Buried Bones - a historical true crime podcast with Kate Winkler Dawson and Paul Holes


On Buried Bones, journalist Kate Winkler Dawson and retired investigator Paul Holes dissect some of history’s most compelling true crime cases from centuries ago. Together, they explore these very old cases through a 21st century lens. With their years of expertise and knowledge of modern forensics, they reflect on how far science has come and bring new insight to old mysteries. Together, Kate and Paul have examined many cases including the 1932 Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the first time fingerprinting was used as evidence in a courtroom and a possible serial killer in 1960s Nashville. They ask, was the right person convicted or was someone wrongfully accused?See pictures, diagrams and evidence from each case on Instagram @buriedbonespod.Buried Bones is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including true crime, comedic interviews, news, science, pop culture and more. The network is home to My Favorite Murder hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, This Podcast Will Kill You, That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, Tenfold More Wicked and more.

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Recent Reviews
  • Whatweirdmusic
    Respectfully produced and exceptionally researched
    Paul and Kate continue to bring integrity to true crime podcasts. I’m so grateful to have been introduced to these exceptionally smart and thoughtful voices in this space: a true crime journalist, professor of history, incredible author Kate Winkler Dawson, and the dream boy retired cold case investigator Paul Holes who is directly responsible for solving the cold cases that kept me up at night. These two are legendary. Thank you so much for your contributions to this genre, to the pursuit of justice, and your thoughtful perspectives on these stories.
  • TheQuiltedMoose
    Pretty good
    I want to like this and I mostly do, but the two part episodes are so annoying.
  • Amandikang
    This show is great. I love the content, the stories are engaging and Paul Holes never fails. The try hard witty banter led by Kate is pretty cringey sometimes. Kate also gets this laughable voice going for the ads like she’s cosplaying an actor and its also a little off putting (i’ve had friends veto the podcast on roadtrips after the first ad but IMO its nothing you cant skip over).
  • EndCapitalismNow
    What happened?!
    Is it just me or does there seem to be 100 ads per episode now?! I tried to listen to the latest and gave up a third of the way through because there were so many stinking ads!
  • Kalina bo-bina
    Great listen but
    Am I the only one triggered when Paul talks about a 150 pound woman as being heavy and overweight?
  • JanKayDay
    Love this!
    One of my favors podcasts. I love Kate and Paul. They have great chemistry! I follow anything they do in podcasts. So y’all should know. You can have a surgery where you have the same vision as contacts but no contacts and it’s stress free comparatively. I live in Austin and dr Dell’s team did a great job. You’ll need reading glasses but no stress other than that.
  • g7wz09
    Wanted to love it
    Too much Kate, not enough Paul.
  • StopBeingGullible
    Manages to get worse
    Never the best podcast and full of inaccuracies but the ads and pointless banter do a great job of frustrating the listener and fill time to hide the fact that the story itself is maybe 20 minutes long. Total cash grab at this point. Paul is too good for this nonsense.
  • Nicola Em
    The ads can be a bit much but Skippers Unite! As far as the banter, I feel they hardly talk to each other and I’d love to hear more about them; Kate loves to dive into a story haha.
  • Creative Arts Director
    Great show but ADS way too many
    I do like this show and the format of solving very old unsolved cases. The cases are interesting and good finds not well known at all. The two hosts work well together and are both very good. My complaint is the amount of ads. It’s way too many and it becomes irritating. You going to lose some listeners because of it. Please scale down for your audience.
  • tiptophoops
    History plus murder plus Paul Holes!!
    Best show about historical murders!!
  • Faydo29
    Too many adds😔
    You two make a great team - enjoy the banter and the way you present and articulate the information. I learn something new from each episode.
  • DenverNon-hiker7
    This podcast doesn’t really offer any unique insights-many of the things they mention are basic things anyone who’s ever watched any true crime shows would have at least elementary knowledge of. A bit boring
  • Jocelyn102
    Great show!
    Love this show! The level of ads is a bit crazy— 20 minutes in and three sets of commercials already.
  • BTRiley123
    Interesting - Cases & Duo
    I’m a big fan of this podcast - it has quickly come to rival my love of MFM because I so enjoy trying to guess what details Paul will zero in on next! I already knew I loved Kate’s depth of knowledge about the eras they often discuss and respect for research from her show Tenfold More Wicked. Only complaint - I hate waiting 🤣 I’m the type of person who waits for a whole season to be released on Hulu before bingeing it. So, much like Paul was noting the recent Cigar Girl episodes I have to wait two weeks when they release a two-parter so I don’t lose my mind waiting for part two. Their different backgrounds, personalities, and perspectives always keep things interesting - and Kate does a great job hopping around the timeline to keep things fresh. Give this show a listen - you won’t be sorry!
  • graycie08
    Surprised (in a good way)
    I thought I wouldn’t like historical true crime as much as modern day events, but Kate and Paul make it so educational and insightful.
  • Twitchy13
    I believe that the offender did have a grudge against the family. As a felon, he probably very much desired the “happy family” that he was never going to have. So he committed this crime to break up the family.
  • Kdog_B12
    Too many ads, too much chatter
    I have listened to this podcast for years, but now there’s an ad every five minutes and the first 10-15 minutes are spent with off topic chatter to lengthen the episodes. It’s a shame, this has become a money-grab.
  • Sldykema
    Day one listener and just love the way you two work together sharing your expertise.
  • Ycgonzalez
    Would prefer single episodes
    There’s been too many 2-part episodes, please stick to only 1 part episodes. The chemistry isn’t great. I always skip the chit chat in the beginning.
  • alp735
    Paul Holes is great
    KWD is just annoying. I’ve listened from day 1. She picks kind of boring cases and then strings out the telling of the story in the most annoying way. Ugh. Paul Holes is the best.
  • Pink Crime
    Best in the biz
    I’ve been a happy listener since day 1. I’ve listened to other podcasts with these two separately, so I was ecstatic when I heard the announcement they were making a podcast together. If ads bother you, just skip past them. 🤷‍♀️
  • pegalooch
    Great podcast!
    I really enjoy this post! Each episode is so interesting and well done. I am glad to have been introduced to these two through Exactly Right, after starting with My Favorite Murder years ago. It has a good balance of personality and information and the stories are intriguing.
  • Putty McClegg
    I look forward to Wednesdays!
    This review is long overdue. I’ve listened to all of Kate Winkler Dawson’s podcasts and of course as a murderino I love Paul Holes. I also love history, especially the dark side, and I love hearing about forensic techniques and detective work from the professionals. So Buried Bones has it all! Wednesday morning is my housecleaning day and this show always engrosses me while I do my boring house chores. Whenever I see that new episode waiting for me on Wed morn, I think, oh goody!
  • J-Haste
    My absolute favorite!!
    This is my absolute favorite podcast. Your voices are perfect together and the way you weave together the past with modern Crime investigative practices is amazing. I eagerly await Wednesdays! Jennifer
  • Simpsons211
    Great show, WAY too many ads now
    Like the title says, great show with some interesting cases, but WAY WAY too many commercials now than in earlier episodes. It’s like watching TV, every 5 minutes there’s an ad.
  • al monk
    Perfect duo!
    These two were meant to have a podcast together! Literally the BEST!
  • Elizabeth_K_
    Fascinating Story Telling
    I very much so enjoy this podcast. Paul Holes’ take on old cases are so interesting, and Kate does a great job of picking cases. However, please place ads better! They start playing mid-sentence. It’s so disruptive to the story. Can you find a different placement or add some transitional music?
  • Kanstense11
    Historical and Fantastic
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. I appreciate Kate and her research along with Paul’s forensic feedback. The stories are fascinating.
  • annajacoby
    I look forward to every episode!
    Paul and Kate are true professionals and I love listening to them so much. The cases might be old, but Paul’s contribution to the discussion is always incredible and I learned so much every single time. I highly recommend it!
  • Khoffman4
    Not just another true crime podcast
    Stumbled upon this show and fell in love with it. It’s not another set of young woman that are difficult to listen to because of their vocal fry and poor use of English. These are intelligent, well spoken adults that present a clear story. It definitely holds my attention. Two thumbs up! Keep up the great work!
  • Nezzie59
    One of my favorites
    Buried Bones is one of my favorite podcasts! I love hearing about old crimes and how new science with Paul Holes would approach solving them! Thank you!
  • JennyJuBee
    One of my faves
    Unique and great storytelling! Love hearing from you both!
  • eselshor
    One of my favorites
    This show is awesome. Love y’all’s voices.
  • Gjsirbfnsk
    Love Paul Holes
    Title says it all- I love Paul Holes. He brings so much to the podcast. Kate Winkler, ugh. So annoying.
  • Disappointed with Crayola
    Stop interrupting mid sentence.
    I tried to like this show but they’ve now begun interrupting mid-sentence with advertisements. No warning, no break. It just sounds like the host starts rambling about products. Won’t listen again. Too bad Paul Holes, you’ve done much better.
  • XenaBlu
    Love all your podcasts
    I love this podcast. I will miss your other podcast but glad that your continuing this podcast with Paul. 🩷🩷
  • Marc Nischan
    My Current Binge
    I love the storytelling aspect of this podcast. You are kind of solving it along with Paul and Kate as the facts are revealed. Fascinating and entertaining.
  • Chi-chi-13
    Love it!
    Great duo.
  • wickedlees
    I have a brand new favorite podcast! The detail!!!! I love you Paul!!! Marry me! 😂
  • Ms Kara
    A true crime best
    Paul Holes and Kate Winkler Dawson’s true crime podcast, Buried Bones, is in my top 5 all time favorite podcasts. Been listening since the beginning and I never miss an episode. I love how they investigate these fascinating cases together using their individual expertise, Paul and Kate have amazing chemistry. This podcast a must for all those interested in true crime.
  • long Island Pat
    Intellectual and Compassionate
    I love both podcasters individually but together even better! I appreciate the historical and educational info and analysis on these important cases. They are also incredibly compassionate and respectful! Great pairing of unique and interesting people!
  • n_cape
    Love this. Fresh cases I’ve never heard with legitimate research. Perfect length and insightful conversations. Never the same type of case. This is what a podcast should be when complete research is done and knowledgeable people talk about it!
  • I’m a Georgia 😉
    Love this podcast!
    One of my favorite podcasts! Can’t wait to hear each new episode!
  • RowanCastle
    A truly exceptional true crime podcast (and goodness knows I’ve listened to nearly all of them)! I love how intelligent and well-informed both Paul and Kate are, and how great their rapport is! I’ve learned so much, and corrected some misconceptions I’d developed, either on my own or from my over-consumption of true crime media. Truly just phenomenal!
  • tcrazyhouse5
    Great Listen
    Great new podcast to add to my library. Between Kate’s storytelling, and Paul’s forensic knowledge and insight, what’s not to like!
  • mom5132
    One of my favorite go to podcasts😊 I love the banter, personal and otherwise. I love to hear the stories unfold and Paul’s take on them. Pleas keep up the great work and thank you for such great content 🧡
  • DC madam
    All ads all the time
    Couldn’t even follow the content. Too many ad interruptions
  • Jackie_BBB
    A good listen
    Really great story telling and some fun banter between the hosts. Although i think we can do without on extended chatter about things like getting contacts. I also died laughing at Kate talking about how nice the town of Fall River is. Girl, no it ain't 😂
  • mamamaloney
    Purrington Maine Family
    Wondering if this was an attack from The Man from the Train?
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