Louder with Crowder

News #137Politics #50

Steven Crowder brings you news, entertainment and politics with the most politically incorrect show on the web. Guests, rants, sketches, your calls ... it's whatever.

Watch the VIDEO version of this podcast here: http://www.louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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Recent Reviews
  • TeamBubblegum
    Audio only listener
    This is clearly easier to digest on video, but that doesn’t change how great this podcast is. News + comedy. It’s like the Daily Show, except it’s actually good.
  • call me whenever jamerica88
    Love Crowder and Crew
    I have been listening to you for years!!
  • MosquitoSwarm
    You’re joking.
    Nobody is *that* buffoonish…omg he IS.
  • Dolores Patriot
    Brings the news with fun. Uncensored!
  • Booger936720
    Enrique Interview
    The episode uploaded under this title is an episode from before Thanksgiving!
  • Morrisonscott38
    Still slurping like a 5 year old . Want a 5 star stop slurping! Same show same jokes Zero growth. Same eh ah huh oh . Just talk! Uh eh haah uh
  • p0pprypr
    Health & Welfare
    Thanks to Crowder & company for coming back! Their’s is the podcast I listened to on my 2 to 3 mile morning walks & I haven’t been walking & I gained 5 pounds. Please stay around Dr. Crowder
  • Boo boo kitty67
    The funny guy left
    The funny little guy left, I watch normal world now. Ahoy!
  • JFolkins
    Greate show
    Keep up the good work!!
  • Michael Robert Wood
    Worst Take on Syria I’ve Heard Yet
    Crowder gets sexually aroused, whenever he talks about murdering Palestinian women and children
  • RacetoRetire
    Superb Neil Young
    That was a really talented rendition of Old Man—great job!
  • Anti-stupidity..
    Some people’s children…
    I just wanted to also second that comment by the person who never received a mug. My buddy signed up quite a few months ago and has received nothing. Come on guys, don’t offer a mug for signing up and then not deliver because it makes me not want to spend the money to sign up.
  • TKBorgo
    Wait, did I hear you’re gonna retire the mug? I never even got mine. The only reason I support I think my subscription just finished. ?????
  • The Askani Walrus
    Nick Di Paolo, you’ve reached your peak.
    In episode “How & Why Trump Won the Presidency | We Have the Facts” using children with facial deformities as humor while boys I think you’ve reached your peak. Maybe it’s time to just retire.
  • ————-((((((()))))))————-
    No more episodes?
    Last episode was October 29. Nothing for the election. I was waiting for you to do a live show
  • LV Aoki Shinya
    He beats women
    MAGA fascist terrorist.
  • Are you serious what the
    The best show
    I look forward to this show every day
  • Tuml
    Love this podcast
    Entertaining and informative
  • PegMcKJ
    What an informative and FUNNY delivery in the daily (depressing) news cycle! These guys keep me laughing the entire time but still manage to promote accurate and thought provoking current events!
  • nwboss429
    Chirping since comeback
    Love you guys but recently most of the shows are just being ended very abruptly, like mid bit. That never used to happen, other than that keep up the great work!
  • HowdyPartber
    You are the only funny conservative commentator I’ve seen. Wish I started watching sooner!
  • ToniAnneG
    Great podcast / stream
  • dtowndanny214
    Too much laughter
    Too much laughing at jokes that aren’t even funny.
  • MandytheAsianPersuasion
    Funny, intelligent, captivating
    I look forward to watching this daily. The comedy combined with facts has me a fan forever.
  • Gradheid
    Another narcissist
    He talks out of both sides of his mouth. Tells bits and pieces. Gaslighting sad.
  • Sean37569955
    Great show
    The United States of America is a constitutional republic. Not a democracy.
  • Less than impressed traveler
    Knowledge is power
    Even if you disagree politically, you are doing yourself a disservice by not listening to this show for information on the political environment and events concerning the USA.
  • Fruga1
    With Christians like this, who needs…
    -I used to be a faithful listener. But first Steven deceived us, making it seem like the Blaze had done something wrong. I canceled my Blaze membership. -Then Steven stated that big con needed to be stopped and how DW+ had given him an insulting offer. And I still believe him until I listened to Jeremy Borings thorough discussion of the initial offer of 50M. Steven wouldn’t agree to create a certain number of shows? To be revenue producing? To actually be productive? So he feels like he should receive a participation salary? So much for meritocracy. -Then I listen to Dave Landau, speaking on Michael Malice show. (I love Dave) and he explained what he was offered by Steven. That was an unreasonable contract. -Then the video of how Steven treated his 8 month pregnant wife is released. (having to endure his behavior.) And Steve is a Christian? Gerald loves to besmirch other Christian denominations. Perhaps he should be giving his friend some good counsel. Perhaps some prudence is needed? Crowder is in desperate need of our prayers and clinical treatment. He’s diagnosable. I doubt I’ll ever listen to this man again, too much vitriol.
  • App KO!
    Best show ever
    Please investigate if AOC can eat an apple through a chain link fence I must know the truth You all do great work on important matters
  • asksxj
    The only show on YouTube that has balls, they just keep getting kicked in them, better off listening to the podcast.
  • Budd Vugger
    Listen, Learn and Love
    Listening to LWC over the last several months has given me a renewed sense of self confidence. Not only has my lisp gone away, but my hump has decreased in size by at least half! It’s also given me what the Native Americans call “ehozin” a holy thinking for balance and order within the natural order. That’s what Steven brings to the table , a sense of “ehozin”. Engage your “ntsahakees” or your spiritual clarity and awareness and listen to LWC! Don’t be a puss!
  • CubsWin!2016!
    LWC is legit!
    This show is extremely funny, yet dead serious, all while tackling the biggest issues and challenges our nation is facing. He calls it like he sees it, backs up his facts with references, and isn’t scared of big tech.
  • Andarree
    Good talking point
    The Louder with Crowder crew adds comedy into the show and provides all references for the facts that they present. I wish the main stream media would provide the reference instead of trust me I would not lie to you method.
  • Ralph and Martha Wright
    Why is Steven Always Sick?/TURN DOWN THE SOUND EFFECTS!
    Having that orangutan Alex Jones on does't help your credibility. They can’t go five minutes without all doing their racial stereotype dialects, particularly with Asians. And tell Gerald to stop saying boom. And why is Steven always going on and on about being sick?
  • Ghost and spirit believer
    Thank you for making politics fun. 😊 🤩
    Louder with Crowder is my go to podcast when I'm bored, doing things around the house, and when I'm going to sleep. I really enjoy it even though I've never been interested in politics. So for some reason you guys make politics even more interesting then other politicians make it and I really appreciate that you guys make it entertaining for people that don't normally enjoy politics. So thank you for everything you do and for every episode you make to make politics more enjoyable for everybody. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • AmericanTruthSeeker
    The very Tip of the spear for big tech ram rod.
    Great REAL News and Funny No more monotone 1/2 side “news” without receipts 🧾 get informed and red pilled
  • Trucker10220
    Fight, Fight, Fight!!!
    It’s time to fight back against these globalist pigs. Remember, they are few, we are many. Long Live the Republic
  • DCAyyye
    Crowder 2028
    Can this be a real thing please?!?
  • LizWalker098
    THE BEST!!!
    GREAT!! My #1 Informative, funny and absolutely not politically correct! Please bring back women’s tank tops!!! Quick witted and well-informed. You’ll learn, laugh & enjoy the show. Please bring back woman’s tank tops & white T-shirts.
  • OkieShoe
    I watch everything LWC but THIS is great because I get the information I’m looking for on important topics, from the source I know I can trust, bc they always share their work. I really appreciate this and I encourage everyone who hasn’t yet done so, to join MUGCLUB!
  • weak 23
    Show has always been solid and the comedy is always on point
  • gogetemgrizz
    Crowder and Team
    Thank you for everything you do.
  • Cvans182
    Comedic gold with Political Facts
    Pure gold, worth every second!!
  • tidusantuna33
    Love 3 in 3 !
    Please keep making these. Love your show too on Rumble by the way.
  • whatshertits
    Eric holder lost a lot of weapons
  • Wanger Hilton
    Incoherent, makes sense his wife left.
  • Danmack34
    Previous mug club member (not anymore)
    Show fell off and got preachy. Homie you’re not saving the world you’re making a podcast. Ever since Dave left it’s gone down hill fast.
  • Liffdog23
    Bonus Interview - Rep. Victoria Spartz
    I absolutely loved this bonus episode! Thank you for bringing it to us. I never would have heard of Rep. Spartz otherwise. I’m so glad to hear of people “inside the machine” who have their head on straight.
  • Renie1989
    Laugh Out Loud!
    I love to laugh at the absolute stupidness from the Left!!!!! 😀😆🤣😂
  • LuEee M
    No, do not stop the sip. It’s great. Love it, and love the show! Facts are spot on, and y’all are so funny! Thank you. 🩷
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