

Chicago gangs: Real people. Real stories. A way forward. The new season of Motive explores violence on the streets of Chicago and the former gang members working to stop it.

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  • itwasntmesir45
    Look up the "Dunning Kruger Effect" and it will explain how bad this podcast host is. Her fake concern and inaccurate commentary can only be explained by her lack of education or a person who doesn't have an original thought on anything. She copies all the nescient brain dead ideology from the dishonest while pretending to be making a difference or something. At the end of the day she sounds like a person who forgot to take her pills.
  • mclaughski
    Feels like Chicago
    Just found this podcast and love how much it sounds like Chicago.
  • Dianaloveshookah
    Must listen for anyone who wants to understand violence prevention/interruption
    A beautiful telling of the stories of resilience under the hardest of circumstances. I was deeply moved by the reporting that happened and walked away with more knowledge.
  • lpvaughan
    Always a great listen!
    WBEZ and Motive never fail to keep me listening! I have enjoyed each season of the show and cannot wait for the next!
  • streetkats
    Amazing, well done podcast
    Every season of Motive is amazing and incredibly informative. Highlighting all sorts of topics that need more awareness. I really enjoy it
  • karakuze
    Thank you Ceci
    So much respect appreciation and admiration for all the folks doing violence prevention work, they are essential workers, building community and improving life in the city
  • Bran_y
    Important and well done
    Thank you WBEZ for making this in a respectful way— for understanding that your interviewees are the experts and not the reporter.
  • ClayPotYoga
    Please educate about trauma memory!
    I really appreciated this podcast. It is heartbreaking and well-done overall. But the idea in last episode that it was a surprise a shooting victim could mis-identify a shooter shows a lack of research about how memory works. I am a mental health professional. PLEASE, WBEZ, do your homework about the vagaries of memory!
  • Too good 2 describe
    Cece 🤍🤍🤍
    I’d listen to Patrick and Cece read the phone book. As hard as it is to hear the trauma involved listening to y’all is incredible.
  • listenoften1
    Eye opening and honest
  • Cate Cahan
    Full of heart. And heartbreaking.
    I’ve often found myself asking: How can there be so many shootings in Chicago and how could it be stopped? Patrick Smith’s first episode has me hooked — I know this podcast will open eyes and ears!
  • Specialperson333
    Well Done
    Super in depth research, great storytelling. There’s a lot of podcasts out there that are informative and are there to uncover and expose certain things, but not all of them or palatable & keep me entertained. This one has succeeded very well. Keep up the great work!
  • tbpjewelry
    On point reporting. Binged it. Want more! Great work!
  • Gurban Black
    World Class Reporting
    Super insightful well researched. Mad that I’ve finally caught up and heard all 4 seasons. Can’t wait for the 5th season.
  • NewDadIsHere
    I’m unable to turn off the show
    This is by far the most interesting show. The reporting aspect is amazing. I can only image the amount of time and research goes into making this show. Thank you very much for captivating show.
  • nesanet
    Amazing reporting.
    Thank you for this through amazing reporting. I enjoyed every episode. Keep Doing great work
  • John-jon Mcgoo
    What about the victims?
    Tacking on tons of time on top of the original sentence is messed up, but when you relay how sad he is for doing so much time, how about interjecting one single sentence describing how the victim felt when he shot him. Serious topic & kudos for reporting on it, but the angle through which you’re reporting on the subject is so politically left wing , you’d fly in circles. What about the victims of these guys before they became victims of the incarceration problem?
  • societychange
    Amazing work. Great reporting in perspectives and showing the situations created in society.
  • Pbo1231
    Great reporting
    And great to listen to. Thanks for giving all of us an inside look… at everything
  • Prixila000001111
    I love this podcast, it hits close to home especially when this day in age in America, almost everyone has a loved one or they themselves have been in the system. Its the perspective we never get to see , amazing work!
  • Watsino
    Can’t get enough
    The episodes of this podcast are investigated and reported so professionally and with such insight that I can’t get enough. Sometimes I listen to episodes more than once. Such great investigative journalism. Thank you WBEZ staff.
  • Taki Z
    Most despicable pod I’ve ever heard
    Call the hosts voice is horrific. It is “make me want to scratch out my eardrums“ horrific. But will make this podcast truly terrible isn’t how she talks. It’s what she talks about and how she comes to her conclusion. People like her bash law-enforcement every possible opportunity in order to profit her own career. But then she would be the first one to call them if something were to happen to her. She’s a snake. And everyone like her is a snake as well.
  • theapalad
    Binged all four seasons this weekend. Wonderfully researched and thoughtfully presented. Highly recommend.
  • Carb Loaded
    Fantastic Podcast
    This podcast is heartbreaking but also wonderful. I love immersive stories that open my eyes to things I didn’t understand before. I always hope these stories will open my heart in bigger ways than it was before.
  • TByer
    The United States needs investigated
    Listening to the latest season, and I’m realizing that lots of prisons have the same ethics code and run under the same belief systems. I live on the WV and OH border and personally have had the unfortunate opportunity to be incarcerated in both states. I watched a girl be hung with sheets and shoved off a top tier by COs and the report filed was suicide, I watched, through A crack in a painted glass door, a bloody man being escorted down the hallway in a “pickle suit” being spit on and punched in the back of the head..I witnessed more inhumane treatment then one person should ever endure in the, what seemed like a lifetime to me, but short 5 years of incarceration. People make mistakes, they get caught, that does not make them animals. I believe in reform and people should be punished for the things they do by not abiding by laws but..getting hung with a sheet because you didn’t lock down the second they told you to, is overkill..emphasis on “kill”. Officers get away with way to much behind those walls and they think they are evincible but there needs to be justice for the people who now have no voice. What your doing seems small compared to the large issues but thank you for being those few inmates voice.
  • Lucky 10382
    Great podcast, but disturbing do you to stuff that goes on
    It’s a very compelling podcast. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time. I got through three episodes and could not listened anymore since two of the episodes are about a local prison nearby knowing corrections officers from there. Is there a group or organization to donate in order to help in someway towards the fair treatment of inmates or mentally ill inmates?
  • MyBookshelf
    Why we need Criminal Justice Reform now!
    I just finished season one the story of TJ. A 13 year old boy convicted of a murder her didn’t commit and released 16 years later. So much went wrong for this young kid. So much was done wrong by and to the man he became outside. Worth the listen.
  • d_k_18
    Terrible. 0/10
  • JonesE3
    Binge worthy
    I cannot recall how I was introduced to this podcast, but I am so overjoyed that I have had the experience to listen! Definitely eye opening, informative, an excellent journalistic masterpiece!!!
  • MioRosa
    Absolutely incredible! I can’t believe I just found this podcast! Excellent investigative journalism!
  • Cgat853891
    Left me with more questions
    the podcast does exactly what the description says it’s going to do. The way the story was told was very well done. I had a hard time continuing listening to the guests who are Formers or might be formers since all(I believe) said they left the movement or were thinking about it not because their ideologies changed but when you really listen it was because life became hard for them, I don’t remember hearing that they themselves are no longer racist or have become anti-racist.
  • EriWin22
    Season 3
    I only listened to Season 3 because I strongly identify with being an anti-fascist, and am so glad I did. Such a great, informative yet scary podcast. Great job to wbez and journalist Yousef.
  • olivinha12
    Great podcast!
    Great stories but, sad as well! Extremely well done podcast, amazing reporting.
  • Mikkasbraga
    Best Podcast
    One of the best podcast I’ve ever listened.
  • MickeyMao
    I listen to a lot of podcasts. Ms. Yousef is simply a delight to listen to. I was dumbfounded a few times. I thought I was the only person alive who remembered that Reagan kicked off his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, and what that signaled to many of us. And this was just one of many facts from the history of these “disunited mistakes” that buttress the thesis: this movement didn’t spring suddenly and fully formed like Athena from her fathers head. This podcast does a great job tracing the formation of groups whose existence relies on the legacy of a nation whose entire existence, since its inception, has been fundamentally white supremacist. Thanks for the opportunity to listen, Odette
  • mb4986
    Top-rate journalism
    This podcast makes me want to pursue a career in investigative journalism. No matter what your political stance is, you have to respect the effort these journalists have gone to in order to uncover what motivates people to commit crimes, do hateful things, etc. I really respect how these journalists try to talk to ALL people involved, courageously asking wonderful and thorough questions, and trying to get to the heart of deeply complex cases with an analytical perspective. This show taught me that if you drill down deep enough into someone’s circumstances, you can start to understand what motivates and influences a person’s actions. And that is cool. That can lead to conversations and, potentially, justice.
  • Mandoog006
    Hilarious. And informative!
    It’s always been lovely to learn I’m a white supremacist. I mean, I live in New Mexico, surrounded by “POC” at all times with no difficulties. My girlfriend is half Mexican and our roommate, the guy I’ve been friends with for a decade and uses the same sink and toilet as I do every day, is black. Come to think of it, none of my friends are white... But I listen to people like Ben Shapiro, a super Jew I must point out, and voted for Trump because I believed in the fundamental MAGA message. Must be a racist I guess.🤷‍♂️
  • Marimartrece
    For BIPOC Listeners
    I am non-white BIPOC and I seriously learned so much from this podcast. I want to thank the creators for making it. It’s chilling. It’s terrifying. And it’s critical. We can’t just learn about BIPOC rights and history, we have to look at white supremacy if we are going to be able to move forward as one country.
  • hroos2924
    This is a must listen for anyone, and it might blow your mind!
    I never realized just how much white supremacy has trickled into, and influenced my own life! I grew up in a very religious community in TX. It was normal for people to talk about how it was racist that there were "Black Miss America" pageants, because "they" were excluding white people, and trying to gain power over whites as revenge for something that happened and was finished 400 years ago. I was frequently told by family friends that Obama was working with underground communists and socialists to destroy America. That we needed to prepare for a battle, stockpile guns, and store food. I always thought that it was preparation for "The End of Days," but now I realize how we were being manipulated and influenced by the White Power Movement. I am absolutely disgusted in the complicit way I drank in this rhetoric and chalked it up to religious fervor and a love for America. I also am grateful that I can recognize, and confront it now thanks to this podcast. Thank you for season 3!
  • Phila-Dan
    I’m about halfway through the third season. I’m a 42 year old Jew who grew up on the fringes of the 90’s punk/diy scene in Philadelphia. I knew there was something happening in that time but now I understand I had no idea. I feel like this podcast is not only informing me about history, it is changing my life and how I understand myself and the world. I hope people will listen to it. I have to say thank you to the reporters who made it.
  • BlackForestHabibi
    Seriously compelling & concerning report
    I grew up in Chicago during the 80s and well remember skinheads and the different gangs. This series raised the hairs on my neck for its depth and threading of the past white power terrorists to the present. This should be at the top of everyone’s list - especially given our current president.
  • FrankLee Speaking
    A must-listen Tool for dismantling racism
    Brilliant journalism! Motive-Season 3 is a must-listen educational tool that will help to abolish racism & hate. A statement by one of the “formers” is eerily revealing: ”This is some really, very deeply rooted white supremicist royalty stuff.”
  • MarujaNajera
    Binged all 3 seasons! Great investigative reporting!!!
  • 1 Nutty
    Motive, season 3
    This is a rough topic but needs to be told & shared. The layers need to be exposed! Thanks for taking this on, well done!
  • dakarjp
    Riveting stories!
    Enjoyed leaning all three of these stories. Well reported. Kudos!
  • Jjackss1234321
    Completely Biased
    Season 3 delves into the hatred of the right and the goodness of the left. Obvious leftist reporting.
  • PJ Camacho
    I came across this podcast because I wanted to know what motivates people to act on hateful rhetoric. Who believes that stuff, and who’s promoting it. The topic is hard to listen to, but you must open your eyes to what people of color are fighting against. Nazis are in law enforcement, the legal system, and clearly in politics. If you don’t have much time, I recommend starting on episode 6. Leadership matters. When the highest elected official in the US winks and nods to white supremacist groups, they take notice. We must be vigilant and reject hateful ideology. This podcast is a magnificent piece of journalism, and should be essential listening for every politician, judge, law enforcement, and military personnel in the US.
  • cindadan
    What a great podcast This country should be very afraid
  • anniemdurst
    I have learned an incredible amount of information from this podcast during a time of much needed clarity. I have listened to many podcasts and Motive is by far the most interesting and informative. I check daily for new episodes and find myself listening to old podcasts. More please.
  • myszka & mouse
    In my back yard
    Wow, so weird hear about my youth in Chicago, great reporting. Had to binge all 3 seasons! More please!
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