White Devil

True Crime #186

Shootings are not unusual in Belize. Shootings of cops are. When a wealthy woman – part of one of the most powerful families in Belize – is found on a pier late at night, next to a body, it becomes the country’s biggest news story in a generation.New episodes every Monday!

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Recent Reviews
  • Jaibird&nikko
    Great story. I’m a huge fan of Josh and how he breaks everything down. Some of the episodes could have been a little shorter, but it really gave you a great background of everything. Really makes you think about our democracy here in the US and others outside of the US. Was considering taking a vacation to Belize, but now after hearing this podcast, I’m definitely staying away. Jasmine is a very strong woman, and I commend her for being so resilient.
  • Kailanderfly
    Incredible production - Frustrating story
    IMPOSSIBLE not to binge. If you are a mom, buckle up. I always wanted to go to Belize, but now I can’t imagine it. If I knew my dollars would go straight to the people of Belize, and not the Ashcrofts, then maybe I’d reconsider. So perfectly produced. And so incredibly frustrating, enraging and sad… this is a story with such an unsatisfying ending. I guess that’s real life…
  • Twins and more
    Just Don’t
    Too long and boring at times. I kept listening because I thought it would improve, but it didn’t. The “victimhood” of Jasmine and the “colonialism/toxic white male” aspects got old.
  • Capt. Hooked
    Slow Burn
    Starts slow, but builds momentum to the point it’s impossible not to binge. Disagree with the few reviews I’ve seen that wanted it to be shortened… But I prefer a well-developed investigation such as this as opposed to those that leave so many questions unanswered. I’m bummed it’s over!
  • Nyxlipso
    Interesting story, too long
    This is a compelling and nicely produced podcast. However, the story is too detailed and long. Great storytelling isn’t always just about the story you tell; it’s also about the details you choose to leave out to have a more cohesive product in the end. The podcast would benefit from a shrewd editor.
    Binge listened
    I could not stop myself from listening to episode after episode. You guys did a great job of exposing the corruption that is found among the rich. I disagree with others, it was not too long. You guys did amazing! Until the next one!
  • LMS1234567
    Listen to the Full Series — It’s Worth It
    I’ve seen mixed reviews about this podcast, and that’s unfortunate because it’s quite a fascinating story. Listen all the way through, and it will be clear why the actual murder scene episode was held off until the end. It was an intentional move on the part of the journalist that all comes together in the end. Those that are giving it lower reviews are likely the ones that stopped halfway through. Well-researched and presented in my favorite long-format style! Great job!
  • LaurentiaA
    Such a letdown
    A man was murdered and all this series talks about is the vapid over indulged, likely alcoholic, drama filled couple and their custody battle. I want to know what happened on the pier that night!
  • l.fko ‘awrji;o5i4gtj6o;ebjy
    Well produced but very long
    The show is very well produced but too long. It goes into great detail about elements of the story that don’t feel relevant or interesting. It could’ve been half of the length.
  • SassyMissy
    I enjoyed the podcast but…
    I enjoyed the story behind this podcast but at times I found Jasmin insufferable. Everything was about what she was going through and how she had been wronged but not a lot about the victim of the story. At one point it seemed she was even blaming the victim for what happened. If both of them were drinking she too could have said it’s not a good idea to learn about firing a gun while drinking. She said she was upset and grieving but her constant concern for herself and what was happening to her didn’t show she was upset or even remorseful. I understand she was going through some bad things but at least she and her family members were still alive. Henry’s family lost their loved one and that didn’t seem to faze her.
  • AJM08AZ
    A peek behind Belize’s facade
    This is an interesting story — part true crime, part romance gone bad, part social critique. Behind the bars and beaches, there’s the sad story of corruption, cruelty, and crony capitalism.
  • Seralet2
    Awful journalism
    This podcast is nothing more than a PR stunt for this horrible woman who killed someone and has no remorse, and who is very clearly a narcissistic grifter. The only interesting thing about this podcast were the questions from Pierce Morgan in episode 9 (which of course we don’t get the answers to.) Don’t waste your time.
  • Matt_B_W
    More annoying: Josh or Jasmine?
    She’s an insufferable narcissist. He’s trying too hard to be dry and clever. After the first four episodes it’s all just endless boring family drama.
  • Phenom001
    Well done, but..
    I had to abandon the podcast around episode 7. A man was killed under mysterious circumstances by Jasmine, yet the whole story up to that point was how her husband was doing her wrong. I hadn't learned any additional details about the mysterious shooting or anything more about her he victim before I decided to abandon ship. Maybe they eventually got around to all the other details, but I wasn't willing to stick around anymore to find out.
  • wwor22
    I’ve been to Belize, but won’t step foot in that county ever again. I wish Jasmine the very very best. Her treatment has been horrible beyond anything I could imagine. She’s my hero for being able to stay positive on any level. Hoping so much that her children don’t forget her, that they don’t become brainwashed, and that they will reunite with their mother when they are old enough. I don’t pray but I will sincerely pray for this. Great reporting folks, and thank you so much for this eye opener!
  • ashhanne
    Josh is my favorite
    He is an amazing journalist and reporter. I love all his podcast series. Keep doing God’s work, Josh
  • StacyWithAWhy
    Definitely bingeable
    Well, I am never going to Belize nor any of the Ashcroft’s many resorts. Absolute power corrupts. Terrible what happened to Henry, and despicable all who have contributed to the unbelievably unjust persecution of Jasmine. The lower ratings here make me think the Ashcrofts ordered their minions to give low ratings. Chin up, Jasmine. Hug those kiddos!
  • 1Germantraveler
    it was great narration by the storyteller, but way too drawn out for the ending the way it ended. It could’ve ended way before I spent hours and hours because everything seem to kind of repeat itself. I’d like to hear something from the narrator that’s a little bit more in-depth and, interesting.
  • OrcaEye
    Wow wow wow…. I listen to podcasts all day every day, this was jaw dropping… well explained, with all the twists and turns in this, im really impressed how well told this was. I never once got lost… though i was def left mind boggled or confused at times….it was not due to story telling ….rather the actual story playing out itself! AMAZING JOURNALISM, heartbreaking story, but had its fair share of ups and downs for the listener and my heart truely goes out to all who had the courage to even participate. This is my first ever review in all the years i listen to podcasts and thats cuz i just dont ever review. But this story left me compelled to say something in support …. Wow is all i can think still. My jaw is still on the ground.
  • DoMo Mom
    Fantastic podcast!
    Loved every minute of this podcast, which at the core, brings the bitter truth about colonialism into the light!
  • MaverickAbundance
    Great Podcast!!!!
    Campsite media offers multiple investigative and interesting podcasts! Highly recommend!
  • Chdnksgekflehwbnejg
    Very well reported
    I would love to see this turned into a tv series or movie! It’s a terrible thing to happen to real life families but it’s such an intriguing story to hear. Prayers go out to Jasmine to see her babies at least equally and also Henry’s family for their loss.
  • Bents Innit
    The best part of this podcast is…
    …hearing the podcaster slowly get snowed by the sociopath main character. He goes from appearing impartial in the first few episodes to full on advocating for her towards the end. The strawmen he builds are beyond parody and his inability to zoom out and see how he is being manipulated is the real story here.
  • David1083
    One sided
    It leaves out anything negative about Jasmine. It feels like it was written and produced by Jasmine to shine her in a good light. It leaves out info about her relationship with the victim and any other people that may shine her in a bad light. Clearly they had to put a positive spin on her to get her to participate. It doesn’t feel like real honest journalism. Update after finishing it. There is very little actual journalism in this one. Did she really accidentally shoot him? They don’t even try to find that out. How did the alleged accidental shooting happen? They don’t even try to find that out either. Jasmine never once says she feels horrible for her behavior. She never apologizes. If someone drives drunk and accidentally kills someone, they go to jail. If someone plays with a gun while drunk and accidentally shoots someone, apparently we are supposed to feel sorry for them. She is lucky she isn’t in jail. And the journalism doesn’t investigate much of anything.
    Riveting from start to finish!
    Incredibly well done. Hoping Jasmine has been properly reunited with her children!
  • @762
    Good story with a great narration
    While I am not happy with the ending that is not Josh's fault! I recommend White Devil.
  • krihall444
    Unbeliezable is right.
    One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to in a long time. I love the hosts voice, story telling, and POV. I’ve been to Belize and stayed at the Radisson in Belize City - this story opened my eyes to the side of this country that tourists don’t see. Wishing justice for Jasmine. So good. So worth listening to.
  • jcxtyuip
    Please do a follow up with Jasmine!
    Great podcast. Amazing host and great research. Please don’t let it be over!
  • VOHinPDX
    Terrific, Heartbreaking Podcast
    In the end, the two children are the biggest victims of this story, but Jasmine is a very close second. The strength this woman shows is inspiring and powerful. This is something everyone should listen to so that they understand what unchecked power (like immunity), in the hands of unchecked, maniacal people, can make a victim out of anyone and everyone - even when you once supported that person.
  • DJ0475
    Very boring and misleading
    I thought this would be a good conspiracy and murder investigation style podcast. Instead it was just about a rich a-hole husband from an elite family trying to railroad a gold digging chick. Saved everyone a lot of wasted hours
  • Bargaret Mreim
    Convoluted and don’t like her.
    Too many people brought into this convoluted story. Also the main character is terribly unlikable. One of those people constantly surrounded by drama and for whom everything is a calamity. Uninteresting.
  • NoraCY
    The ending tho
    We all have a bit of white devil in us. Thank you. thank you for this incredible, poignant, well written, binge worthy podcast. and thank you for the ending. Bravo.
  • Mike Ken.
    What an incredible true crime investigative podcast. This 12 series podcast kept you wanting more all the way till the end, griping and very entertaining. I can’t wait for the next project!
  • annietintle
    The rabbit hole
    This podcast is like the mousetrap ride at the fair—it keeps twisting and turning ratcheting up the story. I will never visit Belize. This poor girl…Great journalism, it’s awesome to hear the power of the press really uncover an evil plot. Well done.
  • Doctor H
    Too long
    It was interesting but it dragged on too long. It was also one sided. The woman seemed strange as well but the story painted her as a good person. The death of the police chief seemed very suspicious.
  • puddytat1
    Incredible show
    Beware if you’re a mother. If so, this show will break your heart and perhaps enrage you. It will also make you never ever want to step a single foot in Belize. Amazing reporting and narrating.
    Favorite of the year
    I looked forward to this podcast every week; I waited for it. Jasmine is such a likeable character and the story of being on the wrong side of privilege can be a scary place to be. There’s such an ease to this show and it feels so personable. Highly recommend & jealous of those that binge the show. It was torture waiting each week. More podcasts from you narrator. 11/10
  • christine1ca
    Can’t finish
    First 2 episodes were great but it devolved into just bashing the Ashcroft family while I still don’t understand why this poor man died. For a while I thought the long, long LONG backstory on Michael Ashcroft would tie in to some murder conspiracy, but now on episode 6 I am doubting that we will ever get back to the murder.
  • EB123456789
    This podcast is a fantastic piece of investigative journalism. The Ashcroft family is a disgrace, I hope Jasmine gets her story out and gets her kids and her life back
  • Imp412
    Title is fitting
    This is so one sided. So much of the podcast focuses on her telling her lame sob story but SHE IS THE MURDERER. We don’t even want to hear her the same way we can’t here the actual victim! There are plenty of ways to expose corruption and highlight how despicable the Ashcrofts are, I’m sure they’ve screwed over plenty of Belizians but instead this story focuses on the white woman. She’s not the victim.
  • Lmere23
    Great reporting
    Pretty obvious that all the one star reviews are trolls being paid by the Ashcroft family. To listen to this podcast and not see the injustices and widespread corruption in Belize that has torn families apart is ignorant. I hope Jazmine knows 99% of people who listen to this will be on her side. From episode one I got the feeling that little Andy orchestrated Henry’s murder like a puppet master. So awful that in such a small country only a few people would stand up for justice for both Henry and Jazmine.
  • obsessed ❣️
    Unraveling Belizes’ darkest secrets
    Impossible to nail down this podcast in one sentence: I would go with remarkable, eye-opening, terrifying, truth revealing, exceptional journalism at its finest!! I was obsessed. Please keep us posted as to what happens next. And thank you for this sensational story. 10/10 recommend!!
  • Blue dog 33
    different facets to story
    Great "story", thanks! A lot more than a "who done it" story. It was really interesting to hear about the corruption in Belize and also how a person (the British Lord guy) seems like to a casual outside observer a wonderful billionaire benefactor of Belize but is actually a pretty dark character. As I listened to this story, I couldn't help feel like the Belize corruption model was just a very crude version of more slick and hidden corruption systems that exist in probably every nation on the earth, including the USA and Great Britain. Even though you didn't say it, it felt like you and your show was an emotional support and outlet for Jasmine, which is nice. Interesting the number of reviewers that complained that the series became boring and tedious aftery a while, (but they kept on listening!). That's kind of oxymoronic. Or maybe just moronic.
  • fionaflaherty
    Solid Show!
    So good, really enjoyed how the project evolved. Thank you for taking the time to report and share 🩷
  • krispyfogg
    I am not good about doing these reviews but I had to do one for this podcast. I have a long commute so I end up trying a lot of podcasts…not getting hooked on many. This is probably the best true crime/investigation podcast I’ve ever listened to. Can’t believe how much time and effort went into fully delving into this for multiple years. I appreciate Josh disclosing his bias’s along the way and how things changed as he learned more. He is a great host. Great pacing (and voice) like that he was so invested not just reading a story. I was anxiously waiting for each ep to drop and was sad today when I listened to ep 12! Sign of a great show to me. Subscribe! You won’t regret it
  • MemoriNashay
    Too long and unbalanced
    Didn’t need to be 12 episodes. Host gave a lot of unnecessary commentary, was condescending of Belize and its people, and seemed overly confident Jasmine was innocent.
  • mwoodyp
    Amazing Podcast
    I'm not one to review podcasts but this is the best series podcast I've listened to, even more riveting than any of the Serial podcasts which set the standard imho. I would not want to be on the karmic side of the Ashcroft family. I absolutely loved the Belizean woman waxing philosophical about how this despicable man might suffer. The populace of Belize represented here, fighting and standing up to injustice, that has not been corrupted by money & power is inspirational. The women of Belize are not to be messed with. What a country it could be if all these corrupt powerbrokers were removed!!!
  • johnny truecrime
    Great Podcasts
    Josh does a great job telling this story and really explains the privilege and why he is able to tell the story of corruption through Jasmine’s story. For the reviewers complaining about the lack of focus on the cop Henry, ignore them. They’ll always find something to complain about and lack understanding of how a story must be told to a large audience.
  • elske.vara
    First off the loss of life is terrible. I can understand why the officers family doesn’t want to forgive her. That said I am disgusted that yet again a man is able to take away a woman’s children! This has got to end!!! When you google the Ashcrofts none of this comes up, not even this podcast. When you google Jasmine all that you’ll find is her pleading guilty to manslaughter. I wonder who is paying to ensure those results, even though several years old, remain at the very top even of my news tab. It’s just another way that the white wealthy aristocratic class continue to dominate control of everything. My heart hurts as a mom and I home those kids are able to have some peace with their mama.
  • Hungry Fan
    Well done
    As with Josh’s other projects, well done, balanced, engaging, and entertaining long form journalism.
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