The Matt Walsh Show


Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Ggski202
    Pretty epic
  • Adeyami
    Pure garbage
    Yes you are racist unfortunately there is not a funny bone in your body.
  • SF_Muse
    Matt, keep spreading the good word. To have a comedic mind able to intelligently execute against the counter warped progressive demagoguery is a gift. “Am I a Racist” is terrific! Saw it last night and laughed endlessly at the insanity that’s been so ever present for the past 5 year or so. Thanks for being our Borat by exposing the opportunism and evil of these usurpers and the brainworms present in this cult in such a fun way.
  • send this thang
    Get Am I racist? in New Hampshire
    This is an amazing podcast, although not as funny as Ben Shapiro, but it is still spitting facts! He does kind of go on a rant for while but thankfully it’s all facts. Also all of the childless cat ladies and weak men… leave Matt alone if we can’t yell at you, you can’t yell at us! Thanks Matt, bless!
  • ♪(*^^)o∀*∀o(^߬^*)♪
    Am I racist
    Please get the movie into New Hampshire theaters
  • physicsisgroovy
    Great show… but
    His takes on the pasteurization of milk are downright misinformed. It’s because of pasteurization that we have so many people with milk allergies. It’s drinking raw milk with naturally occurring lactaid that allows people to digest the most nutritious beverage on the planet! Oh well Matt, maybe you’ll try some someday, raw is the law! Christ is King.
  • listener ces
    In sinc
    I’m beginning to think you are my comic soul mate. You are so funny . I listen to your pod recordings over and over again. Thank you for bringing joy to this weary world.
  • dumjdjdjsja
    Better than Ben Shapiro.
    Only slightly, but better.
  • Tybur95
    Terrible take
    I’m with you on most of your takes man but just the ridiculousness of Star Wars being number one. No way man it’s just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s not good. Those stupid marvel films are SO MUCH WORSE
  • Chubs1966
    No Nonsense
    I love Matt’s no nonsense approach to every issue. Films have been crisp and to the point, yet entertaining.
  • Ken Dahl
    Good man
  • ::):):):):mr
    I’m 25 and love your show keep up the good work brother 👍
  • Big Sincho
    EP: 1425 I hate my kids.
    Yes Matt! They are selfish a!!-holes. So into themselves they don’t realize they are undeveloped empty shells. Never grew up. They choose their excuses from a buffet of bad ideas they never think through. Every angry justification is fed to them by people who are truly psychotic. Abracadabra! Great show!
  • KongKarls
    Too fat for Matt Walsh movie
    I would probably agree with the content and enjoy the he film, but I’m too fat to be part of the Matt Walsh club as he so often reminds me.
  • Inhumanpossibilty
    In my defence, it’s not Twitter.
    I heard this guy on the radio a while ago saying that black people cause higher crime rates, and that before people go on twitter and say that he’s racist, he isn’t racist. Since you cannot review an entire radio station, I decided to come to his podcast to say this. A person who is not racist would never make an entire documentary about whether they’re racist or not. Also, the reviews on this are just… Somehow he’s managed to make the review section funnier than the movie he made that was supposed to be a comedy. “I cracked up reading the reviews on this, some petulant whiny man children around” - a crypto enthusiast 💀 I refuse to listen to one second of this for fear of it making me Amish (no insult to Amish people, they’re lucky they don’t have to deal with this)
  • Tim Allen2
    Soldier on…,
    Keep up the good work, Matt I am 18 n the daily wire is the place I go for real news. Continue on standing for your beliefs don’t let the haters sway you.
  • Danegamer22
    This is GREAT!
    I absolutely love the Matt Walsh show and I can’t wait to see ‘Am I Racist?’ ❤️❤️❤️
  • Jjjjjjjjghngs
    Really good just to many adds
  • AlexAlvarezAZ
    He’s not an expert
    I understand he needs to be assertive for ratings, but he isn’t an expert. He cannot quote actual scientific data instead defaults to “we all know” and “we should know” and if you don’t know, “you’re an idiot.” He tries to “lead” by fear. He’s all talk. I would to have him have a scientist or psychiatrist come on or any subject matter expert instead of trusting him and his word vomit.
  • jehshsisbaoand
    My favorite podcast!!
    This is the most honest podcast known to man. Listen if you want to know truth. If you’re offended easily, it’s probably not for you 😊. Matt Walsh only takes Ws.
  • Don a normal man
    Seems like we could make it much simpler and just use one letter. “W” Wrong Weird Wicked Woke Wacky What in the World Wannabe Women Why Just an idea. How about another nickname for Vice President Harris? Kamachameleon (Boy George parody) She changes her politics just to suit the moment. I really enjoy your analogies on the show. Don
  • garbagephonecompany
    They couldn’t be more bias. They absolutely strawman the alternative opinion. Pretty frustrating to listen to. Don’t think you’re hearing any more than 60% of the truth when you listen to this.
  • macewindudied645
    Crazy Town
    what is that goofy show cover💀💀💀
  • scwjesuswept
  • DragonRider0715
    Absolutely Amazing, 5/5
    I love this podcast! The media needs more people like Matt. I find it incredibly hard to find people who appreciate someone telling them the facts regardless of their emotions. I also love the fact that he is willing to discuss the systematic racism against white men and women. This is the kind of thing that infuriates the woke, and I love it. (As a straight white man, will definitely be checking out "Am I Racist?")
  • InTheClosetConservative
    Matts view on White Women
    Thank you Matt!! Finally someone has publicly stated what I have been feeling for years. Why are white women always a “Karen”? Why can’t we also be “Queens”? Why do we accept these derogatory terms? Speaking of “White,“ what the heck is White? Why would someone from say, France, Russia and Australia all be considered “White”? They’re from the opposite side of the globe, look nothing alike (in my opinion), are from completely different cultures and backgrounds, speak totally different languages… I don’t understand how we all got lumped up together just because our skin is light. Sounds a little racist to me.
  • Benshapirolover
    I am also a transphobe
    I am runner up for transphobe of the year
  • king bob 473
    Best podcast ever
    To all who think Matt is too mean, I am fifteen years old and think your childish GROW UP! And maybe the world need more people like Matt. People to tell the truth even when useless idiots get offended! Thanks Matt for such an amazing show, keep it up!
  • 😁👍🏻😁😁😁😁😁
  • Northern Arizona Bob
    You’re terrific Matt, but…🤔
    Sorry, but I truly dislike your <10 min short podcasts Matt with “too cute” sound effects, I simply can’t listen to them 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • daniel12345@
    Dull and mean man
    As a daily wire fan I tried this podcast a couple of times and was grossly turned off by Walsh meanness and dullness. He doesn’t plan his speaking agenda, often gets stuck not sure what to say next, repeats himself or misses a point. His ideas are illustrated by condescending elitism and hate that is offensive on bipartisan level. His attempts to demonstrate liberal values as inferior often land badly, as in his rant about people who fly economy and don’t pay for expensive seats. Outrageously sometimes these bottom feeders of society, per his words, tried to sit next to Walsh so he scared them away with evil glances and onion bagels. DW can do better, promoting conservative values without offending people
  • SixGunAlchemist
    Refuse to listen to a homophobic, xenophobic, anti-democratic fascist. Sincerely, Cis-Het White Male Veteran
  • The_T_K
    Ben shipiro is terrible
    Matt , Ben got you a one star. Tell him to stay in the office. His voice is grating. And as pompous as you and Michael come across…. It’s funny. Ben seems like an actual doo shh.. again 6/23/24
  • Nickname Taken 2
    Garbage brain dead idiocy
    One of the stupidest things I have ever heard and I've heard a lot of dumb things
  • hdtyehs
    Mat u are awsome thank you for your stand for the common American I hope that u live long and prosper and please say once that you can’t change the past
  • gg8mc
    The Matt Walsh Show
    Matt is the best. His insight is deep, and his delivery is compelling. I love Matt’s shows. He’s my favorite BFF DW host, and I often listen to a show more than once just to make sure I didn’t miss one word of wisdom.
  • varnish 101
    The new Limbaugh
    Yesterdays show was the best podcast I have ever heard!
  • nanwes
    One of Matt’s Best
    No one can equal Matt’s ability to meld incite, wit, and common sense.
  • Small Time Dude
    Great Insights, a show we needed!
    Great job, Matt! Great viewpoints on things, others are afraid to say! America needs people like you, especially during these corrupt Marxist times!
  • jshcjsksnzys
    Best conservative podcaster in the world. Matt’s ability to deliver news to his listeners in a charismatic way is unprecedented. Keep up the good work. SBG4L!!!
  • the blob of death
    Yet another great DW show.
    I always watch Matt’s show after lunch, and after Ben Shapiro’s show, this is the best DW has to offer. He’s brutally honest, but can still insert some sarcasm and humor into everything. SWEET BABY GANG FOREVER!
  • rie13
    Love you, Matt!
    I’m a huge fan of your work. I love listening to you in the mornings (or whenever you get into work).
  • Why god? Why?!
    The 15th?!?
    Matt. Whatever you’re doing… stop and get back to work. My God..the laziness.
  • Salty Salt Salt
    Matt Buttigeg
    Matt Walsh works less than a cabinet member in the Biden administration! You’d think he was the secretary of transportation or something!
  • AbcJ Family!
    Matt, come back!!!
    Miss Matt Walsh… this sub can’t keep my attention
  • jjcreg
    Great show!
    I love Matt Walsh. We need more smart/funny people on our side. Great to hear Dave Cone step up like a champ the last few days and handle the show in his own way without missing a beat. Get em fellas!
  • jaflan86
    Bring back Matt!
    Not sure where he is but not the same show. Won’t even listen to it. He’s clearly just reading Matt’s script but it’s not the same
  • STC For Life
    This is the best podcast out there. Matt is honest and doesn’t shy away from tough topics. I do have one question though: Matt, how could you let someone who doesn’t have a beard host your show?
  • CitizenBat
    Why is David cone hosting this show? He is absolutely awful! Stick to sports, meathead. I love the show otherwise but good God, no show is better than David cone hosting it.
  • flymiester
    You don’t need the Daily Wire
    I recently canceled my daily wire membership because I could no longer ignore the fact at the entire show producers opine for Israel. I do not support the Jew, but I have always enjoyed Matt Walsh’s commentary on the degeneracy and degradation of American society. He is always been on point regarding the transgender issue the champion of normal family values. Keep up the good work Matt, but I will not support your host channel.
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