Raw Truth: Stories of Female Infidelity


Human lives follow many paths. Presenting twists and turns and choices never planned, never expected. Temptation, anger, depression and loneliness all can lead a person to a mistake they can‘t take back. Facing judgement and isolation, a person can feel very alone. These are the voices of women who have chosen to cheat on their spouses or partners. This is RAW TRUTH... Stories of Female Infidelity

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  • Iizzed
    Monotone .
    Although I love the idea of this podcast, it doesn’t seem authentic. Given the weird background music and her telling the story every single time like she’s reading from a book.. It gives monotone and boring. But again, I really like the idea of this podcast I just wish it were the actual people telling their own story and receiving some sort of real feedback.
  • hollycolotado
    Different perspectives
    I’ve been married over 20 years. I often fantasize about other men and use this podcast to remind myself that cheating is not worth it. I appreciate the stories and hope I can find true happiness without cheating on the only man that has ever truly loved me.
  • EastCoastJT
    Bad Person & Bad Advice
    This podcast is pro-infidelity. The host makes excuses for cheating and blames the betrayed partner. The host and most of the guests have no remorse. If you want to hear dramatic stories, here it is. If you want to have a good and stable marriage, avoid this like the plague. Absolutely disgusting.
  • Babyb0310
    So glad i found this
    I am stuck in an unhappy marriage and I often daydream of having someone to turn to as a distraction. I can relate to so many of the womens stories.
  • 15802759077
    Excellent perspectives
    I love the content of this podcast. I think it’s important for others to see that they’re not alone in their relationship issues and to normalize being unsatisfied with your life and taking responsibility for your own happiness (as one letter writer put it). After narrating each submission, the presenter will then talk for quite a while - asking questions, giving her opinion, and even making medical suggestions (which made me look at the radio funny - that really isn’t appropriate if you’re not a licensed counselor, therapist, psychiatrist, or doctor). I wonder what it would be like to partner with a professional and take that analysis to another level or at least provide some additional context? Might be pretty cool. I find this podcast extremely interesting and I’m a little confused about what it actually is. The stories are read somewhat theatrically, featuring background music and the presenter taking on a very soft, almost breathy voice-actress type voice. Or maybe that’s her actual voice, who knows? It can be distracting because as I listen, I start to feel like I’m listening to some sort of audiobook or radio drama. Is it about just sharing the stories? Giving people support and advice? Analyzing relationship dynamics? I’ll keep listening and figure it out. Would recommend!
  • Mega E Man
    Bad podcast for husbands! All women cheat channel
    When I hear about this podcast I was okay let see the women side of things. But more I learned about these women it was all about there needs above everything. There was a not so much a lady taking about she step out in her marriage in about one year she was 25 men. That is just sick, what happened to good old talking things out as a couple not now a day’s. I hope these husbands do find out so they can get there wife’s so help.
  • Adicorleto
    Too slow and broken up
    I want to like this podcast but stories are unnecessarily broken up into 2 or 3 parts. I’d rather listen to a long episode than 3 30 minute parts. Just waaaaay too slow for me.
  • forever312momma
    Great content, but…
    Enjoy the raw content, but the music is so distracting and unnecessary! The stories are dramatic on their own. I want to keep listening, but not sure I can take the awful background noise.
  • CJ34561
    Love the show!
    Love the show! It helps me feel not so alone, and to better understand what happened in my life. Keep up the great work!
  • vox.mollis
    I can save you a lot of listening. Every story goes like this: I was boning from age 13. I boned 47592944 men by the time I was 21. I got married young to a “nice guy”. He sucked in bed but was a good provider and loved my 4 children from 5 different fathers. In a shocking turn of events, you cannot turn a garden tool into a housewife. So, I cheated. I felt no regret. My husband doesn’t know. As long as his paycheck keeps coming, I’ll keep doing my thing. I am totally a good person.
  • Well, perhaps.....
    Rambling entirely too much
    I was really enjoying this podcast when I first subscribed but then I realized that this lady just talks and talks and talks. She obviously loves to talk. Please keep things brief, short and sweet, good grief! You seem to get very boring when you just continue to ramble after reading a story. And perhaps let the people sending in the stories come on and tell their own stories. That way your subscribers would get a break from your rambling on and on. Thanks
  • Luci F.
    In love!
    I am a new listener but man, these stories and point of views are so amazing to hear! I myself have never experienced any of the sort, but I have friends that have and it makes me understand them and their side a little bit more:) Great podcast and so worth a listen! Keep up the great work ;)
  • StantonOP
    This podcast is the perfect mix of candor, edge, and storytelling that also gives an important voice to wayward women. Their stories help us all understand the complex issue of female infidelity, for those who are willing to listen. Rebecca is the perfect host! She is the real-est podcaster I've ever heard! She is full of warmth and empathy, funny and passionate, with a deep and driving desire to do good in this World. Her experience and compassion are only surpassed by her refusal to negatively judge the women who strayed. Her Patreon side of the podcast is rediculously only $3 a month, and full of content from the male perspective of. Being a betrayal spouse or partner. This only demonstrates to me that this is truly her passion project, and so worth it! Thank you Rebecca! You are definitely a light in this World, and an inspiration to others!
  • Shquib
    Nothing like it
    Love the open and free feel to this podcast, host Rebecca is great !!!
  • ZackDaNerd
    Excellent Listen!!
    Huge fan of the folks who run the show, always putting out quality content!
  • 1968raynebow
    No judgment
    This podcast really allows persons who have cheated on their partner to explain and explore their reasons, how they felt, what happened after. I’ve learned more than I expected and it can help listeners examine their own relationships.
  • Ihsharky
    Love this
    I love this podcast! Storytelling is great and loves that it’s focused on women, so many times men are made to be the bad guy when infidelity happens bo matter male or female! Thank you for producing this show
  • Mandii Magic
    Started well but… Timestamp please!
    UPDATE: So because I didn’t give a 5 star glowing review your suggestion is to just not listen? I never said I didn’t like the podcast, you failed to mention that in your response in Lets Ponder 23… I essentially asked for more story and less filler like in the beginning. I would like to think that you’d be open to constructive criticism from your listeners. Started off really good but then has turned into 20 mins of her bragging about doing Audible books, playing clips to persuade you to pay for her Patreon, reading articles then finally 10 mins of an actual story. Please provide a timestamp for those who just want to get to the story.
  • Rocky4Real
    So Intriguing
    Many times, when it comes to affairs between a man and a woman, the woman is always labeled the villain. The man can usually return to his “happy” life with just a few scratches. I love that this podcast allows us to really delve into the raw truth of the affair. People make mistakes, or peoples will power gets the best of them. Either way, I am here for these intriguing stories. Great job Rebecca!
  • NotBAMF
    Original and Intriguing
    So this is obviously a different concept in the podcast world full of true crime and movie reviews. Raw Truth is an open and honest look at the choices women have made and what regrets (or lack thereof) came with those choices. Rebecca’s narration is stellar and really makes the stories gripping.
  • Talk2Q
    Transparency at its best!
    I love the way this show lays it all out for the audience to get a true sense of what goes into the mind of a woman when infidelity occurs. It's not as simple as men seeing a big butt and a smile and stepping out of a relationship. For women, a lot of times it appears to be more to it than that. This podcast does a great job of giving examples of why some women stray from their marriages. I hope that more guys listen and learn from these stories to help strengthen their marriage where it may be lacking.
  • Captain_14
    First time
    Very insightful and thoughtful. Shared on an open dialogue.
  • S.D. Booker
    Great content and concept
    I’m new to the party but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed listening to this Podcast over the last few days. As a man, it’s eye-opening and informative. Keep the stories coming!!
  • Farvegas
    Great needed podcast
    This is the great and very needed podcast in today’s judgmental social media world. Thank you for doing the heavy lifting !!
  • Kattygrrrl
    Really interesting
    Rebecca hosts such a unique show in this podcast and presents it in a non-judgements way. I think this show gives insight about a topic that many don’t have the courage to discuss.
  • Come On Man Podcast
    Provacative, that's for sure!
    I'll admit, I am not an advocate of cheating at all. I think if you have a problem in a relationship, you need to end it cleanly. That being said, Rebecca gives women a safe place to tell their stories of why they were unfaithful. The stories are very interesting indeed. Well done!
  • TechTimeRadio with Nathan Mumm
    Great Podcast
    Raw, Real, Realistic and Informative
  • Jesse0993
    Absolutely fascinating
    I love this podcast. Being honest about the reasons why. It helps put others relationships in perception without judging before you know the whole story.
  • lgzeey
    Safe space
    It is so awesome to know that women have a place to speak freely, safely, and without judgment. This show is paving the way for normalcy and acceptance. Fantastic show!
  • Rogue Darkness
    Unique and Interesting!
    When I first heard about this podcast I wasn’t sure what to think going in, but after listening to a few episodes I quickly fell in love with it! The honesty and rawness of each story is refreshing and it highlights the struggles we all face, even if we may make different choices in our own lives. Amazing job, Rebecca! - Rae (Rogue Darkness Podcast)
  • sloopy1957
    Probably the number one question from the male. I can only tell you why in my case. She was bored. I was unattractive and boring. So she found her boss, a LCDR in the medical Corp, Navy more attractive. So attract the she fell very romantically in love with him. He was also married. When she finally figured out, she would have to explain her pregnancy and divorce from me to her parents and siblings, I suddenly wasn’t so plain. Sad that I never have been desired that way. That is a huge mistake on my part. I lost out on romantic love. I’m pretty plain. But successful. Good provider. Guess her DNA kicked in. But I lost any pride I had. And I’ve never really been loved.
  • AaronLipsky
    Great concept, cool shows!
  • NUPE1949
    Real Conversation
    This is a great podcast if you care about your personal growth and you want to know more about someone else’s perspective on things. It has taught me a lot about what goes through the mind of a woman when she decides to be unfaithful. This is information I plan to use in my future relationships in order to make sure my lady and I are on the same page. It is also a way to recognize that it isn’t always for just fun and pleasure but a way of escaping something or fulfilling a need without knowing how to do it in a healthy way.
  • NightmaresRFun
    Time to be honest
    I’m giving this podcast 5 stars for two reasons. 1) it’s interesting 2) for some reason a few people gave it a 1-star but couldn’t be bothered to leave a single reason why.
  • marinedog28
    A Pleasure!
    I hesitate to call this podcast a guilty pleasure because it’s honest and deals with the controversial topic of infidelity. That being said, the production value is great and the impassioned retelling of these scintillating tales makes for an informative and entertaining listen
  • Dereleaked88
    Challenging and Honest
    Raw Truth tackles a difficult aspect of relationships with fascination and honesty. The show stands alone in terms of creativity and exploring untreaded slice of life podcasting territory. Give this a listen and subscribe, especially if you're looking for an alternative to less focused talk radio or other podcasts.
  • Dawgs6372
    Amazing podcast and great host!
    Rebecca brings out things that most people can't talk about with friends and family in fear of being judged. Women send the stories as to why they cheated in and it is read on their behalf anonymously. I would recommend as it is very non-judgmental and both sides of infidelity can relate and can learn from these stories.
  • guentherMel77
    Great Podcast!
    I love this podcast! Rebecca is so brave to touch on a subject that so many want to keep hush hush! Thanks for what you do and keep the episodes coming! Melanie @ Murders, Missing & Misconduct
  • Amy A in Texas
    Real and Raw
    Rebecca does a great job sharing stories of infidelity and giving people a sounding board so they don’t feel alone, can find hope, and ultimately healing. This is not an easy topic, but it’s an important one. Worth listening to!
  • Huycuf
    Someone who understands
    It’s hard to find other women who understand the pain, confusion, and life-changing consequences of an affair when it is from the perspective of a woman who has cheated. I now know I am not alone and that most of us thought we would never go down that road to find us where we are now. Thank you for this podcast! (Please keep this review anonymous)
  • Tech Tv Tuber
    Long time coming..
    This is the type of Podcast we need out here.. A podcast that has very courageous women telling their stories.. Can wait to hear more...
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