Truth For Life Daily Program


Truth For Life is the Bible-teaching ministry of Alistair Begg. The ministry's mission is to teach the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established and local churches will be strengthened. Join us each weekday and on the weekend as Alistair helps us apply the Bible to our daily lives.

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Recent Reviews
  • Saved Sailor
    Easy listening
    I am encouraged by his teachings and he explains scripture well.
  • Gav Gavs momma
    By chance
    By chance one dark evening my radio picked up a preacher talking as I crossed the top of a dark mountain. It didn’t pick up very long until the static outweighed the sermon. I was so touched by what he was saying that I put his name in my phone and saved it. I don’t remember how long it stayed saved until I googled his name and found he indeed did have a podcast. No matter how many times I’ve tried hearing him on the radio since then I’ve not been able to find him but luckily for me I’ve got many podcasts to listen to. He seems very humble and goes by the Bible. I enjoy his sermons especially on my way to work bc I know I’ll be dealing with the bad in this world. I feel safer after having listened to someone who in my opinion is the last of the Godly men on this earth.
  • TJ8675309
    Great Preaching
    Reminds me of Martyn Lloyd-Jones
  • deanwaterman
    Always Grace
    Jesus made people the centerpiece of His mission and ministry. In spite of sin an failure, people mattered to Him, and they ought to matter to every follower of Jesus. Thus, your stance on relationships over “rules” is one I find full synergy with. Is it better to know love someone unconditionally or tell them (by our word or actions) how wrong they are? Jesus chose love. So should we. We love, the Spirit guided and convicts. I’ve appreciate your ministry and the words of life you share. I encourage you to make it grace, always, as this is the mission of Jesus to the world. BTW. The $35 ESV Bible is superb!!!!
  • ThankstoTheLord
    Thank you
    I want to thank you for all you’ve done in your work for God. My husband and I befriended a transgender person who actually lived in our downstairs apartment in our home. She had once walked with God and understood our standing in our faith. We were very clear and she was respectful. We cared for her during her bout of cancer and invited she and her friends to Christmas dinners. She would refer to us as “salt of the earth people “. Isn’t that what Jesus asked of us? So , we stand by your stand for compassion. We’re praying for you and your family.
  • still the best show ever
    James 3:1 (HCSB): Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment Alistair has accepted the Holy Spirit’s call to faithfully proclaim the Word because He knows it is the power of God for Salvation. If you don’t want to hear biblical teaching, do not listen. For those of you condemning his ministry, I pray that you will spend a little time prayerfully examining yourselves in Matt 23 and remember that it’s the meek, the poor in spirit, and those hungering and thirsting after righteousness that Christ blesses. Not the (self-) righteous. Numbers 6:24–26 (HCSB): May Yahweh bless you and protect you; may Yahweh make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh look with favor on you and give you peace.
  • patriotgamer07
    I can no longer listen to something by a man that supports heretical ceremonies.
  • OB!!!
    So disappointing
    Have loved listening to Alistair Begg for years however his latest stance, and doubling down on it, is so disappointing. It is not loving and it is not biblical.
  • Derek from Baltimore
    A Faithful and Compassionate Help
    Pastor Begg has been a tremendous help to me for many years. I count him as a faithful handler of the Word with the heart of a compassionate shepherd. It pours through all of his preaching.
  • Kevinneedstheword
    Right spirit
    Alister, thank you for representing what you understand to be the spirit of Christ, who regularly offended the Pharisees by eating with sinners. Like me. I heard the controversy and I have been listening to you for years now and I know you tested your response with prayer so I trust your perspective.
  • Tyler in BTown
    Pray he repents
    I used to love the teaching of Pastor Begg but if he refuses to see the error of his ways by condoning the activities of a heretical ceremony posing as a marriage then I cannot in good faith support his ministry. I pray he will see the error of his ways and return to the right track he has been on for long enough that he knows better.
  • Philippians 3:8
    Thank you
    Thank you for your compassion and precise teaching of the word of God. You are a bright light in the midst of Pharisees and the world.
  • lostintewoods
    Truth for Life
    I can no longer support this ministry. Multiple issues within Truth For Life.
  • DecRain15
    One of my favorites
    I haven’t heard of Alistair Begg until after I saw the movie Christ Crucified. He’s one of the pastors I listen to on the Podcasts. I love the way he explains the Bible! Love his accent! And he talks like a loving grandfather!
  • Cynthia@937
    This a great Bible teaching podcast. It applies Bible to our everyday life. He has depth and wisdom and brings his deep love of the Lord to every lesson. His love and warm humor shines through. He and his ministry is a great blessing to all who listen. Thank you Pastor Alistair❣️
  • steelermand
    Biblical and Life Changing
    Truly sticks to the Bible and convicts.
  • CorbinClark
    Outstanding Bible teaching!!
    Mr Begg does a great job of expositing Bible texts, making relevant, meaningful connections and applications for believers of all maturity levels. His humility and wisdom shines through in every episode. Thank you for this excellent teaching.
  • Big Sincho
    Thank you brother Begg
    I truly appreciate the teaching you are doing. You are truly blessed at your work. I have learned a lot from God through you.
  • boo21pkfj
    Great teaching. Splitting the sermons up is weird
    Really appreciate the solid Bible teaching. But splitting up the sermons is very weird and hard to sort through. And because the split-up sermons aren’t released with each other (half of the sermon on one day, half on the next), you can’t just put the podcast on and let it play. It’s very frustrating. If you’re trying to listen while driving a car, you either have to listen to disjunct sermons and try to piece it together. Or you have to use your phone while you’re driving (not safe 😕). Seems like this format of releasing sermons is somehow beneficial to those releasing them. But it is not user-friendly for those of us using the podcast. Would much rather have fewer podcasts released every week but have a better, safer UX.
  • stewardesstrixie
    I’m so thankful for the love of Christ , that is shared so clearly through Pastor Alistaire Begg.
  • Izdagroove
    Great teaching
    Thank you for your insight
  • Chris Brown 181
    Alistair gets me to work with a daily message of truth, love it!
  • good googilly moogilly
    Train a child
    I believe pastor Begg is a good man, I would have liked to have known him when I was a child
  • jleeboze
    I am so thankful for Alistair’s preaching and teaching! My only complaint is I really wish that the sermons weren’t split into parts. It would be easier listening if they were kept in tact. 🙏🏼🤍
  • Nesorneb
    Challenging, Encouraging, Vitalizing
    A Biblically based & Christ entered podcast! The teaching is humble & straightforward. And there are always opportunities to seek more understanding through various resources offered.
  • Bill j nevada
    Truth for life
    Best scotch pastor you will find besides Sinclair Ferguson haha
  • Sean & Collette
    Love it!
    We are so thankful for Alistair’s unique way of getting the message through. He is very relatable and precise.
  • Ben Thrilled
    Teaches the Bible first!
    I love how he teaches what the scriptures say, and what is going on and then allows the life application truths to rise out of the text. Instead of so many preachers, who do topical sermons, and then try and squeeze the Bible into it. I wish I would’ve started listening to him years ago.
  • St. Tex
    What a blessing
    Alister has ministered to me my entire Christian walk thus far, 15 years of pursuing Christ. Alister has helped form much of my theology and he has always been my go to pastor. He makes me laugh, he will tell you he is flawed and sees teaching the Bible as a privilege and high calling, but that we must open the Word ourselves and test everything he says in light of scripture. I am a proud American with Tejano roots, and the Lord brought a man from Scotland to minister to me for a decade and a half so far. May the Lord continue to bless Alister and the ministry and may His face shine upon Alister.
  • MsJulieAnn
    The Lord’s Supper
    His sermons on the Lord’s Supper explaining the difference between Catholics and Protestants were the best I have ever heard. He clearly explained so anyone could understand.
  • CLT56
    Never miss an episode
    I listen to Alister every morning as I’m getting ready for the day. I’m so thankful for his solid biblical teaching.
  • Tonekidd
    A man of God!
    I like to listen every day while I’m driving. It keeps me anchored to Christ. I call him my radio pastor. He flows with an easy to listen voice. Plus it’s all biblical. He doesn’t make it the book of Alister , it’s always the word of God!
  • Isak Olson
    Great Preaching
    As one who is on the path to becoming a Pastor this podcast has been really helpful in learning how others preach. In addition, Allistair Begg’s preaching has been very edifying in my walk of faith in Christ.
  • Passport2
    One of my go-tos
    I love Alistair Begg for his clear and concise preaching from the Word!
  • Niya Cibic
    God, is good
    I came across pastor Begg this year, or should I say the Holy Spirit led me to pastor Begg podcast. I toggle between him an pastor Paul S, It’s an honor to listen to the anointing God has put in your mouth. I love how you deliver The Good News, you are truly a blessing to me an my environment, I love you pastor an God bless you an your family ❤️
  • Superman of Catan
    Such Powerful Life Changing Words!
    This is a podcast that will change your life for the better if you will listen with an open mind and willing heart. I have listened to more various podcasts than I can count, and this is by far one of the very best you will ever find!
  • newportbells
    Simply the best
    Alistair is my go-to for encouragement, education and enlightenment. I've watched Parkside morning service every Sunday since the lockdowns and listen to Truth for life for over 10 years. He is simply the best communicator of God's word and I will always be indebted🙏🏼
  • skfl7
    Thank you so much for standing firm on the unapologetic truth straight from the infallible pages of Holy Scripture!
  • darmstrong357
    Truth from the Word
    Alistair speaks the truth from the Bible. Sound doctrine delivered in a way that application is easily applied.
  • asmith1585
    Truth For Life - Messages for Life
    Truth and the foundational teaching of God’s Word run as the keystone to all of Rev. Begg’s teaching and sermons. I have filled my supplemental time to prayer & the study of The Scripture with Truth For Life resources - this podcast/broadcast being a daily part of that walk. Thank God for blessing this ministry and the seeds that are sown through the words from Rev. Begg - addressing the main things, the plain things and calling God’s people to live lives full of grace, mercy, forgiveness and faithfulness
  • K.S.!
    Love it!!
    I absolutely love this podcast!! It’s truly amazing. I enjoy listening while doing house work. And it give me plenty to think about! My aunt used to go to his Church and really enjoyed it! I think there is some sage advice in here!!!! Truly advise listening! You’ll get plenary of good stuff to take away!!!!! Thank you so much Mr. Begg for doing this!!!! Your absolutely great at it!!!!!!!!!
  • Penobscot Phil
    I found Mr. Begg on FM radio one afternoon. Grateful for his podcast here. I look forward to it every day.
  • Berfday
    I first heard Alistair on the radio week nights in 2003 and looked forward to his exposition and followed his broadcast almost daily for years. I was glad to find him here on this platform!
  • Scotty57B
    Exceptional Bible teaching
    Well worth your time.
  • conutomagooto
    Excellent, sound, consistent Christ-centered preaching
    You underestimate this wee Scotsman to your own peril!
  • cofcmenno
    Oh what a beautiful morning
    Every morning at 6am I start my day listening to you and opening my Bible along with my first cup of coffee. I am so very thankful and blessed. Then I “go out”!
  • weareourbrotherskeeper2
    We’ll earn rest
    Dear Pastor Begg, am a “ little selfish😇 in wanting to keep you here so I can listen to your teaching,Podcast as well as my Sunday Morning Service @ Parkside Church. But like a glass of good wine, one must sip & not guzzle to make it last. Soooooo, as much as I want to keep you here,I must let you go 😭😢to spend time with the family @ your favorite Scottish Beach 🏖 🏄 regenerate, take care of your health & come back to us, for the “story” continues. Merry Christmas to you & yours! Stay HEALTHY & enjoy a well earn rest, I need, WE ALL need the GREATEST teacher & storyteller of the Bible!! God Bless🙏💃🏻 Why must I change my title?? that’s my name 😭😭 Dear Pastor Begg, here I go again being selfish☹️but would you have the time to translate the Bible as you read it?? I’ve gone through the Bible so many times that it has become “ boring ☹️” only with your teaching has it come alive👏💃🏻!! sooooo to have it in “ plain” English would help 🙏👏💐 Would that be 2 much homework & time taken out of your vocation 😌😇😁
  • Drewzit
    Love these messages
    Thought provoking messages delivered with the verses needed to study and confirm. Truth for Life and Alistair Begg are a staple to my spiritual growth.
  • weareourbrotherskeeper
    The Best Pastor
    Pastor Begg teaches! he’s a storyteller! He takes you on a walk throughout the Bible that makes you want more, like a child being read a bedtime story, you can’t wait for the next chapter! Because of his teaching the Bible is made more clear. God Bless him, may God keep him around for a long time!!! & thanks for my Sunday morning Service @ Parkside Church!!!!
  • Paul J Narang
    Without par in the Christian world today
    Alistair has no equal in the Christian world today. He is the Pastor of Pastors, master teacher of all teachers and chief expositor of the Bible. He is head and shoulders over all who teach the Bible. His mastery of the Bible along with mastery of history and literature permits him to pull from relevant poem, prose and historical facts throughout human history. Highly recommended.
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