Casefile True Crime

All Genres #214True Crime #47

Fact is scarier than fiction. Subscribe to Casefile Premium to receive ad-free episodes released one week early, along with access to bonus Q&A’s, our exclusive show ‘Behind the Files’, and more.

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Recent Reviews
  • jrbaudio
    Love the silent pauses
    Idk about triggers - I personally hate all the warnings these days prior to hearing basic facts. I think that “triggers” are the “make this about me” du jour, but I digress. I also love that the host is from down under. Makes the subject matter more interesting I think.
  • planetpeace
    Excellent reporting
    On interesting cases. Had to comment on the Aaron Bacon case. I thought I was getting thick skin hearing about “distressing incidents”. as you call them, but this one really got to me. I am in tears after hearing what those horrible people did to that poor kid. Perpetrators belong in jail and sued to kingdom come.
  • fatstuffalicious
    Mike migas
    Five stars alone for introducing us to Mike migas. Rly funny and smart and easy on the eyes. Also this podcast is overall a very good true crime pod without being sensationalist. Tend to agree about the 911 calls, sometimes they are just very hard to listen to.
  • Mary Oren
    Super annoying ads - great podcast
    Love this podcast but as soon as im relaxed and focused the ads pop in and they are the loudest most obnoxious ads it makes me want to turn the podcast off
  • kristinemarija
    Favorite True Crime but HATE 911 calls
    Long time listener and one of the best true crime podcasts. I love that it focuses on facts and there is no chatter or editorializing. My only complaint is that they will sometimes include 911 calls without warning, which I find incredibly triggering- please include a warning so we can skip ahead!
  • Felicity78!
    I just canceled my premium membership bc instead of new content they continually use old episodes meant for premium subscribers, which means I’ve already heard them. I feel like I get ripped off as a consumer often enough.
  • mazzjaz
    I plan my life around this podcast. Have been a premium member for some time and wow. This podcast has kept me going. It is my favorite thing.
  • meatball sub 2112
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since season 1 and it hasn’t slowed down its pace!!! I LOVE THIS PODCAST!!!! Thank you for providing spine numbing stories all these years!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!
  • no buses?!
    Great show, but
    I can’t give 5 stars until the ads for “invisible fence” stop. This is an advertisement for cruel dog training products that rely on the abrupt shock of sharp pain to terrify dogs into staying within peppery boundaries (instead of, you know, a literal fence). Dogs are man’s best friend and they don’t need to be tortured to be trained. Gross.
  • Jana1469
    His monotone voice makes me want to jump!
    I can’t. It’s so hard to listen to his voice. It’s painful really.
  • Ynottt
    I asked ChatGPT to recommend a podcast for me, and I’ve been binging ever since.
  • EED3180
    This is my favorite podcast, hands down
    This is my favorite podcast, hands down!
  • darlingdae
    all i hear now is a low pitched whine constantly playing in the background. the repetitive slow melancholic piano music was so much better. this is literally making me nauseous. if they ever decide to go back, i will change my rating to 5 stars
  • Marina's Gma
    True crime told with respect
    This is my favorite podcast. Casey is great to listen to (and I enjoy hearing how words are pronounced differently in Australia!) but the respect paid to the victims and the listeners make it my go-to podcast.
  • Bony Elbows
    Gold Standard
    Perfectly dry and to-the-point narration. No sensationalism, no frills, very few ads, and no cringe-worthy “full body chills.” I especially appreciate how the show drops plenty of breadcrumbs that don’t actually go anywhere. It keeps you guessing as to which lead will finally break the case.
  • cherrio65
    Great Podcast!
    I’ve listened to Casefile from the beginning and it’s by far my favorite true crime podcast. The narrator is a natural, and the research and writing is superb!
  • cmdm
    simply the best…
    that’s it…this is the gold standard of a true crime podcast…there are some funny, chat show kind of true crime podcasts…i enjoy those but this is the best reporter type of podcast…
  • KristaKennedy
    Posted Part 1 but you have to pay for Part 2
    Instant unfollow. And your advertising keeps getting longer and longer.
  • uDMac
    I’ve listened many years and is my favorite in the true crime genre. The host delivers the facts and cuts out the dramatic nonsense that many other podcast rely upon (music, cliffhangers, editorializing, emotional outbursts).
  • HimeBear
    Terrible narrator
    The narrator on this podcast is the absolute worst I’ve ever heard. I couldn’t get thru an episode. It was like a serial killer robot was reminiscing about his crimes.
  • Spaulding67
    Not what it used to be
    I’ve listened before but the more recent episodes lack personality. Bordering deadpan delivery, and monotonous. I think it’s an AI bot reading a script. No thanks. If you can’t use a real host I’m not going to listen. Tedious listen.
  • JanKayDay
    The narrator
    I used to listen to this podcast afew years ago. Maybe 5 years. I still listen once in awhile but the story teller sounded so original then bit sounds too much like someone told him to sound like a robot. I’m sorry if that sound harsh but that’s how I feel. I like real people. Also I remembered how he criticized his own voice but it was real unlike how you sound now.
  • actualgremlin
    So interesting
    The Narrator covers a variety of cases and is informative. This show is respectful of the sensitive content covered, unlike some other shows where people are cackling, doing their makeup, or making fart jokes after describing something gruesome. I appreciate the presentation—the voice doesn’t bother me at all and only adds to the “just the facts” type of approach. Great pod!
  • memurray12
    Please hire a real narrator
    AI won’t cut it; your listeners deserve better.
  • George Deibel
    Too many unsolved cases
    The narrator sounds like he has killed at least two or three people at some point.
  • Tomorrow 77
    My favorite podcast
    Perfect storytelling in a way that is respectful to the victims families Impressive variety of locations and of course I love that you made people aware of the tragedy of one of my best friends… David Babineau married to my best friend Rondi and dad to my Godkids Thank you for remembering their sacrifice…. David was a great guy
  • FujiAppleGirl101
    I Love This Podcast and Its Anonymous Orator
    This is a must listen podcast. My favorite. Many crimes I have never heard about, such as those that took place in Australia. The Austrailian accent of Anonymous orator/host is very cool and draws me in to each case. I binged-listened to all the podcasts and can't wait to hear more. Keep up the great work!
  • Vin blaze
    Simply the best.
    For me this is the perfect true crime podcast. Great cases, great writing, amazing narrator and great mood music. 5/5
  • Elianaliu
    Best crime podcast
    Love love love this podcast!
  • Djohnson5
    uncovered cases
    I love that this podcast covers widely uncovered cases. Other creators need to catch on to the fact that not everyone needs to cover the same 5 cases.
  • Uncle_CoCo_
    The true crime podcast I wish others would emulate. Excellent writing/storytelling, meticulously researched cases, well-composed and subtle background music. Has always been the premier true crime pod for me.
  • Wmhunt
    Good variety
    Very detailed accounts of true crime, many not widely covered. Only issue is “played” episodes keep reappearing as “unplayed”.
  • HelloStrangefellow
    Consistently great
    I listen to several true crime podcasts, but only subscribe ($) to one, and it’s this one. The quality is consistently high, and the writing is always good. No annoying chit chat, no aspiring comedians trying to throw clever jokes in along with the story. The anonymous narrator (aka “Casey”) does an excellent job of towing the line between being disaffected and neutral while still telling a compelling story. It seems it would be a difficult job to stay unbiased while reporting the facts of these horrible crimes, but having listened to all the episodes of the show, one can hear his constant improvement. It seems obvious that at some point during the show he has taken lessons in elocution or vocal training in order to increase both the neutrality and the effectiveness of his performances, and it’s paid off. Also, kudos to the show for always seeming to be respectful to the victims while also providing all the known facts of the story, however awful they may be.
  • wgj88
    Great content. Awful presentation. If it was any more monotone I’d swear it was AI reading it to me.
  • JennLynnPrin
    My Favorite True Crime Podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for years and always return to it as my favorite. I like that it’s just the facts and not filled with commentary/opinions…etc. like so many of the other true crime podcasts. It’s well thought out and a no-mess approach that I truly appreciate!
  • lisakay187
    Good Listen
    Lots of lesser known stories. Narrator has a calming voice. No chit chat.
  • froggybiscuits
    Great Podcast
    it’s good podcast! i listen to it help me fall asleep. but recently the premium episodes don’t become available to the public on the date that it says it would be available.
  • janism
    Casefiles overview
    No idle chit chat from the narrator, just the story. Gives a bigger picture to many well known investigations. Excellent sound quality. Best true crime podcast.
  • kingjasmine22
    One of my faves, with one flaw
    I love this podcast and listen consistently.. I find it very respectful of the victims and well-written… however, can we PLEASE have a disclaimer about unsolved cases? I would like to opt out of these cases..
  • Jaykoblaine
    Most monotoned and boring podcast I’ve ever listened to. Can definitely tell he’s reading it out of a book or off a sheet of paper.
  • cecegrrl
    Case 287: Dartmouth professor killings
    Riveting tell! Who in the world (bravo👍truck drivers, detectives) would have suspected these two teens? An astounding “whodunnit” from many variables and it’s these two crazies, kids. Kept me on tenterhooks until the end. Thank you Casefile. Keep em coming!!
  • wishappwouldwork
    Too monotone
    I’ve tried to love this podcast for years, but his voice is way too monotone. I can’t handle it.
  • Mj63917
    Amazing podcast!
    This is best true crime podcast. I love the host’s voice!
  • ellainfo
    In 15 years I have never rated anything for Apple.
    This podcast is the only true crime one I listen to. I have seriously never been disappointed. I play them in the car on long trips and the stroytelling and production are always top tier. Anyways, y’all were the first podcast I’ve found and I haven’t looked for another so thanks 👍
  • MysteryLoverCoco
    What’s going on?????
    Easier to get new listeners than to keep old ones. I haven’t been able to listen for almost two months. Either animal cruelty warning-thanks for them btw, but they are my trigger - or behind a paywall. I still love the episodes I can listen to, but I’m starting to stray away to other podcasts. I can deal with ads. That goes with the territory. I don’t want to be forced to pay to listen. Already found some awesome podcasts. You’re not the only game in town. Keep that in mind and do better.
  • SLC1957
    Monotone hard to listen !
    Story interesting enough I guess but the delivery make it pretty boring to listen to.
  • DallasCowboy1
    Something happened ..
    I listened to the first 5 episodes on the East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer and they were riveting. Like really great. Just tried to listen to the final episode (which came several years later) and the narrator sounds terrible! Not sure if it’s a new person or what - the voice sounds more high pitched and like he’s a robot. He. Pronounces. Every. Word. Like. This. It’s terrible! I couldn’t listen anymore after about 10 minutes…which was so deflating bc I thought this would be a great episode that ties it all together. I’m. Super. Bummed. But. Oh. Well., moving. On. To. Find. A. New. Podcast now…
  • hannmull
    My favorite podcast
    I have listened loyally to this podcast almost since it started. It is the best true crime podcast I have found in terms of research and straightforward case presentation with no extra chit chat. I also appreciate the presentation of facts without personal opinions or bashing of law enforcement, which often occur on other podcasts. However, I will say I have paid for the subscription for over a year now and don’t really feel I get the content to justify the cost. I also notice that old cases are often repeated and presented as new cases with new case numbers. This may fool newer listeners, but as someone who has listened since the beginning, it is frustrating to get a few minutes in and realize I have already heard the case. I will always listen, but am considering cancelling my premium and am hoping to see less recycled content
  • ZPutnamP
    This is the only true crime podcast that I listen to (almost) every single episode. All the other crime podcasts seem hokey, cheesy, and lacking depth compared to Casefile. (I would like to request fewer episodes with sexual assault against kids or animal cruelty, I always skip those.) Overall, please keep up the phenomenal work! I’ve been an avid listener since 2020 and look forward to it all week.
  • rosallea
    Top Quality
    Outstanding !! Fabulous storytelling!…Standing ovation with whistling !! For some perhaps, an acquired taste, even better!!! Case file consistently prepares and presents a well choreographed, thorough and quality telling of an event that impacts many lives and captures important details with nuance, awareness and sensitivity . Thank you all
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