  • 838: Letters! Actual Letters!
    Aug 18, 2024 – 00:58:57
  • 837: Swim Towards the Shark
    Aug 11, 2024 – 01:05:46
  • 836: The Big Rethink
    Jul 21, 2024 – 00:59:40
  • 835: Children of Dave
    Jun 30, 2024 – 01:01:10
  • 834: Yousef and the Fourth Move
    Jun 16, 2024 – 00:58:11
  • 833: Come Retribution
    Jun 9, 2024 – 01:04:14
Recent Reviews
  • magicdusk
    My ex-favorite podcast that disappoints regularly
    This used to be my favorite podcast, period. During the Trump presidency it was a disappointment. It’s better now that every week is not focused on how bad Trump is for country (a fact, but politics are for a different show), but there are too many insults or smear jobs on my faith (Elna STILL just can’t leave it alone). It’s gone from 5 stars to 1 but now I’ll give it a hesitant 3. Hopefully weekly shows on politics are in the past.
  • Tiana .H.
    Such a great Podcast!!!
    I LOVE This American Life! It’s truly such a great combination of so many different themes each week. I am never disappointed when listening to episodes. Ira and the other host NEVER cease to amaze me each week. I am addicted, I am always looking forward to the next episode each week. This is a show for everyone!!! I would also highly recommend any other New York Times Podcast, I listen to several others as well. The Interview, The Daily, etc.
  • lamby183
    Always Solid
    Great show. Varied and interesting with a wealth of experiences to dive into. People that seem to detect political bias in this show have mental issues and need to leave their echo chambers. Your complaints aren’t with the show, they are with reality.
  • CassMiss1996
    Episode 801: Must Be Rats on the Brain must be one of my all time favorites of this radio show/podcast. The stories of various rat friends and foes, combined with the guest rat couple, was wonderfully entertaining and educational. Keep up the excellent work!!!!
  • Claymaker12
    For the Birds
    The sad pathology of a sad family makes for great entertainment complete with reality series-style wacky music, and no actual birds. Bird lovers will rightly hate this segment.
  • Mulletproof22
    Enough with the “woke” propaganda!
    I used to love this podcast, but it has really changed. I do, however, still love the episodes that manage to avoid pushing liberal agenda…all three of them.
  • Sherrard24
    Some episodes don’t speak to me . . .
    but no matter. Radio doesn’t get any better than the many that do. After all these years, TAL is still offering these deeply human and unexpected connections.
  • _miel_
    Used to Like
    There’s a lot of centering of the experiences and stories of men in these episodes these days.
  • mmpamer1969
    Not American Life Anymore
    TAL used to be an escape from current events. Touching, humorous, and interesting. Like the guy that stuffed a vacuum bag with cash, then gave the vacuum away, because he earned the money selling ammo in the inner city and came to realize it was wrong. Or the neurodivergent guy that didn’t realize all he talked about was what interested him. It was about life in America. Not Gaza. Not Russia. Not Ukraine. Not any war zone. Not about politics. Or elections. Or voting. Or cancer. Or Alzheimer’s. Or any fatal disease that a lot of listeners deal with everyday, and don’t need to be reminded of. There are innumerable pods that cover all of those topics. I choose to not listen to them. Ira seems to be on the brink of retiring, with all the “filling in for Ira” hosts that sound like auditions. Maybe it’s time to retire TAL all together and go out on a high note before all your loyal listeners jump ship.
  • thegourmand
    liberal propaganda
    naming Palestine in the "Letters" story insinuating that people who care about it also happen to be uninvolved/inconsiderate/"not seeing the world around them" while people in Gaza are being absolutely annihilated?? Nice try at your not-so-subtle messaging, this is f-ing propaganda, shame on you.
  • Brigitte2000
    Please avoid the politics
    Like others, I think this show was really great. By far my favorite radio show. However, the politics and anti-Christian rhetoric made this show very different. I completely respect everybody’s opinion about politics but, like others, this show was my best way to hear surprising and fascinating American stories without having to deal with the political division everywhere present in the media. If I want to hear political views, I can just tuned in anywhere and any time on the radio/TV/Internet. I kept the 4 stars because I just listened to the Letters and also the Golden Apple episodes, both of which I totally enjoyed.
  • Curio cabinet
    Please fix broken links
    A few shows apparently have broken links. When you click on Swim Towards the Shark, for example, or Greetings, People of Earth, you get a message saying this show isn’t available. Can somebody please fix those links?
  • makeupmyname
    Not into the comedy acts.
    While the sort of Seinfeld “everyday-ness” of the podcast is not really my thing, of the several times I’ve given it a listen, I’ve found the third act comedian bit not on par with the rest of the show. (I don’t remember comedians’ routines used in the past). Maybe if I found standup comedy funny I’d like those episodes, but they seem more like time-filler and, therefore, frankly lazy.
  • sasiegel
    Hands down the best show on radio/podcast
    I have been listening to this show for decades and it continues to impress me with the fresh perspectives it offers, humorous/relatable moments, and touching stories. I hope Ira outlives me and continues working on this show the whole time because it is a bright spot in my life.
  • lgksr is
    Why a Child Likes This American Life
    I started listening to This American Life when I was practically an infant, and that is no exaggeration. I am a 13 year old boy that lives in Connecticut, and my parents have did a darn good job of making me listen to the weekly episodes while in the car, kitchen, and any other important room or transportation device. Ok I might be exaggerating a tad here but what I’m getting at is that, especially for the past couple of months, I’ve listened to hundreds of episodes in their (my folks) footsteps. The story’s and points of view this show offer is absolutely incredible. I may not be able to do my love for this podcast the justice it deserves, but I think it necessary to say that even as a kid, what this show contains, can be life changing.
  • ADD Mom/business owner
    Venezuelan hooked with these real American Life stories
    28 years ago when I arrived to US, barely speaking some English, and understanding even less, I would listen to NPR to improve my comprehension skills, and I am so glad this program (now a podcast) existed already because there were no other options if you wanted to listen to something smart, funny, touching and educational at the same time. I was exhilarated when I was able to understand all the stories and it made me thankful I could hear a show like this, that I would never dream up could exist when I lived in my native country Venezuela. Even though I was from a foreign country, I immediately related to the stories because they are about all of us, just humans. It taught me how we are all more similar than different. It also reflected back to me my loves, my fears, my prejudices, all the best and worst of me, and I definitely can say that many of the stories changed me for the better. It also taught me a lot about American Culture and how to understand it and adapt to it as I was making it my new home. In fact, I am sure part of my big love for this country comes from this show. Thanks Ira Glass and team for producing this show. Even now with so many choices to listen to, you are still my number 1 show as it was when I was 24 years old.
  • War is swell
    TAL took away episodes I bought!!!
    I support NPR and This American Life so much that years back when they offered the deal of getting the full library of episodes for a certain subscription price as a part of a fundraising drive, I went for it, and loved going back to old episodes and working my way forward. But now, when I look to go back, rather than the full library, which I have done for the past few of years, I now only see 22 episodes! So, you got my money and support, and I got stiffed. Not cool, TAL!
  • Cat Lover Luna
    Old times
    I miss the episodes they used to have. Now it’s mostly just politics and war, it’s nice to know about it but I miss the old episodes that were the escape from things like this. The ones that focused on the nice and interesting unknown part of the country. The Golden Apple episode is one of the only newer ones I actually enjoy listening to.
  • Milfodo
    The Golden Apple
    I’ve only been to the Golden Apple as a visiting grandpa from St. Louis to get the Mickey Mouse pancakes for my grandkids who attended Alphonsus Academy. It was interesting to hear all the other characters who visit the Golden Apple. The story was well done. Thank you!
  • elysianlight
    Honestly this pod is kind of boring
    I promise I’m not one of those people who doesn’t like popular things solely because they’re popular (I’m a huge Taylor swift fan and will defend her to the death) BUT…I listen to about 2 hours of podcasts daily and this one is the most boring and…pointless? I rarely retain anything new or interesting or fun from this pod and I’ve listened to 4 episodes. I do not understand how it’s so popular but if you’re a fan of politics, news or cool/interesting pods like Hidden Brain, 99% Invisible, 538, Through Line, the slate Political Gabfest, Strict Scrutiny etc
  • Jake41812
    What happened to the old episodes?
    I used to listen to this American life often, but that was when they let you listen to older ones. What happened
  • Looksloxs
    Used to be my favorite podcast by far, now I can’t listen.
    I’m not sure why, but This American Life has become extremely political in last year or two. I used to love this show because it was so lighthearted and fun to listen to. Each episode detailed unique and entertaining stories about people from all over. I’d laugh and sometimes cry. I just loved learning about other people and their interesting backgrounds and unique, personal experiences. Mostly it was just so nice to take a break from the normal news cycle and political drama we are bombarded with every second of every day. But now almost every week, the episode seems to be about politics. I just think I’m done. Unsubscribe. Maybe someday the show will get back to the way it was- I don’t think it was ever meant to be an hour of stressful news commentary. 🫤
  • Davisrrrrrrrrr
    This show changed, in a bad way
    If you want boring news that will bum you out, subscribe to this podcast This show used to highlight fun and interesting stories that all Americans could relate to. You could listen to episode after episode with anyone in the car. This has turned into a left wing political agenda podcast with zero stories. BORING!!!!!
  • Mi Corazoncito
    I can’t with Zoe Chance’s Accent
    Great content but the accent is wayyy too distracting.
  • Kfschr
    836-The Big Rethink
    IRA-Thank You for your incredible discussion on The Presidents historical decision to fold his re-election campaign. Only you with your swifts and turns have calmed my nerves, until next week. KHF- BIG FAN Albuquerque, NM
  • fly girl 10015
    Stop it with politics
    I love your podcast! With that said, please stop it with the political views . Your turning off 50% of your listeners. I play your podcast to relax and enjoy the stories. Such a turn off to listen to the Democratic rhetoric . Please stop. Thanks
  • Jesgramenz
    I listen, But Bias is so Annoying
    I enjoy many stories this podcast publishes. However, they are so politically biased it detracts from stories more often than it should. Little quips and the undertones of liberalism that assume the audience shares their sentiments is alienating.
  • StayHydrated!
    Pretty spicy
  • paj40
    Ira interviews Seth Moulton
    Thanks for the excellent interview with Rep. Seth Moulton (D). He was certainly direct in explaining his relationship with President Biden and his concerns about the Election if the president continues his campaign. Nice to hear a straight talking congressman.
    I can’t even imagine…
    …my life without This American Life! Sometimes I go back and binge old episodes! The production can’t be beat! Their choices of stories to tell are unmatched! These are my peeps!
  • MonkeylovesPig
    Story time
    Simply some of the best story telling I’ve ever encountered! So addicted!
  • MkeY234Z62
    Racist Agitprop
    7-1.24 update: Episode 835 is a 51 minute hit piece on White Christians (a frequent NPR target). The orator has an interesting international work resume. In true Marxist fashion, he disparages family, religion, other skin colors and America. State sponsored NPR and their billionaire donors can be linked to our intel, agencies. Why do these actors repeatedly insist on fomenting racial, ethnic and religious dissent is their own country? There was a time when these time tested Color Revolution / Destabilization tactics were reserved for hostile governments in foreign lands. This lackluster episode somehow debuted at #13 on the Apple Podcast Top Episode list. A week later it was still in the top 20. NPR listeners have a duty find another podcast. 6-2-24 update: more propaganda. Take note of this episode #831 called Lists. It is a not so subtle threat from our increasingly authoritarian Ruling Class (funders of NPR). “Act Two: Reporter Masha Gessen talks to Russians living in America and elsewhere, about lists they’ve been put on by the Russian government in the last few years. Masha is also on one of these lists. Each list has its own complex rules and potential consequences, for the people on the lists and for their family members who live in Russia. (28 minutes)” I’d like to remind NPR that this is America. I am an American there will never be enough soy milk for me to be intimidated by Ira Glass or NPR, haha! —-Prior review: This show was never on the top 100 list. Now there are episodes in the top 20. Ever notice it’s always in the same ranking spot now? This show has been mediocre for decades. Now it’s in the top 20! What’s changed? Well, there’s an election coming up and the feds, the media, Soros and the NPR lefty donor class are gearing up again. Instead of the usual quirky shows about someone’s high school years, we get propaganda about illegal immigrants “newcomers” and Gaza delivered in familiar characteristic halting dictation. Prepare a ration of dried bugs and enjoy all state sponsored media has to offer! They think it’s working.
  • clwire
    Wonderful show! Only one thing…
    TAL is the first show I started listening to regularly, back in 2010. The reporting is reliable, relatable, and has brought awareness to me regarding cultures, beliefs, and ideas which is priceless. Over the years I have recommended it to friends and family and look forward to each new episode. My only complaint is that the show notes don’t indicate that the show is a re-run. Reading the title/content it may seem familiar, but until it’s (incredibly briefly and not always right away) mentioned in the episode itself, I feel like I’ve wasted my time. Could the show notes please indicate if a story is re-run, or updated from its last air date? Other than that—🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟!
  • Savas II
    There is No Alternative :)
    The most enjoyable podcast ever. Great stories, and smart, well-educated hosts. In 2024, we all know this is a very unique combination for podcasts. :) Keep up the good work!
  • Be kind! ❤
    Amazing entertainment
    Great episode
  • Ch show
    Very good show, cool stuff
  • Jenniferdd
    I’ve listened to and loved TAL for what feels like my lifetime ….. I listen to ESCAPE the political nightmare that has become our country, on BOTH sides, not just one. Unfortunately, all it has become is biased (isn’t that the first rule of journalism?) reporting on topics that shouldn’t have a place here. If this is what you want to “report” on, Ira, more power to you. Please take all the hate, distain & negativity you don’t even try to hide, and do it somewhere else. The more hate you put out in the world, the more it breeds - you are no different than Trump.
  • Pierre-Paul Riquete
    Used to be fun
    Ira hires a bunch of kids with bad ideals who want to be investigative journalists but arent talented enough to be hired at legit newspapers. They ruined the fun that millions of people used to enjoy.
  • ArtGirlSAH
    The Amusement Park Show
    Might be ok for a mini show? Especially cause I could only listen to about a third of this show. I gather it’s a replay, may be why I don’t remember it. Sorry guys, I love your episodes, but for 1 or 2 of them in all of your history. Now, when it was said, “How long can you/I do this job?” Was the first thing that peaked my interest. Maybe I’ll keep listening, but only to the end of each story…. I just added a star back on….
  • Barge Guy
    I just finished the four part (?) series chronicling the trials of a Palestinian family and what their life has been reduced to; endless migration, anguished decisions and a former life that is destroyed right before them. Unbelievable because not once do they point out the fact that it is the IOF (Israeli Occupational Forces)that is responsible for the misery and suffering of this family. Unbelievable because they can get that close to these people and their hardships without mentioning the genocidal government causing all this death and destruction. Simultaneously ignoring the fact that the target audience has funded the murder of women and children with their tax dollars. 🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱🇺🇸🇮🇱 Unbelievable because they apparently think the conflict started October 7, 2023. They completely ignore the 75 years of displacement, assignations & racism the Zionist state of Israel has imposed on the very people they are interviewing. They somehow have convinced themselves that if they display the heartbreak enough it alleviates them of the responsibility to point out the cause of the atrocities. Unbelievable!
  • NorCal Opinions
    Another 1 star review
    What can I say that pretty much every 2024 review hasn’t already said?
  • AmyOddio
    Do you realize?
    835 Children of Dave - Boen Wang This episode by Boen Wang drew me back into TAL after years of being away. What a great listen! I love the sound and music editing; it’s perfect.
  • Thisbeanisnottaken
    Only Certain American Lives
    I used to love TAL. Increasingly, the “American life” it stories is very, very narrow - one worldview allowed and if you don’t hold it, we’ll portray you in a bad light. Sad. Episode 835 is the one that prompted me to finally write a review. (Boen Wang’s emotional and thought problems were not caused by what he describes. He would have had them regardless of his experiences, it seemed evident by how he shared them.) I can hope for true diversity of American life in future episodes. But I’m not holding my breath.
  • Jen from State Farm
    Very liberal in political leaning
    I used to be a huge fan for many years, until they started in with a lot of political opinion pieces or their new anti-Christian views. Those episodes get deleted w/out a listen. When it talks about personal stories, slices of life, those are the stories that I love, and they do them so well.
  • Larsen Crew
    Stands the test of time as my fave podcast!
    I have been listening to podcasts for years and one of the first ones I followed was TAL. It is by far a favorite and staple in my weekly routine. Recently, I had a nine hour drive to the beach and I listened to TAL the entire way- I laughed and was completely engaged in listening which made the driving go by quickly and I was in a great mood and learned SO much along the way. The themes, music, and of course Ira’s voice (and the other hosts voices) are truly part of the draw! Thank you all for the hard work you put into this show and your dedication to your craft- it is truly a pleasure to listen!!
  • Fabian_LA
    Love the show. But it sounds like Ira is eating and talking at the same time. A little annoying.
  • Yellowtales
    Unbelievably captivating stories
    I remember some time about 20 years ago, before smartphones, scanning the car radio because I was tired of the same music on repeat. I stopped on the Public Media station because there was a girl telling her story that instantly caught my attention and drew me in. Unfortunately I arrived at my destination and had get out of the car but I sat in the parking lot as long as I could mesmerized by the story and hoping for a commercial break where someone would tell me what I was listening to. I was never a fan of any radio program but this was just different. I eventually found out the program was called “This American Life” and I’ve been a devoted fan ever since. The stories run the gambit if emotions and it is VERY rare I encounter an episode that I don’t enjoy. Thank you Ira and crew for the hard work and crafting such amazing stories.
  • bxtsjavzhxuxbzfsksosv
    Love the show
    Love the fact that it talks about politics and funny dumb stuff, crime, and rats By far is the best show I’ve listened to.
  • Ricky R Richard
    Has potential
    This show has had some great episodes. However it isn’t really a snapshot of American life anymore as frequently the host or correspondents are not even from the US. Either change the name of the show or hire people who are actually from the country the show is supposed to represent.
  • JovialJune
    That American Life
    Hello, I was wondering what happened to That American Life? It can’t have been a fever dream I had because I loved that show. Are the episodes archived in the TAL vault, I would love to listen again. TYSM!
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