

In order to tell the story of a crime, you have to turn back time. Every season, Investigative journalist Delia D'Ambra digs deep into a mind-bending mystery with the hopes of reigniting interest in a decades old homicide case.

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  • Lin-z11
    Host issues
    This show would be good if the host didn’t talk so much about how thorough she is at investigating. After the 6th time I had to turn it off.
  • ArykOwen
    I like Park Predators, one of Delia’s shows. I like the focus on the victim and the interesting stories that come with them. I generally don’t like to listen to sensationalized true crime stories about rape and murder though. However, it takes a while to find a podcast that is interesting and doesn’t have annoying hosts so in between seasons of things I like tried Counterclock. I hate it. I listened to most of season 1. The host thinks that her opinions and coincidences are relevant or mean anything. I’m ACAB all day every everyday but it’s annoying that she always thinks she knows better than the investigators (that’s an issue in Park Predators too). I don’t think Delia is a good investigator at all. She annoys the police, asks people leading questions, and is annoyed when people don’t want to talk to her. It’s not at all strange that someone who had nothing to do with the murder (even if you think they did) to not want to be bothered about something that happened 20 years ago. Especially if they were hounded at the time and suspected by their community. I wouldn’t want to be in this horrible podcast either. It’s a disservice to the case, to the family, and the investigation. I can’t finish season 1 and definitely won’t continue. I promise it’s nothing personal against Delia, I just think she can do better.
  • old twink?
    Another Audio Chuck Win
    I love investigative journalism and a podcast that deep dives into a single case and this is probably one of the best I’ve heard
  • NikkiD0107
    Best season yet
    Wow! Season 6 is the best one yet. It is crazy how it ties into your personal life; talk about a full circle moment. But then how insane these stories are, it’s like the saying that “the truth is stranger than fiction”. I hope these families get the long awaited justice they deserve after the renewed light was shed on their stories. Side note: there is a podcast (Prison Town) about my hometown that has jaw dropping twists and turns like this one. Give it a listen after you finish counter clock!
  • Dogfreak9k
    Great Podcast👍
    This is so well put together and she really delves into looking for answers and speaking to whoever she needs to to get to the bottom of questions and find answers. Great podcast will continue to listen to all seasons.
  • WhitneySimps
    My favorite true crime podcast
    This is such a well put together podcast! Delia does a fantastic job presenting the evidence and I love all the interviews with people tied to the story. Season 6 was awesome! So many questions still but I hope everything gets bright to light soon. Thanks for making such great content!
  • Coins56796521389
    Season 6 Let Down
    I LOVE Counter Clock, but Season 6 was terrible. Hard to follow, all over the place, disjointed, and in the end, unsatisfying. Felt as if there were so many strings that were supposed to be connected but the more you wait and listen, it never gets there. Will wait for S7 to bring back Delia’s amazing reporting.
  • Hambillsio
    Good journalism, not just teasy, sleazy, murderporn
    I’m about 3/4 through season 1, so I’m not sure how much headway is actually made. But I do want to say that the producers have a level of respect for their audience that comes across through their patience and reluctance to use cheap “cliffhanger” style tactics that lead to no resolution in the next episode(s) but kinda trick the listener into continue listening. Also- because the case is 20 or so years old, and the crime was committed in Kill Devil Hills ON A LOCAL, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if putting this case back in the spotlight, possibly providing a little pressure for the police to do a little police work- will help solve it soon. The Manteo police and the KDH police butter their bread with vacationers getting intoxicated and either driving drunk or doing something else that’s stupid and gets them caught up in a game of “pay to post bail, pay for a lawyer, pay for a hotel and dinner when they inevitably have to come back to court (at least once), pay court costs, pay to opt out of community service, etc…. The cops down there have figured out how to basically PRINT money year round- it’d be a shame to actually spend some of that money and and time getting a murder solved. The crime doesn’t appear to be committed by some mastermind. Put a detective on the case that cares, and they will have someone in cuffs lickity-split. Thanks for the high quality production and the attention to detail and respect for the victim. 👍
  • KatyJBean69
    Delia should adopt an unbiased metric for picking cold cases
    This podcast should develop an unbiased metric for selecting cold cases to cover. I offer this suggestion with the utmost respect for Delia, as I know her heart is in the right place and she produces incredible work. However, I am concerned that a potential bias towards her home state is causing her to select of interesting cases that are more challenging to solve. This isn't just about entertainment. The more interesting cases are easier for people to connect to and for Delia and audience to provide new perspectives that many of these cases need. As Delia mentioned in the first episode, she can’t cover every case. Therefore, she should focus on cases that meet specific criteria, rather than letting those connected to her home state “catch her eye.”
  • changintheworldonelyricatatime
    Season 6 is a stretchhhh
    As the title suggests, season 6 is a stretch. There is very little evidence, lots of conspiracy theories that don’t actually connect together, too many characters and stories that don’t have anything to do with each other. Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting for sure! But it’s not a complete story.
  • Shezza Incognito
    Both good, second season even better
    Well-researched, two compelling mysteries, and engaging real-life characters . The second season is my personal favorite as it feels especially relevant at a time when racial injustices the criminal justice system is being recognized. As a fellow UNC journalism major like Delia D’Ambra, I am exciting to know that we were in the same program.
  • Rurhcbdye
    Great storytelling!
    Delia has done a marvelous job of telling a complicated story and painting an accurate picture of Eastern NC. From one native North Carolinian to another- thank you!
  • AGall8
    First few seasons are great - latter season are too much conspiracy
    Title says it. Really enjoyed the first few seasons but these last few go down too many rabbit holes and jump to extreme places too often with little evidence to actually back it up.
  • jordanpaul0203
    I usually look so forward to CounterClock. However, this season was a really big disappointment. I don’t really think the other cases tied into Doug‘s case very well. It was confusing and I didn’t really care for the angle that was portrayed this season. I feel like the last couple seasons haven’t really gotten anywhere to help solve the cases, compared to the earlier seasons.
  • rkmiranda322
    Season 6 was tough
    I have enjoyed the previous seasons of Counter Clock, but season 6 was really difficult to get through. Very little to no new evidence, chock full of conspiracy theories, and hard to follow.
  • Bschora
    1st Impressions.
    @ Ep.1. The recordings are rough. Difficult to hear. I hope they aren’t used too heavily moving forward. 3 Stars because of this. All the way up to Ep.4, terrible interview recordings. I can’t understand key things being said. It’s painful. When the recordings are played the colume needs to be turned up to hear adequately, then the narrator speaks, the volume must be lowered... oy. Btw. Season 4 Bonus Q&A is borderline manic. This level of discussion will absolutely sabotage credibility. Put a lid on it. Keep it sane and logical. I almost had to turn it off. S5. Cucchiara. 14 episodes? Too Long. Especially for a cold case. Holy cow. Had to take notes to remember it all. The poor kids getting shafted for all that money. Follow the money! They’ll find who did this. Who profited the most? We know. S6E12, at the end, the recording is SO BAD, I can’t hear what the guy is saying! Then the host comes back with, “This sounded like a group I needed to know more about…” WHAT?! WHAT?! Ok, S6 Bonus Q&A, Way Too Amped & Chatty. Had to turn it off. Too bad for me, I don’t get to know the EXCITING NEWS!
  • parkereddy
    Missed the mark
    I enjoyed past podcasts by this reporter but this one missed the mark. This one was a stretch to say the least. I hope the next one isn’t so speculative / conspiratorial and leans more on facts. This one hurt her credibility.
  • Purpleluna7
    Hmmmm… Season 6 feels like a miss
    I appreciate anyone willing to investigate a possible murder for the victim and their families, but this season is very difficult to follow with lots of rabbit holes and conspiracy theories that don’t add up. Confusing and frustrating. Delia’s investigations in all the other seasons have been fantastic.
  • KyrosThunder
    Please re-edit Season 6
    I love Counter Clock but season 6 needs to be re-edited. I don’t know if they have a new editor or what, but nothing makes sense. Rerelease it as Season 6 version 2 or something. This will benefit everyone, even though I already listened to season 6 a few times already I’d listen to the re-edited one again.
  • DeyoeKing
    D’Ambra is a true unicorn!
    There are great investigative reporters who are good podcastsers, and good investigative reporters who are great podcasters. Ms. D’Ambra stands out above them all!
  • Footypj
    Please get an editor
    Season 6 is a mess.
  • capaychica
    Finally, a serious true crime podcast host
    Interesting story and well-reported. Unlike many true crime podcast hosts, Delia presents her stories like a serious journalist. She does her research and collects information directly from witnesses, not just hearsay. No nonsense reporting without all the breathless gossip and sensational drama that other podcasters bank on.
  • LuckyLou52
    Compelling story dragged out unnecessarily
    BEYOND DISGUSTED THE DMV PROVIDED ANY INFORMATION TO YOU ABOUT A LICENSE PLATE! This is a violation of the Drivers Privacy Protection Act. You can’t have that information for a reason. The person at the DMV should be fired immediately. You also admit to hiring someone to illegally track DMV records. Do better research before putting out information that makes it seem like these is easy and legal to obtain. And while you’re at it, look up why the DPPA exists.
  • speaking biblical truth
    Just like other media
    Seems to take peoples words and twist them to fit her agenda. Disrespectful towards people she interviews.
  • EH265
    Season 6 Fell Flat
    No new evidence, no good twists and turns like prior season, just speculative rabbit holes that probably have no relation to the actual death. Prior seasons were much more interesting.
  • Caseyb1910
    Love To Binge Listen
    Great podcast! I look forward to every new season!
  • Lex Wrong
    10/10 - but what happened to bonus episodes?
    Love this podcast! So bingeable! However what happened to the bonus episodes on szn 3? Anyone know why they’re only cut to 4 mins? It just cut off for me and I was so upset lol. Otherwise, great podcast! One of my favorites. Thank you Delia for your hard work! ❣️
    Amazing podcast
    Once I start a season I can't stop listening. The detail on each case is top notch.
  • a6675
    By far one of the only crime podcasters I can bear to listen too. She is intriguing, keeps you thinking and guessing. She isnt a detective so she may not “solve” it but she asks all thr right questions and probes into things that others should have. Keep up good work and ignore hater reviews.
  • SEPJourno
    Hope the first few seasons are better
    I started listening to this podcast with season 6 and just finished season 5. I appreciate all the research and the thoroughness but I agree with a lot of the other reviews. I had a hard time finishing the episodes. When I have to keep rewinding, I know it’s hard to follow. Although a lot of the circumstances certainly seemed shady, there was a lot of insinuation but no actual proof to back it up. I’m an investigative journalist myself and I would never be allowed to come to the speculative conclusions she presented in season 6. She also should have kept her dad out of season 6. Although white collar crime is a little boring, I was impressed by how much research she dug up in season 5. Overall, I do appreciate her as a journalist and will try out the first 4 seasons.
    Very much enjoy the podcast, and enjoy the style in which the story is represented to us .
  • BMMeg
    Not the best season
    Counterclock is my favorite podcast ever & i recommend it to anyone looking for a podcast. I am not a fan of the new format of the podcast, with 2 episodes being released a week. It made the story much harder to follow and there were so many details that got lost for me in this format. Really hoping that future seasons go back to the prior format because otherwise this is a miss for me
  • JRod7345
    Not What I Expected
    Delia’s investigation took a turn and the listener is taken to different areas which was unexpected. This season was disappointing based on the premise that a gentleman found on the railroad tracks was somehow killed. Yet, no evidence was shown that this is what happened. Just alot of opinions about corrupt police and how the victim could not have killed himself. I know you can’t always hit a home run with a story, but this was a bunt. Good luck on the next Counter Clock.
  • EmilyJ105
    Not Great
    I’ve listened to every season, and this one was tough to finish. Too many storylines that never seemed to “fit,” and Doug’s story was completely lost. I don’t know…if you’re new to this podcast, start with previous seasons that were (in my opinion) much better. Or get your Delia fix with Park Predators—so good!
  • -brookens-
    I’ve been disappointed in the last few seasons. It just feels like she is reaching for something that isn’t there. It’s hard to listen or become invested in the stories.
  • ChrisRiceNY
    Lost interest
    Detailed, but way too drawn out. 11 episodes into season 1 (listening in 2024) and finally completely lost interest because there are too many leads and the show lost momentum. It’s important work, of course, but just not engaging for listeners.
  • pete1698214
    Last 2 seasons were not good
    It’s a free podcast but she should be paying us to listen…….
  • DeacRipps
    Best Audiochuck
    Best Audiochuck podcast. More facts, less liberal bias. Quite a bit of “arm chair law enforcement” but that’s part of investigative journalism…I suppose.
  • KA retirement
    A Little Confusing on Season 6
    I have been waiting for an update as to what listeners have been emailing to you and Ashley regarding a Q&A, I have not seen anything I had thought maybe that would shed some light on what actually transpired between both of the deaths that you discovered. Still waiting.
  • Hizzle2010
    Tried very hard
    Delia is my fav podcaster, but damn… this one was so boring and hard to follow. No offense to the story and family, hope we get better coverage and audio support on the next one. 🤞🏼
  • Karen1855
    Too drawn out. Frequently redundant. If leaving out unnecessary parts, could probably say everything in 4-5 episodes but there’d be less money from ad revenue
  • the locacious one
    Get to the point
    The first 6 minutes of podcast the host talks about herself & explains why she can’t take on every case someone e-mails her about. Duh. Next the obligatory background on the victim & interviews with the family. I have a feeling the host is going to have a problem getting to the point. If this continues I’ll quit listening as I prefer true crime podcasts that get to the point & focus on the facts of the case & don’t fill time with extraneous information. No wonder it’s 14 episodes ! OK I’m back & the host is starting to get preachy & talking about her views on addiction & personal responsibility. Is she a former addict ? I doubt it as she is very judgmental. I don’t listen to true crime podcasts to get the host’s opinion or get extraneous information. I find the best TC podcasts get to the point & just give the facts. I’m done listening to this podcast & anything this host puts out. Maybe she could listen to the true crime podcast True Crime South Africa where the host goes through the crime in chronological order & just gives the facts & she never gives her personal opinion. Very professional. Maybe the host could learn a thing or two by listening to True Crime S Africa. OK so I’m back for the third time & last time.Let me just clarify my above comments were about the beginning of season 6 episode 1. A funny thing happened when I went to bed late & was tired-I accidentally started listening to Season 1 & it was fantastic ! The host does a deep dive into the case & tracks down witnesses & interviews them. I still didn’t care for the start of episode 1 in season 6 when she continued to harp on why she couldn’t take on every case submitted by listeners & got preachy about addiction, but I admit I jumped the gun a bit as the host seems to be very smart, a great investigator, & a great storyteller. I changed my rating from 1 star to 5 star & really look forward to the other 5 seasons & would recommend this podcast to everyone who is a true crime junkie like me. It’s simply on of the best I’ve ever heard. Ranks up there with Payne Lindey’s Up & Vanished season about the Tara Grindstat case & season 1 To Live & Die in LA as in both cases the podcast host helped solve the crime & were great investigators & podcasters. Lesson learned-I need to be more patient.
  • Abby_Sellers
    Look forward to it every year!
    Delia is one of my favorite investigative journalists (if not THE favorite). She is thorough, considerate, well researched, and a great writer/story teller! I highly recommend the whole series. I hope for justice for all the victims profiles in these series. ETA: the critiques of Season 6 are valid. It did not feel as cohesive as previous seasons and was much more speculative. I’m a CJ Fanclub member and was able to binge listen. I still struggled to follow the threads. That doesn’t change my 5 starts because I’m rating the whole show not the one season. And regardless of how season 6 was done, it still profiled victims and families that need justice. I hope they find it.
  • jameelahayes
    Similar to other listeners…
    I hate to give an audiochuck show a bad review but after seeing just a few of the most recent reviews I feel almost validated. This is not the first time they’ve lost me with this podcast but I thought I’d try again with season 6. I hope they take this as constructive criticism because I love most audiochuck shows. I literally had zero idea of what was going on then episode 9 came and she did a quick recap and I realized yeah - I’ve lost the entire plot, no idea who anyone is, not sure where it’s going or how we got to where we are, unsure of the point, and one of the interviews I completely could not understand the person which isn’t their fault at all. I think it’s on the podcast editors, host, etc. to clarify or recap what the person said knowing they may have a heavy accent or overall hard to understand. I think some stories just aren’t meant to be podcasts. I don’t want to take away from the families’ loss or the work that was put into this season but maybe this should’ve been a 2 hour documentary somewhere? On TV? Larry, Jerry, Sergeant someone, Detective someone, Sheriff someone, Delia’s dad made a quick appearance at one point (??), who the heck is Spanky?? What was the guy’s name she kept telling us to remember? A bank robbery (maybe multiple?), Tim and Kevin (???), 3 teens mysteriously dead, too much detail about one of their t*sticles (not even joking), crooked cops, dead cops (I think they’re dead?).. and that’s not even the main story (the three Dougs, a railroad, and a mystery car that I forgot about until episode 9). I’m not even done with all the episodes and I’ve listened to a couple episodes twice fighting to figure out what’s going on..
  • Pocket o daises
    In the weeds
    I love Delia, her voice, thoroughness, and her professionalism in the way she tells all sides of a story without prejudice….I think season 6 has gone into the weeds.
  • Karma’s favorite
    Season 6
    I’m new to this podcast and I went back and listened to all the other seasons but this season is my favorite. There are so many twist and turns. Literally, sounds like a movie. So good!
  • SwiftNYC
    Pls stop saying “the source material”
    Delia works hard and clearly cares about her subjects. It’s obvious that she tries hard to track down people who are involved, retraces victims’ steps, etc., but she has a linguistic tic that’s been driving me nuts: the incessant saying of “the source material.” It’s not a huge deal in the scheme of things, but it distracts from the otherwise solid content. Once I noticed the phrase’s repeated use, I couldn’t stop hearing, even counting, it. It was used at least 10 times in one episode. The main reason it’s so irritating is that there absolutely no need for it. You’re not clarifying anything! Virtually everything you’re reporting comes from a source! Instead of saying “the source material isn’t clear about when he died,” just say “it’s not clear when he died,” etc. I’d also noticed Ashley Flowers saying it on Crime Junkie, which made sense once I realized that the two are colleagues. For some reason I suspect it originated with Flowers, who probably thought it was a stroke of writing genius, but no matter from whence it came, “the source material” must be stopped before it infects others! Otherwise, I always look forward to Delia’s podcasts, especially Park Predators (where she also repeatedly says “the source material”). Sigh.
  • Kris3416
    Season 6
    I wish I would have read the reviews before listening to season 6. It started off great, but now it’s not about Douglas Wagg anymore. It is very confusing to follow now.
  • gavoniben
    Not really true crime
    This has the least amount of evidence for a true crime show I’ve ever heard. She presents a theory, admittedly fails to prove it, and finished with “I believe it.”
  • amylou2857
    All over the place
    I love counter clock, but this season isn’t it for me. It’s gone so far from the main storyline of Doug on the train tracks. I lost the plot and can’t find my way back.
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