Money Talks from The Economist

News #173Business News #5

Take a seat at the table and learn about the biggest stories in financial markets, the economy and business. Each week our editors and correspondents explore how economics influences the world we live in and share their insights across a range of topics. From inflation and recession risk to all things crypto and even the commercial success of K-pop, we have you covered. Published every Thursday.

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Recent Reviews
  • bebebebef
    Hands down my favorite podcast
    I look forward to this podcast every week. The hosts are intelligent and witty. I enjoy the interesting variety of topics, and I gain new knowledge and perspectives from every show. Great stuff!!
  • fmedead
    Excellent show
    The hosts are great — thoughtful and funny. Great reporting as well
  • Ovob60
    Just One Improvement
    Hello, I never miss an eposode of the podcast. Top notch, consistently. Howver, it would be made perfect if the 3+ min or so intro to each show with previews of later material, was cut back to <60 seconds. It is widely acknowledged that overly lengthy podcast intros overly annoy loyal listeners. Jim Basel, Switzerland
  • Burtbrit
    Good Pod, Terrible Subscription
    Like listening to this Podcast then they went subscription paywall on us, then dropped their topics off a cliff just scrolling through looking at them.
  • Kékcsillag
    Pedantic and out of touch
    I find the show so-so but the deal killer for me is the pedantic delivery from people that sound like they’re old and out of touch. Perhaps the writers deserve some of the blame. It’s not necessary to constantly tell us that artificial intelligence is AI or that virtual reality is VR or augmented reality AR or that Citibank is a bank. Sheesh! 99% of people listening to the show know all of these things. If they don’t, they’re not part of your audience. Get with the program Economist!
  • dq43$
    Podcast +
    As a long time subscriber to The Economist and a frequent podcast listener, the switch to podcast + is terrible - it requires iOS 17, which my device doesn’t use.
  • BjornLouser
    Going to miss this podcast
    Slipping off behind a paywall… good luck.
  • tannyboy77
    Boo to the subscription model
    You should do an episode on the economics of podcasts. Do ads not provide enough revenue? Why switch to a subscription model? What will be the impact on number of subscribers? Are podcast listeners more or less likely to read your news articles than non-listeners? Will podcast subscription fees also decrease website traffic?
  • SuperChrisU
    It’s a real shame you’re switching to a paid model and taking podcasts away. You can do that but you’re losing much of your audience when you do. If it was just new content I’d be OK with it but the fact you’re taking away material is ridiculous. If you’re losing money on the podcasts just admit it but unless otherwise stated I’m assuming this is exactly what it seems like: a cash grab. I don’t even care about the price so much as the fact that it’s paid only.
  • Shooter Bos
    Boo. Boo on your paywall, Sir.
    Here’s my new stat of the week: 100. That’s the percent I will not be paying for the new Economist podcast subscription.
  • UKListener123
    Was once good, now awful
    What happened to this show? It used to be so good but lately it is awful. The 3 hosts sound like children the way they giggle at each other’ silly comments. And their “reporting” is completely shallow. A recent episode on the benefits of a college education was torture to listen to (I didn’t make it through the entire episode it was so bad). Either take the subject seriously or don’t do a podcast. This is WAY below the standards of The Economist (I’m a subscriber to the print edition and love the newspaper).
  • Money talk listener
    Can’t miss this
    Great show. Great hosts. Go ATM.
  • Jhwade
    Great Show
    Love the podcast, this is a wonderful complement to reading the issue each week for more flavor on the market, business, and economic topics.
  • MissSarChasm
    I for one love the banter
    AND Alice’s voice. I also like that you expand on topics like climate change because these things DO affect the large global economies of the world. Let the haters hate - you all are AWESOME. I feel smarter with every episode and this gets me out of my personal finance bubble and into a larger way of thinking.
  • kkdjxndgdjdndh63
    Article and Ad at odds
    Great episode but so surprised that First Republic Bank was the one ad we had to listen this week 🙈
  • Involved A2
    Bias in the Economist
    Having someone (Henry Gao) with an anglicized name from Singapore does not guarantee a non pro-China stance, seeing that Gao actually did his undergraduate degree at the China Youth University of Political Studies, China. The host also lets his own bias shows when he intimated that the US is relinquishing its role in the WTO. The USTR does not agree with the recent ruling because of clearly stated reasons. Tai recently said that the WTO needs to be updated for the world we live in.
  • moving on-missu
    Good weekly talk.
    While their understanding of the driver of the “gender pay gap” is incomplete- I appreciate this show and believe you will also.
  • Nadia_Tunisia
    Less jokes, more money talk!
    Too much joking and irrelevant banter. Moderation, please! This is why I am shifting to the FT.
  • charles 2222
    Stick to Finance
    This podcast has gone so far downhill since it was launched several years ago by Zanny Minton Beddoes and Greg Ip. If you want to have a podcast about enviroinmental issues, create a separate one (and call it "To a Lesser Degree" and then cancel it because it's not popular). Don't try to squeeze environmental issues into a finance podcast. ...And stop trying to imitate the successful "Checks and Balance" style - it's not working.
  • XavWasTaken
    I love money talks. Quality hosts. Great analysis.
  • mitchell.33
    Don’t like new format
    Long time listener. Usually love the content. Not a fan of the new format. Cut down on the banter. Just ask the experts and/or lead journalists for their opinions. Having three people go round robin with a couple words each to complete a sentence is the pits. Doing it multiple times an episode is torture.
  • StephenLovesPods
    Alice made CRYPTO REGULATION interesting!
    I was so skeptical that cryptocurrency regulation would be something I would care about, but Alice’s perspective and getting to hear from real people who lost OMG so much money… now I want to know more
  • PodBizPro
    More please
    Every episode of this show is like getting to hang out with my three smartest finance friends, except none of my friends in finance are as fun as these three! Would honestly love like… little episodes with one host like reacting to finance indicators or something because you all are so good at explaining!
  • chabonic
    Excellent - made me care about crypto!
    I love this show for the way it makes sure I understand what’s important in the world of traditional finance and money, but also new things as well. Honestly always thought crypto was just for young finance guys in fleece vests, but real people are using this stuff - need to pay attention and make sure we’re being smart about it in the finance community. Keep up the good work!
  • Dr. Duru
    Always something interesting
    For a show that typically focuses on a single economic story, it delivers a fascinating array of interesting topics. Even if I don’t initially think I’ll be interested, I give the show a try and end up pleasantly surprised. A necessary part of my podcast life.
  • SingleDadIVS
    cuteness overload
    please allocate more time to speakers in your interviews than to yourselves and your useless banter…
  • -Real-Reviews
    Great content ruined by advertising
    Please stop ask the excessive ads and all the long introductions and exits to each podcast. Can be 3-4 mins. Insane
  • Dr. Strangelove!
    Weekly Financial Brief
    This is my weekly podcast for getting some deeper analysis on the major financial events affecting the world. Occasionally, there is some good material. Sometimes, however, the analysis is too broad or misses the deeper aspects of issues.
  • Dad-
    Love the new format!
    Great mix of insight and humour, plus some great interviews. Added bonus: fun banter among hosts. Well done!
    Broad coverage with depth
    Specific in depth coverage of money focused trends are especially brilliant. However, waiting for FT to produce an energy specific podcast covering all aspects of the energy inflection point we are navigating through, hosted by Charlotte Hayward! Another hope is to see a collection of daily & weekend podcasts that can redefine the nature of digital media subscription. Magazines are boring digital or otherwise 🧜‍♀️
  • 001Marie
    Greatly Informative and Balanced Perspectives
    I enjoy the weekly episodes and find great value in the approach to the content and the manner guest interviews are woven into the discussion.
  • garrekds
    Great refresh of the format
    The new format for Money Talks — focusing deeply on single topics instead of rehashing what’s already in print — is really starting to shine. The latest episode, “Breaking the Bank? Part One”, went into whether central banks should consider climate risks. The hosts provided historical context and asked the bigger question of the limits of central bankers in steering a country’s economy and the boundary between central banks and domestic policy. It was engaging, thought-provoking, and went beyond the print coverage, which is refreshing.
  • DesertGeek95
    Great shows and even better guest stars
    Thank you all so much for making this Podcast.
  • howlinghound1
    love it
  • MothibiPk
    Fantastic, timely, and insightful!
    Big fan of money talks!
  • Juliet Avila
    More Rachana Shanbhogue
    Love the new stuff you’re bringing, the Economist has become my favourite podcast! Bring more Rachana Shanbhogue though, heard her on the 2021 unwrapped and she is awesome! <3
  • honey gram
    I need more Money Talks
    They touch all the econ topics of the week, I just hope it came out more than once a week. Well done and well rounded.
  • eoqhvdowbtrch
    Misrepresentation of facts
    If you know anything about economics, statistics, and partisan games, this podcast will keep you laughing and crying in equal turn.
  • mela6845
    Highly recommend
    Concise content, clear messages, relevant stories.
  • Blorpal
    Bitcoin FUD
    The primary criminal currency is the US dollar not bitcoin.
  • 100West
    Relevantly insightful 👏🏼
    I enjoy each one of the interviews and analysis presented.
  • HaLoRoCkEr
    Listen every morning
    Podcast is awesome listen every morning
  • avm1406
    Simon Long rocks
    Could you please you incorporate a segment by that is 101 explainer on concepts such as why and when bond rates drop, pros and cons of inflation, relevance of gold standard ......for the novices and Econ wannabes.
  • ttt993399
    Since when did the economist become liberal?
    Maybe there are only liberal young people willing to work for traditional news sources. They think of it as a crusade so they are willing to work for low wages. It feels like the objectivity is slowly departing. Still better than The NY Times, but still slanting liberal. I guess that’s the new world we live in. To be profitable requires rallying a base and it seems well educated people who desire to follow a podcast or subscribe to a news service are liberal the economist must cater to this audience to survive. It’s going to be a challenging decade.
  • Enigma201010
    Good content, but hard to understand the host sometimes
    This pod has great content but the host pronounces his “R”’s in a really weird way so I can’t tell what he’s saying sometimes. A more intelligible host would make it a 5-star pod.
  • Awakeinla
    Housing basics missed
    Demographics is the fundamental macroeconomic driver behind housing boom. That it wasn’t covered and the meandering side track into various microeconomic digressions was disappointing. Josh Brown of CNBC fame recently interviewed another housing economist who nailed the demographic geographic economic drivers
  • 541red
    Concise information
    Thank you for the information. Insightful
  • Curveball 1
    A brief overview on current topics. A good way to sell subscribers for a deeper dive.
  • just call me lucifer
    “Sort of . . . Sort of”
    Tried listening to this podcast for the quality of information we all expect from the Economist. Unfortunately I could not get through the episode due to the verbal tic “sort of” polluting every sentence, sometimes more than once. That useless phrase adds no value, undemines the speaker’s point, and wastes listeners’ tiime. I won’t tune in again, lest I pick up that annoying tic.
    Goes with the Current issue
    A great companion with the current issue of the Economist
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