LINUX Unplugged


An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.

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Recent Reviews
  • sa.lamoureux
    Probably the best Linux podcast.
    They're a bunch of Flake shills, but i’ll allow it.
  • Sean in virginia
    s/Linux unplugged/NixOS unplugged/g
    s/Linux unplugged/NixOS unplugged/g
  • mehrpw
    I’ve really tried to watch the JB crew and am a regular Self-Hosted listener until I can find other shows on the subject. Simply put, the show’s becoming more and more insufferable. There’s either constant begging for viewer bitcoin donations, heavily shilling for advertisers, and worst of all: constant attempts to exploit the spirit of the open source and linux communities to do their little projects for them that they come up with and forget about within the span of 3 minutes on the show. There’s very little substantive talk, even in their shows that are meant to be substantive. My opinion is that these guys have been doing this for so long, have their views heightened by a feedback loop of a group of people they call a community, and as a result think a lot of what they do is good content. It’s not. There’s a reason why everyone’s shocked you’ve been doing this since 2011, because it feels like a set of shows only started 4 years ago at most. There are a lot of great smaller shows in and around Linux, at least we know a little better in our computing communities to explore options.
  • ContactAZTech
    I love this show
    The best info on the rising stars on the bleeding edge of open source
  • sohrobby
    One of my favorite Linux-related podcasts
    I enjoy the discussions and topics had on this podcast but I wish they would cover Debian more often. Debian doesn’t get nearly the coverage or respect that it deserves on this show.
  • MnReview
    Stick to Linux, drop leftist rubbish
    Just playing dumb Chris? You known full well Stallman was canceled because of a campaign by an nobody SJW, getting him kicked out of MIT and the FSF by leftist trash and spineless college admins for expressing an opinion she was too dumb or dishonest to understand . A “social contract” for GNU? More leftist drivel? I don’t think so, Stallman isn’t an idiot. Tired of your ignorant leftist opinions.
    My favorite podcast
    My favorite podcast out there!
  • ClayH14
    Favorite Linux Talkshow
    I heard about this show from my 7th grade math teacher and have been loving it since (I’m now a senior in hs). This show is a great source of FOSS news and general Linux news. I enjoy also hearing about mac and windows news.
  • Novationo
    Ep. 400 pog
    I’m a random kid from Denver, see you next Tuesday!
  • Y01NKUS
    Great podcast, I love hearing their picks every episode.
  • PhunkeyRobot
    A weekly favorite!
    I’ve been listening for years and support the network via Patreon. A great community and interesting topics!
  • RebornJumpman
    Long time listener
    Great show focused on Linux and the community. I’ve been listening to LUP and Jupiter Broadcasting since early 2015 and wasn’t really a big fan of the changes made under Linux Academy and A Cloud Guru. It’s refreshing to see JB independent again!
  • mousedownmike
    They're Back
    No longer beholden to corporate overlords!
  • Rod_761
    Good companion
    I’ve been listening to some of the Jupiter Broadcasting podcasts for several years now. It’s always been a good companion for me as a Linux User (pun intended, now called “The New Show”) when doing chores or any distracted moments in my day. I like specially to listen to it when commuting in the mornings to my work. I think this is is a great group of Linux advocates that are not far into the most dogmatic open source ideas, but more like talking from a practical perspective of a Linux/Open source enthusiast, something that I really appreciate. I like them, they are like good friends of mine now!
  • Crystalcult666
    Independent again
  • nebraskanick
    Did not mention Drovorub
    An Apple using friend of mine tried to scare me about the drovorub malware. It probably doesn’t effect me, but I wanted these experts to tell me about it.
  • rappr
    Tried to like this
    The first few episodes were good when the hosts talked about cool things happening in Linux and open source. Lately it seems to have to devolved into fanboyism with an obligatory Apple/Microsoft bashing section every episode. I don’t listen to a Linux podcast to hear about Apple and Microsoft. I want to know what cool things are happening in open source.
  • vernonjvs
    The Tiger Beat of Linux Podcasts
    Just like the teenage girls who read Tiger Beat, the hosts like to tell you this program or Linux feature is cool and they love it without telling you why they love it or is cool. Their technical knowledge of Linux is limited to containers, ZFS and rust which they love to promote almost every episode without ever mentioning any downsides. Even though ZFS is experimental on many distributions and repeatedly bites them in the butt they still love it anyway even though mature tools such as rdiff-backup can achieve the same features on stable file systems like ext4. They have zero understanding of the free software movement and the importance of keeping free software free. They always advocate for the most bloated, resource hog solution without any understanding of minimalist Linux distributions like OpenWrt on WiFi routers or Gentoo. They ignore important hardware manufactures like GL.inet and Shuttle who ship systems with Linux pre-installed and instead promote vendors who ship them samples. Only entertaining if you enjoy listening to teenage girls talk about their favorite actor or pop star.
  • rumpkernel
    Great Linux Podcast
    I enjoy the content and personalities on this show. Chris has become better with age. The content isn’t always relevant to me, but I rarely skip an episode.
  • Steelysteel
    Linux for the win
    I’ve been a fan for years. Keep up the good work Chris, Wes and the rest of the team. Best Linux Podcast, IMHO.
  • Seekerkey
    I enjoy this
    Great information!!
  • Justgeig
    Like Linux and open source?
    This is the podcast for you. Fun, informative, and usually inspiring to get me to try or learn something new.
  • netherland again
    Running in RAM
    I really wanted a hint about how to run in ram. I also wanted to know how to run all three platforms. It’s like you are reading my mind and addressing it in the podcast, this is the third time I am playing the podcast all the way through
  • Slacker70s
    Time To Unsubscribe
    If you like wacky DJ voices and your local Morning Zoo radio show antics you'll love this show. Chris you’re killing your baby and I just can’t listen to any show you’re on anymore. JB used to be my goto for Linux/Tech podcasts especially shows like LUP, but I just can’t anymore. Today was the last straw. I tried to listen to LUP ep297 today and got to about the 19:37 mark and it was the last straw. I stopped what I was doing, deleted the podcast and hit unsubscribe. I’ll may continue to listen to any show Chris or Wes aren’t on, but I don’t know. They are better places to get current Linux/tech news that don’t include the Morning zoo wacky dj bs. With regrets I will not be returning “Next Tuuueeesdaayyyy” or anytime soon.
  • Uncle Frank2
    Awesome content, but weird advertising
    Love love love the brilliant personalities and LUG which talk throughout the podcast, but I don’t listen because I can never tell if he’s selling something via advertisement or just saying he loves something.
  • Erich1527
    Awesome show!
    I love how Jupiter Broadcasting has shifted this show to cover the community. I can't tell you how many new applications I have come to use thanks to this show.
  • JT5309
    Very Informative
    I like this show.
  • ႦυႦႦʅҽɠυɱ Ⴆʅυҽʂ
    Love it!
    Keep up the good word! And where had you been all my life? 😪
  • Joelamb
    The Best Linux Show.
    I stumbled upon Linux Unplugged by hearing a vague reference to it in another Linux focus podcast. I learn something new every week l. The show is current and discusses relevant topics in the Linux community. Great Show!!!
  • Edward Cromwell
    This show is one long advertisement
    This show is a rehash of Linux action show and there's no new content at all. I think the only reason Chris does this show is to sell more ad space
  • riGEEKulous
    I Love The Real World Insight
    Chris and Matt are great. These guys are able to take current topics and provide insight that is valuable to real world Linux users. They do it with enthusiasm and make it enjoyable. Linux Unplugged let's members of the community participate in a Mumble chat during the taping of the show. This provides insight from other prominent members of the Linux community that you don't find on other podcasts. The combination of Linux Action Show and Linux Unplugged will fill all your Linux desires. Keep it going guys!
  • AndroidAppleDualFanboy
    Engaging! Informative! Relaxed.
    Casual, yet technical discourse about current events/matters in the linux community. Often has interesting people in the mumble room; in one episode a guy from canonical randomly showed up, it’s really neat and unexpected!
  • ReadsTooLittle
    MORE Linux!
    Can't get enough of Jupiter Broadcasting's coverage of Linux on the Action Show, so this is great to have because it's more! MORE!
  • sig_interrupt
    Latest Linux/FOSS Desktop & Server News by truly tech competent hosts.
    Latest Linux/FOSS Desktop & Server News by truly tech competent hosts. Heavy on the news and technical underpinnings, but not a 'how to' nor tutorial show. Just the way I like it.
  • cpatrick2008
    Great show
    Linux unplugged Is a great companion to Linux Action Show Sundays Noon eastern time USA.
  • Schooly Dee
    Right on!
    Great geek commuter companion! Love the bits on Star Trek as well!
  • CypherPunk38
    Another Great Show in one of the Best Lineups on the Internet
    I love this show! Chis and Matt take a no-holds-barred approach to discussing Linux and the ecosystem around Just like it's more established cousin, The Linux Action Show, it really is an unbiased, well thought out, professional, and balanced look at our favorite operating system. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd like this show in the beginning. I thought 'this is going to be one of those 'afterthought' shows that will be amazingly, mindnumbingly boring'. Wow! Was I surprised! It's not become my second (if I can even rank them all) favorite JB show out there. Give this show a chance, you will love it!
  • Owsla01
    LAS with fans
    I nice relaxed format to discuss the linux ecosystem and fans able to add to the conversation. Thank you JB!
  • zuijexari
    Relaxed. Related. Relevant.
    This really hits the spot if you just need more LAS. If you like professional quality podcasts with a relaxed format and want more linux; this is a show for you.
  • bmcgonag
    Outstanding Look at Linux and Computing in General
    This show is social experience put on by some of the most well informed, up to date, intelligent folks out there. It is more than worth while to listen to the podcast, and even better to join in live if you can! I highly suggest this podcast!
  • Akrepoman
    Great companion to Linux Action Show
    Excellent podcast to further explore topics from the Linux Action Show!
  • Isaac914
    Great new show for Linux enthusiasts!
    Chris & Matt really dig into topics that wouldn't fit into the Linux action show format. love the discussions with the Chatroom. Keep it up!
  • gogowitz10
    Yay linux/jb!!
    Soon, im sure, to be the second largest linux podcast out there. Second only to LAS!! Always loving new content from these guys! Keep it up :)
  • Mongoose961
    A No Agenda Approach to Linux
    A perfect addition to the JB line up. Giving Linux users another avenue to discuss open source and learn from the community in a non-formatted open discussion.
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