The Long View

Business #136Investing #43

Expand your investing horizons and look to the long term. Join hosts Christine Benz and Team as they talk to influential leaders in investing, advice, and personal finance about a wide-range of topics, such as asset allocation and balancing risk and return.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kevv K
    Very informative and interesting guests
    This is well worth your time if interested in personal finance and investing. A suggestion for a future guest if he’s not yet been on: Nick Maggiulli, author of Just Keep Buying.
  • Gnome chopper
    This is a great real investment and personal finance podcast. Thorough, informative and honest. Ms Benz is top notch.
  • Tjfont
    My favorite
    My favorite investment podcast. Great guests that share information that is understandable and relevant. The hosts do a wonderful job steering the conversation to topics relevant to the average investor.
  • Drebans542
    These hosts are so awkward it’s vicariously embarrassing to listen
  • shutparisup!!
    One of the very best
    Christine and colleagues are the consummate professionals, tirelessly educating individual investors. There’s no hype, and guests are carefully curated to avoid the more dubious elements of the financial industry. One suggestion: there is so much in the news about managed futures, trend following, and the extremely low correlation with traditional assets. I would enjoy a guest that can speak to this arena. Jerry Parker comes to mind. Also, a Morningstar article listing recommended funds would be welcome.
  • renlist
    Christine Benz lost the plot
    I’ve listened to Christine Benz for years and generally enjoy her contributions to this podcast, but she lost me in episode 268. Last I checked the color of money is green and her attempt to somehow connect with a guest by marginalizing one segment of the population, who just so happened to be where the guest learned her financial literacy, was very disappointing. I never thought she would stoop so low as to be unprofessional, but it just seems to be the he way of the world now.
  • gquiet
    Great Economic Data
    The episode with the Capitol Economics economist was just great. Questions were great, but the interviewee did a great job of summarizing data and making difficult subjects understandable.
  • VGa1234$
    No mention of Gold/metals/crypto
    Not comprehensive podcast. Geared towards traditional financial industry and completely ignoring the new upcoming trends.
  • Jeff G NJ
    Primeval Episode
    Great interview. As a financial advisor, I really appreciated hearing from them since they do very little communicating with the media.
  • Doughley
    The best investing podcast!
    I feel our on personal finance, investing and financial independence, so I listen to plenty of podcasts and read a lot. The Long View is by far my favorite such podcast! They have consistently interesting, accomplished and helpful guests on so many important topics. The hosts are great, with Christine Benz a standout in her field and podcasting. I take a walk every Tuesday when the show drops — it’s that good! I’d give this one ten stars if there were five more stars.
  • BeachBum2164
    Loved the October 2023 interview with David Giroux. Absolutely one of the best financial insights talks. A don’t miss!
  • Kayb248
    Love this podcast very diverse views. The hosts are very calming and ask thoughtful questions. Please keep it up and never STOP….
    What a great show! Tiffany Aliche is doing a great service.
    I listen to Morningstar weekly and enjoy Christine very much. I am a retired DIY investor and consider myself a Boglehead. I had already ordered Tiffany’s first book for my daughters family. But I’m definitely going to order her new book Made Whole for my daughter as well. Thank you Christine and Morningstar for such an insightful and practical guest !
  • Ballydehob~
    Katie Nixon was amazing
    I have listened to the Aug 29 episode of The Long View which had Katie Nixon as the guest. This is one of the best, most informative, clearly articulated podcast I’ve ever heard on what I will call personal investing. Great questions and superb answers.
  • Gay&Sweaty
    So grateful for this show!
    This podcast is your gateway to expanding your investment horizons for the long term. This show has truly helped me elevate my investment game and better secure my financial future! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • csoul62
    Usually good info
    Occasionally gets a little dry and wonky, but overall this is a great source of investing/retirement information.
  • drshakal
    Calling out Martin Lau
    Hard hitting revisit with tough questions. Unfortunately poorly and unconvincingly answered. Lau twists answers to end up with China great and Tiger parents great (tropes)! GDP growth and stock market performance NOT correlated., Difficult to convince Martin of the errors of his view when Martin’s income is dependent on perpetuating those views!! B Portony=Blather! Dr Malkiel calls out ESG! Appreciate broad focus. Betterment was a sales job. Keep up hard questions! Gus Sauter interview tour-fe-force! Wish you had pressed him on International Bogle disagreement. Allen Roth interview was fantastic inside look! Ellis Extremely useful Skillful questions of active managers who lag indexes but are eloquent with dodgy explanations as to why Example recent Ariel interview!! Keep it up! Milevsky - endless professorial drivel Purity Labelling ESG very weak - lots of opinion very little objective evidence or rationale If EU so ESG perfect ?german banks bankrupt? VW example of ESG has worker participation, community ownership and Green efforts. Yet corrupt Desil scandal etc. would ESG future have us like France? Market will respond to these pressures does not need Purity labeling!!
  • StudentInvestor
    Long View says it all
    The long View podcast by Morningstar is a welcome approach to investing. Personally, I’m only interested in learning from investors who take a long-term approach to creating an investment portfolio, and I often discover helpful insights from the guests and hosts of the Long View.
  • TJ 54321
    Too Woke
    I don’t care to hear about your left-wing woke perspectives. Not worth listening to.
  • Unhappy w/ pet app
    Manisha Thakur Interview was Exceptional!
    Thank you for the Manisha interview, this episode really reached me at a time of pre-retirement self reflection and many of the points she made really identify issues that I would like to work on. Keep up the good work…
  • Mrholp
    Favorite Investing Podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for several years now. I always find the interviews to be interesting and educational, particularly for individual investors.
  • S1667
    Softball Interviews
    There are times when Benz and Ptak need to be prepared to challenge inaccurate statements made by guests. This was the case with the Talmon Smith interview. Smith is not a thought leader in money and investing. He is more interested in racial issues, and when he made false unsupported claims, Benz and Ptak simply let them go by. Perhaps they are not well versed in non-investment topics, but Smith's history is well known. The hosts could have done extra prep work. I sent email messages to both long before posting this review, but no responses were received. Credibility is at stake when sloppy interview techniques are adopted.
  • rrk75
    Disclosures should be at start of show , not at end. Makes no sense.
  • Ric MP
    A Favorite
    I’ve been a regular listener for over a year and figured it was about time to say “great job, keep it up.” While I am always curious to know what the hosts are thinking, I really appreciate how they are mostly in listening mode and keep things moving. I also value the diversity of views expressed.
  • bfair90
    Great Episode - Aswath Damodaran
    I always enjoy the pod, but Aswath was an excellent guest with perspectives that were spot on. Keep the great content coming!
  • Getting Ready to FIRE
    Key to my ongoing financial education
    Learned so much from guests and Morningstar.
  • Mike in Smithtown
    Long Time Listener Giving Up
    I’m a long time listener to this podcast and fan of Christine Benz’s writings, but the recent podcast with Cody Garrett was ridiculous. He has so many clients that he can’t take on any more but yet he’s here to plug (repeatedly) his business and sell his brand to other financial planners now. What a great way to advertise his future endeavor. And Morningstar gave him the platform to do it. This guy’s agenda is so transparent that I can’t believe Morningstar let this podcast go out. Shame on Morningstar for this kind of rubbish. The platform is now ruined for me. The whole show just feels so insincere, dis-ingenuous, and trite. I’m out.
  • JessDeland
    No hype, excellent info
    This is my fav financial podcast. Helps cut thru the financial events of the day and keeps a long term investor focused on sticking with goals instead of being reactionary.
  • Bcf06877
    Christine Benz and Jeff Ptak are rock stars!
    Intelligent and insightful interviews with some of the most influential thought leaders in personal finance and retirement. One of my top personal finance podcasts, I never miss an episode. Highly recommended!
  • ElRose0602
    Very Informative
    The hosts ask very thoughtful questions and allow the guests to respond without interrupting and allowing them to provide their answers. They have diverse guests that are experts in their fields. I also appreciate that the hosts don’t say “you, know…” after every sentence, which drives me crazy when hosts and guests say this filler statement. This is one of my favorite podcasts!
  • pffan22
    Robotic and undiverse
    Robotic and homogenous. No diversity in the featured guests. It’s a shame The Long View is out of touch with the current environment that’s inclusive.
  • shago dedur
    Excellent podcast
    Top notch financial podcast. Great questions by fabulous qualified interviewers. I listen to many investing podcasts and The Long View is my favorite.
  • Tom Thrisen
    Top notch show!
    I appreciate the clear-eyed look at various topics without all the hype and theatrics of some shows. Just good and useful info from some very smart people.
  • Mags-of-PDX
    Useful, quality information.
    I appreciate Longview’s quality podcasts. They’re very valuable to me as a basic investor trying to learn about investing. Thank-you.
  • BCMusicLover
    Absolutely excellent broad investment and finance podcast
    This podcast offers very informative material in a manner that’s easy to understand and follow on broad topics from portfolio, investment and personal financial management as well as insights into applicable economic topics for people of all ages, all life stages, and interests. It is not a narrowly focused podcast, doesn’t aim to provide narrow guidance or information and is very relevant to all. It provides educational and practical discussion on meaningful topics. I highly recommend this podcast for everyone.
  • PCHTrojan
    Edelman interview
    Self-promoting hype abounds, more humility would be much appreciated.
    Good for Both the Beginning or Expert Investor
    The Long View presents topics that are timely and good for all levels of investors, retirees and family money managers. I enjoyed listening to Christian Bentz for many years. This podcast has value for anyone that has money invested.
  • slp735
    Stimulating conversations
    Excellent podcast! The hosts are always well-prepared with timely and thoughtful questions for the guests, leading to stimulating conversations. Thank you!
  • Loveme19!
    I love the podcast, thank you for doing it!
  • Alameda Mike
    Great questions
    Christine & Jeffrey ask a wide variety of excellent questions of all their guests.
  • Orcawise
    Excellent podcast
    This podcast has been extremely helpful for our retirement planning. Highly recommend!!!
  • Eucha 01
    Good information.
    For individual investors in after-tax accounts - a buy and hold a portfolio of individual stocks is a better philosophy than owning mutual funds because you can better control your capital gains. I remember after “Black Friday in 1987 most mutual funds lost considerable value and paid large capital gains which, for an individual investor, your balance on December 31 was down considerably from earlier in the year, but you had considerable “taxable” capital gains. If you are investing in Tax-deferred accounts or ROTH accounts and your returns are not taxable in the year they are realized, there’s not as much advantage to investing in individual stocks. Really enjoy these podcasts. Always informative.
  • ptroz
    Invaluable financial information
    One of the most important things Jeff and Christine do is broaden the audiences exposure to relevant financial topics and deconstruct them into their constituent components so they are more readily understood. Great guests with solid knowledge.. look forward to each new podcast.
  • Havy09
    Antiquated and only for Retirees
    Not for everyone
  • AMAZingAmazing007
    208 guest
    He can’t pronounce Chinese currency which is Yuan! He keeps saying Wang Wang Wang! So stupid! LOL
  • Flowerfarm2019
    Interesting guests but format is lacking
    This would be a much better show if it was more of a conversation and less a reading of pre- determined questions. There is no give-and-take around a topic. One host asks a question-the guest answers. Ignoring any follow up, the other host asks the next question. Both Christine and Jeff seem very ill at ease and stilted, Yet when Christine, at least, is a guest on other shows she is very natural and interesting to listen to. The guests are top notch.
  • Hollyrik
    No reservations here - this is THE BEST
    I am an avid listener, and nearly every episode builds on my high expectations. I’m a retiree, age 74, and perhaps transitioning from the go-go to period slo-go. Before podcasts emerged, I have whole-heartedly pointed family members who are coming up behind me in age to Christine’s advice on The podcasts simply added to my trust in the advice and relief to find a resource so helpful in retirement. Christine and Jeff address my interests regarding finances at exactly the right level of complexity with truly actionable advice.
  • PeeBee333
    Great Guests
    Christine and Jeff invite fantastic guests and are clearly prepared in advance. Thoughtful questions and great conversations. I learn something new every episode.
  • lokdinmyhous
    The long view is the most important view
    I understand technical analysis and appreciate that it shows typical human behavior when investing. However, the long view is generally using a more fundamental approach which has proven to pay off for investors, at least those who show patience. Nice job!
  • mc lake
    Very informative
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